Cartoonist Code

Chapter 514:

The key is that these fans who have eaten the brainwashing bag really believe it. Not only do they believe that the AI ​​network being walled is a state act, but they also believe that the fan head who was expelled from the fan membership is really a black fan.

Now some groups of station A and some groups of bibs are on the bar, and wars break out in browsers, post bars, and forums.

Xie Xun fans are good at deleting comments, accusing them, and pretending to be innocent and passersby.

Those who oppose Xie Xun at station A either present the facts and reason, or are yin and yang, or they are violent and cursing.

"You seem to care about that Xie Xun very much."

Seeing that Dongfang Ming had been painting for a long time, Baishang Chuixue suddenly spoke, and this opening shocked Dongfang Ming.

"Why do I care about that Xie Xun so much, it's so stupid!"

The frightened Dongfang Ming couldn't help but swear.

"I didn't mean that. What I meant was that you paid attention to him, um, the kind that didn't like him, but paid attention to him very much."

"Well, it's almost." Dongfang Ming replied, "I found that I don't like him because I don't know him. I recently learned more about him."

"Do you like him?" Baishang Chuixue answered with a smile, she already knew Dongfang Ming's answer, she definitely wouldn't like him, how could she like that person after Ming Jiang started a group.

"I can't wait for him to die now, but in a civilized society, I think about his death in my heart, but I curse him at the most on the Internet."

To be honest, Xie Xun was actually shot while lying down. He didn't want to let it happen, but fans wanted him to die.

Very interesting thing, it may be true to say that the fan head is a sunspot. Of course this is a joke.

"Mingjiang's answer is really not unexpected, then I look forward to Xie Xunfu."

What nasty words are these two talking about...

While listening to the conversation between the two, Nanxiong Qimu complained that he didn't know what was going on in China.

But Dongfang Ming couldn't hold back that his mind was full of Xie Xun's affairs, so he had to understand this matter.

Dongfang Ming is very good at eating melons. If he wants to hack a person, he must know that person better than that person's fans. He has listed the advantages and disadvantages one by one. So this made Qimu Nanxiong eat the whole melon.

The little fox said that Kusui Qimu suddenly knew what he meant.

Then let him go.

Qimu Nanxiong also muttered in his heart that he didn't care about the things across the sea.

Cyber ​​war is a war without gunpowder smoke, but the swords and swords in it are no worse than the real battlefield, and sometimes the price of losing will definitely be death.

However, the war between Station A and Xie Xun's brain-damaged fans will not be possible. With the opening of Dongfang Ming, the addition of Station A, and Xie Xun's brain-damaged fans who don't know why they touch other circles, more and more people end up.

Originally, many people were pure passers-by and were happily eating melons. Some only found out that their house had been burned, while some found that their house had been spread by the fire of other people’s homes, so they all ended up crusades against the arsonists.

Chapter 450 Large non-combustible non-recyclable garbage

"425 Incident" has developed into a major network event.

This matter started on April 25 and escalated after the White Cats started a group.

The white cats started a group, but the brainless fans on Xie Xun's side didn't care. They were the strong side. Because they had a lot of people, they could act recklessly on the weak side, and it was a matter of course that the Internet went viral.

Others said "they only have so few people, don't worry."

Now, it's not just that few people.

They underestimate the white cat's ability to make trouble and influence.

There are actually quite a few fans of White Cat in China, and the name White Cat has many fans internationally except in Japan and China.

Just because of an animated film "Schindler's List".

However, fans from other countries did not participate in the war, after all, it is a domestic matter.

Rao is so, just relying on the boycott of Bai Mao's fans and station A is enough to compete with the opponent.

After the other party touched other circles and more and more people came off the court, the power of the two sides gradually balanced, but this balance was short-lived and fragile, because the white cat began to exert force.

The Chinese version of Station A, White Cat, has contributed a drawing story that only appears during the New Year's Eve.

"Strange Names Get Longer"

Dongfang Ming contributed such a drawing story.

Dongfang Ming was surprised when he saw this video. He didn't expect such a thing to happen in another world line.

No, to be precise, the same thing happened in this world line, and the time of this world line is after that world line.

"It always feels like this world is madly suggesting another world, jumping repeatedly on the edge of 404."

Dongfang Ming wondered about the relationship between the two worlds, shook his head and stopped thinking about it, and drank a mouthful of milk to relax.

The "Strange Names Are Getting Longer" video was posted at 5:25am.

Hint, crazy hint.

He is definitely not copying the video, and the lines are all changed.

Dongfang Ming is not satisfied with the content of the video alone. He has already done something that makes Xie Xun fans angry again.

Station A officially sent a lawyer's letter to Xie Xun. Station A has a professional team, not a black coffin-carrying team, but a professional lawyer team.

The team of lawyers who have been raising for so long should also test the waters. He wants to become the strongest legal department in the Eastern Hemisphere.

He really wanted to make someone live on an isolated island and draw a Pikachu on the island, and planes and ships would go to rescue people, just to bring that person back for a lawsuit.

Just kidding, he's not that bad, as long as it's not for commercial use.

As for the issue of fan profit, the works at station A can be profitable as long as someone likes to give them a reward.

ACG network is not only animation, comics and novels section. ACG has an idea to infect the huge market of domestic online articles, but so far it has only been a little, and most of them are fan fiction.

With the passage of time, under the war between Station A and Xie Xun's brain-dead fans, more and more people ended up.

It's a very confusing question. It's obviously provoked a lot of people, but it has been touching porcelain over there, and it is always possible to touch porcelain inexplicably to other circles.

The other side kept saying that it was Heizi who had joined them, maybe there were, but definitely not many.

Because sunspots like Bai Mao are not so free, he has worked hard and worked very hard to take time out a day to curse Xie Xunpao.

He worked so hard, He Xie Xun, why should he be scolded by Xie Xun's brainless fans.

At present, this war is a big win for Station A, but Dongfang Ming knows that the capital will end soon, and the capital of the other side is likely to protect Xie Xun.

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