Capture the Jade

Chapter 105: [Bruly counting three shifts] You didn't...

Seeing that it was getting late, Lin Chengyou got up to leave.

Fearing that he would make a noise when he turned over the window, he did not remove the kid when he left, but told Teng Yuyi how to send the kid away, and asked her to withdraw after he left.

The two walked to the window, Lin Chengyou turned to look at Teng Yuyi and said, "Do you know what to do?"

"I know." Teng Yuyi just listened carefully, and hurriedly repeated the method as it was.

Lin Chengyou thought for a while: "Almost."

Nie glanced at Teng Yuyi, and said again: "Wuwei, you are considered half a layman in Qingyunguan. It's time to learn to perform these simple Daoist methods by yourself. After I go out, I will wait on the roof beam, if you do well , It means that you have already started, so next time I will take you to get rid of troubles and have no worries. If you do not do well, it means that the heat is still poor, and I am also very afraid of being dragged back. I will have to wait for a while to take you to get rid of troubles. waited."

Hearing this, Teng Yuyi hurriedly said with all her strength, "The prince will just watch."

Lin Chengyou smiled in his heart, and quickly turned out the window. Without further ado, Teng Yuyi hurriedly ignited the talisman left by Lin Chengyou with the fire, muttering words, first sent away the little ghost outside the window, then sent away the little ghost outside the door, and finally cleaned the door and the window crevice to remove the soul powder.

After doing all this, Teng Yuyi looked down at Xuanyinling on her wrist, Xuanyinling no longer shook gently, which showed that she successfully sent all the little devils away.

She knew that Lin Chengyou had not gone far, and she wished she could happily shout out the window: I did a good job, right?

Lin Chengyou held his breath as the cat sat on the eaves, and smiled when he saw it, his figure was vertical, and he fell into the night lightly.

While grooming, Teng Yuyi could feel her sister's suspicious eyes from time to time. When the two of them went to bed, she really asked her, "Have you and Shizi got rid of trouble together?"

Teng Yuyi nodded. She couldn't tell her sister that she was doing this for the sake of earning merit, so she said vaguely, "Two little Taoist priests dragged me there. It just so happened that I've been running into evil recently, and I feel that learning some Taoism is very beneficial to me. So I went along."

Du Tinglan put one hand under her right face, and the other hand tucked the quilt for her sister: "Didn't you see that Lin Chengyou likes you?"

Teng Yuyi was taken aback.

"Think about it, if he didn't take your business seriously, how could he rush over as soon as he heard that something happened to the academy?"

Teng Yuyi opened his mouth in surprise: "But this is what we agreed in advance. Lin Chengyou is a person who keeps promises and promises—"

"I'm taking you to get rid of troubles to fulfill the contract? You don't know Taoism, so wouldn't he be a drag on taking you?"

Teng Yuyi was stunned, and at the same time, a very strange feeling of throbbing poured out of his heart. This feeling can not be considered unfamiliar. It had come to mind before, but each time it only stayed for a short time, it would disappear in an instant. She stayed for a while, and then interrupted my sister: "The reason why they took me to remove the evil that time was to help me test whether Xuanyinling had recovered his mana, and it was because I wanted to enter the academy. After studying, Lin Chengyou heard that there was a thief around me, and was curious about who the thief was."

Du Tinglan smiled: "What does the thief around you have to do with him? Cheng Wang and his wife are not in Chang'an right now, and Lin Chengyou needs to take care of everything in Cheng Wang's mansion. He runs around every day and is already very busy, if he is not very concerned about it, is it necessary to devote his energy to taking care of you?"

Teng Yuyi was stagnant again, because she actually thought what Sister A said was very reasonable.

"No, no. Lin Chengyou himself said that he agreed to help because he accepted the purple jade saddle I gave him."

Du Tinglan sighed: "I don't know how many rare treasures in the world will be received by Cheng Wangfu every year. If every treasure has to be promised to help once, Lin Chengyou has no idea how many people he has to help."

"I'm different from those people. I have a deadly friendship with Lin Chengyou and Juesheng Jizhi. Juesheng Jizhi said that without my help, everyone would not be able to conquer the corpse so smoothly, and then remove the blood rakshasa. , I also take a lot of credit, Lin Chengyou is clear from right and wrong, he knows how much I helped in it, and now that I am being plotted, he will not ignore this friendship."

Teng Yuyi kept talking to herself, but Du Tinglan just listened quietly. When her sister finished saying these words in one breath, she smiled and said, "Do you always say these words to yourself in your heart?"

Teng Yuyi was dumbfounded for a moment, and then she pouted: "Sister, have you forgotten that Lin Chengyou is still caught in the heartless Gu? You can see how vicious Lu Zhaoan's **** is, unless the host is almost dead, it is difficult to get rid of the Gu poison, Lin Chengyou's Gu poison is supposed to be even more difficult to solve. Besides, even if the Gu poison is cured, if Lin Chengyou likes someone, can he hide it?

Du Tinglan didn't follow up, which was the most difficult thing for her to figure out.

Lin Chengyou is happy with her sister, she will never misunderstand this, but with Lin Chengyou's open-minded temperament, whoever likes it will surely admit it generously. , This is really incomprehensible, is it possible that there is something hidden in it?

Teng Yuyi saw that Sister didn't speak, she just pretended that she was persuaded by herself, put the quilt over her head, and said in a muffled voice, "Sister go to sleep."

But Du Tinglan said again: "Lin Chengyou invited you out on the night of the Buddha Bathing Festival, and when you came back, there was a pair of Bu Yao on your head. At that time, because of Aunt Wu's incident, my sister didn't have the heart to ask about it. Lin Chengyou gave it to you? Even if I promise to help you, why is it necessary to give such expensive jewelry?"

"I said it earlier to repay the favor. He said that he was not used to receiving such an expensive birthday gift, and that step was a return gift."

"Oh, so you took it?"

Teng Yuyi was impatient, she turned her back to sister: "I like that style. Isn't this inappropriate? Then I'll go back."

Du Tinglan was afraid that her sister would be suffocated under the quilt, so she pulled the quilt and tried to expose her sister's head: "Talk to my sister well. Have you long suspected that Lin Chengyou likes you?"

Teng Yuyi snorted under the quilt while covering herself more tightly: "He never said that he likes me. Besides, there are all men in the world who are not affectionate, even if he likes me now, he will change his mind someday. If you believe a man, it will definitely hurt your heart in the future. Not to mention that Lin Chengyou may not like me, even if he really likes me, I will not agree. I have already thought about it, and I will never marry in this life. "

Du Tinglan's hand paused in the air, the candlestick had already been extinguished, and only a vague outline could be seen in the darkness. The "long bug" in front of her was still twisting, but she didn't know how to answer.

Although she was not with her when her aunt died, she also heard about the details of her death. Her aunt was sick in bed, but her uncle was in a hurry to **** a woman named Wu away in person. one side.

Because of this incident, the younger sister has a dead end in her heart, and she has been cold to her uncle all these years.

Coupled with what happened to Duan Ningyuan a while ago, it's no wonder that my sister would simply give up the idea of ​​getting married.

Du Tinglan sighed in his heart, and gently touched his sister's shoulder: "You get your head out, and my sister won't say anything."

Teng Yuyi happened to be in a panic, and Yiyan got her head out, but her eyes were still tightly closed, and she muttered, "I fell asleep."

Du Tinglan looked at the blurred face in the dark, and felt so confused that she didn't know how to speak. In the end, she just patted her sister's quilt lightly: "Go to sleep, go to sleep."

Looking at her sister's performance, it doesn't seem like she doesn't care about Lin Chengyou at all. Lin Chengyou is bright and upright, and he has saved his sister several times just by saving her sister. The two have experienced so many things together, and how can Duan Ningyuan be on a par? He listed so many reasons why Lin Chengyou couldn't like him.

And the pair of steps. The younger sister has been very knowledgeable since she was a child, and if someone else gave her the pair of Buyao, it is estimated that she would be too lazy to take a look. I was willing to accept it, just because the gift-giver was Lin Chengyou.

It's just that my sister is still ignorant when it comes to men and women, and her heart is too heavy, even if she understands it, it is impossible to open her heart easily.

Du Tinglan was very worried. If this kind of thing is not broken, it will be done. Once broken, there will be a result. At that time, the two of them will inevitably have an awkward fight. If my sister gets into the horns, maybe she will cut off contact with Lin Chengyou...

Then I remembered the situation where the two of them got along just now. The two of them had a tacit understanding of their own, and outsiders couldn't talk at all when they communicated.

That's all, outsiders can't help with things like horizontal and vertical, so let the two of them make trouble on their own. Noisy, maybe this knot will be untied.


On the second day, Lin Chengyou did not go to Dali Temple, but waited for news at the Chengwang Mansion. Not long after lunch, Kuannu came.

"The prince's expectations are like God. There was no movement on Lu Zhaoan's side all night yesterday. Xiangxiang Academy had a holiday for the Dragon Boat Festival this morning. Not long after the students came out, there was movement on Lu Zhaoan's side."

Lin Chengyou stopped in front of a camellia bush in front of the veranda: "Who is that person?"

"An old woman who sells porridge." Kuan Nu said, "Lu Zhaoan is busy preparing for exams and seldom goes out these days. As soon as the old woman shouted twice, Lu Zhaoan came out. There are all households nearby. If the old woman is sincere in doing business, she will definitely It will be sold for a few more hours, but not long after Lu Zhaoan finished buying the porridge, the old lady pushed the cart away. We followed him out of the workshop, the old lady never showed any flaws, but waited for her to push the cart to Yongan Street in Liquanfang. At that time, a servant from a noble family came out to buy porridge, and the villain recognized whose servant it was, he couldn't believe his eyes—"

Lin Chengyou: "Whose servant?"

Kuannu said a name.

Lin Chengyou frowned.

"It's too vicious." Kuan Nu rubbed the chilly back of his neck, "When the eldest son celebrated his birthday, this person also came to celebrate his birthday, and the servant who bought the porridge was the most capable maid by that person's side. will be wrong."

Lin Chengyou's first thought was "too vicious".

Last night, he and Teng Yuyi listed the key suspects. Although this person's name was also listed, they didn't think that person would be related to this matter. It's not surprising to know the news today.

"Tell me about the situation at the time."

"The maid came to buy porridge, and the old woman repeated her old tricks. After the maid bought the porridge, she pushed the cart away after a while. The old woman returned to the nearby place and never came out after that. This group of people hid It's too deep, and the whole thing is done without leaking. If the eldest son said that someone would deliver something to Lu Zhaoan today, the younger would not pay attention to an old lady who sells porridge, sire, how do you know that they will deliver something today? of?"

Lin Chengyou didn't answer the question, and only thought in his heart, a noble girl who wanted to be a queen, even if she was lured by Haoyue Sanren, how would she know that Lu Zhaoan was also a member of this group?

Could it be that the master behind the scenes deliberately helped this lady, and deliberately let some rumors to the other party.

Yes, once this noble lady becomes the crown princess as she wishes, it will be beneficial to the master behind the scenes without any harm.

The filthy tricks that the noble girl did in her early years were well known to the master behind the scenes, and when the right time came, he could use this to coerce the crown princess.

This woman may not know the true identity of this person, or even the true purpose of the other party, but in order to preserve her own glory and wealth, she will obey her orders obediently.

As long as you control the East Palace, it will become much easier whether it is to rebel or kill the king.

Look how thoughtful this man is and how far he thinks.

"Very good." Lin Chengyou said, "Choose a few of the most savvy and capable ones, and be sure to stare this old lady to death. There should be a lot of good things hidden in her house, and they will all be hard evidence for conviction. Wait for me here. The arrangement is almost done, just arrest the person. Also, since I know who the victim in the academy is, I will put more rumors about the choice of the crown princess. You can't stand it, people are in a mess, it's easy to make mistakes, you follow her carefully these few days, don't miss the clues that this person shows."

"Okay." Kuan Nu thought for a while and then said, "It's a pity that the 'tails' caught on the night of the Buddha Bathing Festival cannot be identified because they died of poisoning. But the scumbags who followed the prince in front of you, villain I have checked according to the prince's instructions, and there are two people who were fugitives from the imperial court. They disappeared when they fled to Huaixi Road 20 years ago, but for some reason, they sneaked back to Chang'an a while ago. The villain guessed that they were 80% It's a dead man raised by Peng Zhen, so I don't know why he is staring at the prince."

"Don't you understand?" Lin Chengyou sneered, "These people started following me after I caught Zhuang Mu. Peng Zhen never expected that Zhuang Mu would be exposed, because he couldn't openly go to Dali Temple to rob a prison. , I had to be followed secretly by people. The rumors that I went to Zhaixinglou to buy expensive jewelry were all released by the Peng family. As for the 'tails' that followed me on the night of the Buddha Bathing Festival—"

It may be sent by Lu Zhaoan's master behind the scenes, but it may also be someone hired by the lady herself. They followed him all the way, but they repeatedly exposed their whereabouts. The purpose of this is to prompt him to meet Deng Weili. , even if he didn't succeed that night, he would use other methods to create the illusion of a private meeting between him and Deng Weili. Fortunately, they succeeded that night. These tails were useless, so they died of poison as soon as they were caught.

Thinking of this, Lin Chengyou suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart.

He had imagined countless times who the master behind the Haoyue Sanren was. In his opinion, that person might be a strong fan with the same dissent as the Peng family, or he might have been sent by a neighboring country that was eyeing the Central Plains. It may also be a prince of a certain vassal, or even a minister in the court who holds a grudge for being treated coldly.

In short, no matter what the purpose is, in addition to financial and material resources, that person also needs to have strategies that are far superior to ordinary people.

But the more he checked, the more he felt that in addition to the above, this person seemed to be familiar with his behavior.

"By the way, can you find out who Lu Zhaoan was in close contact with when he was in Yangzhou?"

"Most of them are famous writers from Yangzhou City. These people often travel to Chang'an and Luoyang. If they appreciate Lu Zhao'an's talent, it is very likely that he will be introduced to you in Beijing."

"Take a good look at this group of people." Lin Chengyou said, "Especially those who have been to Chang'an in the past year. On the surface, this group of squires may appear to be idle and wild cranes, but in fact, they may have secret contacts with certain forces in the capital."


"By the way, prepare a horse for me."

He has to ask the prince about something.

Besides the prince, he has another person to meet tomorrow.

"Also, I'm going out to hunt in the city tomorrow. You can help me arrange to meet someone."

Kuan Nu was taken aback: "Who?"

"Wu Yuanluo."

Now that he knows who that person in the academy is, many things can be linked together before, but he still feels a little weird, so he has to confirm some things with Wu Yuanluo.


Wu Yuanluo and Lin Chengyou were sitting opposite each other in Jushuangzhai drinking tea.

Wu Yuanluo's face was ugly. Today, he was going to go out with the king to hunt, but he was stopped by Lin Chengyou halfway. Before he could figure out what was going on, Lin Chengyou invited him to Jushuangzhai on the grounds that he wanted to investigate the case. .

This place made him feel very uncomfortable, and he happened to be sitting by the window again. He remembered what happened to his eldest sister that night, and he couldn't sit still for almost a moment.

But he also knew that Lin Chengyou would never invite him to such a place if he had nothing to do, so he took a sip of tea and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why are you looking for me?"

Lin Chengyou looked at Wu Yuanluo. In just a few days, this man lost a lot of weight. With such a big event in the family, Wu Yuanluo, as the son of a martial master, must be devastated.

Guessing that the atmosphere was almost brewing, he said straight to the point: "Tell me, why did you deliberately approach Madam Teng that night?"

Wu Yuanluo never expected that Lin Chengyou would ask this as soon as he opened his mouth, looked at Lin Chengyou for a while, and said lightly, "Is this matter related to your Excellency?"

nonsense. Lin Chengyou sneered: "Of course it has something to do with me. How did you recognize Mrs. Teng?"

Wu Yuanluo looked at Lin Chengyou for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "No wonder you kindly borrowed the jade card on Mount Li that day, I should have seen your thoughts on Madam Teng, you deliberately made trouble because you were afraid that I would approach her? "

Lin Chengyou didn't answer, just smiled and said, "You Wu Yuanluo has always had eyes above the top, so why did you suddenly become interested in Lady Teng. She didn't come to Chang'an for a long time, at best you can see her appearance, as for her temperament, you have nothing to do with it. I don't know, but as soon as you go to Mount Li, you can't wait to ask your sister to help you create a chance to get close to her."

Wu Yuanluo sneered: "Isn't Dali Temple very busy, if you want to inquire about such boring things, I have no time to accompany you."

"Boring or not, it doesn't count if you say it." Lin Chengyou smiled lightly, "Let me guess, have you heard people talk about the Taolin incident? The maze of Yuzhen Nuguan Guan is famous all over the world. It was the first time that Niangzi went back to Guanli to play. She didn’t understand the mystery of Guanli, but she successfully solved the heavy-duty puzzle and led her companions to escape. You must be very fond of this smart little lady when you heard about it. Be curious."

Wu Yuanluo didn't say a word, but his expression said everything.

"Chang'an has never lacked beautiful and dignified ladies. You, Wu Yuanluo, grew up in Jinxiudui since you were a child. You only find it boring to face such a woman, but Mrs. Teng is different. What she did that day made you look at you with admiration. She has the name of a child prodigy, but this girl's wit is obviously not inferior to yours. After that, you heard all kinds of deeds about her from someone's mouth, and you yearn for Lady Teng even more, so you have a chance to approach her. She's on your way."

Wu Yuanluo smiled slightly: "My slender lady, a gentleman is so arrogant. Lin Chengyou, didn't you also like Madam Teng?"

Lin Chengyou touched his chin, and suddenly changed the topic: "So that time on Mount Li you used an excuse to approach Mrs. Teng, was it your idea or—"

Wu Yuanluo suddenly felt that something was wrong, he thought about it for a while and said, "What do you mean by this?"

"Tell me the answer directly."

Although Wu Yuanluo was full of doubts, he still gave the answer.

Lin Chengyou was silent, if he hadn't asked the parties for evidence, no one would have thought that the truth would be like this.

"There's one more thing that makes me curious, can you tell me why you prefer the eldest sister Wu Zhang?"

After listening to Wu Yuanluo's words, Lin Chengyou already had the answer in his heart.

"Tell me exactly what happened in the mansion in the first few days of the Buddha Bathing Festival, and what happened after your brothers and sisters came out of the mansion that night, from beginning to end."


The students came out of the academy, and it happened that the prince escorted the queen to the academy.

The students got on the bus one after another. The prince was not looking sideways, but when Du Tinglan came over, he suddenly turned to look at her.

Although it was only a brief glimpse, the smiley look made it hard to ignore.

Teng Yuyi saw it, lowered his head and got into the car with a few classmates. This cart was specially made by the imperial court for Xiangxiang Academy. It was wider and stronger than ordinary carts.

At first, the classmates didn't make a sound, obviously they noticed the abnormality of the prince. Due to the presence of Du Tinglan and Teng Yuyi, they didn't feel embarrassed to discuss this matter openly.

After a while, Liu Siniang was the first to break the silence: "President Liu her old man said that there were originally several hunting and polo matches on Mount Li, but there was trouble on the mountain, so they had to go down the mountain in a hurry, the saint felt that I was not happy, so I called so many people to accompany me today. It just happened that the imperial court’s elections were about to begin, so the sage ordered that this year’s gang of scholars from Jinshike would also accompany him.”

"Yes, Dean Liu also said that these people are all extraordinary talents. If the sage asks them to write poems later, they must be extraordinary. The Dean repeatedly told us to listen carefully, saying that we might be able to understand on the spot. Come up with some knowledge of writing poetry. By the way, the dean will definitely have someone transcribe it on the spot, we should recommend who should be the transcriber."

The girls joked: "Deng Weili. Who can compare with her memory, but she still remembers what happened many years ago."

Deng Weili leaned on Teng Yuyi: "You should find someone else. I have a good memory, but my writing is much slower than others."

Then he pushed Teng Yuyi: "It makes me angry when I talk about this, you really don't remember me? You came to Chang'an when you were a child, and I still remember your time—"

Li Huaigu said coldly, "Hey, how long are we going to travel this time?"

"I'll be able to go back to the city the day after tomorrow." Chen Erniang looked out the window, "But I'm so worried, the academy has been open for so long, and the queen is so concerned about the homework in the academy, the dean will definitely make a public inspection in order to reassure the queen. For the students' homework, I don't know who the dean will draw tonight."

"Ayu and Weili don't like to answer questions." Liu Siniang pushed Zheng Shuangyin, "If I were the dean, I would definitely choose you to win glory for the academy. When it comes to learning, there is no one in my class who is better than you. "

"That's not necessarily true." Aunt Peng said slowly, "Don't forget that there is also Mrs. Du. Ms. Du's knowledge is very good, and Wu Qi is not bad. Recently, Dean Liu can I sent a lot of articles written by Wu Qi to the palace, and don't forget that last time at Ledao Villa, the queen also praised her 'Tan Li' word for flying far away."

Zheng Shuangyin felt ashamed of the Wu sisters because of the eldest brother's unreasonable withdrawal, and sighed after hearing the words: "Don't talk about her, she has been unhappy all day, she may not be happy to hear these words, every time she is called up by the dean to answer. , it's just a hard-headed response."

When they arrived at Liyun Palace, the palace staff took the students to arrange their own dormitories.

As soon as it was settled here, the palace servants said that dinner was ready.

Everyone knew that tonight could never be a simple dinner party, and whether this was a blessing or a curse, everyone was a little apprehensive when they set off.

When it comes to Yongjia Hall, where the banquet is held tonight, the vast palace is simply dazzling.

A raging fire was burning in front of the hall, and the vast hall was divided into male and female seats. Fortunately, the Empress did not ask questions during the meal, and everyone escaped the disaster.

This time, the male and female seats were much closer.

As soon as Teng Yuyi raised his head, he could see the male seat opposite. After a while, Lin Chengyou and the prince appeared, chatting and laughing. Because the emperor was not there, the atmosphere on the seat was much more relaxed than before.

Several official wives were chatting with Vice President Liu, while President Liu looked back at the students in the booth, and said in a low voice, "Miss Zheng, Madam Deng, Erniang Wu, Madam Du are all well-educated children. —"

Before he finished speaking, someone suddenly heard a sigh behind him. It turned out that someone had accidentally spilled wine on the skirt.

But it was Erniang Peng, and Teng Yuyi looked in the direction Peng Erniang had just noticed, only to find out that it was the Prince of Chun'an County.

Aunt Peng was afraid of losing her honor in front of the royal family, so she whispered to her sister: "Why are you so careless."

Erniang Peng stared blankly at the cup in her hand: "I don't know—"

Aunt Peng was afraid that someone would see through her sister's thoughts, so she quickly whispered to her sister, "Go down and change your clothes before the poetry festival starts."

Erniang Peng left the table with her maid.

Several official wives over there asked the students' names one by one, and soon asked Du Tinglan: "I remember this child, she is Du Yuzhi's daughter."

Vice President Liu looked at Du Tinglan approvingly: "This child has a kind temperament and has done a good job of writing."

The ladies seemed to be interested: "How old is Mrs. Du this year?"

But at this moment, the maid next to Peng Erniang bumped into a person, who was wearing a long gown and looked as if he was about to enter the seat.

The people in the men's seat said with a smile, "The genius Lu is here."

When the girls heard that they were the champions this year, they couldn't help but look back curiously. Among the girls, only Zheng Shuangyin and Du Tinglan looked like frost.

"I heard that there are a lot of young ladies in Chang'an now who wish to be a talented man. Look at him, not to mention his good writing, just his appearance is outstanding enough."

"Master Lu, you left the table for so long just now. Maybe another little lady stopped you from sending you a poem."

Lu Zhaoan didn't answer, just smiled and shook his head while busy crossing his hands to return the salute. He didn't pay attention to being bumped by the maid next to Peng Erniang, and a roll of something fell from his sleeve. Poems.

Erniang Peng was obviously stunned.

When she was stunned, her classmates also looked at the poems on the ground curiously.

Someone asked in surprise: "Isn't that the paper that our academy issued uniformly?"

From the first day of school, the dean did not allow the students to use the green gold paper and peach blossom paper brought from home, and only allowed the students to use the paper and ink from the academy.

The good people in the men's seat stretched their necks and looked forward: "Ah, this word is so beautiful, the signature is Du-"

Everyone was stunned, because the words "Du Tinglan" were clearly written at the bottom of the inscription.

The prince looked in his eyes and raised his eyes to look at the person opposite.

The classmates of the academy were stunned for a while, and all turned their surprised eyes to Du Tinglan.

Lu Zhaoan was busy taking the poems into his arms, but someone picked up the poems on the ground first: "How can there be such a coincidence in the world, someone reported that they lost something the day before yesterday, and tonight the thief will deliver it to the door himself. coming."

When Lu Zhaoan raised his head, his smile froze.

Lin Chengyou smiled: "Master Lu, say hello to my master."

Before he finished speaking, someone from the palace said, "The saint and the queen are here."

He said again: "Qingxuzi has grown up."

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, and it was the sage who personally helped the Taoist priest Qingxuzi to come.

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