Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 513: Face-to-face confrontation [seeking flowers! 】

Li Xing was very surprised when he received Tang Long's call. It can also be said to be surprised. . . Do you ask in person? In front of grandpa? Well, there are some different things in it. It seems that the energy of the Tang family is still great. So, what benefits can you get in this one? Li Xing thought for a while. Leaving aside the benefits, Li Xing knew that he couldn't directly mention it. However, Li Xing had made up his mind and must tell everyone that he was not able to move casually. It does not matter whether the Tang family exists or not.

Li Xing really didn't want this situation to happen again.

Of course, Li Xing did not immediately agree to Tang Long. Said to see Shen Jianglong, Chuchuan, Su Yu and Lin Yuru. Tang Long readily agreed.

Lighting a cigarette for himself, Li Xing looked at the scenery of Beijing outside. Thinking slightly.

No matter how far this matter will develop. Li Xing recognized one thing clearly, that is, no matter how big his background is, and no matter how much his background is related to him, he must have a powerful force in his hands. Let alone confrontation, at least it is happening. Under some unexpected circumstances, you can ensure the safety of yourself and those around you.

Just like now, Li Xing is really not sure about guaranteeing his own safety. Especially my own women. This made Li Xing very upset. This also made Li Xing determined to develop his own power. Of course, this kind of development is foreign, it is too difficult not to be discovered in China.

Li Xing looked into the distance. A vague concept gradually emerged.

Half an hour later, in Li Xing's room, Shen Jianglong, Chu Chuan, Su Yu and Lin Yuru appeared intact.

"Sit down!" Li Xing said with a slight smile. The faces of the four of Shen Jianglong still had doubts and lingering smiles.

"Boss... What happened?" Shen Jianglong asked softly.

"It's just a little thing. Now you tell me. Did they do anything excessive?" Li Xing said with a faint smile.

"That's not it!" the four said, shaking their heads together.

"Well, I don’t worry about that. You guys go to rest first, forget what happened today, and assume that nothing has happened. What to do with things in Beijing, or how to deal with them, should be arranged according to our plan. Don’t be affected. Influence. Remember, as long as you follow me, no one can move you!" Li Xing said in a deep voice, his tone very firm.

It is for sure that Shen Jianglong, Chu Chuan and Su Yu have their own ideas. No matter who it is, it is strange if you have not had some thoughts after experiencing such a thing. However, Li Xing believed that the three of Shen Jianglong would not do things that Li Xing did not want to see. At this point, Li Xing is still very confident. Now, the three of Shen Jianglong need time to calm their moods so that this matter will not affect the three of them. As for the rest, everything is normal.

It's funny, according to the identities of the three Shen Jianglong, no matter which country they go to, they will be warmly welcomed, right? But he was treated like this in his own country. I really don't know what some people at the top think.

"Then the boss, let's go take a rest first!" Shen Jianglong and the three stood up and left Li Xing's room. Although the three of them didn't understand what happened, it was clear who Li Xing got them out in a short time. The three of Shen Jianglong had a new understanding of the abilities of their bosses. However, if the three of them know that the hundreds of thousands of troops are on alert because of this, how would they feel?

When the three of Shen Jianglong went out. Li Xing put Lin Yuru in his arms. Lin Yuru's seemingly strong face showed an expression of fear!

Lin Yuru is a woman after all, and she is Li Xing's woman. When there are outsiders, Lin Yuru may be very strong. But when facing Li Xing alone, Lin Yuru couldn't get strong.

Lin Yuru had grievances, worries, fears, and fears in her heart. Therefore, Lin Yuru hugged Li Xing tightly, as if afraid of losing Li Xing, her body was shaking slightly.

Li Xing clearly felt Lin Yuru's trembling. The anger in Li Xing's heart rose unlimited. If a man cannot protect his own woman, is that still a man? Li Xing felt deep self-blame for Lin Yuru's worry, fear and fear.

"Sister Yuru, I'm sorry to shock you." Li Xing said softly.

"You... Are you okay?" Lin Yuru looked at Li Xing and asked worriedly.

Li Xing felt sweet. It turned out that Lin Yuru was worried about herself.

A sweet smile appeared on his face, and Li Xing smiled and said, "Do I seem to have something? Don't worry, it has passed. I swear, this kind of thing will never happen again."

Lin Yuru nodded seriously. Lin Yuru had no doubts about Li Xing's words.

"What the **** is going on?" Lin Yuru is very clear about the power behind Li Xing. Besides, this is still in Beijing. Who has such a big energy to get Li Xing treated like this in Beijing? This is really unthinkable. It's hard to accept and believe.

Could it be. . .

Lin Yuru thought of a terrible possibility. However, he quickly denied it, as if such a possibility was impossible.

Li Xing seemed to understand what Lin Yuru was thinking, and said with a chuckle: "There is nothing wrong with the Tang family. Some people did it without telling the Tang family. Their purpose is to use this method to get our technology. Huh. ...Not to mention they didn't get it, even if they got it, how should they spit it out to me, and how they should spit it out to me."

Li Xing's face was gloomy, his tone was stern, and there was a murderous air surrounding him. It was not that Li Xing had never killed anyone. Therefore, Li Xing is not lacking.

"But it's okay now. I'm going to ask those people in person what they think, if they really want* to force us to leave China. Humph... I want them to lose more than the gains. Sister Yuru, don't worry. Right. It's okay." Li Xing said with a slight smile.

"Well, don't have an accident." Lin Yuru said softly, stroking Li Xing's face, and kissed deeply.

Li Xing got into the car sent by his second uncle Tang Long and left the Beijing International Hotel. Drive all the way into Zhongnanhai. After getting out of the car and walking for a while, I came to a landmark building.

There are only twelve people in the room. Li Xing is familiar with Mr. Tang, Tang Bing, Tang Long and others. . . Ren Lao!

"Li Xing is here. Sit down!" Old Ren said with a smile.

"Thank you, Chief!" Li Xing's face was calm and his tone was respectful, making it hard to see what Li Xing was thinking in his heart.

"Xiaoxing, there are no outsiders here. The only thing that happened is because you, Uncle Zhu, Uncle Yu, and Uncle Bob believe that your Xingyi technology has other sources. Tell me honestly, what is going on? "" Elder Tang said solemnly.

"Yes, grandpa!" Li Xing nodded slightly.

"Uncle Zhu, and Bobo, Bob, and my nephew TOEFL call you uncles. Xingyi Technology’s automobile exhaust processor technology and the current large-scale processor technology are completely managed by one person, namely Xingyi Technology Laboratory Jiang Yi, the leader of the People’s Republic of China, was researched. Jiang Yi is a genius among geniuses. I believe that Jiang Yi developed it himself. There is no other source." Li Xing said in a deep voice, but In the tone, there is no lack of irony to Zhu Dingtian's trio.

"Xiaoxing, haha, can I call you that?" Zhu Dingtian said with a slight smile.

"Uncle Zhu, you are polite, I have a good relationship with Brother Zhu Lu. Of course you can call me that!" Li Xing smiled slightly and said politely, putting himself in the position of a junior. Li Xing now has the upper hand, but it does not mean that Li Xing can act recklessly. Elder Tang can roar, but Li Xing can't lose even the basic etiquette. As for the compensation Li Xing imagined. It is even more impossible to say it in person. However, Li Xing must be able to feel it afterwards.

"Hehe, so Xiaoxing, let me ask you, what do you know about Jiang Yi?" Zhu Dingtian's expression became serious.

"Uncle Zhu, I know Jiang Yi very deeply and deeply. We are very close friends. Even some of his whimsical ideas will be discussed with me. Although I don’t understand, I am very good at being a listener. And Jiang Yi’s research direction is basically formulated by me based on Jiang Yi’s research and market demand. Regardless of Jiang Yi’s past or present, there is no problem." Li Xing said softly, although his voice was very loud. Light, but the tone is very firm. At the same time, his heart was slightly angry. Zhu Dingtian hasn't given up yet? In other words, are you still looking for yourself? However, Li Xing would never satisfy Zhu Dingtian.

"Knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, maybe Jiang Yi has some secrets you don't know!" Zhu Dingtian said with a slight smile.

"As far as I know, Jiang Yi is a true scientific madman. All his thoughts are on research. I don't want any external factors to affect Jiang Yi's research!" Li Xing said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, Xiaoxing, you misunderstood. We don't mean that. You have to know that under the ultra-high technology that has been leading this era for so many years, we have some conjectures, which are still normal. After all, I want to start from Think about the problem from a different perspective. However, I also hope that no matter what status or status in this society, it is a citizen's responsibility to meet the needs of the country. What do you think?" Zhu Dingtian said with a smile.

"I agree with this sentence very much. I am a Chinese and I always remember this. Therefore, as a businessman, I take the product to the country to check it. I believe that my patriotism, It has been well reflected. However, there are always some irresistible things. And these things may be nothing, but in the minds of the parties, they have a great impact. My companions don’t know how to carry out the work. So, I plan to give them a holiday, one is to let them think about how to reimburse the country, and the other is to let them rest. I heard that the scenery of Hawaii is very good. Let them relax, and it is possible to recover!" Li Said with a faint smile.

Zhu Dingtian's faces changed, and they didn't expect Li Xing to say such words.

However, without giving them time to react, Li Xing continued: "I am still very straightforward. In front of so many seniors, I know there are some things I can't say. But I really can't help but say today. I am worried that such a thing will happen again, then, my entire group is estimated to be unable to retain anyone. Because no one dares to work safely in such an environment. I think that as a businessman, I have done a good job I did my duty, and I did my duty on the premise of remembering that I am a Chinese. It’s not that I said some frustrating things. What happened today has dealt a very, very big blow to me. I am serious. I thought about what environment is really suitable for the development of the group. I am not a threat, nor do I have the courage to threaten the country’s top leaders. Perhaps you have your reasons for doing this. But this kind of reason is for me. No. The Beijing International Environmental Conference is not over yet. I think I have to take some measures. For example, let Xingyi Technology's branches spread all over the world, and let Xingyi Technology's factories spread all over the world. Every country. Environmental issues, to put it bluntly, are things that benefit all mankind. Although I am a businessman, I am not unwilling to do something meaningful to mankind. I abide by the law, do not evade taxes, and do not evade taxes. I believe, I am a normal businessman. The businessman is chasing interests. Maybe, I change to do something more beneficial to my interests. Uncle Zhu doubts Jiang Yi’s problem, I understand. But I cannot give Jiang Yi to the country. Because Jiang Yi I'm doing research. I don't want the cup to be interrupted. Sorry, there are many things in the group, and I have to be busy to deal with it. I am a businessman!"

Li Xing said these words, not in his head. The more calm the performance is, the more fearful they are. But what about fear? If next time there are enough benefits to lure, the same thing is not without the possibility of happening again. Therefore, Li Xing let himself behave a little crazy and a little irrational. But in Li Xing's view, this kind of irrationality is more conducive to seizing this opportunity to maximize his own interests. Because, an irrational young man can do anything if he is hot-headed. And this is the purpose of Li Xing.

Even in a face-to-face confrontation, what fear does Li Xing have?

—————————————————————— I went to find a house at noon, and I finally found it, but I have to wait a few days to move. In the afternoon, I planned to code words, but in the afternoon Jinan was thunder and lightning, and I dared not turn on the computer. The rain stopped at four o'clock and the sun turned out again. In a word, this naive **** fucking. . . Haha, this is a chapter, and the remaining 8,000 words will be updated at night!

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