Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 212 Night Banquet

"Hmph! If he dies, who else do you think will be in a hurry to find the way to immortality? No heavenly master is willing to pull out the Pure Heart Curse and let his descendants bless it. The alliance of heavenly masters is scattered, and the Pure Heart Curse is forced to be blessed. Suppress. The last failure experience reminds us that no matter what, the Celestial Master will sacrifice, it is better to make the sacrifice meaningful." Ma Tiantong said sadly, as if he was risking his life.

I don’t really like this way of speaking, as if staying with me means risking your life. Now that I have the blessing of the Pure Heart Mantra, my movements are indeed faster than before, and my legs and feet are lighter than before, but what else can I do? Woolen cloth?

As he spoke, the road in front of him changed. A garden was opened up on the top of the mountain. Evergreen shrubs were planted at the entrance of the garden as a guardrail. The center of the guardrail was supposed to be a low lawn. Since no one was taking care of it, it has now become a garden. It has grown to waist height, and some purple leaf embryos are planted in the center of the lawn, arranged to form some kind of font. I think it should have been Splendid Villa!

Behind these colorful shrubs stands a tower-like building, like a guard room. The dark, hollowed-out windows that have long since been removed face the road, and at first glance they look a bit intrusive. The three-meter-high railing iron gate next to the guardhouse seems to have been specially customized to match the guardhouse. This is the first time for a commoner like me to see such access control.

Ma Tiantong and I walked along the iron door to find the place to unlock it. The complicated and gorgeous flower arrangement has the effect of disturbing people's vision. Could this door be designed by Master Mao Tiantong? It feels like you will be imprisoned for life if you enter.

When I just approached the center of the gate, there was a "bang" sound, and the gate opened inward. Ma Tiantong quickly came to my side with brisk steps and took a fighting stance. After being stagnant for about two minutes, there was no movement or abnormality inside the door. Ma Tiantong and I looked at each other and said softly: "Let's go! Go in and take a look!"

After entering the gate, I realized that there was no other way to enter the villa except this gate, because there was an isolation belt planted next to the gate, and the trees with trunks over fifteen meters were filled with bushes, and next to the isolation belt was a cliff with no buffer. None. Is this design to save the cost of building a fence?

Does anyone really want to buy this villa? My life hangs on a thread every day when I go home. It's okay to go up the mountain, but when I go down the mountain, the tire steel rims can scratch the brake pads and sparks will appear.

Behind the gate is like another world. The wind blows through the leaves and grass, making a loud sound. The dead leaves on the ground roll up from time to time to form small whirlpools, and soon they lie limply on the ground, as if someone has taken away their souls. Even Ma Tiantong shivered because the temperature here was much lower than outside.

About fifty meters later, the wide platform ended behind a circular fountain, where three slender forks converged. The map given by Mao Yingnan indicated that you should turn left when you encounter a fork in the road. I pointed to the path near the mountain and said, "This way."

Ma Tiantong frowned: "The Yin Qi is the strongest here."

After saying that, he walked in front to clear the way. He reminded me with one sentence. When I was asking around at the foot of the mountain, the owner of the small shop mentioned that once it gets dark, the whole mountain echoes with the cries of children. The wind is so strong today. It's so strange that the haze is so thick yet surprisingly quiet! Could it be that Master Mao Tian specially prepared a surprise to welcome us?

After walking for about fifteen minutes, I finally saw the first building in this villa except the guard room. The small white Gothic building hung in the mountain nest, mostly obscured by the shadow of the trees, only revealing the iconic In terms of architectural characteristics, it has different effects when viewed from different angles. When it is far away, it is just a small building in the mountains. The closer it is, the more it looks like a skeleton buried in the middle of the mountain. And the skeletons fell one at a time, and they were gathered together like a mass grave.

Master Mao Tian took so much trouble to make our destination so brightly lit that it was hard to find any mistakes. Ma Tiantong looked at the building and asked, "Is that there? It's too arrogant!"

I nodded and realized that he didn't have enhanced eyesight like mine, so I had to add a supplementary "hmm" and continued: "He has the capital to be arrogant at his home court."

"What is your capital?" Ma Tiantong suddenly became mean again.

I smiled and said: "You have nothing to lose, so be willing to give it up!"

Ma Tiantong sighed and shook his head, repositioning his weapons as he walked to make it easier to deal with emergencies. I touched the phoenix feather on my wrist. It showed no reaction and really regarded itself as a decoration. Looking at Gentian again, forget it, I can't count on it. This guy has never brought fire support other than tightening my fingers.

I really regret placing the golden shawl and the Dingshen pestle at Mu Mu's house. If I had brought them with me, even if I couldn't use them, I would at least have the magical tools with me! Nowadays, apart from the shark feather, I only have a machete on me.

As soon as I stepped onto the driveway, the door of the villa automatically opened inward, and the foyer glowed with brilliance, as if preparing for a dinner party. I looked behind me, and then I noticed that Mao Tianshi was not blindly putting up lanterns and decorations. This building Hidden in the middle of the mountain nest, the town cannot be seen from here, and it is higher than the nearby mountains. In other words, the lights here cannot be seen from the bottom of the mountains, and you will not notice it if you stand on the nearby mountains. No wonder Mao Tianshi can do whatever he wants here.

Ma Tiantong took out the swing stick and twisted it from the middle, and then connected the two ends of the swing stick. It turned out that there was a grass tip hidden in the middle of the swing stick. The reassembled swing stick instantly turned into short sharp grass at both ends. Even when he dealt with the warlock Ma Tiantong at Fuxian Lake, he didn't show any sharp weapons. It seemed that he didn't have the confidence to deal with Master Mao Tiantong.

After assembling the weapon, Ma Tiantong turned his body half sideways, climbed the steps lightly, and jumped to the door in one fell swoop. I quickly pulled out the machete and held it across my chest, and with my other hand I found the shark's feather and held it in my hand. I didn't know if this thing would still work on land, but it didn't hurt to give it a try when I was in danger.

The internal structure of the foyer is exactly the same as what Mao Yingnan painted for me, except that there are two coffins in the center of the foyer where the fish tanks should be. Ma Tiantong and I quickly scanned the hall and made sure that there was no one around and there was no ambush, and then we retreated back to back to where the coffins were parked.

The coffins are one large and one small. The larger one is darker in color, like a crystal or a waxy structure. The golden threads hidden inside the structure remind me of the rhinoceros horn cups from the Phoenix Mausoleum. The small coffins are made of the same material, but the color is slightly off. It is red, and the gold threads peeking out from inside are not as neat as those of the large coffin.

Ma Tiantong and I looked at each other and asked, "Open it and take a look?"

Ma Tiantong took out two pinky-sized yellow cylinders from his pocket and stuffed them into his nostrils, then took out his gloves and put them on and said: "I'll shoot! Stay back! Be careful of fraud!"

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