Cartoonist Code

Chapter 428:

Goo when you say goo, this is also a kind of non-goo.

On the way back, Dongfang Ming was riding a small road with not many people. Dongfang Ming is not very worried about whether he will be perverted and crazy.

The amulet that Pecora gave him is quite useful to ward off evil.

As long as Dongfang Ming didn't go to a vicious place, nothing would happen to him.

"Mingjiang, if you say I go to your school, will I become a heartthrob?"

"No, there are perfect beautiful girls in the school, and you are engaged to me, no one is chasing you, just die."

"嘁." Bai Shangchuixue pouted, but her face was full of smiles. Dongfang Ming's words were completely because she didn't want other people to like her selfish thoughts.

Mingjiang is actually jealous too.

Baishang Chuixue was a little funny, she thought Dongfang Ming was heartless, she would be a little heartless after knowing that it was a sure thing after the engagement.

After all, many people don't cherish it too much when they get it, and regret it when they lose it.

There are not many people who like the same thing all their lives and never change their hearts.

"Ming sauce, why did you like me in the first place, you have always liked me after you chose me."

Bai Baixue looked up at the sky, which was full of stars.

At night in the two-dimensional world, the stars are densely covered, and sometimes the Milky Way can be seen.

That kind of scene is really shocking, but it's a pity that even Dongfang Ming, who has traveled through it, has been flattened after the initial shock.

"Because you are good-looking." Dongfang Ming thought for a while and added, "It's really good-looking, I'm cheap, I was greedy for your body at the time."

Not long after crossing the road, I met a cute and beautiful girl that I have never met in reality, and normal men would crave the body of a girl.

If there was a dog mother, a dog, a cat boss, or even Xia Ge, Natto Mea, he would be greedy.

Even in today's modern society, in the era of polygamy, Dongfang Ming would have been a qualified DD leader long ago.

Wife Chuixue, lover Qinai, Hongyan Kongma, personal maid Akwa...

In modern society, if you have this kind of thinking, someone will definitely say, "Eat peaches, put peaches on the son, and ask for a big bowl of peaches, two big bowls!"

"Then why did you promise me to be a cartoonist and be my girlfriend?"

"Because... I'm greedy for your body too." Baishang Chuixue laughed happily.

At that time, she was not particularly greedy for Dongfang Ming, but she just thought Dongfang Ming was interesting, and she agreed that Dongfang Ming was unlikely to become a cartoonist.

Unexpectedly, it was calculated by Dongfang Ming.

In her fantasy, Dongfang Ming is still not the kind of prince riding a white horse, who is graceful, gentle and upright.

Compared with Prince Charming, Dongfang Ming is more like a rebellious knight who can fight and fight hard.

Can export into chapters, will spit fragrance to the mouth, has a dark side, but also has a gentle side.

Not perfect, but she likes it.

The only thing that Shirakami Fubuki felt regretful was that the complicated youth love story that happened in high school that she fantasized about when her child went to middle school ended suddenly.

I started dating others in middle school, and I haven't broken up until now. How could there be a complicated youth love story.

"Ming sauce."

"Well, do you want to say that you like me?" Dongfang Ming asked with a feeling.

"No." Baishang Chuixue smiled. He couldn't see Chuixue's smile in Dongfang Ming, who was riding a bicycle, but he could feel that Chuixue was in a very good mood.

He asked curiously, "What is that?"

"I love you."


"You ruined the atmosphere all of a sudden, you melon child."

"You bastard."

" treasure dragon."

"You idiot, you ha'er, you ha-ma-pi, your turtle grandson, you..."

It is impossible for Dongfang Ming to lose to Fubuki in the Sichuanese quarrel. Of course, it is impossible for him to lose Japanese bickering, and he is professional in the aspect of mouth fragrant.

Cursing without swear words or cursing is foul language, he can switch at will.

Fubuki wanted to fight him, but he was much more tender.

However, some foxes say that they can't say anything, it doesn't mean that she is weak in kung fu, in order to prove that she is not weak.

Baishang Chuixue saw that she couldn't say it again, she opened her small mouth, and the hungry fox roared "Ouch", opened her mouth and bit Dongfang Ming's arm.

Chapter 379 Genius Beautiful Girl Cartoonist

"Hello everyone, my name is Fukiyuki Shirakami."

Qimu Nanxiong looked at the **** the stage, and quietly looked at Dongfang Ming, rubbing his aching temples.

Is this person here to be disgusting? His fiancée is also transferring. Qimu Nanxiong does not envy love, but for him his love is only coffee pudding.

It's a pity that he still eats dog food when it's time to eat, like he often eats dog food at home.

"Wow, FBK!"

"Out loud!"

"Can I have an autograph?"

"Can we take a photo together?"

The people in the classroom are boiling again, and it is very happy to have a perfect and beautiful girl like an angel in the class.

Now there is the super popular manga artist and the popular voice actor Shirakami Fubuki. Especially this seiyuu has another identity, the king of the virtual anchor world.

Their class suddenly became different.

"If Baishang is to sit in front of Dongfang, Takahashi, please change seats with Baishang."

The head teacher spoke to Takahashi-san, whom everyone liked, in an unquestionable tone.

Baishang Chuixue and Dongfang Ming are fiancées, and the head teacher also knows, so the head teacher intends to keep the two closer together.

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