Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Heart Curse Chapter 112 Soul Exchange

"Is it used to ward off demons?" I continued to ask.

Zhang Lingxi smiled, looking a little silly. I guess he drank too much like me and was confused. Zhang Lingxi shook his head and said, "Have you ever heard of the soul-changing technique?"

"Resurrection? The kind that brings the dead back?" I laughed in my heart, you guys are trying to confuse me with fairy tales.

"It's not return, it's exchange." Zhang Lingxi stared at me sideways, narrowing her eyes and continued: "People cannot be resurrected after death. If you force your soul to be trapped in a dead body, it will be useless. The dead body will disappear. But if you It's different when an immortal soul is put into a healthy body. It can make the soul immortal indefinitely. This is soul exchange."

"Isn't that a disguised form of immortality?" I don't believe this kind of thing. After all, there are countless stories about seeking immortality. Our descendants have also created many legends out of thin air with this title, but the laws of nature Tell us that stories can only be stories, and legends can only exist outside the three dimensions.

"Yes." Zhang Lingxi's voice rose, and he looked very proud. "It is the secret technique of our ancestors. I heard that the conditions for implementing the secret technique are harsh, so it has been lost. Legend has it that the Purifying Mantra has the same effect, and it is much easier to implement. "Zhang Lingxi shrugged his shoulders and half-knocked his eyes.

"But what about the soul in a healthy body? Do they stay together? In terms of psychology, is it considered multiple personalities?" I looked back at Zhang Lingxi and asked.

"People who change their souls will not tolerate this kind of thing happening. So there is a kind of vessel that can suck away the soul. The sucked soul can be disposed of at will, sealed, scattered...in any case, it will disappear completely." Zhang Lingxi glanced at Ma Tiantong, Ma Tiantong put down his legs on stilts, turned his body, and rested his head on one arm. He lay on his side facing us with his eyes closed tightly. The setting sun cast a shadow on his side, so that I could not see his body when he was breathing. of ups and downs.

My eyelids became heavier and heavier, drooping all the time. I knew now was the best time to catch them asking questions, so I still held on. "What vessel are you talking about?"

"Five Xuan Bells..." Zhang Lingxi also lay on the deck, huddled up in a ball, and his last words were vaguely like words spoken in a dream, but they shook away my sleepiness.

"Are the five mysterious bells you're talking about five silver bells?" I rushed over and shook Zhang Lingxi's shoulders.

Zhang Lingxi opened her eyes, gave me a fierce glance, and cursed: "Why are you so startled? Go, go, I'm going to squint for a while." After saying that, he turned his back to me and fell asleep again.

I looked at the sun that had completely disappeared, leaving only the afterglow rippling on the water. Such a coincidence? When the eldest grandma gave the bells to Mu Mu, she said that there were five silver bells in total. If the silver bells were Wu Xuan bells, then Mu Mu already had three of them.

What they are looking for now is related to the soul-changing technique. Who wants to change souls? The big boss behind the tattoo gang? The old lady who bewitched me? still……

I glanced at Ma Tiantong and Zhang Lingxi, and then at the dark cabin door. Impossible! Zhang Lingxi said that the secret technique has been lost to them, so why are they looking for these things? Zhang Lingxi will not give me science knowledge in exchange for soul skills for no reason.

I touched my heart. Why did I suddenly feel that I had become taller? Am I doing something important to stop bad people from going against the will of heaven? Is he considered a hero? Does all mankind know my contribution...

The afterglow of the sun dissipated quickly, and the night came unprepared. Once again we were plunged into pure darkness. The blue fire under the gas stove was like a ghost, and the fish soup in the pot was getting thicker and thicker. I picked up the kettle and added water to it, not wanting to extinguish the only light.

Ma Tiantong snored gently. In more than ten days together, this was the first time I heard Ma Tiantong snoring while sleeping. At the end of the day, we were all very exhausted and had not been able to take a good rest. Now that we were full, even the usually considerate fat man didn't even remember to turn on the headlights on the boat and went to rest. I shivered inexplicably, not because of the sudden drop in temperature, but because of the dark silence.

I approached Ma Tiantong, pushed his knees and said loudly: "Hey! We can't sleep here. We just left the sea of ​​​​death. What if there is seaweed here too?"

Ma Tiantong didn't respond. The snoring just paused for a moment and then started again. I looked at Zhang Lingxi and sighed, it was useless to call him, he couldn't sail a boat. The white light cuts through the dark clouds and flows softly, making the dark clouds look like the road after an earthquake.

The light and Ma Tiantong's snoring gave me a sense of security. Even if I had a lot of doubts in my heart, it was still unable to overcome the comfort brought by high-quality liquor. My eyes could no longer resist the sleepiness, so I fell behind Zhang Lingxi, and He fell asleep back to back.

I was awakened by the gurgling sound of the soup pot boiling dry. I jumped up and turned off the fire with lingering fear. Zhang Lingxi and Ma Tiantong were still lying on the deck, sleeping soundly, without even changing their positions.

I was horrified to find that the sea surface was filled with fog at some point. Looking around, the thick white piles in front are like towers, towering into the clouds, and surging under the pressure of the clouds. The glowing mist rolls down from the heights at the same time, like a snow mountain collapsing.

The deck had already been wet, and water droplets gathered on the unpeeled paint. I shivered, maybe because my clothes and pants were wet, maybe because I felt that a disaster was coming.

"Get up..." I shouted and pushed Zhang Lingxi. He jumped up and looked around with a frown.

"I'm going!" Ma Tiantong was also awakened by me. He folded his arms and shuddered before running towards the cabin.

I ran out of ideas and followed Ma Tiantong, subconsciously seeking Fatty's protection.

In the dark cabin, the fat man was drooping on the upper bunk, with his hands and feet stretched out from the edge of the bunk. Hearing our calls, he sat up from the bed. Huang Xiao got out of bed on another bunk, but there was no movement. I rushed over, grabbed him and shook him: "Get up, it's foggy outside, I don't feel right!"

"It's not time yet!" The fat man lay back on the bed and said casually.

"Ah?" Did the fat man drink too much and talk nonsense? Why do you drink so much at this time? I complained in my heart.

Huang Xiao also knocked my hand off and lay back on the bed to continue sleeping.

Ma Tiantong changed his clothes and walked out of the cabin in the dark. What happened? I was too lazy to change clothes and followed Ma Tiantong out of the cabin.

Zhang Lingxi had already put away all the kitchen utensils spread outside, leaning against the driver's compartment and staring closely at Bai Wu. "Fat man said he hasn't arrived yet!" Ma Tiantong whispered as he passed Zhang Lingxi, then brushed Zhang Lingxi's shoulder and entered the cockpit. Soon, the red lights on the ship came on.

No one said a word, they all looked around nervously, hoping to react as soon as possible when danger came. I could feel the tension between Zhang Lingxi and Ma Tiantong, but I couldn't understand how calm Fatty and Huang Xiao were.

Ma Tiantong did not turn on the engine and let the ship float in the thick fog. I stood at the stern and looked at the lights in the cabin, which seemed to be across the entire ocean, both distant and blurry.

We were deadlocked in the thick fog. It wasn't until the breeze brought a slight cooling that the fat man came to the cockpit. Seeing that the three of us were there, he solemnly said: "Be prepared, the time is coming." As he said this, he rummaged around in the cockpit. Searching, I found two new life jackets and helmets. One set was handed to me, and the other was handed to Huang Xiao who was following him.

Ma Tiantong and Zhang Lingxi put on the life jackets they took off to dry yesterday, and the fat man also put on a life jacket. Ma Tiantong looked at the fat man and asked worriedly: "The ship hasn't been overhauled yet. Can it hold up?"

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