Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 520: Lay your own sales network [seeking flowers! 】

Putting down the phone, Li Xing's face was full of smiles. Zhu Lu, ha ha, interesting.

"Who?" Lin Yuru was still lying in Li Xing's arms.

"Zhu Lu." Li Xing said with a smile.

"What is he here for? Huh... He still has the face to see you?" Lin Yuru snorted coldly.

"Why don't you have a face? People like them, no matter how embarrassing things are, they will practice speaking black as white and white as black without blinking. Believe it or not? This is such a person. The minimum conditions for survival!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"Is there any proof you said? Well, you wouldn't be like them too?" Lin Yuru looked at Li Xing with a frightened expression.

"What are you thinking about? Although I might be like this in front of others, of course not in front of you!" Li Xing pinched Lin Yuru's nose and said.

The two laughed for a while, and Lin Yuru went out busy. And Li Xing ushered in Zhu Lu.

"Zhu Shao is coming by car, there are missed far to welcome, some missed to welcome!" Li Xing smiled and greeted Zhu Lu into the room, and sat down separately.

"Shao Li, don't you need to be so polite to me? This seems strange!" Zhu Lu smiled, looking no different from before.

In fact, Li Xing knew very well that what happened last time was what happened last time. Although it cannot be said that there is no relationship with Zhu Lu's cooperation. But speaking of it, it doesn't matter much! It has not yet reached the point where Li Xing must terminate the cooperation with Zhu Lu. If you really do this, then the domestic market will soon be turbulent. In the end, Li Xing himself was injured. Well, in a word, we can't have trouble with money, can't we?

So, regardless of the cooperation with Zhu Lu, or the cooperation with Yu Qiu and Bo Jun. Li Xing does not intend to terminate. Of course, as for the large processors, do they have to do it? This is hard to say.

In short, Li Xing can't be regarded as nothing happened, right?

Besides, Li Xing didn't believe that the old guys from the Zhu family, the Yu family, and the Bo family moved so quickly, and they had nothing to do with Zhu Lu, Yu Qiu, and Bo Jun. This is simply impossible.

Zhu Lu smiled, but he smiled bitterly in his heart. When Zhu Lu heard his grandfather say he failed, Zhu Lu didn't believe it. Under unexpected circumstances, this did not succeed?

Moreover, Li Xing broke out of the ninth game of the Central Committee. This makes Zhu Lu very unbelievable, as the princeling of the capital. Zhu Lu knew very well how perverted the group of people in the ninth game of the Central Committee was. Even they can't stop Li Xing? So how strong is Li Xing?

Yes, the actions of the Zhu family, the Yu family and the Bo family are of course inseparable from Zhu Lu, Yu Qiu, and Bo Jun. The first is the cooperation between car exhaust processors and Li Xing. The three companies really realized how big the benefits are. This is still under the premise that the three companies only occupy a small percentage. Then, how much can Xingyi Technology make? It's impossible to say that it is not jealous. You know, that is renminbi calculated in hundreds of billions! Second, the birth of large-scale processors, let everyone see hope, a hope of using high-level power to get this kind of technology. Therefore, Zhu Lu contacted Yu Qiu and Bo Jun. The three of them reflected their opinions. And the three elders above have a little discussion, plus their usual understanding. Action was taken decisively. It can be said that the action is swift and unprepared. But in the end. . . Still failed!

This makes Zhu Lu very depressed!

So, this time Zhu Lu came. Well, it's not here to apologize. It is to imply that Li Xing repairs their relationship. Zhu Lu is very clear that the rift between Li Xing and Zhu Lu is getting bigger and bigger. A series of things are entangled together, causing the current situation.

"Shao Li, I'm very busy during this time, haha, in our generation, Li Shao is the one I admire the most. You don't even know that you are outside, those boys all regard you as an idol. But it's vicious. Give us a lot of face!" Zhu Lu said with a smile.

"Zhu Shao, come here, how can I save them? This is just a little trouble." Li Xing waved his hand and said modestly.

"I'm dizzy, Shao Li, don't bring such a blow to people. If you are still a little trouble, then what are we?" Zhu Lu looked like he was hit hard.

Li Xing laughed haha. Needless to say. The atmosphere is a bit lively.

"Zhu Shao, didn’t you just come to me today to tell me about the past? If so, we have time. You know, I’m really busy here. I’m also surprised when I get up. Prior to this, those countries were very embarrassed. Pay attention to us. Look now, I can't drive away!" Li Xing said with a smile. Well, Li Xing is not very welcome, and Zhu Lu is going directly to the topic.

"Of course it's different now. But, to be honest, the old Mei and the others clamored so much before, Li Shao you just refrained from mentioning this. In the end there will be a Jedi counterattack. It is really admirable!" Zhu Lu Today is'Timing' Li Xing.

"This is not the Jedi counterattack, but a confident, organized, and planned counterattack, okay?" Li Xing rolled his eyes. Well, in this operation, Li Xing was still very satisfied. Besides, in front of Zhu Lu, it is still necessary to show a little arrogance or youthful spirit. Because there are certain things that Li Xing, who is calm and steady, cannot do.

"You! But, Shao Li, I know you are busy. However, this time I am here, I really have something to talk about." The expression on Zhu Lu's face became serious.

"Damn, I knew you wouldn't come to me if you're okay? Hey... Let's talk about it, what the **** is it?" Li Xing rolled his eyes with a very disappointed expression at Zhu Lu.

"Khan, it is wrong to say that. I still miss Li Shao you very much..." Zhu Lu said with a smile.

"Damn, you laugh really horribly. I'm not glass!" Li Xing had a chill, and Zhu Lu's current smile is easily reminiscent of a lens that is not suitable for children.

"..." Zhu Lu was speechless. However, I was wondering why Li Xing had changed a lot? Is it because of the day before yesterday or because of the birth of large processors that made Li Xing's pride rise? Well, the latter is more likely. After all, Li Xing is not even twenty-one years old anyway. Moreover, Li Xing did not grow up in the Tang family. Elite education can't occupy any side with Li Xing at all. So, Li Xing, who was able to maintain a calm and calm before, may be in the face of great success. . . I'm a little proud and don't know the east and the west, right? In addition, this time Li Xing's harvest on the upper level. like. . . This kid has the capital of pride, but well, pride is good, really good. Pride can reveal the flaws!

"That... Li Shao, you see, we are still very happy to cooperate on car exhaust processors, right? Are we also cooperating on large processors?" Zhu Lu said with a smile.

Li Xing frowned, did not answer Zhu Lu's words, but started to think.

Well, it's not that Li Xing wanted to pinch Zhu Lu, even though it had such a meaning. But this is not the main thing. The most important thing is. . . Li Xing no longer wants to adopt a sales strategy such as car exhaust processors. In other words, Li Xing wants to use the promotion of this large processor to establish his own sales system.

Li Xing has a hunch that Xingyi Technology must have its own sales system in order to maximize its benefits in a true sense. Moreover, Li Xing believes in Jiang Yi's later achievements and also requires Xingyi Technology to establish its own sales network. For a large technology company that is constantly developing new products, this is the most basic requirement to achieve the greatest benefits.

Therefore, Li Xing really needs to think about Zhu Lu's proposal.

Seeing Li Xing meditatively silent. Zhu Lu has nothing on the surface. But he kept thinking in his heart. This Li Xing. . . Are you really angry? It seems that he is not completely relieved. Is he really not planning to cooperate?

"Zhu Shao, let’s not tell, I have new ideas on large processors. I want to build a sales network that belongs to Xingyi Technology. It can also be said that a sales network that belongs to our Daxing Group. It is possible for Zhu Shao I have noticed that our Daxing Group does not yet have its own sales network. And the diversified development of our group now has realistic products. This requires us to have a sales network. In this way, we can protect the best interests of our group. I think Shao Zhu should be able to understand this. If there is no sales network that belongs to our own, our group wants to truly develop and grow, it can be said to be empty talk! So, I want to use This opportunity to sell large processors. Lay our own sales network." Li Xing said in a deep voice. At this point, Li Xing did not involve any other factors. It's just the truth.

Zhu Lu frowned. Zhu Lu is the head of the Zhu family’s family economy. Although not involved in politics, Zhu Lu still has a deep understanding of economics. The fact is to analyze what Li Xing said, Zhu Lu couldn't find any fault. What Li Xing said is completely true. An industrial group like Daxing Group. If there is no own sales network for a long time. So, whether in the promotion of products, the maximization of benefits, or the control of the market, there is a big hidden danger. Li Xing is completely correct to think so.

However, it is correct to agree with Li Xing, then Zhu Lu will also lose the opportunity of large-scale processor agency. How many factories are there now? Does a factory without any pollution exist? Well, this is all the market. And this market represents a larger market share than car exhaust processors. Then, it also represents greater and more benefits. To make Zhu Lu just give up like this, it really makes Zhu Lu very unwilling.

but. . . How to convince Li Xing not to have such an idea?

Zhu Lu is now very embarrassed. It should also be said that Zhu Lu can't think of a good way to come out now.

"I envisioned that if I did not use this opportunity to lay the sales network, it would be very difficult to build it in the future. I will use this Dongfeng to completely solve this matter. Then, it is us. It's time for the branches of the group to really start to develop." Li Xing waved his arms excitedly, as if he hadn't seen Zhu Lu's face a little unnatural.

Of course, Li Xing will not tell Zhu Lu, I did it on purpose!

"Shao Li, your idea is very good. However, I think... This kind of idea of ​​yours does not seem to conflict with me in cooperation!" Zhu Lu said slowly.

"How there is no conflict. It's like a car exhaust processor. I take the agency model. Looking at it now, although the processor has been extended to all parts of the country. However, our Daxing Group does not belong to us at all. Sales channels. Actually, in my opinion, this is a failure. What do you mean by not conflicting?" Li Xing asked.

People say that anxiousness can produce wisdom! In the face of Li Xing’s inquiry, Zhu Lu really made Zhu Lu think of a good way when he might completely lose the opportunity to act as a large processor.

"Shao Li, it's like this, um, I won’t say much about other places. Just now I am like the area where you promised to sell car exhaust processors. If you give the large processors to my agent. Then, I can completely The sales outlets of automobile exhaust processors. They are completely transferred to Li Xing. In this way, Shao Li, you can completely build up the outlets in this area without any effort. There is no more effective and efficient way than this, right? , You take care of your brother a little bit on the large processor. Brother, let me take care of the relationship a little bit. Isn't this promotion easy? Isn't this a happy situation for everyone?" Zhu Lu said with a smile. It was also secretly funny, it would be good for Li Xing to really accept such an offer. All the people on the outlets are Zhu Lu's people. In a short period of time, will the outlets still be in the hands of Zhu Lu? Although Li Xing would never allow this to happen. But even for a short period of time, Zhu Lu can find himself the most benefit!

Li Xing's heart moved, to be honest, Li Xing was really tempted. The laying of outlets, if everything starts from scratch, will be very difficult. Looking at the successful examples in the world, which one did not take a long time to finally be realized? If you can directly absorb Zhu Lu's outlets. So, obviously, it will save a lot of time.

As for the tricks Zhu Lu played, Li Xing didn't care, as long as Zhu Lu nodded all the outlets under Li Xing's name, then Li Xing had the means to completely turn these outlets into his own!

—————————————— Make an appointment with the landlord early in the morning, check the house, check the water, check some points, check the gas. Pay money and clean up. Tired all day is almost exhausted. I have to move tomorrow. Then, another big cleaning. . . I am dizzy! This is the first time that Xuhen wrote about this time in the middle of the night. . . However, it was finally updated! call. . . .

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