Call of the Legion

Chapter 90: Break the law

The king of the hill stepped out of the altar and immediately went to the place where the infantry was meeting. At the same time, he purchased two group recovery scrolls in the mysterious treasure room (human shop) (recover all nearby non-mechanical units with 300 health and 100 within 2 minutes). physical strength).

Only leveling by arms, it is too hurt.

The fashionable wind looks at the sky 45 degrees. At this moment, the other party is still not harassing, it seems to give up?

He didn't think it should be. If he had such a big advantage in the early stage, he would inevitably bring a wave of heroes and military forces instead of the harassment that has been painless and itchy. Except that the first wave of sneak attacks was very hurt, follow-up The harassment at most merely restrained him, and did not hurt him physically.

Fashion style instinctively thinks something is wrong.

[Completed: Arrow Tower]

[Completed: Arrow Tower]

Uh ...

After the upgrade of the arrow tower is completed, the fashion style does not matter whether the other party has a conspiracy or not. There is a defensive tower in the home, and the great magician is no longer restrained and can go out freely. Infantry.

此时 At this moment, the royal side appeared again ...

However, this time the place where he appeared was not the base, but the place where his infantry stayed!

时尚 When the fashionable wind sensed the presence of the enemy, it almost urinated.

Is this guy a dog? How did he know where my infantry was? In order to avoid aerial vision, I have hidden in the dead end of the terrain. How can I still be found? !!

It's no wonder that he didn't hide well enough, but Fang Huan knew the general position of his infantry from the beginning. He only needed to use the Miracle pupil several times in a certain area, how could he find them out.

Does the base have an arrow tower?

Who said I must punch your base? The cost of infantry is higher than that of farmers, and the experience is much higher. Of course, such a large wave of fat must be eaten!

The fashion style lost too many farmers due to the first wave, and the crystal was seriously inadequate. After the second hero, he reluctantly upgraded the main city and the arrow tower. The crystal bottomed directly, resulting in his strength of only 1-level infantry and no star resistance at all. Spiritual possibility.

Although Ping Xingling's attack is low, it is a magical attack when attacked from a long range, hitting heavily armored infantry, and the damage doubled is still considerable.

Xingling's attack speed is very fast. In the face of the infantry who is already bloody, two or three waves of fire can destroy an infantry, and the movement speed is far faster than the infantry, causing his infantry to have no chance to escape. In an instant, five All infantry formations fell to the ground.

Fashionable style is dying, it is almost! Almost the King of the Hill could arrive!

Although the King of the Hill is melee, his skills can attack air targets. With the damage of his skills, a hammer is a star spirit!

However, the cruel reality is that the King of the Hill has arrived and the body is cold.

There was a weakness in the fashionable wind heart, and the self-confidence at the beginning of the game disappeared. How could he not understand why the opposite Emperor had such a perverted air summoner? How did he find the infantry hiding in the corner?

"It's GG ..."

Fashion style wants to give up, the current disadvantage is difficult to turn over, but he is a little reconciled, so far, he has not seen the enemy hero!

He doesn't even know if this group of summons is from the player or the hero obtained by the player!

"Can't retreat! Why look at that guy's hero!"

Fashionable wind pains and pains, and shrank two infantry soldiers at home, led by two heroes to start leveling.

With the addition of the King of the Hill, although the infantry is less, the leveling efficiency has improved a lot.

She Shan's skills are very powerful. Even if there is only one level, the damage to the first target will be over 100, and the surrounding units will be damaged by one tenth.

Fashionable wind leveling was surprisingly smooth, and it made him very surprised.

"Strange, why hasn't the other side been pressed up? As long as one wave was pressed up just now, I must lose."

The fashion style is very puzzled. All the infantry's deaths caused him to have no trace of troops. On the other hand, the opposite side only harassed himself by relying on summoners at the beginning. The development there must be far beyond himself. Forty or more, so many troops are not what his two heroes and arrow tower can resist.

However, the other side suddenly died down and never launched any offensive again.

Fashion is dark, isn't the other party a master? Was the harassment successful only by mistake?

No, right, the proficiency of manipulating summons from the opponent is not like a rookie at all, but how can it be so ... like a rookie?

"Take this opportunity to mine!"

After a period of recovery, the fashionable wind economy has improved greatly, and even three books have been upgraded, and two dwarf musketeers have been summoned to specifically target each other's air units.

He suddenly saw hope again!

If at this time let him know the situation inside Fang Huan base, he would not easily ignite hope, and then be completely strangled to death ...

Although there are not many troops in Fang Huan's base, two white ivory towers are rapidly forming. The ivory tower, or mysterious sacred place, is a summoning building for human-type spell units. It can produce 4 levels of arms, witches and Priest, and Level 5 Armor-Lawbreaker.

From the beginning, Fan Fanghuan thought about the composition of the human race ~ ~ After considering it, he finally decided to start with the 4th level soldiers and explode the population!

At present, he has very few troops, only two infantrymen and two musketeers. He has established a huge resource advantage through harassment in the early stage, and quickly mines, establishing an absolute resource advantage. Up to three thousand gold coins and thousands of crystals Let his main city rise directly to 4 books. The newly emerged witch has powerful spell skills, the priest has healing skills, and dispels magic. It is an excellent mage arm.

"It's time to make two heroes, so choose ... the great magician."

There are four human heroes, two intelligent heroes, one big magician and one blood magician. The reason why he chose the big magician is because he needs the high intelligence bonus of the big magician. For him who is preparing to explode the mage soldier , Skills are virtual, attribute bonus is the key.

"NND, an intellectual hero only has 47 points of intelligence. I have 64 points at first for a power type! What is this called!"

Fang Huan is very dissatisfied with being a hero of strength. At 20th level, his intelligence is as high as 127, and he enters the coordinate world and weakens by half. The initial value is 64 points. Provide bonus ...

I'm so angry!

[Completed: Mysterious Holy Land]

[Completed: Mysterious Holy Land]

Uh ...

PS: About the skills, attributes and skills of heroes of various races and neutral heroes, there will be some changes, otherwise facing the player is too weak, after all, these free heroes do not have exclusive and talent skills, the solution to the attribute is to increase the initial attributes and growth , Add extra effects and damage in terms of skills ~~

Another: Witches and witches are all humans here, not blood elves.

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