
Chapter 705: Shocking change

At the exit of the secret passage, Ning Zhe saw Lu Meng fall, and he also felt that he was out of balance.

At this moment, Ning Zhe's first reaction was that he was deceived by Song Jia and fell into his trap, but he soon realized that something was wrong.

Because not only him, but others were also out of balance at the moment, and Song Jia also fell to the ground.

The dizziness of everyone came from the vibration of the ground.

Is the earthquake coming again?


Before Ning Zhe could do anything, a loud noise entered his ears.

The sound accompanied by the vibration was extremely violent. The sound seemed to be coming from under the surface of the earth. It was extremely dull, and the reverberation was long, as if some beast was about to rush out from the ground.

While shaking, Lu Meng stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance: "You...look over there!"


Everyone looked at the sound, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Around the square, there was a high-rise building that blocked most of the sky, and some distance behind those high-rise buildings, a huge mushroom cloud had blocked the sky.

After the mushroom cloud rose, it was still rushing towards the sky at a higher height, and there was flame burning in the smoke, like a dragon.


A few seconds later, the air wave caused by the explosion hit, and the air had a thick burnt smell, which was very choking.

Su Fei looked at the huge mushroom cloud in the distance, and frowned: "What's the situation, is it that the guards are preparing to attack the administrative region, using some powerful weapon?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention to Song Jia, because she was the closest person to Pei's on the scene.

"I don't know, I'm a private spy affiliated to the top of the Pei clan, not a military spy serving the chaebol of the Pei clan! I have nothing to do with the people in the fortress!" Song Jia explained when everyone turned their attention to himself. : "But as far as I know, Pei Mu's garrison is always looking for a place."

Lu Meng narrowed his eyes: "Research Institute?"

"No, it's the oil storage base." Song Jia shook her head: "It is said that the machinery and equipment of the military guards are controlled by special personnel, and the fuel reserve is also highly confidential. Only the most senior generals of the military know the location."

"Yes, this is indeed a secret." Su Fei nodded: "Not only the garrison, we have also been looking for this place, fuel is a scarce resource, especially the fuel required for military vehicles such as tanks, which cannot be replaced by civilian fuel. , our original idea was to blow up the military fuel depot to cause chaos, but after a series of investigations, it was found that the fuel depot on the surface was fake."

"You actually want to blow up the oil depot, your tactics are ruthless!" Hu Lang glanced at Su Fei, then sneered: "But it makes sense, you can even release the test body of the oxygen company, what else can't you do? What did you do?"

"We released the test body, but did we study it?" Nong Taichu heard the words and was equally angry: "Your major chaebols are always catching demons for research, why don't you talk about this kind of thing? ?"

Hu Langjie raised his neck: "You figure it out for me! Our Lu family has never done relevant research!"

"That's just because your Lu family's technological means are not enough!"

"You fucking...!"

"Enough!" Lu Meng snorted, interrupting the quarrel between the two sides: "Although fuel is precious, it means nothing to us, so we didn't focus on it before, but now that I think about it, It is not impossible for the guards to send agents to blow up the fuel depot, because in this way, all the special equipment taken over by the guards will become scrap metal! This is not something we should be concerned about. Everyone should evacuate immediately. quick!"


At the juncture of life and death, the two sides suppressed their emotions and began to quickly retreat with the wounded. Ning Zhe glanced at Song Jia: "Follow me!"

Song Jia's remarks did not make Ning Zhe relax his vigilance against her, but her appearance did help everyone get out of the crisis. At this moment, the people Song Jia brought are still in front to resist the attack of the armed men, and Ning Zhe did not. Reason to get rid of her.

With the sound of gunfire in the distance, the group began to quickly evacuate from the square and rushed towards the port.


As soon as everyone left the square, there was another gunshot in the distance, and a team of pursuit teams that had come around from the side had already spotted everyone.

Seeing someone rushing over from a distance, Lu Meng pulled the gun bolt: "Just now, everyone was almost blocked in the tunnel together, and it can be considered that they have experienced life and death together. Now everyone has the wounded! Then don't hide it! Let the wounded be evacuated first. , let's stop it!"

Su Fei didn't say a word, and ran to the side of the road: "Defensive formation! Find cover for each, and retreat while fighting!"

Although everyone has not yet escaped the pursuit, it is still better than being stuck in a secret passage before and unable to escape. While instructing Hu Lang to take control, Lu Meng shouted to Ning Zhe, "How are your arrangements over there, crossing the river by ferry? Yet?"

Ning Zhe squatted behind a bunker and responded, "Before I left, I called and told him to move to the port, but I didn't notify him to dock!"

Lu Meng changed a magazine and said solemnly: "Let's fight and retreat, we can withdraw to the port soon, let the ship dock to pick up the wounded first, don't waste time because of this!"

"Okay!" Ning Zhe threw a grenade into the distance, lowered his body, and dialed Li Kaichang's phone number with a satellite phone.

Li Kaichang's voice came from the other side of the phone: "Boss?"

"How are you over there?"

"It's normal. When I was just crossing the river, the guards on the shore of the non-security area found our boat and fired a shot to stop us, but the sound of gunfire attracted monsters!" Li Kaichang's voice was also full of Nervous: "I'm worried that the sound of gunfire just now has attracted attention. If it stays on the river for a long time, it will cause unnecessary trouble."

"You dock immediately, Fatty Li and Hu Yihan will pick you up and provide you with firepower support, and we'll talk about the rest when we meet!"


After Ning Zhe finished the phone Hu Yihan and others held on for about a minute, and when they saw the armed forces approaching, they began to retreat.


At the dock, 1.5 kilometers away, gunshots could be heard in the distance, and Hu Yihan and Fatty Li, with the help of two revolutionary soldiers, carried the medicine and gold to a trolley that was easy to transport to the ship.

About two minutes later, a small tonnage cargo ship appeared in everyone's sight.

Seeing this scene, Hu Yihan waved to the people beside him: "Prepare to transport the goods to the boat, Fatty Li, go and pick up those people!"

Hearing the words, the two revolutionary soldiers put down their guns and prepared to work. One of them lowered his head, and out of the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of Fatty Li holding a pistol with a silencer in his hand, and glanced at him subconsciously.


Fatty Li suddenly attacked. Unexpectedly by everyone, he shot the headshots of the two revolutionary soldiers beside him, and then aimed at Hu Yihan's eyebrows.

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