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Su Jiameng smiled bitterly in her heart. She used to think that the ability of mind was too attractive, so she hid it everywhere, fearing that she would be watched because she was a person with mind ability. But now it seems that she finally understands that she really thinks too much...

Xu Na patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Little Meng, I remember someone said that dreams and reality are opposite, so don't think too much about it. According to my opinion, the two dolls will definitely have a bright future in the future. , You have ten thousand hearts!"

Su Jiameng smiled wryly, and did not respond positively to their comfort, thinking about other things in her heart. Given that people in this world have a wrong perception of ideas, it has given her a certain degree of convenience, and there are also many fatal constraints.

It is convenient because no one knows the existence of the idea, let alone what it is. For Su Jiameng, this is an absolute weapon. The critical moment may be able to reverse the critical situation! As her biggest trump card!

Speaking of restraint, if someone finds that she is also a potential "Simoles Deficiency" patient, she will definitely wonder how she is different from other patients, and maybe she will be sent to the laboratory for biopsy to overcome. This disease makes the final contribution. In order to avoid this scene, she should cover up, so as not to get unclear when she died.

Su Jiameng knows the concept of Ninth Level of Mind, and also knows that if she is really desperate, maybe the whole Venus star can be her funeral. This sounds very strong, and one person controls the destiny of the entire planet, but compared with the strength of the alliance, this kind of strength is undoubtedly a drop in the ocean, and personal strength has boundaries after all.

Against the entire league and even the trend of the times, she didn't have the ability and courage.

In order to live well in the future and live to the end of life, the brain and spirit must not be lost! Su Jiameng warned herself repeatedly, whether it was for herself or for her two children, she must restrain her!

"I know all this, but I just can't help but worry." Su Jiameng smiled a little shyly, and then said, "I have investigated related issues online before, but there is always a doubt lingering in my mind. If so... I mean. Suppose, what kind of situation will a person diagnosed with this disease have? It is not the burden of the disease, but the influence exerted by the outside world..."

"Patients with Simoles deficiency are not the same as ordinary people. The outside world can't avoid with a different vision, but they won't be bullying. At best, they will be cynic and sarcasm. If the family situation is not good, the alliance will give it every month. With a certain amount of living allowance, a large proportion of medical expenses can be reimbursed..." In general, as long as the patient's mentality is better, life is not very painful.

Lucy's words made Su Jiameng feel a lot better, at least the current society's attitude towards "ideas" is fairly good.

In the world of her second life, ordinary people regarded those with mental abilities as heroes against the Zerg, while at the same time they were deeply afraid of and even rejected this unpopular ability. At least some of the mental abilities she knew either depended on alliances or lived alone.

If you want to conceal your thoughts-that is, the unique mental fluctuations of Simoles Deficiency, you will not be found abnormal by others, and you can only control your mental power to a certain strength, and you will naturally be able to control it freely and hide well in the masses.

"That's fine..." Su Jiameng reluctantly tugged at the corners of her mouth. After the big guys were off the assembly line, she grabbed her two eggs one by one and said, "You all listen to Ma Ma, even if you are at home in the future. , And you can’t easily use levitation or other abilities. If you use it, you must let Su Mo or Changxi follow by, okay?"

She doesn't expect the two children who have just formed their spirits to understand her own words, but she will feel at ease only if she tells them so.

However, there are still many problems before her, such as the child’s unconscious mental riots... At that time, the special mental fluctuations of the mentality can not be concealed at all. If the two children are found to be born with "Simoles Deficiency" "Patient, the future life will definitely be bound by more than N, and he can't even show his talents, and can only pretend to be a waste of mental strength...

Pretending is still a minor problem, the most serious is that the life span of patients with "Simoles Deficiency" is a big problem! Can't it be time to let the two buns die together? When the alliance's household registration is cancelled, they will become black accounts!

Naturally, the two buns didn't understand her, except they were at a loss. After staying for a while, the restless little guy couldn't bear to be lonely, and started to roll one by one, trying to escape from his own eyes. As long as you escape, you can have fun.

"These two children..." Su Jiameng helped her forehead helplessly, thinking that these two children would definitely be naughty when they grow up!

It's rare to sleep at night without nightmares, but she dreams of other scenes, such as what she looks like now...

Baby One was playing with a star-shaped doll, and asked her happily, "Ma Ma, can you sing a little star?"

Su Jiameng held his chin in one hand, looked at this room full of dreamy cotton atmosphere, and turned to look at the pink and jade-shaped Baby No.1, and said lazily, "I can sing..." The tune is simple, second There is also a song in the world, so naturally it will.

The baby No.1 drooped his face instantly, his expression was weeping, and he looked like he had met a nasty trafficker. Su Jiameng felt the pain in her brain. She was the least able to stand up to such a weak baby, let alone the child calling herself "Ma Ma".

When she heard the word "Mama", she couldn't help but think of those two teenagers who also called her "Mother" in their dreams. I always think that if the two teenagers are still in their infants and toddlers, they should be so cute, right? After thinking about it, she stretched out her fingers to tease the baby.

The baby next to him who tried to make his face serious was crying when he saw his younger brother on the second. He stretched out his hand to pull Su Jiameng’s clothes and said calmly, "Ma Ma, the correct answer should be ' No'...understand?"

Su Jiameng nodded and said, "Well, I understand. Don't be sad, you kid, let's do it again."

Baby No. 1 turned his head to look at Baby No. 2, and nodded as if he was encouraging to him, and a little timidity flashed across his small face. But in the end I asked again according to the script, "Mama, can you sing the little star?"

Su Jiameng shook his head cooperatively and said, "No."

A gleam of joy flashed on Baby One's face, looking at her expectantly, "Then I can teach you how to sing?"

Su Jiameng held her cheek in boredom, tilted her head, and vomited calmly, "Not good..."

One big person and two babies were silent for an instant. After a long time, baby No. 1 red eyes and tears, snot and tears pounced on baby No. 2, the cry of the boss, crying and complaining to Su Jiameng, " Ma Ma is a bad guy..."

Su Jiameng: "..." She doesn't seem to be doing anything, right?

After that, the child's cry was all in his dreams, and he didn't know where he came from so many tears. He cried for two or three hours without breathing. Su Jiameng tried to say bad things, cut the land and beg for peace, all kinds of coaxes, but he didn't buy it.

The morning sun shone through the window to the quietly sleeping girl in the room. Su Jiameng opened her eyes and held her forehead dizzy. No matter who it is, after listening to the unstoppable crying for a long time, there will always be such a nervous feeling.

"Oh my god... if this is really my child... it would be too terrible..." Su Jiameng supported his dizzy mind to accept the cruel flogging of the teaching system. In the end, she was naturally severely disabled and was almost killed by vomiting blood. To the point!

After the training, she barely recovered the lost half of her life. She lay in the training cabin to rest, and in her dream, she returned to the room that was once full of crying. But at this time there is only one baby in the room. Seeing that he deliberately keeps a serious face, it should be baby number two. She squatted to look at him and asked, "Where is your little brother who can only cry?"

The baby No. 2 gave a sharp look, and said with some reproach and distressed eyes, "I kept crying in another place."

Su Jiameng is very embarrassed, the other party doesn't seem to like her very much...or maybe she cried his brother before, so that this child won't wait to see Su Jiameng for the time being? Regardless of the reason, that child kept playing his own games and ignored her completely.

Just when Su Jiameng was thinking of the cultivation cabin, she opened it, and she broke out of this dream when she was a god. The baby suddenly got her small face, and her small eyes floated to her from time to time, and he stopped talking.

Su Jiameng said seriously, "If you have anything in your heart, just say it! This is the neatness of a man!"

Baby No. 2 struggled violently, and finally turned a little shyly, and asked a very white-eyed question, “What does it mean to be happy? He was very unhappy when I heard my brother say that Ma Ma does not cooperate with him and does not care about him... …"

Su Jiameng faced the child's innocent scolding and avoided the topic of "making another baby cry". She groaned and gave a universal explanation, "Happy means...happiness."

Unexpectedly, Baby No. 2 tilted her head in distress, and said to her, "So caring means...unhappy?"

The translation of the words of the previous brother is: Ma Ma does not cooperate with him, is not "unhappy" with him, is he very unhappy?

Su Jiameng: "..."

Upon waking up again, Su Jiameng realized that he had had two extremely embarrassing dreams in a row, and suddenly felt that he should see a specialist doctor in this area again. I remember there was a saying in the first life that too many dreams are a manifestation of physical weakness...

She has eaten it recently, where is she looking weak? And always dreaming of two children...Could it be that this is also the reflection of the subconscious mind in the depths of the dream to external things? Could it be that she subconsciously likes this type of doll?

impossible! Her favorite is still cute and cute! Not so... well, actually those two children are also very cute. RS

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