Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 505: The sharpest counterattack [seeking flowers! 】

After the press conference in Japan and Japan became the most concerned global topic in just one day, the press conference of Xingyi Technology attracted strong attention. For a time, Xingyi Technology, Xingyi Automobile The exhaust gas processor has become the most talked about object. This makes Li Xing very happy. It seems that this is the most effective, direct and economical publicity, right? Well, if you just look at this aspect, you should thank some Japanese people. Saved a huge amount of advertising costs for Xingyi Technology. Moreover, the media is still not sparing any effort in propaganda in that way. To be honest, Li Xing liked this kind of publicity. Inexplicably, Li Xing seemed to understand why those celebrities like to have scandals, and even if there were no scandals, they also created scandals for themselves. It turned out to be a free publicity by the media, which is really wonderful!

Of course, these are the questions or expressions raised by Shen Jianglong at the press conference. In the face of Japan's launch of negotiations, there may be an opportunity to lose tens of billions of euros or more of cooperation. No one thought that Xingyi Technology's attitude would be so determined.

Japan does not apologize and will never consider the issue of cooperation negotiations!

The attitude of Shen Jianglong, the attitude of Xingyi Technology, and the attitude of Daxing Group instantly won the hearts of all Chinese who are concerned about this incident. In the final analysis, nine and a half Chinese people have no good feelings about Japan. Moreover, sometimes facing the arrogance of the Japanese can be said to be arrogant. It seems that the response from China is not so intense. Although there are various reasons, it will always give people a slightly aggrieved, slightly unhappy feeling. However, this feeling disappeared in Shen Jianglong's response! It can be said that this alone has made countless Chinese remember Shen Jianglong, remember Xingyi Technology, and remember Daxing Group. Well, in fact, this can be regarded as a kind of propaganda, and it is a propaganda that goes deep into the soul.

Moreover, Shen Jianglong's series of views are also impressive. cost price? Why should I tell you? This is our trade secret, we Xingyi Technology is not a listed company, we have no obligation to let others know our trade secrets. Why is the price so high? How much is the scientific research cost of Xingyi automobile exhaust gas processor, an epoch-making product? The sample, the price is still low. The gap between domestic and foreign? Why is the gap between your products in China and your products in your country so big? Moreover, Shen Jianglong still has the same product quality. In fact, the products sold to China are not as good as those sold in China. Everyone knows this. It can also be said that this is what ordinary Chinese people have the most experience.

Even a situation appeared that Li Xing hadn't expected. Some people even shouted out the slogan against the continued existence of such products with such a large price contrast in our domestic market. Even got a lot of people's response. Some people are calling for people to make a list of such products. Well, the meaning is self-evident, to give him a boycott, playing with the dead!

"Performance is good, very good." Li Xing smiled, not stingy with his praise. Shen Jianglong did really well.

"Hehe... The key is that the boss is supporting us behind your back. If I am not confident yet, what is that?" Shen Jianglong smiled, it seems that Shen Jianglong is also very satisfied with his performance.

"Whether to support or not, we must resolutely strike against our opponents who do everything possible to calculate. We can't regress at all!" Li Xing said with great momentum, waving his big hand.

"Boss, I think we have to figure out how to deal with the reaction of the United States and other countries. They have a premeditated relationship with Japan. Maybe they did not expect that we would hold a press conference so soon, nor did they expect our attitude to be like this. Resolute, but obviously, their counterattack will come soon." Chu Chuan said with a smile.

"Come on, I want to see what they do!" Li Xing said with a smile. Li Xing had already gotten a call from Mr. Tang. Mr. Tang praised Li Xing very much and said he was doing well. Older Ren even called Li Xing for an unprecedented time! Hey, although there are not many words, this one is obvious, let it go, high-level. . . Don't be afraid!

Yes, if you hold such a resource in your hand, if it regresses, that person at the top. . . Hey, I don't deserve to continue sitting in those positions.

Sure enough, before the forty-eight hours of the press conference of Xingyi Technology, more than a dozen countries including the United States and the United Kingdom held press conferences at almost the same time to express their views on Xingyi's automobile exhaust gas processor. It is nothing more than to say that Xingyi Technology’s approach is really incomprehensible. This high price is more like a frantic smashing of money, just to say that Xingyi Technology is stealing money. Moreover, it is said that the emergence of epoch-making technology is the gospel of mankind, and it should not be promoted because of price issues!

Such information is not only disgusting to Li Xing, even all Chinese people are disgusting. Damn, you have the technology and you are hiding it. Even some ordinary technology has been blocked by China. Now that China has the leading technology, you are clamoring about the price increase and promotion. Li Xing really wants to ask them, why don't you promote your technology for free? Well, not to mention free, even if it is paid, or even sold to China at a higher price, China is willing!

In any case, with such voices in the United States and the United Kingdom and other countries, Xingyi automobile exhaust gas processor has instantly become an absolutely global topic. This propaganda effect made Li Xing laugh from ear to ear.

"Haha, fight, fight, the effect of the publicity these days is better than the effect we spent hundreds of millions of dollars on!" Li Xing smiled happily, and gave Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue a bad smile.

"How do you think about it?" Lin Yuru frowned.

"How to deal with it, silence... The more we are silent, the more intense their discussion. Our reputation will be higher. This kind of propaganda, haha, I am excited when I think of this!" Li Xinghaha Said with a big laugh.

"It depends on how you feel like a villain. Are you thinking about announcing the big processor at the Beijing International Environmental Conference?" Gu Tianxue said with a smile.

"Wife Tianxue who knows me, this is our sharpest counterattack. Wait, I really want to see what kind of expressions the United States will have when they know that we have large-scale processor technology. I I even look forward to the United States and the United Kingdom being able to say not to introduce Xingyi car exhaust gas processors within this period of time. That would be even more fun!" Li Xing blinked his eyes and said with a smirk.

"You never thought, will the number of countries coming to Beijing to participate in the meeting be reduced a lot after such a disturbance?" Lin Yuru said softly.

"The reduction is certain. Countries such as the United States, Britain and Japan will never participate. They are eager to see our meeting fail. However, those countries that cooperate with us in Germany will definitely come? That is enough. And, there is A lot of media, their pens, but very powerful!" Li Xing said with a smile. The sharpest counterattack always erupts after silence!

"Think about it. The United States has the largest number of cars in the world, but in reality, in order to reduce the emissions of car air pollution, the United States has not only adopted the advice of encouraging citizens to drive private cars as little as possible, but even offended them. Those car manufacturers, what does this show, that car pollution is already a serious problem that plagues the United States. How long can they survive? Britain, in order to control the number of private cars of citizens, well, it should be citizens How often do we use private cars. Raise oil prices to a very high level. It is nothing more than to reduce car exhaust pollution. Moreover, the pollution in the United Kingdom seems to be more serious than that in the United States. Japan, Japan’s pollution is equally serious, even they You have to think about what will happen if the pollution continues to increase and what natural disasters will happen in Japan. So, we don’t have to worry about these. However, Russia is a bit fun, and there is still no voice. Well, maybe they recognize what Come on. But speaking of it, Russia’s pollution is the most localized. They are not so eager. In fact, these are not the most important things. The most important thing is that the people of these countries want to change the environment. There is another point. Even their country feels capitalism. Some people, don’t they see that they can make a lot of money on Xingyi car exhaust gas processor? Therefore, they are just making trouble, and ultimately fail, they are destined to be!" Li Xing talked very confidently.

Of course, with Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue, it is very abnormal to keep talking about this topic. It is more practical to discuss the mysteries of the human body with the two of you, and to study the problem of exercise.

The silence of Xingyi Technology made everyone not understand. However, in the eyes of countries such as the United States, Xingyi Technology felt the heavy pressure. So thinking about this issue.

Therefore, countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, um, and small Japan, this group has frequently expressed opinions on this issue in formal and informal occasions. Slowly, it even developed to the point where Xingyi Technology would be the sinner of mankind if it did not lower the price. However, countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have not published any remarks that Xingyi Technology will never introduce it without giving a reasonable price! This disappointed Li Xing, who had been paying attention.

People in China do not understand why Xingyi Technology, which is very tough in the face of such a situation, has no voice at all now. Is it really impossible to hold on under this pressure? Many ordinary Chinese thought very sadly. Invisible, in the hearts of ordinary people, Xingyi Technology now completely represents China's face problem.

The domestic media frantically asked to interview the managers of Xingyi Technology and even the managers of Daxing Group. However, none of the media interviews succeeded, and everyone in the Daxing Group remained silent.

Perhaps the silence of Xingyi Technology has made Russia feel something, perhaps, Russia has never thought about standing on the same front with the United States and Britain. Anyway, Russia has announced that it will participate in the international environmental conference in Beijing.

In this silence, Li Xing and his party came to Beijing. The international environmental conference will be held in Beijing soon!

Although the United States, Britain, and Japan have indicated that they will not participate. However, the participation of Germany, Russia, South Korea, Italy and other countries, as well as the current environment and the discussions that have caused it, did not affect the attention of this international environmental conference. Even more attention than before.

Tang family, in Tang Long's study. Tang Long and Li Xing sat relaxed.

"Second uncle, don't worry, just wait to see how their faces change in the United States and the United Kingdom. Prices... Hmph, I just want to make their money." Li Xing said with a smile.

"Hey... It's really not easy for our country to have such a leading and crucial technology. If it is still not well grasped, it is really a bit unreasonable. You can do it with confidence. I also want to see it. America and their faces!" Tang Long said seriously. In fact, Tang Long knew in his heart that doing so might make the United States and their blockade of China more stringent. But what's the matter? Isn't it so many of their blockades don't exist? Since this kind of blockade exists no matter what the circumstances, why should we worry about this? Tang Long couldn't help being angry when he thought of the opinions of some people at the top. Fortunately, there are more people supporting Xingyi Technology now.

"Second uncle, I can not only do this. Moreover, your political capital, I will also achieve it for you." Li Xing blinked and said with a smile.

Tang Long smiled. Tang Long is so caring, on the one hand because Li Xing is from his own family. On the other hand, this is also a good political capital for Tang Long!

The Beijing International Environmental Conference was held amidst a lot of discussions. In fact, there are not many new ideas. It is nothing more than discussing the environmental issues facing the world, especially the atmospheric environmental issues. Express various concerns and so on.

Of course, it is indispensable to talk about the great invention of Xingyi Technology. Well, the countries that come here are all countries that have introduced or are about to introduce Xingyi car exhaust gas processors. Of course, there is no shortage of praise.

However, the most concerned thing is that Xingyi Technology announced that there will be heavyweight information to be released to the world. This has raised the appetite of everyone. Those who are interested do not know what this heavyweight news is. But obviously, this is Xingyi's counterattack against the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries!

However, they didn't know that this was Li Xing's sharpest counterattack!

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