Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 196: Prepare for a Protracted War

Ma Tiantong went out, and Mao Yingnan stepped into the ward. He held a basin of warm water, moistened gauze and wiped my cheek skillfully, and said softly: "I just went to see...that..." She didn't He knew Mu Mu’s name, but he couldn’t call him by his nickname like me. After hesitating and coughing, he decided to follow my tone and call him: “Mu Mu. He hasn’t woken up yet, but with the help of medical equipment, his body functions are all good. It's normal. The doctor said that patients like this still have a chance to wake up, some in a week, some..." Her eyelids sank and she continued.

Those cliche TV dramas are so poorly acted that I can recite the entire episode without even reading the lines. My movements are limited by the injury. I can't do anything at the moment. I can only make plans after my body recovers.

Mao Yingnan's careful care made my body recover quickly. I was able to get out of bed seven days later. What Ma Tiantong stuffed into my chest was a bank card with a password on the back. I don't know what mentality this guy had. I kept this thing. Normally I would never accept it, but now I really need a lot of money.

I live a comfortable life on weekdays and have no habit of saving money. The two surplus steel coins I gave to Xiaoba are used to implement the work. I haven't been back to the store for a long time. I don't expect Xiaosi Gang's store to make a profit. As long as he doesn't let the store close down, I will be happy.

Transferring Mu Mu to another hospital and arranging expert consultation all require money. I could have asked my friends for some money, but now, Feng Lunshu will take my head away at any time. I don't have the ability to repay. Even if I die, I can't do it because of the debt. And die without peace of mind.

Ma Tiantong knew the whole story, so leaving this card was a help in times of need. I didn't have to be polite to him, I just kept it with peace of mind.

Mu Mu was covered in tubes in the dilapidated intensive care unit, and the wounds on his body had scabbed and healed, proving that his body functions were functioning normally. Dragging my disabled body, I called around to find well-known hospitals to contact, and finally chose Capital Hospital to transfer Mu Mu.

I looked at Mao Yingnan running in and out, feeling very ashamed. Her eyes were sunken now, and the dark circles almost reached her chin. She looked a little dry. After thinking for a long time, I pulled her and asked: "You Aren’t you going back?”

Mao Yingnan looked directly into my eyes, his eyes flickered, then hesitantly lowered his eyelids, his whole body shrank before he replied softly: "I have nowhere to go."

"Ma Tiantong said your master is still alive." Her expression reminded me of Shan Yu again. I felt a little disgusted and my tone became unfriendly.

Mao Yingnan suddenly frowned, and a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, but she quickly tolerated and digested those expressions, and when she met my eyes again, her expression was dull and calm: "You need help, and there is no one around you who can help you. I'm here." After saying that, he took the documents and continued the transfer procedures.

Mao Yingnan's words made me confused and I didn't know how to refute, because she was right.

The Miao family was a bystander when I was transferred to another hospital. Even my attending doctor didn’t say a word to persuade me when he saw me dragging my body with broken bones. He didn’t charge us any less for the hospitalization fee. I really don’t understand them. What do you want to do?

After being transferred to the hospital, experts conducted a consultation on Mu Mu. The result of the consultation was still the same as the lines in the TV series. It was summed up in four words, waiting for a miracle.

I was unwilling to give in and transferred Mu Mu again, but the result was not much different. When I was desperate, I thought of Bai Xue. After learning about Mu Mu's condition, Bai Xue licked her face and begged her mentor to come visit Mu Mu, but all these efforts were in vain.

However, Bai Xue's mentor gave the most substantive advice: save money, try to maintain a normal life, and fight a protracted war.

I accepted the tutor's suggestion and planned to transfer the wood to a nearby hospital. When Bai Xue saw Mao Yingnan busy taking care of the wood, there was a misunderstanding and she asked to drop out of school to help take care of the wood. I was afraid that I couldn't explain clearly, so I had to tell her, Mao Yingnan was her sister-in-law, so she comforted Bai Xue.

Bai Xue helped Mu Mu settle down in the hospital before reluctantly leaving. During this period, the second aunt and uncle also called and greeted Mu Mu in a nonchalant manner. Of course, they could not provide any substantial help.

During this period of time, I deliberately avoided the door of the store when I went out. I was a little afraid that Xiaosi would see me covered in bandages. Xiaosi and I were no longer employers and store clerks, nor were we like ordinary masters and apprentices. We were friends. We are brothers. When my mother passed away and Xiaosi accompanied Xiaoba everywhere, when I left without saying goodbye and he silently guarded the base for me, I had already classified him as a member of my family.

I missed the familiar shop, and I also longed to return to the plain and quiet life before, but... I stared at it blankly on the street corner, my heart was in chaos, and I couldn't find a clue to settle it.

The money left by Ma Tiantong was exhausted after several transfers. The next step in the long-term plan is to prepare a large amount of funds. Where should this money come from? I was lying on the sofa at home, looking up at the ceiling, listening to the loud programs on the TV, and I had a headache.

When my mother was alive, Uncle Gang was in charge of all the family's money. She was also heartless and rarely hid any private money. Uncle Gang left in a hurry. I left immediately after receiving the news that my eldest grandma was in trouble. I even had time to clean up the house. Logically speaking, the house and the things in it should belong to me, Xiaoba, and Lin Zhengxi. So everything about there is not something I can decide alone.

This is the only place I can decide, the comfort zone I prepared for myself...

After selling this place, I can temporarily move into the clinic of the store. If Mu Mu wakes up, he will still have his own home, and I don't need to worry about his settlement. But... I'm afraid Mu Mu will lose his job. …

Thinking of this, I sat up from the sofa and looked at the backpack placed at the door of the storage room. It was brought back by Mu Mu from Fuxian Lake. It contained Uncle Qi Ming's bones. Uncle Qi Ming's arm bones should be at Mu Mu's house, so , after the house is sold, the first thing is to send Uncle Qiming home first, so that Mu Mu can find Uncle Qiming when he wakes up. The matter of burying Uncle Qiming should be handled by him personally as his son.

I glanced around my home, feeling sad and sad. The plum blossom tree that Xiaoba bought during the Chinese New Year had become dead branches. The corners that Maomao dug up had not yet been repaired. The auspicious yarn balls were still piled on the back of the sofa. The slippers are also placed on the shoe rack...

I clenched my fist and beat my forehead hard. I couldn't hold on to this house anymore. I hope Xiaoba wouldn't be too surprised to see the house changed hands when he came back.

After making up my mind, I rummaged through the drawer of the coffee table for the business card of the real estate agency. A piece of paper squeezed out from the gap in the drawer and fell to the ground. I gently picked up the note and saw that the note said: You don’t remember. Me

There are no punctuation marks. This was the note posted on the train sleeper when Mu Mu and I reunited for the first time when we grew up. At that time, I was still thinking about this beautiful handwriting. It’s really funny now that I recall it.

I put the note into the heart pocket of my shirt and pressed it tightly with my hand, feeling like a knife.

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