Cartoonist Code

Chapter 391:

Fortunately, the monsters in this game are not intelligent here, so it's okay to enter the cabinet in person. It may be because the "safe entry and exit" symbol is posted on the cabinet, or it may be that the production team did not make a mechanism to pull people into the cabinet.

Because normally, when Jiahui sees someone entering the cabinet, even if she is afraid of the spell on the cabinet and does not dare to pull the person, it is more than enough to guard the cabinet.

"Chuixue, you can relax a little bit. Jiahui's appearance won't be scary when you're used to it. If you feel afraid, you can look at your legs. Jiahui's legs are pretty good."

After Dongfang Ming said this, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly called on Baishang Chuixue to look at Jiahui's legs.

"I'm not afraid, it was requested by the barrage." Baishang Chuixue said arrogantly, and when the passing patrol ghost turned on the switch, he quietly looked at his legs.

Surprisingly, she found that her fear weakened a lot after looking at her legs.

The progress of the game on Shirakami Fubuki is very fast, Kagura Nana is second, and Kagura Nana has also reached the progress of Fubuki, but when the switch is turned on, the level is infinite.

On the female ghost's side, it was discovered that the speed of light apologized, and it was very cute, so that DDs were awsl, and many of them even gradually deteriorated their filial piety.

Rabbit's progress is the third, she is unlucky, don't know whether to say no or Europe, a particularly terrifying bug that no one else has encountered, Rabbit encountered.

The bug was that she would see the protagonist's face when she came in and out of the closet. The rabbit came three times and her mentality exploded.

Even scarier than Jiahui is the bug.

For now, both Kana Nana and Tuda Pekra are terribly frightened.

But the worst thing is Akwa. Before entering the game, when Akwa was on the game interface, he regretted it very much.

At the beginning, when I saw Jiahui, I screamed in agony, and after that, I screamed again and again. Those who heard it were sad, and those who saw it cried. Mea wanted to throw out the onion essence who was arguing about her live song.

One minute and sixty seconds, 30 seconds of screaming, 20 seconds of sobbing, and 10 seconds of shouting "My cabinet moved, I'm not playing anymore".

"Isn't it a horror game, I'm coming!"

Mea really can't stand it anymore, so I changed the title of the live broadcast room and collaborated with Aqua to play a game.

Anyway, it's impossible for Akwa to continue to sing back to live the horror game. It is better to broadcast the horror game together to attract popularity.

mea thinks that she should not even be afraid of ghosts when she is angry, emmmm...probably.

Ten minutes later, the audience in the mea live broadcast room found that there was no sound in the live broadcast room.

Chapter 346 Do you have any pigs?

[I can't hear the sound, do you have any pigs? 】

[mea is so cute, but why do you just open your mouth and don't speak]

Many viewers in the live broadcast room became deaf after hearing mea's screams.

Mea, who thought she wouldn't be frightened, also screamed "baabaa". If a DD could hear mea's "baabaa" cry, she would definitely think she was cute.

It's a pity that most DDs can't hear mea's cry.

The best performer in "Hong Kong Ghost Records" among the virtual anchors is Baishang Chuixue, and now she is physically exorcising ghosts under Dongfang Ming's suggestion.

After Jiahui broke into the room, she stood behind the pit and lured Jiahui into the pit. Complete the physical exorcism under the witness of the audience in the live room.

【Can you still play like this? 】

【Learn and learn】

The mechanism of the game is a problem, so the monsters do not have much intelligence, they are stupid, and the horror of the game will be greatly reduced after getting used to the horror.

Therefore, the first chapter of Fubuki Shirakami ended quickly. When she ended, Nanana was still stuck on a few switches, and Pekra was stuck in the same position as the dog mother, "Peko, peko".

Aqua gave up crying, shouting "Uninstallation of "Hong Kong Ghost Record", and kept scolding the game that terrified her. After uninstalling the game, she ran behind me to cheer her on.

mea is still playing horror games, even if she is afraid, but she wants to carry on Aqua's legacy and continue to play.

While everyone was still in the first chapter, Shirakami Fubuki came to the second chapter.

In horror games, she doesn't have much resistance to psychological warfare Baishang Fuxue, especially when she played it for the first time, she was really a little flustered in the office.

Dongfang Ming, who touched Baishang Chuixue, could feel Baishang Chuixue trembling slightly.

Fubuki is afraid. Dongfang Ming thought so, and touched Chuixue's hair with one hand, and patted Chuixue's chest with the other.

"Don't panic."

Because it is the chest of the little fox, when Dongfang Ming was shooting, it was inevitable to shoot the bulging position of the snow.

Feeling the hand on his chest, Baishang Chuixue rolled his eyes at Dongfang Ming, this guy was comforting her, but also taking advantage of her.

"I don't panic..." Shirakami Fukiyuki took a deep breath, she was a Gamer, how could she fall in such a place.

The first chapter ended quickly, there were only two chapters left, and she felt that she could finish this game tonight.

Fortunately, it was the first time she played the game Shirakata Fubuki, and she was still a little scared, but it wasn't enough to frighten her to the point of autism.

In the story of the second chapter, Dongfang Ming explained to DD and Chuixue in the live broadcast room. Baishang Chuixue can return to the meeting in Chinese. She can play this kind of Chinese game. She can't understand things like "six roots". .

Dongfang Ming explained it to Japanese DDs and domestic DDs who don't understand.

The game "Hong Kong Ghost Record" seems to be based on a real story, so it will be really scary if the game content is brought in.

It's a pity, the story is good, the character modeling is not very good. For example, after Jiahui became a ghost, only her face changed, but her beautiful legs still made people linger.

Of the three ghosts, Dongfang Ming felt that the one with a little more terrifying atmosphere was Spider Woman, because looking at her would have a uncanny valley effect.

The third female ghost modeling is not particularly ugly, except for the first face shock and everything is fine.

When Baishang Fuxue came to a password door, Dongfang Ming suddenly came to the spirit, and the ghost in the second chapter was about to officially appear.

Fubuki Shirakami learned the password by looking at the number of masks with cat eyes. After adjusting the password on the lock, she found that the door was not unlocked as she wished.


Fubuki Shirakami looked at the mask of the cat's eye again, and before she could count the masks, a terrifying female mask face appeared in the cat's eye, with her eyes pointed directly at her.

! ! !

Baishang Chuixue's whole body was fried, and Dongfang Ming could feel that Baishang Chuixue almost jumped up in fright just now.

Without any hesitation, seeing the appearance of the ghost Spider Woman in the second chapter, Fubuki Shirakami pulled a gun and ran back.

"Horrible, terrifying, terrifying."

"It's so scary, why did meow suddenly appear there?"

While manipulating the game characters to run, Baishui Chuixue whispered, the DD in the live broadcast room of this small voice pricked up his ears and turned the voice to the maximum, but he couldn't hear it clearly.

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