Cartoonist Code

Chapter 419:

One or two volunteers are not normal, and more than half of the volunteers are like criminals.

"Do whatever it takes to make money", "Time to pause and do whatever you want", "Only me will not be infected at the end of the world", "Strong [beep!] Legalized world" "You can do indescribable things with boys as much as you like".

She was already desperate for most of the boys in this class.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Unpredictable, I don't know if it's because of the lard or the lard eaten too much, Xiu Ze made such a sentence.

Some people are alive, but he is dead, and Xiu is such a person.

He walked very peacefully. He walked with the teacher who left the classroom, and his head was dragged away by the teacher's arm.


Dongfang Ming shook his head, people will die if they die, so why should they provoke the head teacher? Even he didn't dare to provoke this older climacteric leftover woman.

Old women, especially those who hate marriage, are terrifying both in temper and fighting ability.

If it is a harem or a storyline, Xiu may have a bright blessing, but unfortunately this is a male high school, and the teacher still has a supporting role style without eyes.

Xiu Ze's punishment is definitely not running away, but he doesn't know what kind of punishment.

The leisure time of the second year of high school is about to end, and when the third year of high school Xiuze, Jizhu, Zhongbang and the others should not be so happy.

The student council president and Little Apple, who often comes to the boys' school, are about to graduate soon, and the new student council president should be the reliable Tang Zelai.

After graduating from high school, everyone will go their separate ways. I don't know when we can meet after graduation.


Private PK Academy.

Qimu Nanxiong had no intention of listening to the class, because he had a dream last night. He dreamed that on April 9th, the volcano in Kyoto would erupt.

This is his precognition dream, which means that the volcano will erupt on that day, or it will be an unprecedented eruption that will destroy the world.

Chapter 371

The last semester is very short, and everyone is still very busy for further studies.

The live broadcast time of the second-year virtual anchors of Homelive has been reduced, especially Akwa and Aijiang.

They don't want to repeat a grade, and it takes more effort for them to go to higher education than the average person.

There are often study meetings in the cartoonist's apartment. Tutoring for Moeda Kaoruko, Koizuka Komon, and Minato Aqua, who are relatively scumbags.

In the name of the book club, Chiyo often joins in the fun, trying to attack Nozaki-kun. She felt that it was a long process to conquer Nozaki-kun, so she was not in a hurry now.

In order to study, Dongfang Ming also put down the New Year's Eve celebration. He only needs to record a blessing with Fubixue when he submits the work.

He also has to study hard. He has already found a good private school for tutoring in the third year of high school. At that time, I will go to study with Fubuki, Nanana and others.

The private school for tutoring has almost been reserved by them, and the people who go to study at that time will be acquaintances.

In the large living room, Moeda Kaoruko, Katsuki Tsubasa, Koizuka Komon, Ishikawa Ryuji, Minato Aqua, Kagura Mea, Shirakami Fubuki, Dongfang Ming, Nozaki Umetaro, and Sakura Chiyo are all studying.

Bupu Ling is a senior in high school, so she attends a cram school and works hard for her favorite university.

Bai Shang Chuixue wears black-rimmed glasses, looks elegant and easy-going, and is as quiet as a literary girl.

The hair is tied with a single ponytail and twisted, and it is placed sideways on the chest, and the hairstyle is particularly dangerous.

"Why do people study..." Lianzuka Xiaomeng rubbed his forehead and sighed deeply.

"In order to have a better meal," Dongfang Ming said, "Not to mention that you can find a good job by studying, but drawing comics requires a lot of knowledge."

"But studying is tiring."

Lianzuo Xiaomeng knelt on the ground and sighed with her upper body on the table, like a dying old man.

"Doing anything seriously will make you tiring if you do it well, and even playing games for a long time will make you tiring."

"Let's study hard, it's just starting now, it should be more difficult after the third grade, so let's get used to it first." Katsuki Yi said, comforting Koizuka Xiaomeng, although her words were not comforting.

On the Internet, not only most of the virtual anchors under Homelive, but also many virtual anchors in the industry.

I don't know why, but high school students in the industry of virtual anchors make up the majority, and sophomore students make up the majority of high school students' virtual anchors.

This is a disaster for DD. It's true that they can watch other women, but other women have also suspended live broadcasts?

Represented by Fubuki Baishang, most of the most popular virtual anchors are in their second year of high school.

There are less than 30 people under Homelive who can live broadcast well.

The rest are basically high school sophomores or seniors.

Fortunately, for creatures like DD, as long as the virtual anchors do not stop broadcasting, they can find new virtual anchors to go to D.

However, in order to take care of the DDs, the virtual anchors under Homelive who were studying began to live broadcast their studies. The live broadcast time was not long, but it was enough for a group of DDs to chat for comfort.

The New Year's Eve celebration begins on February 1. The work contributed by Dongfang Ming is the story "How dare you question the unicorn" of ghost animals and drawing.

At the same time, the relocation of Key Club and Fox Club was also completed. The relocation of the pill office was completed a long time ago.

Today, there are three game studios in the building of Wenfang Club.

The first to third floors are Wenfang Club, EagleJump Club is on the fourth and fifth floors, Ibuki Watermelon Club is on the sixth and seventh floors, and Key is on the eighth floor.

The Pill Office is also on the sixth floor. Because the Pill Office does not occupy much space, the Ibuki Watermelon Club does not occupy two floors, so it happens to share the sixth floor with the Pill Office.

Key is still a small studio, because the games they make don't need too many people, so there are always very few people, and the employees are not comparable to EagleJump and Ibuki Watermelon.

As for the Fox Club, it is located in the middle of the two studios of Musashino Animation and Xiao Musashi, and it is very close to both studios. This will make it easier for Dongfang Ming to check the progress of the studio's paintings in the future, instead of running east and west.

Every location is on the way.

At the same time, Little Musashino Animation, who took a long vacation, and Musashino Animation, who took a month's vacation, started to make new episodes.

The Fox Club, which produced the first season of "Like You in Vain", also began to produce new programs.

Little Musashino Animation started the second season of "100% Psionic Power", and Fox Club began to produce "We still don't know the name of the flower we saw that day"

Referred to as "Unknown Flower Name".

Let Musashino animation production heal or depress no sense of surprise.

Because after knowing the first few works of this studio, everyone will watch this work carefully.

The Fox Club is different. People who do not know the name of the Fox Club will not associate its name with the white cat.

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