Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 492: Meet Gu Xing again [Three more flowers! 】

Li Xiangrong finally left. Ten days is too short. Moreover, before leaving, Li Xiangrong had to deal with many things. Therefore, the time really spent with Li Xing is not much. But every night, Li Xing would go to accompany Li Xiangrong unknowingly, which was a bit more comforting for Li Xiangrong.

When Li Xiangrong left, Li Xing didn't send it off. After all, the people who sent it off were official figures. After Li Xing left, people would inevitably make irresponsible remarks. Although Li Xing doesn't care, the extra trouble is really unnecessary, isn't it?

Li Xiangrong was promoted. This is something everyone knows, and Li Xiangrong's direct line has also won a good position. Li Xiangrong adjusted the position for several confidants as a transferr, and he was in line with the usual. This is the rule in officialdom. It's a "hidden rule"!

Li Xiangrong is gone, so Gu Changuang is also here.

Gu Changuang, who had been socializing for a day, came to his residence. The exhaustion of the body can not offset the exhaustion of the psychological at all. Although I understand that the entire mountain province is in a situation where no water can enter, this is even more so in Jecheng. But Gu Changuang never expected that Jicheng would be so strong. Gu Changuang tried for a whole day today, not only didn't get a little bit of gain, but even made himself a mess!

If it were in the city before being transferred, Gu Changuang would have been angry long ago if someone talked to him like this. But in this Jicheng, Gu Changuang couldn't make it out even though there was fire.

"I don't do anything, just do what I have to do, and get some political achievements. The Zhu family has no idea of ​​getting involved in Shan Province. If I have such an idea, it would be too overwhelming!" Gu Chan dimly Thinking about it.

"I'm back!" Although Gu Changuang's wife Lin Meiling is in her forties, she is well maintained. Originally, Lin Meiling's job transfer was not fast. But everything was settled long ago. Therefore, when Gu Changuang took office, Lin Meiling was also transferred. Worked at the Jicheng Health Bureau as the deputy director.

"Well, how about Xiaoxing?" Gu Changuang said, sitting tiredly on the sofa, rubbing his eyes.

"Let's go out. I just came to Jicheng, I'm afraid I want to see the scenery of Jicheng." Lin Meili hung up Gu Changuang's clothes and said softly, "How do you feel today?"

"What else? There is no one around me. If I hadn't brought the secretary personally, I'm afraid I wouldn't even have a speaker." Gu Changuang said with a wry smile. He took the post of Secretary of the Jicheng Municipal Party Committee, but Gu Changuang did not serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Shan Province. This is the result of the above discussion. Although Gu Changuang regrets, but there is no way.

"Similar to the situation I encountered, even the Health Bureau can't leak the needles. How tight is Jecheng?" Lin Meiling said with a wry smile.

"Haha, didn't you think of this situation a long time ago? Isn't it the same in the rear of Old Zhu's house? This is very normal. Anyway, I came to Jecheng this time not to open up the situation, but It's gilding. Now Jicheng is a good place to make political achievements. In just one year, Jicheng has provided a large number of middle-level cadres for the Tang family. It's really amazing!" Gu Changuang said with a sigh.

"There is a good nephew in the old Tang family. Then Li Xing is too capable of tossing, and tossing and tossing, not only made a lot of money, but also constantly pushed himself to a high position. It is really amazing. I heard that Li Xing was only twenty years old. I don't know what's magical!" Lin Meiling said with a helpless smile.

"I can't help but admire this Li Xing. Moreover, I believe that in the best five years, Jecheng will develop rapidly. I will definitely be transferred after staying here for at most a year and a half. For the precipitation of the city, the Tang family can completely rely on this two cadres who have stepped out of the ministerial level. You really can't underestimate it." Gu Changuang said in sympathy.

"However, what do you think of the contradiction between Xiaoxing and Li Xing?" Lin Meiling said softly.

"Is that stinky guy acting like a baby to you again? It's not that I said you, you can't spoil him like that anymore. See what he looks like now? Let alone embarking on an official career, completely becoming a young man , Second generation ancestor. Compared with Li Xing, it is really incomparable. Don’t mention this matter again. I plan to meet Li Xing tomorrow. I apologize for that matter in person. Hey... Now it’s not a matter of our carelessness. , It’s the question of whether Li Xing wants to let us stay peacefully in Jicheng to collect our political achievements. When I came, Zhu Dashao talked to me about this Li Shao, Zhu Dashao told me and Li Xing It’s best not to play any tricks or offend him when communicating. Otherwise, I won’t be able to stay in Jecheng at all. I didn’t believe it. But today I have to see Jecheng like this. Believe it!" Gu Changuang said helplessly.

"That's it? Let me talk about Xiaoxing. Hey... Xiaoxing was beaten, but we are helpless!" Lin Meiling sighed.

"Don't say that. Don't we still know what your son is like? I don't expect anything from him now. I just hope that everything will be fine if he doesn't cause me trouble. The conflict with Li Xing, no need I want to know that it’s Xiaoxing’s fault. Besides, even if Li Xing is in trouble with Xiaoxing. What can we do? Li Xing, it’s not that we can afford it. If I go my own way, then the Zhu family may give up. Me. After all, I haven't reached the level of being an official in Xinjiang, and I won't get the full support of the Zhu family!" Gu Changuang sighed and said, "So, you have to take care of Xiaoxing."

Lin Meiling is not an officialdom idiot. On the contrary, very wise. Gu Changuang's words, what is there that Lin Meiling doesn't understand?

Gu Xing drove the car fast on the street.

When she saw a beautiful woman, she whistled to her. A face is swaying.

"My dad is now the secretary of the Jicheng City Committee. Then Li Xing's industry is in Jicheng? Humph... I'm going to find trouble every day, I see what he can do." Gu Xing secretly Thinking, in Gu Xing's view, his father is the top leader of Jicheng, then the whole Jicheng is his father's world, then, it is his Gu Xing's world!

I have to say that Gu Xing is indeed a second generation ancestor, and he is still a second generation ancestor of no level! With such an idea, can you still count on how clever Gu Xing is?

Li Xing drove Ren Xiaoqiu to the villa.

Ren Xiaoqiu has always lived in a villa. She couldn't live in the laboratory building like Chen Ruomin. For Ren Xiaoqiu, studying perfume is just his hobby, not his own work. In fact, Ren Xiaoqiu may not even think about work.

Li Xing knew this, so he didn't ask for anything about Ren Xiaoqiu. Moreover, Li Xing sometimes thinks, perhaps, it is precisely because of Ren Xiaoqiu's casual characteristics that these eight perfumes were born, right? Pay special attention to it, but there will be no gain.

"Hey, why has Chen sister been listless these days? I didn't even do research. I was in a daze all day. What happened?" Ren Xiaoqiu has become very good friends with Chen Ruomin. Recently, Chen Ruomin's Of course Ren Xiaoqiu knew the abnormality.

Li Xing is also very helpless Chen Ruomin's current situation, it has been ten days in a row. Chen Ruomin was completely in a state of contemplation. I'm afraid I don't understand it, it won't return to normal.

Li Xing felt a little regretful. If Chen Ruomin always looks like this, it would be really bad. I'm afraid it will ruin Chen Ruomin's life. This is not what Li Xing wants to see.

"Maybe thinking." Li Xing said with a smile.

"Thinking? What kind of thinking can reach this level?" Ren Xiaoqiu blinked and said in confusion.

"I don't know about this. Maybe it's scientific thinking. You know, compared to you, Sister Chen is a real scientist!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"Cut... I said it sucks, so who is very pleased to see those eight perfumes?" Ren Xiaoqiu stuck out his tongue and said in an angry tone. Since this time. Ren Xiaoqiu really became acquainted with Li Xing, and he spoke a lot more casually. Slowly, even Ren Xiaoqiu's personality also changed. In fact, it can't be regarded as a change, but Ren Xiaoqiu's original character was suppressed, and now it is finally released.

"Hehe, you are great, Xiao Qiu is a real great scientist, right?" Li Xing said with a smile.

"It's a reluctant face. But for the sake of your honesty, this lady can forgive you." Ren Xiaoqiu waved his hand and said generously.

"By the way, Grandpa called and said that Master is coming to Jecheng to see me in the past two days. You will go to pick up Master with me at that time!" Ren Xiaoqiu said with a smile.

"Aunt Xuemei is coming? Well, of course. My woman's master, why wouldn't I go to meet him?" Li Xing said with a smile.

"I hate you!" Ren Xiaoqiu gave Li Xing a look, his face slightly flushed. Ren Xiaoqiu is full of shyness every time it comes to this topic. Compared with the generosity that Ren Xiaoqiu just met, there is a big difference.

"But, really, if Aunt Xuemei is coming. Will you tell me that Master will also come back? After all, the two of them can't go on anymore. I didn't know before, but now that I know, then I can't leave it alone. . The happiness of masters is also our responsibility as apprentices?" Li Xing said seriously.

"Well, I think it's necessary. I don't want to see Master continue to be so lonely anymore. Master lives alone in the mountains and is very lonely. I used to be with her, but now there is no one to accompany her. , Master must be very lonely." Ren Xiaoqiu said in a deep voice. As if thinking of the loneliness of his master, Ren Xiaoqiu's eyes were a little red.

"Don't worry, under our arrangement, there will be no problems at all. I don't know what will happen when my master and your master meet? It's really worth looking forward to. "Li Xing said with a smile.

"Hehe, yeah, I want to give Master a surprise!" Ren Xiaoqiu giggled, her mood changed quickly enough.

"I will contact Master as soon as possible!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"Car!" Ren Xiaoqiu just wanted to say something with a smile. Suddenly looked forward. His face turned pale immediately. There was an exclamation.

Li Xing withdrew his gaze from Ren Xiaoqiu. As soon as I looked ahead, I heard Ren Xiaoqiu's scream. However, now Li Xing has no time to pay attention to Ren Xiaoqiu's screams. But the realm of different space is activated instantly. Covered the entire car. Then abruptly moved a distance. But even so, it was still a bit stuck by a sports car. Let the car shake for a while. Fortunately, Li Xing has the protection of a different space, and Li Xing has not suffered any harm. However, the deep depression on the door confirms how dangerous it was just now. If it weren't for Li Xing's use of the space domain to move a certain distance. If this is directly hit, although the opponent will feel uncomfortable. But Li Xing's car will definitely be scrapped. Even get hurt!

Li Xing's heart was full of anger. I immediately thought of who this is a conspiracy against himself, right?

"Xiao Qiu, stay in the car, I'll go down and take a look." Li Xing said with a gloomy face as the car behind stopped.

Ren Xiaoqiu just lost his temper for the accident just now. After all, Ren Xiaoqiu is a gas trainer anyway, and the panic is no longer there.

"I'll go down with you!" Ren Xiaoqiu immediately unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car with Li Xing.

"How the **** did you drive?" Li Xing and Ren Xiaoqiu just got out of the car and walked in front of the Ferrari sports car. When Li Xinggang felt that the car was a bit familiar, a familiar arrogant voice rang.

Li Xing's face immediately became gloomy.

Gu Xing! This person turned out to be Gu Xing!

Gu Xing also saw Li Xing now. I opened my mouth and wanted to curse again, but I couldn't open my mouth. Although Gu Xing hated Li Xing, he could not wait to eat Li Xing. But when facing Li Xing by himself, he completely lost that fierceness. It was replaced by deep fear.

"That's how the **** you drove, right?" Li Xing's face sank, stepped forward, and slapped Gu Xing **** the face. This slap was very loud, and Li Xing didn't have any strength. He even punched out Gu Xing's teeth.

"You... Do you dare to hit me? Me... My father is now the secretary of the Jicheng City Party Committee. You... Wait, my father will definitely not let you go!" Gu Xing has deep eyes in his eyes. Deep fear, more resentment.

"Huh... Secretary Gu has a son like you. It's really sad. Don't let me go? Well, I won't let you go now." Li Xing said with a narrow eye. Gu Xing made repeated provocations. The first lesson will be over. But this time. Almost killed himself and Ren Xiaoqiu. This is no small matter!

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※Chapter three, please ask for flowers support!

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