
Chapter 24: Mysterious Su Fei

"According to what you said, aren't these so-called demons very powerful?" After listening to Su Fei's words, Ning Zhe thought for a while: "Their name is also derived from this, right?"

"No, although the demons are different from ordinary people, I haven't heard of any demons that can resist the attack of hot weapons, let alone an opponent of the army. At least in the Federation, I haven't heard of any super powerful ones. Demons appear, but the cells of Demons divide very quickly, and they will also produce new DNA and evolve some cells that are more beneficial to them, so they will become more and more powerful, which is why the powerful The reason for eliminating them, these guys have become a destabilizing factor, and their appearance threatens the dominance of those on the top of the tower." Su Fei finished the words calmly, thought for a while and added: "Perhaps this special group is called a demon, because the person who gave them this name has no special ability. Aliens are demons. In many cases, the right and wrong of the times are just an attitude of authority."

Su Fei's remarks shocked Ning Zhe. The shock was not from the Demon Seed, but because Su Fei knew too much.

Ning Zhe's knowledge of this world is only a small area around Fort No. 87, but Su Fei knows so much, and he can even get infusion equipment. His knowledge has surpassed that of Mr. Lin.

Regarding the topic of Demon Seeds, Su Fei was only scratching his head and didn't talk to him too much. Then, he took out a paper book in his backpack and sat next to the gas lamp to read.

In the refugee area, paper books are rare. When Mr. Lin was a teacher, he only had a few old books left over from the old world.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms, this is a forbidden book." Ning Zhe glanced at the cover of Su Fei's book, and the release date on it, 2022, the year of the old world.

"Are you literate?" Su Fei glanced at Ning Zhe, as if a literate refugee, more surprising than his ability to mutate genes.

Ning Zhe said truthfully: "My adoptive father is the only teacher in the market town. I once heard him talk about this book. It is said that because it contains the art of war, it is not allowed to be distributed and circulated."

"This book is contraband for the refugees, but it can't be restrained in the city." Su Fei nodded: "What the chaebol and fortress owners need is a group of thoughtless people who can create value for them. They are afraid that the refugees will understand. There are too many, and they have blood that should not be there, so they control many things very strictly, which is why people who have hot weapons in refugee areas will be besieged and suppressed. In the eyes of high-level people, refugees are just tools to make them worry about food and clothing. , Wisdom, blood, and weapons should not appear in the hands of these tool people, after all, in all dynasties and dynasties, there are many examples of using force to violate the ban."

"Have you ever been in the city?" Ning Zhe felt very new to Su Fei's statement. For him, who only had survival in his eyes, Su Fei's words seemed to give him a more hazy understanding of the world. Awareness is very fragmented.

"It sounds like the people in the fortress don't want the refugees to have too many thoughts." Su Fei smiled: "The life in the wilderness is really hard now, but what's even more terrifying is that the refugees are losing one thing. "

Ning Zhe disagreed with Su Fei's words: "Do the refugees have anything to lose?"

"Hope!" Su Fei looked at Ning Zhe with burning eyes: "They have lost hope."

"If you say that the people in the city want to use the difficult living environment to smooth the edges and corners of the refugees and make them give up resistance because of their survival, they have indeed succeeded." Ning Zhe had no feelings for Su Fei's answer: "Invisible hope, it is better not to have it, otherwise it will add another psychological torture on the basis of starvation."

"..." Su Fei pondered for a moment, and found that he was speechless.

"You just said that Romance of the Three Kingdoms is not a banned book in the city, is there a big gap between the city and the outside?" Ning Zhe asked again.

"In essence, there is no difference, and it is even more cruel. You live in a refugee area. When a man is angry, he can only kill one person with a knife, while the big man in the fortress who scolded Fang Zun, a word between chatting and laughing can determine the fate of a group of people. Life and death." Su Fei said these words coldly, and then continued: "Besides, there is a big gap in terms of life. There is water and electricity in the city, and it has strong scientific and technological power. The field is even stronger than the old world, but those top technologies are all in the hands of chaebols and very few people, and ordinary people cannot access or enjoy it.”

Ning Zhe had already guessed that there were classes in the fortress, and asked indifferently, "So the city is not particularly beautiful, right?"

"It's always better than outside the city, at least they live more like people." Su Fei opened the drawer and took out a cigarette: "The cultural fault is like a knife, it may not be the culture that cuts off, it may only be the bottom layer. It's just a channel to get in touch with culture. Knowledge and vision can change destiny, but the refugees don't need these, because it is contrary to the interests of the rulers. The history of the wasteland is only a few decades old, but before that history, but it's all blank, and no one knows what happened during that time."

"Isn't it the old world before the Wasteland Calendar?" The longer Ning Zhe talked with Su Fei, the more he felt that he had a poor understanding of this world.

Su Fei closed the Three Kingdoms in his hand: "Of course not. After the earth encountered the meteors, human society was still orderly. Someone deliberately made the world become what it is today."

"who is it?"

"I don't know, but after that blank history, all the top powers began to be concentrated in the hands of certain people." Su Fei did not give a definite answer: "Look at the most powerful people in the world today. The nourishing group, it's not hard to guess, right?"

After listening to Su Fei's words, Ning Zhe became silent. The crowd Su Fei was alluding to was already very clear.

Could it be that the rulers of those fortresses, in order to make themselves the top of the food chain, did not hesitate to destroy the whole world?

Even the miserable situation in the refugee area is what they did on purpose?

At this time, Su Fei saw that the infusion bottle was empty, so he stepped forward and pulled out the needle on the back of Ning Zhe's hand: "How is it, do you feel better?"

"It's much better, thank you!" Ning Zhe tried to move a bit, and his body had recovered. Although he was still a little tired, he was much more relaxed than before when he got sick.

A few minutes later, Su Fei brought Ning Zhe some ointment made of herbs and sent him to the door.

Ning Zhe walked to the door and turned to look at Su Fei: "That..."

Su Fei paused: "What's wrong?"

"Good night!" Ning Zhe hesitated, but after thinking about it, he still didn't ask Su Fei's real identity.

In the wasteland, everyone has their own secrets, and restraining their curiosity is often a good thing.

Moreover, he was not sure. When he asked Su Fei, the other party would definitely say that even if Su Fei said it, Ning Zhe would not be able to verify the truth.

It's just that this guy is definitely not an ordinary security guard.

Even, not like a refugee. ?

The first release of this book is from 17K Novel Network, so watch the genuine content for the first time!

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