Carry a Ride-and-slash System with You

: Forty-six, when farming is in progress (6)

It's been a month since Geralt's introduction to the cultivation method, and winter has gone to spring.

There is still a little snow on the ground, but the earth has warmed up and everything has begun to recover.

Since January, Geralt has been working hard every day to increase the energy of his knight's aura. From the beginning, he could only wield three air blows and now he has more than ten times, which is not a big improvement.

"Ha! Ha! Kill!"

The sound echoed in the newly built martial arts arena. Geralt slashed at the wooden dummy again and again with the long knife in his hand. His breath circulated, and another wooden dummy burst apart. It was a mess, there were broken stubble everywhere, and when he was exhausted, Geralt stopped the knife and waited for the maid beside him to hand over the towel.

After Geralt wiped off the sweat, the maid hurriedly handed over the prepared food. After a long time of trying, Geralt found that oatmeal and sugar had the best effect on restoring his stamina.

After taking a few mouthfuls of food, Geralt burped comfortably, and waved to the maid to prepare the bath water, while he slowly breathed his breath and returned to the bedroom on the second floor of the council hall.

"I told Harry that I didn't need someone to serve me, so why didn't I listen, but it's quite comfortable to be served."

On the way back to the room, Geralt muttered to himself as he walked.

The conference hall has been completed. The whole building is made of brick and wood. The square roof and gorgeous decoration are very impressive. The first floor is divided into three structures. The hall is used as a territory to discuss things and receive foreign nobles. The cubicle for the office of the territorial officials, and on the right is the open-air performance venue.

Just now, Geralt practiced his knighthood here. The second floor is Geralt's bedroom, which is divided into a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, and a small cubicle where the servants live. Seventeen and Eighteen's little maids now live here, providing services for Geralt's necessities.

The bath water in the bathroom is ready. A wooden bathtub a few meters long and wide is enough for several people to bathe together, but it belongs to Geralt alone. The maid helps him take off his clothes with a blushing face. Geralt is comfortable. He waded into the bathtub. The source of the hot water was the kitchen next door. Before Geralt practiced, he instructed the maid to cook it.

In order to facilitate Geralt to use water, architect Gaudí dug a water well directly under the kitchen when the main body of the council hall was completed. There is a gap in the kitchen on the second floor with a set of winches on it, which can be used directly here. water.

Throwing away the blushing maid who was standing uneasy, Geralt fell into thought.

This maid was recruited after Geralt and Harry negotiated the purchase of slaves without success. Yes, they were recruited. After the two broke up that day, Geralt was in the training to consolidate the knighthood to Mal. Remember.

Slaves cannot be bought, but what about refugees?

The northern border is chaotic, but the kingdom's harsh taxation has not slowed down. To be precise, it is the taxation of the nobles. Under such strong pressure, there will always be batches of farmers who cannot survive and flee the territory under the aristocratic rule.

Thinking of this, Geralt and Harry discussed it and arranged for cavalry teams to search and rescue refugees in several directions in the area between the northern border and the grasslands. Since January, the effect has been remarkable, and the cavalry teams have come and gone to bring them back. The refugees who have brought nearly 500 people are mainly due to wind and snow blocking the road. In addition, this area is too vast, and it is quite laborious to search. Otherwise, more can be brought back.

Among the 500 people, there are all the old and the weak. Until the winter and spring came under the melting of the wind and snow, Geralt stopped sending people to continue the search for refugees. In the end, the territory got 200 prime-age laborers to fill the various jobs. labor shortages.

The remaining three hundred or so were old and weak, women and children. The older ones could follow the collection team to do some collection tasks within their ability. The women let Geralt's soldiers become homes one by one, and all the children were thrown into the school. After learning the elementary school mathematics knowledge compiled by Geralt, and the most important political course mixed with Geralt's private goods, the territory can be regarded as officially on the right track.

The territory of nearly 1,000 people can be regarded as a large-scale village of 300 households. Even so, it still has not passed the mission of the first stage of the system.

After the labor force was added to the brick kiln, Harry also agreed to the architect Gaudi's approval for a new brick kiln. Now, with the daily throughput of the two brick kilns, the construction of the city wall outside the territory is already underway. The wall is two meters thick and three meters high. The body will consume a lot of bricks. At the request of Gaudí, the members of the manufacturing team adjusted the size of the bricks, and the construction period is in full swing.

Under the planning of Geralt and Harry, the three major projects at the current stage of the territory are the construction of the city wall, the reclamation of the fields, and the logging and burning of charcoal. The winter has passed, and although the weather is not comfortable, it is not like winter. The biting coldness, and the lack of firewood for heating, the members of the logging team felt a lot more relaxed for a while.

The members of the reclamation team also spread out more than 3,000 mu of land during this 100-day uninterrupted reclamation. This was achieved with the help of the curved plough and the horse-drawn plough. There is no way to open up the wasteland. It is difficult. If it is a mature field, a single horse and a curved plough can plow three acres of land a day. Unfortunately, it is only a wasteland now, and it takes a lot of time to clean up the gravel and wood roots.

Of the 3,000 mu of land, 300 mu of land is now planted with winter wheat, and it will be harvested in early The remaining 2,000 mu of land is allocated to corn planting, and the rest is It is the planting land of oats, sugar beet and flax, and the 1,000-mu fields allocated to corn are close to the tributaries. Although corn has strong adaptability, it also has a large demand for water and fertilizer, so the 2,000-mu fields near the tributaries are allocated to the tributaries. corn planting.

The planting of oats has also been put on the agenda. Now that it is spring, the oat seeds are already in the process of raising seedlings. When the seedlings emerge, it is time for planting. From the memory of the previous life, I tried desperately to explore, and finally I remembered some scientific methods of planting oats.

Spread the selected seeds with a thickness of 2-3 cm and dry them for 3-5 days, which can promote the germination of the seeds, improve the germination rate, and make the seedlings emerge in advance. In addition, it can also use the ultraviolet rays of the sun to kill the germs carried on the surface of the seeds and reduce the damage of diseases.

Geralt racked his brains and only thought of this. He handed the method to the farmers who had cultivated the fields for a lifetime, and let them deal with it.

The fields are still being cultivated, so when the corn is planted, I don’t worry about the lack of fields, but even though the first year’s crop yields will not be too high under the irrigation of clinker and manure fed by earthworms.

Speaking of earthworms, with the continuous improvement of the earthworm breeding experience, the breeding room has been expanded from one to twenty, and the clinker the earthworms are handling every day is also increasing sharply. When the weather is warmer, Geralt will arrange for someone It will be more convenient and the output will be further increased if it is directly changed to feeding fields.

The number of chickens has also increased from the original six to more than 20, and now it has expanded to more than 100 under the condition that all three pairs of breeders have brooded. Geralt told the soldiers to pay attention to the health of the chickens. Diseases must be dealt with in time, and I don’t know if it is because of the chickens produced by the system. So far, no disease threat has been found.

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