Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 126 Totem

The rope in the bag and the rope left by the fat man were enough for me to land at the bottom of the lake, but it was not enough for me to use a roundabout device. In other words, it was easy to go down, but it was all about arm strength to come up, and there was absolutely no backup.

After thinking about it again and again, I decided to go and find out. After all, it's death anyway, so it's better to die more clearly. I filled the silicone water bag in my backpack with tree sap, drank a lot of water, pulled out the gauze to wrap the newly healed wound on my hand, tied it with a rope around my waist, and then slid it down a little bit.

The bottom of the lake is filled with the aroma of dry grass, but the beauty is ruined by a hint of burnt smell. The soles of my feet stepped on the yellow and dry moss, making a cracking sound, which echoed at the bottom of the empty lake with a strange feeling.

I cautiously approached the tower in the middle of the lake, fearing that I would step into the swamp. However, when I reached the bottom of the tower, I found that everything was unnecessary. This stone tower is indeed man-made. There is a staircase in the middle of its square base that leads directly to the top of the mountain. I walked around the base and found that there were four such stairs, evenly distributed on each side of the base.

Behind the stairs stood tall and narrow doorways, each at least ten meters high and three to four meters wide. The moss-covered stairs can completely cover the doorway, so looking down from the lake shore, there is no trace of the doorway at all.

Standing next to the doorway, you can feel the strong heat wave coming out of the doorway, but the doorway is not the only source of the heat wave. When you peel off the bottom of the base, dry moss completely covers the holes all over the bottom of the base. The holes are like steam holes in a sauna, constantly releasing heat. I think this is where the lake slips away.

I decided to go up to the tower and have a look first to make sure there was no danger before exploring the door. As you climb up the stairs, the dry moss breaks into powder and falls continuously, making a rustling sound. As the moss falls away, the true appearance of the building inside is revealed.

Diamond? I couldn't help but rub my eyes, thinking that I was wrong. If the entire pedestal was made of diamond, then the golden palace under the Phoenix Mausoleum would not be considered a wonder. The black stone has a unique luster and feels smooth and cold to the touch. What else could it be if it wasn't diamond? The unusually cool water in the lake when I first saw it must be due to this huge ore! Under the peeling moss, the mottled stone walls are covered with large-area reliefs.

Without any protective measures, I moved fearfully along the foothold of the stone wall of the tower, and kept sweeping away the dry moss floating on the stone sculptures with my hands. Although I can't see the whole picture, I can roughly understand the content of the relief from the images collected bit by bit.

All the reliefs depict war scenes. Different regions and different races should be from ancient times. Judging from the style of the reliefs, they are not from the same team. Some of the carvings are as detailed as the dragon carvings in Nanhua Temple, while others only express artistic conception and roughly depict the human body shape.

In short, each picture depicts the cruelty of war, the suffering of civilians, the displacement of wives and children of soldiers, starving to death, freezing to death, death in battle, and the burning, killing and looting during the war.

I walked slowly up the stairs to the second floor. The scenes on the battlefield seemed to carry a magnetic field, making every step I took feel like I was crossing the battlefield. It is still a relief sculpture depicting war scenes, but on this level, the war has obviously taken on a larger scale. There are not only confrontations between armies, but also various guerrilla teams plundering the people's food. War has had an even greater negative impact on civilian life.

Generally, paintings and statues that express war scenes will have a theme, but I searched all over the second floor and couldn't find out who was the initiator of the war or who was the beneficiary of these battles. It seems that these scenes are just objective representations of war. No other messages can be read at all.

On the third level, the war scenes begin to look familiar, describing the battle lines of World War I. I had no intention of looking around this floor anymore and hurried up to the fourth floor.

The scene here is even more familiar. It is the Second World War. Every front is extremely clear, and we can even find our suffering compatriots. I searched carefully around this layer, and I always felt that I could find scenes that criticized the war. No, nothing!

Is it on top? I rushed up to the base of the first dome and brushed away the moss and fine dust. I was a little disappointed. The reliefs here were completely different from the scenes below. If the reliefs below were to show the shocking scenes of war, then what they want to express here is the people after the war. The bitter journey of trying to regain productivity. People enjoyed hardships and worked hard to rebuild their homes even if they lost family members in the war.

All circular bases express post-war reconstruction, and they all express scenes objectively, without depicting a certain thing or person. I sat slumped on the steps, looking at the stairs extending downward, thinking.

The square base of this building expresses the war scenes of different periods. I almost walked through the first and second floors, and I checked the fourth floor carefully. There is no gap in such a large building.

The circular bases on the upper three floors are all about people rebuilding their homes after the war. I almost walked around and found no gaps. Is this building really carved from a whole mountain, a whole piece of stone?

Who has the ability to move such a mountain here? Of course, it is also possible that the lake was dug out manually, and the diamond mountain was found by chance or purpose, but why did it take so much time and effort to carve out such a building?

Usually buildings are sculpted either to commemorate some meaningful event or to commemorate a great person. However, none of the main figures appear in all the statues here, nor do they highlight any major deeds. It's so confusing.

I took out the silicone water bag from my bag and the water inside turned into warm water. The clothes on his body had long been wet with sweat, and moss and ash were stained all over his body. I wet my fingers with some water, wiped the dust from my eyelids, and continued to climb to the top.

The round tower-shaped top seems to be just to echo the shape of the entire building. A cube base is also placed at the bottom. The four sides of the base are carved with exquisite patterns, but these patterns have nothing to do with war and are like totems.

The first side is a circle with a large tree with lush branches and leaves. On the second side, inside the circle is a winding dragon. The dragon's entire face occupies most of the circle. Why does it look familiar? I took off the gauze wrapped around my hand. This totem was clearly the ring on my finger. I shuddered suddenly and quickly turned to the other side of the pedestal.

On the third side, there are loops, each circle is filled with spell-like words. I have seen this graphic before! Where is it? I hit my eyebrows hard with my fists to recall, and the picture finally appeared in my mind under the fierce knocks, the golden palace under the Phoenix Mausoleum! The main hall filled with rhinoceros horn cups, this figure is the epitome of the main hall!

In such a hot environment, I actually got goosebumps all over my body and hurriedly walked towards the last totem.

The fourth totem is still round, with a soaring phoenix inside. It's still the same pattern I've seen, but it's not a totem. I hurriedly took off my backpack and rummaged for my phone. That's right! Exactly the same as the door knocker of Phoenix Mausoleum! The photo of the door knocker was taken by Xiaoba. He said he had seen the door knocker and wanted to find out its origin. However, he had been busy with work since he came back, so he sent me a copy of the photo so that I could check it myself when I had time.

I sat down and couldn't help but get chills. I've seen three of the four totems. What do these represent? Take a closer look at the large tree with lush branches and leaves, which looks a bit like a locust tree cave.

Could it be that Longxi Island is also related to the Zhu family? I groped the base of the circular tower with my fingers. It was smooth and there was nothing there, and the top of the tower was also empty. I always feel like there should be something here, but now it's empty.

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