Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 133 Making up a story

Yingying glanced at Xiaozhi and frowned slightly, but said nothing. He picked up his chopsticks and knocked them on the table twice before inserting his chopsticks into the stir-fried beef with celery. In fact, I'm not hungry at all, I just feel thirsty, but I'm worried about the eagle poisoning the tea. Now that I've changed the tea, I no longer have those worries. I picked up the glass and took a sip. The sweet and sour liquid instantly made me feel refreshed. I gave a big "Ah" to express my praise.

Duan Lingchao has been stealing glances at me since she sat down, her eyes always falling on my lips and ears. She probably knows how to read lips and is interested in my weird birthmark. I knew I couldn't wait for the eagle to question me, otherwise the development of the situation would be out of my control and I had to take the initiative.

I put a fried egg into Xiaozhi's bowl and said, "It's great to see you safe! You can't even guess what I've been through."

Seeing that I started talking, Xiaozhi quickly and timidly glanced at the eagle. Of course I had to pay attention to what the eagle was doing, so when I spoke, I didn't just look at Xiaozhi, but looked around between the three of them. Just like this, the eagle lowered his eyes and looked like he was obeying everyone.

Xiaozhi couldn't receive the instructions from Eagle, so he had to express himself freely and asked: "How about starting from the day of the accident?"

I nodded, took two sips of lemon tea, and then said slowly: "Didn't Zhang Lingxi tie me to the railing on the bow of the ship when we were in trouble? After the ship capsized, the railing was also broken. Fortunately, there was no direct impact. It fell into the sea and hung across the side of the boat, and I also hung on the side of the boat like salted fish until the wind and waves went away."

The eagle was obviously not interested in this story, and concentrated on eating. Duan Lingchao didn't even take a bite of his food and stared straight at me. I pointed to her lips and asked, "Did I speak too fast?"

Duan Lingchao smiled and shook his head slightly. The eagle glared at me fiercely, and then glared at Duan Lingchao again. Duan Lingchao quickly tightened his lip line, not daring to express any more.

I had no choice but to continue: "I thought I would be tied to the railing to die in the sun, but the fat man came back dragging a coffin with the half-dead Huang Xiao in it. The fat man rescued me from the railing and said he was almost there. The destination! Let me give him the jade lock. I always thought that Fatty was a reliable person. I didn’t expect that..."

I stopped, pursed my lips tightly, pulled down the corners of my mouth, frowned and shook my head.

"What happened to Fatty?" Xiaozhi asked.

I took a long breath and continued: "After the fat man got the jade lock, he sailed out of the sea of ​​death. I want to go back to find you. The fat man kept muttering that there was no time, and he looked like he was possessed. Later. , the dragon came to suck the water, and he actually said he wanted to drive the boat in. I was frightened, so I prepared some food, took my backpack, pushed the coffin into the sea, and escaped."

I clenched my fist and hammered the table hard, causing the plates on the table to jingle. The eagle still hasn't stopped eating seriously despite this kind of noise. Isn't he listening to the story I worked so hard to make up? I quickly pushed the plot down and said sadly: "Unfortunately, the coffin can only bear the weight of one person. Huang Xiao was left on the ship, and he doesn't know whether he is dead or alive..."

I watched the eagle, muttering to myself whether my play was overacting, or whether there were too many plot holes? But in such a short period of time, I could only make up such a crude plot. The eagle was expressionless, which made me a little panicked. The pressure of performing a one-man show by myself was so great that I almost collapsed.

Xiaozhi was also holding his breath and watching the eagle. The eagle put down the bowl and chopsticks, took a slow sip of tea, and then walked out of the cabin.

"What's going on?" I looked at Xiaozhi and asked.

Xiaozhi looked confused and at a loss.

I looked at Eagle's daughter again and asked, "What's going on?"

Duan Lingchao also shook his head, and then wrote on the black marble dining table with the water droplets condensed on the outside of the glass: Are you Zhu Mo?

Does she know me too? I nodded and was about to ask more when two sailors came in, one on each side, grabbed my wrist, twisted me behind me and pushed me out of the cabin.

The eagle stood at the door, stared at me and said, "You will tell the truth." Then he waved his hand.

Two sailors escorted me to the hold below the deck, kicked open an iron door, and pushed me in. Before I could stand firm, the iron door slammed shut, and I patted the door. I shouted: "What I said is all the truth. If you want to lock me up, you have to get my bag!" No one responded to me except the sound of the iron door being locked.

I knew that no matter how much noise I made, it would be useless. It was best to find a way to get my backpack back. The Dingshen Pestle must not be obtained by others. I slowly sat down with my back against the iron door, and my eyes quickly adapted to the dimness here.

I really didn’t expect that there would be such a prison in a luxurious-looking cruise ship. The space was six to seven square meters, with only a narrow window one palm wide, and there was no glass on the window. Through the window, I could see the deck of the cruise ship.

There is a narrow bed in the room next to one side of the wall, and on the other side is the sink and toilet. This toilet has no cover and completely ignores the privacy of the prisoners.

I walked to the bed, pulled up the white sheets on the bed and put it under my nose and smelled it. There was no smell as I expected, but the clean smell of being washed with bleach and left in the sun. Frankly speaking, this was my favorite smell. Like the taste.

The pillow was also very clean, exuding the same smell as the sheets. I wanted to lie down, but I was covered in filth. Lying down like this would be a violation of the white sheets, so I walked to the wash basin, turned on the water and scrubbed myself as much as possible.

I touched the Sharman Yu in my pants pocket and the Wuxuan Bell hidden in my underwear. I looked around the room again, considering whether I should take off my pants and take a shower, but the small red light flashing in the corner made me give up the idea instantly. idea.

After washing my body, I also washed my clothes and hung them to dry on the bedside. I lay shirtless on the bed, looked up at the light coming from the narrow window, and began to think quietly about the story I made up. The eagle noticed any loophole immediately.

The first reaction of the eagle when seeing the coffin was "black dog's blood soaked wood". I also studied this coffin carefully when I was floating in the sea. It was indeed a bit red, but the coffin had also been soaked in oil, so the smell was very strong. The fishy smell is similar to shark oil.

So the eagle is not completely nonsense. If he knew from the beginning that I was lying, why would he listen to my nonsense later? There is indeed a lot of information missing from the coffin. I cut off most of the copper blocks inside the coffin, and I couldn't clean the corners due to time constraints. The eagle must have seen it too.

Based on this alone, it is difficult to explain why the fat man dragged the coffin back. After all, even if you can find a coffin from the bottom of the sea in the sea, it is impossible to remove the buried copper inside and make the coffin surface. Of course, the degree of corrosion of copper in normal seawater is different from that in fresh water.

well! Anyway, I failed! The eagle is sure that I will tell the truth, but what basis does it have? Psychological tactics? Lock me here, give me good food and drink, and don't let me talk to anyone and collapse? snort! This trick doesn't work for me now, because I already collapsed when I was alone on Dragon's Breath Island.

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