Carefree Life in the World of Film and Television

Chapter 131 Chen Qianqian’s worries

Jiang Chen didn't speak.

He was hesitating.

He has nothing to lose by helping Chen Qianqian.

Unless Jiang Nansun or Shi Yi saw it.

However, that is unlikely.

But it doesn't do him any good either.

At most, she can only interact closely with Chen Qianqian.

But, this isn't what he wants.

Jiang Chen, how do you agree? Chen Qianqian hesitated when she saw Jiang Chen, and she had more or less guessed what Jiang Chen was thinking.

You should know that it is impossible for me to sell Hermès shares, even if you marry me. Jiang Chen looked at Chen Qianqian and said: I think if it weren't for the Hermès shares in my hands, your father would not want to see me at all. If What should I do if I go to see him with you today and talk about this matter? If he tells me that if I don’t sell Hermès shares to him, he will not allow me to associate with you, how do you think I should answer?

Then we won't date each other. We will be clean by then. Chen Qianqian said matter-of-factly.

What about my reputation? Do you think your father will not spread the news about my rejection? Then he will say that Jiang Chen abandoned the woman he liked for Hermès shares, which is ruthless. When the time comes, you guys If there is no loss, who will be responsible for the loss of my reputation? Jiang Chen said.

for this I……

Chen Qianqian was speechless.

She didn't think much about it at all.

Chen Qianqian, you think things are too simple. Jiang Chen said without mercy: You should refuse this matter from the beginning, instead of hesitating until it gets out of hand.

Then what should we do now? Chen Qianqian was really embarrassed.

Jiang Chen has made the matter so clear. Logically speaking, she should take responsibility for this matter. However, before Jiang Chen arrived, she had already called Chen Bin and said that Jiang Chen would go.

If Jiang Chen doesn't go now, bad information about him will probably come out of Chen Bin's mouth!

You won't tell your dad in advance that I will go, right? Jiang Chen reacted when he saw Chen Qianqian's look.

Chen Qianqian smiled sheepishly.

Chen Qianqian, I'm really yours, I'm sure of you. Jiang Chen was angry and funny.

Jiang Chen, please help me. Chen Qianqian hesitated and said, No big deal, no big deal...

What's the big deal?

At worst, I'll help you get Jiang Lai. Haven't you always been interested in her? Chen Qianqian said.

But now I'm suddenly interested in you. Jiang Chen held Chen Qianqian's chin with his right hand, looked at her, and said, I wonder if you would like to follow me for a while.

Jiang Chen...

Chen Qianqian's expression changed.

Jiang Chen didn't mean to follow her as a virgin, but he wanted her to be his woman.

Aren't you willing? Jiang Chen asked.

Jiang Chen, you are forcing someone to make things difficult for you, and there is no way I can agree to it. Chen Qianqian refused coldly.

She is not a casual woman.

Being taken advantage of by Jiang Chen was already her limit, so naturally it was impossible for Jiang Chen to go further.

Okay, I agree to go with you to see your dad today. Jiang Chen said.

What? Chen Qianqian was stunned.

I said I agreed. Jiang Chen said.

But I didn't agree to your request. Chen Qianqian didn't understand. Shouldn't Jiang Chen become angry after she refused? Now what's going on? As if you were happy to be rejected?

If you agree, it means you are that kind of casual woman. I will look down on you. How could I follow you to see your father? Jiang Chen said.

However, Jiang Chen didn't think so in his heart.

Chen Qianqian said this, which means that it is difficult to take this opportunity to capture Chen Qianqian. It also increases the challenge.

For Jiang Chen, it was too easy to win over Chen Qianqian and he lost interest.

After all, with his status, not to mention going to clubs, but also going to places like Shanghai University, those school beauties who are eager for money, I am afraid they only need a word from him to follow him.

To him, the process is more important than the result.

The challenge is fun.


Chen Qianqian didn't know what Jiang Chen was thinking, nor did she know that even though she refused, Jiang Chen was even more eyeing on her.

Let's go shopping first. Jiang Chen said.

Buying something? What to buy? Chen Qianqian asked.

Does my hairy son-in-law come to the door empty-handed? Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, what nonsense... Chen Qianqian couldn't say the last two words.

Didn't you make this happen? Jiang Chen smiled and pulled Chen Qianqian towards his Bentley Mulsanne: It's already very late, let's hurry up.

My dad likes to drink tea, and my mom... Chen Qianqian also understood that time was tight, so she started talking immediately.

An hour later, Jiang Chen drove to the door of Chen Qianqian's house.

Different from the one in the play, Chen Qianqian lives in a villa.

finally reached.

Jiang Chen looked at Chen Qianqian: Are you ready?


Chen Qianqian took a deep breath and said, I'm fine.

While talking, Chen Qianqian was about to open the car door and leave.

At this time, Jiang Chen grabbed her.

What's the matter?

Chen Qianqian turned to look at Jiang Chen.

You can't do this. Anyone with a discerning eye can see it at a glance, let alone someone like your parents. Jiang Chen said.

Why not? Chen Qianqian didn't understand.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, but pulled Chen Qianqian over and held her in his arms.

Jiang Chen, what are you doing?

Chen Qianqian struggled, and crimson appeared on her face.

Yes, that's it...

Jiang Chen said with a smile: You are bringing your boyfriend home. Even if it is fake, others don't know. What you want is this shy feeling.


Chen Qianqian wanted to be angry, but Jiang Chen's words made sense, and she couldn't get angry even if she wanted to.

Let's go.

Jiang Chen got out of the car.

Chen Qianqian took a deep breath and got out of the car.

In the living room, Chen Bin and his wife were already waiting.

Jiang Chen, right?

The moment he saw Jiang Chen, Chen Bin immediately came up to him: I've wanted to see you for a long time, and I finally met you today.

Hello, uncle. Nice to meet you.

Jiang Chen said quickly: Actually, I also wanted to visit uncle earlier, but Sissy feels that we haven't known each other for long, so it's not time to visit you yet.

... Chen Qianqian.

When did she say this?

This Jiang Chen is indeed not a good guy, and he always lies.

Uncle, I heard from Sissi that you like drinking tea, so I bought you a bag of tea. Jiang Chen handed the gift in his hand to Chen Bin.

What gifts are you bringing here? Chen Bin took the tea with a smile.

Auntie, I prepared this for you. Jiang Chen handed a gift box to Mother Chen.

Jiang Chen, you are too polite.

The four of them started chatting after they sat down.

Although it was the first time to meet Chen Bin and the others, Jiang Chen was not nervous at all. He was like a good friend and they quickly chatted together.

Jiang Chen's humorous language made Chen Bin and his wife fall in love with him when they met him for the first time.

Jiang Chen.

At this time, Chen Bin said: I heard that you have shares in Hermès?

Uncle, you are right. I have Hermès shares in my hands. I managed to buy them using my connections. My company was short of funds before, so I used them for mortgage loans, Jiang Chen said.

Have they all been used for mortgage loans? Chen Bin was stunned.


Jiang Chen nodded and said: My company has a lot of investments and I have investments in all aspects, so I can only get mortgage loans.

I heard before that the Jiang family asked you to buy Hermès shares, but you didn't sell them? Chen Bin asked.

So uncle also knows about this? Did Qianqian tell you? Jiang Chen glanced at Chen Qianqian and said: Actually, even if I didn't take out the mortgage loan, I wouldn't have been able to sell these shares. Because I was buying these shares in the first place. When buying shares, I had an agreement with the Hermès family to ensure that these shares would not be sold within five years.”

This is Jiang Chen's way of dealing with Chen Bin.

Neither Chen Bin nor anyone else could go to the Hermès family for verification.

I see.

Chen Bin was a little disappointed when he heard this, but he could understand it.

After all, this kind of thing happens all the time when trading stocks.

Jiang Chen, it is not easy to buy Hermès shares. Chen Bin said.

It's not easy, let alone snatching food from a tiger's mouth. Jiang Chen smiled and said, Fortunately, I succeeded and I didn't lose face.

Jiang Chen, when did you and Qian Qian meet? Mother Chen asked from the side.

Oh, it was last year.

Jiang Chen said: I had just started my company at that time, and I happened to go to Sissi's shop to buy a car. From the first moment I saw Sissi, I felt that I fell in love with her at first sight. Later, after meeting Sissi in the mall, I couldn’t help but pursue her.”

Chen Qianqian rolled her eyes after hearing this.

She almost believed Jiang Chen's nonsense.

However, the first two times he met Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen had evil intentions.

As for love at first sight, it is impossible.

It is very possible to be aware of [color].

Sissi is getting old too, it's time to get married. Mother Chen was the mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at her, the more satisfied she became.

Mom! Chen Qianqian couldn't help it. If she continued, she might talk about registering her marriage.

Fortunately, the nanny had already prepared the meal.

Jiang Chen, come, let's have a drink. Chen Bin said.

Uncle, I respect you. Jiang Chen said quickly.

Dinner passed while drinking and chatting.

Jiang Chen was drinking with Chen Bin while dealing with Chen Bin and Chen's mother's problems.

Fortunately, Chen Qianqian was there to help, otherwise, Jiang Chen wouldn't be able to cope with it at all.

After the meal, Jiang Chen felt dizzy.

Jiang Chen, how are you?

Chen Qianqian came over.

She saw Chen Bin pouring wine just now.

A little dizzy. Jiang Chen frowned, glanced at Chen Bin not far away, and asked, Is your dad okay?

What can happen to you? Chen Qianqian complained a little. After all, it was Chen Bin who poured wine into Jiang Chen. It would be fine if Jiang Chen was her boyfriend, but that's not the point. She doesn't know how to face Jiang Chen now.

Sissi, Jiang Chen drank a little too much, take him to have a rest. Mother Chen said.

Take him to rest? Where? Chen Qianqian was stunned.

Go to your room, where else can you go. Mother Chen said matter-of-factly.


Chen Qianqian was dumbfounded.

Go to her room?

Aren't you afraid that Jiang Chen would cause chaos after drinking?

By the way, in the eyes of Chen Bin and the others, Jiang Chen is her boyfriend. Coupled with Jiang Chen's net worth, maybe they want something to happen to them.

Now, Chen Qianqian was in a dilemma.

Do you want me to help you? Mother Chen said.

Need not……

Hearing what Chen's mother said, Chen Qianqian knew that she couldn't escape from this matter. The reason why Jiang Chen drank so much was because of Chen Bin. Now that she was feeling unwell, she couldn't ignore it.

Immediately, he helped Jiang Chen and headed towards his room.

After arriving in the room, Chen Qianqian asked Jiang Chen to sit on the small sofa.

Jiang Chen, I'll get you some hangover medicine. Chen Qianqian left the room after saying that.

Jiang Chen glanced at Chen Qianqian's back, and then looked at the bed in the room.

This is Chen Qianqian’s bed!

It's better to take a nap.

Although Jiang Chen drank a lot today, he was not drunk and could recover as long as he took a rest. However, when he came to Chen Qianqian's room, how could he not sleep on Chen Qianqian's bed?

At that moment, he stood up, walked over, and lay down.

The bed is soft and fragrant.


Jiang Chen closed his eyes and felt it.

At this time, footsteps sounded.

Chen Qianqian is here.

Jiang Chen, why are you...

Chen Qianqian was shocked when she walked into the room.

Why she let Jiang Chen sit on the small sofa just now was because she didn't want Jiang Chen to touch her bed.

Get up, get up.

Chen Qianqian placed the water glass and hangover medicine on the table next to her, and then went to pull Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen looked at Chen Qianqian.

Get up quickly. Chen Qianqian took Jiang Chen's hand and wanted to pull Jiang Chen up, but how could she, a girl, pull Jiang Chen up.

I'm just going to take a nap. Jiang Chen said.

This is my bed, you can't sleep on it. Chen Qianqian said.

It doesn't matter, I don't mind. Jiang Chen said.

... Chen Qianqian.

She minds.

Jiang Chen, get up quickly, do you hear me? Chen Qianqian continued to pull Jiang Chen.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen used his strength to pull Chen Qianqian over.


When Chen Qianqian reacted, she was already in Jiang Chen's arms, and Jiang Chen's arms were surrounding her.

Jiang Chen, let me go... Chen Qianqian's expression changed.

The looks of the two of them were so...ambiguous.


Not only did Jiang Chen not let go of Chen Qianqian, he turned over and pressed her under him.

Jiang Chen, you, don't mess around...

At this time, Chen Qianqian panicked, and she was even more worried.

Everyone in the family knew that Jiang Chen was her boyfriend. Even if she yelled at this time, no one would come to save her. Chen Bin even wished that she had a relationship with Jiang Chen.

After all, in Chen Bin's eyes, Jiang Chen is young and promising because of his ownership of Hermès shares, and is the best son-in-law.

Sissi, you are so beautiful.

Jiang Chen looked at Chen Qianqian and slowly lowered his head...

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