Cartoonist Code

Chapter 435:

"Oh", "Oh", "Oh", the burning power of the magical oh sound is still very noticeable.

What's more striking is that there are no women within 30 meters around him.

Whichever direction Rantangli goes, the girl in that direction will run away.

Rantangli had been chasing girls because of his failure to strike up a conversation before. In reality, he was temporarily famous on the beach here.

Dongfang Ming put on sunglasses to prevent others from recognizing him.

Rantangli is an incredible person. For example, a dodgeball game in Qimu Nanxiong's gym class won a lot of goodwill from the class because of an accidental victory, but Rantangli gave everyone a hug to Qimu Nanxiong. Sensitivity decreased.

"I'm not sick, I just thought of something incredible and made myself sick."

After Dongfang Ming finished speaking, Qi Mu Nanxiong also vomited.

"you saw it?"

After Dongfang Ming confessed his identity, he also learned from Qimu Nanxiong that his voice was an animation clip and a matter of text content.

Therefore, the content of the book he just thought about may turn into paintings and appear in Kusuo Saiki's mind.

Judging from Qimu Kusuo's reaction, it should not be possible, but a certainty.

Speaking of which, Nanxiong Qimu could see the animation clips that he made up in his mind, but when he made up the sexual affairs with Fubuki in his mind, Nanxiong Qimu saw a river crab.

Yes, crabs. Not a crab in the channels of Summoner's Rift. The left pliers are engraved with radio and television, and the right pliers are engraved with the overbearing crabs of the Cultural Bureau.

In addition to this, there is a comrade surnamed Ma, who is actually named after Mr. Ma Huateng and Mr. Mari Baba. Its name is Mosaic. At the same time, the picture also added dark animal husbandry and holy light.

The picture became blurry, Qimu Nanxiong knew anyway, as long as Dongfang Ming's heart became like this, that was what he was thinking about with Fubuki.

Qimu Nanxiong also discovered that basically every morning when Dongfang Ming came to school, his heart was a crab.

Therefore, it is normal for this person to be false, and it is not normal if he is not false.

"Wow, why are you both vomiting, are you suffering from heat stroke?"

Kaito Shun asked with concern, it would be bad if the two of them got sick.

Even if it's not summer, it's just approaching summer, but it's still quite hot.

Heat stroke is a possible thing, of course, a cold and fever are not ruled out.

"No, we just thought of a disgusting thing at the same time."

Dongfang Ming waved his hand and said, in the future, he definitely doesn't want this kind of bizarre plot, it's just poisonous, and the idiot he's brain-filling is still the kind of dead fat pig.

If he hadn't forcibly endured the reverse push plot behind the brain patch, he would have spit out the contents of his stomach instead of retching and stopping.


Dongfang Ming suddenly felt compelled to paint. He was already disgusted, and he might get used to it.

No matter how you feel disgusted, you have to make everyone disgusted.

No, he can't say that he is disgusting everyone, this is for everyone to quit masturbation, like a recoil fighter to help everyone quit.

The effect of this book may be much better than the transformation, as long as it can deceive enough people.

He will not define the name of the book, change the name and label every week, close the comments, and let the book have a name will not let it spread.

In this way, I can continuously deceive new people into the pit to make them feel sick (the first two words are crossed out) to help them quit masturbation.

Chapter 385 The Light of the Right Path

"You are still not being human today."

Cartoonist apartment, in the living room, blowing snow on white lying on the sofa and playing with mobile phone.

This month's new show is playing on the TV in the living room. Even if she is not watching TV and playing with her mobile phone, she still wants to turn the TV on, so that the quiet living room will feel more lively.

After Dongfang Ming came back from the beach, he told Fubuki about drawing a new book.

Even Baishang Chuixue knew that Dongfang Ming was bad, but he didn't expect him to be so bad.

Change the name and cover of the book without letting people comment. This is simply not being a human being.

This practice book does not necessarily attract newcomers, and even those who have read it by accident may re-click it.

Because of the change of the cover and the name of the book, it is almost impossible to guard against.

"No, this is to help everyone quit masturbation. Too much masturbation is not good."

Dongfang Ming sat on the sofa and grabbed Fuxue's legs to cut her toenails.

"It's not at all convincing coming out of your mouth."

Baishang Chuixue's words are full of contempt, how can this person be qualified to help others quit masturbation, he is ghs every day.

Every night and on holiday mornings, this person is still brazen to ask others not to fuck.

"Where there is no persuasiveness, small masturbation, big masturbation hurts the body, and strong masturbation will be wiped out. Those who read the book are not targeted. We are different from them, we are for having children, they are wasting paper towels, which is not at all. Same."

Dongfang Ming said a crooked reason, single dogs will only waste paper towels and kill hundreds of millions of creatures when they read the book.

A single dog is completely different from Fubuki who made a human.

One is destroying, the other is creating.

So in order not to let those who read his book go astray, Dongfang Ming felt it necessary to help them and let them return to the right path.

"..." Hearing Dongfang Ming's eloquent speech, Bai Shang Chuixue didn't know how to complain.

Anyway, she didn't plan to persuade Dongfang Ming, she knew that she would definitely not draw if she persuaded Mingjiang.

Persuasion is possible, but not necessary. It doesn't matter if she hangs up high, Ming sauce is not drawing a book to disgust her, but to harm other people.

The black-bellied white devil Fukiyuki Shirakami actually likes to see other people's painful expressions.

Imagine that everyone is looking at the book and is suddenly splashed with cold water, the picture must be very interesting.

By the way, in that case, everyone's malice towards Mingjiang will be deeper. Baishang Chuixue thought that Dongfang Ming's manipulation would definitely make many people hate him more.

Deep love, hate all. Many people who hate Bai Maoshen are his die-hard fans. Dongfang Ming continued to do this, and Baishang Chuixue had no doubt that he was going to be beaten when he went out.

Especially this year he is more impersonal than in previous years. Tear-jerking animations, tear-jerking games, disgusting people's books, and the "Zero-Starting Life in Another World IF Rage Line" in preparation.

And the stickman circle is now in preparation for an animation of several painters withdrawing from the circle.

Not everyone is a professional painter, there are always painters who will quit this circle because of real work, study, marriage, family and other things.

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