Can Drink A Cup of Nothing

Chapter 139 Chapter 139

After passing through Baicheng, it is within the borders of Wei.

Wei Kingdom is a hegemonic country that has been entrenched in the Great Wilderness for an unknown number of years. Not only does it occupy such a fertile piece of land as the Central Plains along the coast, but its land area is also one of the largest in the Great Wilderness.

Whether it is the hidden weapon mechanism of the Gongshujia, or the Wuwei swordsmanship of the Taoist school, the Mohist school of armed practice is carried out by himself. Or after the demise of other countries, the various forces of restoration that were transferred to the Wei Kingdom to jointly fight against the Great Yuan gradually began to show signs after the demise of the Yu Kingdom.

With the advance of Da Yuan, the domestic struggle in Wei seems to have come to an end. After all, no matter how foolish King Wei was, he knew that he should resist when he was about to die, instead of continuing to fight.

After Ye Linghan returned, there was no more news. But Zongluo believed in him, such a short period of time was enough for Ye Linghan to accomplish what he wanted to do. When he arrived at the front line, Ye Linghan should follow the news and come looking for him.

The speed of the Xuanqi was very fast, and in just two days, they advanced into the mountain range that was originally scheduled to be reached in three days.

After crossing this mountain range, it is convenient to be the plain area outside the imperial city of Wei Kingdom. The plain was lower than sea level, with many depressions and lakes, and a wide view.

The mountains have tall trees with broad, lush foliage. If the anti-abyss organizations of Wei Guo, the assassins who killed them in private, wanted to ambush, this endless mountain range must be a perfect location.

Not to mention, the team also brought a living target like Pei Qianxue.

It is conceivable that there are still a few tough battles to be fought before arriving at the defense line set up by Da Yuan in Wei Guo, and it is a real tough battle.

"It is expected that it will take at least three days to speed up and rush through here."

Zong Luo nodded: "Okay."

Two days into the mountains, three days in the mountains, and two days out of the mountains to reach the front. Much faster than expected.

After determining the position with the sun and Sinan, the entire army set off towards the mountain forest area at the fastest speed.

Xuanqi changed his formation, firmly protecting Pei Qianxue in the center. Zong Luo was at the front of the team, one step behind Mu Yuanlong, disguised as an ordinary cavalry.

The vision of the forest area was suddenly obstructed, and while on the road, it was necessary to maintain a high degree of alertness.

They traveled through the woods for a day without encountering any of the ambush and assassination teams.

"Don't take it lightly."

There were thousands of Xuanqi riders, and the sound of horses' hooves passing through the forest was so loud that they were almost clearly telling the assassins the exact location. There is no possibility of inaudible.

There is only one possibility, and that is that the other party is ready to wait until the evening before starting.

As we all know, the dark moon and the wind kill the night. Assassination people like to come in the middle of the night.

Before nightfall, they laid a rudimentary floor on the spot, because they were afraid of the smoke, and the fire didn't even start. There were also three times as many people on duty at night than when they had previously camped on the flats.

Unexpectedly, however, the night passed, calm and peaceful.

Not only this night, but the next day when I crossed the forest, nothing happened.

There was some movement at night, and the whole army woke up from a deep sleep, but before they could pick up their weapons, they found that it was just a tiger standing on a rock and looking at them.

Zong Ruichen took a breath.

Zong Luo said helplessly: "Since it has no intention of attack, forget it."

White tigers are also rare. In modern times, it is still a protected wild animal.

In addition, it is autumn when all things are withering, maybe this mountain king tiger can't find anything to eat, wandering around and patrolling the mountains and forests.

Sure enough, after staring at them for a while, and weighing the difference in numbers between the two sides, this beautiful tiger turned around and left without any hesitation.

Even the tiger has come, why hasn't the assassin come yet.

Perhaps the most violent interception has to wait until the third day? Everyone thought uncertainly.

On the third day, it was still exceptionally smooth.

The only interlude was that when they were marching, the beautiful big white tiger that I met last night actually followed behind them very persistently.

When the horses passed through the forest like ghosts, occasionally they could catch a glimpse of the white shadow with tabbys in the gaps of the leaves, which followed them like a shadow.

During the noon break, Zong Luo sat on the ground, frowning in thought.

Tigers are very domineering beasts. When they realize that they can't get a good deal with their team of humans, they should turn around and retreat as soon as possible, so as not to keep following behind.

You must know that marching at full speed, the daily rush is not a small amount, and the physical consumption of the tiger is also huge.


Zong Luo stood up, ordered a few Xuan Qi who were in the upper reaches of martial arts, and called Gongsun You by the way: "You follow me to see."

Mu Yuanlong led the large army to wait in place, watching them chase towards the place where the big white tiger disappeared for the last time.

On the way, Gongsun You asked, "Does your Highness also feel something unusual?"

Zong Luo nodded: "Tigers are fierce beasts, and they will never follow people like this. In addition, the team to kill has never appeared, there must be some changes that we have not yet found out."

They followed that direction, and after walking for about a stick of incense, they really found the clue.

On a loess slope, a blood-stained tiger paw footprint appeared.

Going forward along this footprint, broken internal organs gradually appeared on the ground, fragments of black night clothes hanging on the branches, and bloodstains spread on the dead leaves and twigs.

Zong Luo already had a vague conclusion in his heart until they reached that boundary.

A hell scene.

The broken limbs were left on the ground at will, and the dead man lay on his back on the ground, his neck severed from it, revealing bloody flesh.

Pieces of vultures stopped to peck at these fresh corpses, and under a tree not far away, the big white tiger that had been following them was gnawing at the chest of a corpse and swallowing half of its heart. After seeing them coming, there was a growl in his throat.

Zong Luo took out Zhan Lu and stood in front of him, keeping vigilance at all times.

Gongsun You skillfully squatted down to check, and carefully observed the corpses.

"If nothing else, they should be Wei Guo's assassins."

Night clothes are almost standard for assassins, no normal person will run around in black. In addition, there are some clearly directional waist cards, weapons, etc. on the body, so you can see the attribution at a glance.

These days, if you are not your own people, you are naturally your enemy.

"It's a sword wound."

Gongsun You pulled up a feathered arrow on the corpse: "'s an arrow from Da Yuan's army."

"The army that has been passing through this forest area recently—"

Before he could finish speaking, Zong Luo had some ideas in his heart.

Sky Army.

Only the Heavenly Secret Army who set out from Baicheng together and left one day earlier than them.

Zongluo thought that Yu Beizhou would not choose this road. After all, although this road is closer, it needs to cross the forest area, which is quite bumpy. The Tianji Army is a regular branch of the army. Although it is only a part of the advance force, in addition to the cavalry, there are heavy cavalry and chariots. In short, it cannot be pushed at full speed on uneven ground like Xuanqi.

Then the problem came again, Xuanqi and Tianji Army were famous in the Great Wilderness. But Xuanqi's black armor is definitely the first. Since it is an assassination, it is not impossible to even distinguish this.

Gongsun You continued: "...The reason why the big white tiger has been following us can also be understood. This should not be the first wave of assassinations, the Tianji Army may have solved several such assassinations. The white tiger may I have eaten fresh human flesh once, so I will follow when I see cavalry dressed like this."

The only problem was that the Tianji Army was obviously going to help Xuanqi. If it weren't for this big white tiger, I'm afraid no one would know about it. Of course, even if he knew it now, Gongsun You still didn't understand the reason why the King of Beining took action.

This explanation is very pertinent, and I happened to think of it with Zong Luo.

What is Yu Beizhou? He clearly said that he hated, but he did such a hypocritical thing.

Who is rare?

Zong Luo sneered, put his sword back into its sheath, "Let's go."

From the mountains to the front line, they never experienced an interception again.

It wasn't until the time when he arrived at the main office safely that the white master came out to greet him, only to watch the man standing behind Mu Yuanlong take off his helmet.

"The last will attend His Royal Highness!" Bai Zhiye hurriedly saluted.

"Don't be too polite, talk to Gu about the current situation." Zong Luo put the helmet in his hand aside.

Mu Yuanlong went to settle Xuanqi.

There are not many cities here that have not been taken down. However, because of the capture of other countries, Da Yuan's army directly bypassed the hinterland of Wei and pointed directly at the throat of the imperial city.

In the current situation, Wei Guo felt a little embarrassed if he had to say it.

If this battle is won, they may have more time to survive. If they lose, they will be defeated like a mountain, and there is no hope.

Although it is a war, the war is not accomplished overnight, and it is absolutely impossible to finish it in one battle. Instead, it has to be cut into different battles, big and small, attacking from three directions, namely the left side, the front side and the right flank.

Zong Luo sat in the rear, commanding Xuan Qi to attract firepower from the front, and feint a shot. The main firepower has to be concentrated on the left and right flanks.

"The left wing is in charge of the Weishan Army, and the right wing is in charge of the King of Beining."

Bai Zhiye unfolded the marching map and explained to Zongluo the previously arranged plan: "The old man from Wan Tiangong sits at the rear of the Wei Guo army."

Wan Tian Gong is also one of the famous generals in the Great Wilderness. He wins by using surprise attacks, he is insidious and cunning, and he loves killing and subduing such unruly means. He used to be a general of the country before, but after the break of the country, he was reused in Wei.

In addition, Bai Zhiye also reported the names of a series of generals.

Listening to this string of names, Zong Luo's complexion gradually became condensed.

"His Royal Highness, yesterday, the old minister received a secret letter from the saint. You must be in the rear this time, and don't set foot on the battlefield." Bai Zhiye said solemnly: "In this battle, Wei Guo will definitely use the organs of the Gongshu family."

When it comes to the Gongshu family, the Shenji Crossbow and the Imperial City of Wei Kingdom cannot be avoided.

It is said that the walls of the imperial city have been transformed beyond recognition. In the later period, although regular maintenance alone exhausted the little remaining national strength of Wei, the power is actually strong.

Especially the God Machine Crossbow.

This time, three main camps were set up behind the front to confuse the enemy's sight. During the command of the operation, not only did the rear remain vigilant, but Zongluo had to change the barracks at any time, and could not enter the range of the divine crossbow.

Fortunately, the God Machine Crossbow is too big to handle, and it has not been used for many years. Several times when the God Machine crossbow was pulled, it was at the time when Wei Guo was in danger of dying. It could be said that there was only one chance to pull the bow, and pulling it meant losing the battle.

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