Call of the Legion

Chapter 432: Dream Soul Guide

[Sword Tip · Spirit Blade] (Blue Skill): Exclusive skills, passive skills, each attack has [Agility / (level * o.5)]% chance to touch the Spirit Blade effect, and the next general attack Attack comes with (2 Intelligence + Dexterity) * 1.8 additional magic damage. Targets attacked by the Spirit Blade will be marked with a layer of Broken Blade, and will be attacked again by the Spirit Blade within three seconds. Each layer of Broken Blade increases 5o% additional magic damage. , Spirit Blade stacks up to ten layers.

[Sword Array · Binding] (Blue Skill): Common skills, active skills, use on single targets, bind them in place, and cause a large amount of physical damage caused by agility, the armor value of the bound targets is reduced by 25 % And marked with a layer of Spirit Blade for 5s.

[Sword tactics · Royal blade] (blue skill): common skills, active skills, Royal Mage sword to attack the target area, this skill has dual forms, can control the blade to attack the target freely, this attack is considered a general attack, With additional attack effects, you can also transform the magic blade, each of which causes (intelligence * 2 + maximum attack power) * 1.2 range physical damage to the target area, and applies a layer of broken blade state, casting distance: 65o , Casting time: Instant, Consumption (free attack form): 5o mana / s, Cooling time (free attack form): None, Consumption (spiritual blade form): Each additional phantom blade consumes 5o mana, cooling time: 15s.

[Sword Tips · Consistent Practice] (Blue Skill): Common skills, active skills, show strong sword skills in the target direction, causing all the targets on the path (strength * 5 + Dexterity * 2) * o.6 Physical damage. This attack will touch the spirit blade effect of the general attack and add a layer of broken blade status to all targets under attack. Cast this skill in two stages. Li Xianjun can appear at any point of Jianguang at any time. Casting distance: 35o. Cast time: Instant, Consumption: 3oo mana, 5o physical strength, Cooldown: 3o seconds

[Jianjue · Panfengyi] (Blue Skill): Termination Skill, Active Skill, Stimulating Sword Inner Body, within 6o seconds, Li Xianjun's Movement + 3o%, Attack + 3o%, Attack + 2o%, each A basic attack will have a spirit blade effect, and get an additional layer of spirit blade shield. When the spirit blade deals damage to the target, 3o% of its damage is converted into a shield value, and the maximum shield value is (Agility * 5 + Intelligence * 2) * 3.6. After the Spirit Blade Shield is broken, it cannot continue to absorb the shield value. During the existence of the Spirit Blade Shield, all damage taken by Li Xianjun is reduced by 15%, and it is immune to most control effects. Casting time: Instant, Casting distance: None, Consumption: 12oo mana, 2oo physical strength, Cooldown: 3o minutes.

Fang Huan saw here, other skills are too lazy to look at it, Li Xianjun's sword skills are too special and powerful!

If it is in the coordinate world, this set of skills is enough. As for Fu Yi, because it lacks the corresponding exclusive and final skills, Fang Huan does not intend to use them.

Not to mention, Li Xianjun also has a talent skill that Fang Huan is extremely buggy.

[Dream Spirit Guide] (Blue Skill): Talent skills, active skills, when you use it, create a clone, which inherits all the attributes of the body, but when attacking the enemy, all attacks can only cause 4o% damage, and inherit Li Xianjun's passive skills (including all passive effects of talent, exclusive, end, and ordinary skills), when the clone is attacked, take 2oo% damage; when used against the enemy, it will knock its soul out of the body and temporarily form an hostile soul The avatar is not controlled by its body. The soul avatar has all the attributes of the body. All attacks can only cause 4o% damage, but when it is damaged, it takes 2oo% damage. When the avatar is attacked, it will have 5o%. Damage is transferred to the body, Li Xianjun can control the avatar to move and attack. All avatars last up to 2 hours, but the number of avatars cannot exceed 3 at the same time (the sum of the enemy and the enemy). Cast time: instant, cast distance: within sight, cost: unknown, cooling time: 6o seconds.

Real avatar, this magical skill that has been tested by countless games for a long time, needless to say, Fang Huan was amazed after seeing it.

"Where did Li Hui learn about Li Xianjun's clues? According to Li Xianjun, he has never left the Great Ice Sheet since he came to Kerui Tan Da 6 and is far from the elves in the South 6 There are clues about him ... "

While Fang Huan was grateful, he was also very confused.

I thought that the transfer of the goblin tinker to Li Hui would be able to pay back some human feelings. I did not expect that with the deeper and deeper contact with Li Xianjun, this human relationship became more and more inadequate. force! Even himself, he does not necessarily win against Li Xianjun.

Not to mention the tower world ...

This is almost a special coordinate world exclusively for Fang Huan!

"By the way, you can pull Li Hui into it later, if Li Xianjun allows ..."

Li Xianjun officially joined the legion, and Fang Huan also had two deputy heroes. The next step was to prepare for the strongest summoner battle.

"Where's Elder Manfu?"

Fang Huan glanced. It was still the igloo of Elder Manfu, but the elder was not there.

Before Fang Huan left here, Man Fu was still frozen. It was gone now, and it might have been thawed.

The crystal of ice on his body was long enough, and he was sent to the mission to get his own barracks!

"Elder Manfu is recovering from the freezing, but he is also very injured. Now he is gathering with the elements in the city. It may take a few days to restore the vitality by relying on the crystallization of the elements."

Li Xianjun explained aside.

Ermin nodded, adding: "The last ice tide explosion has far-reaching imagination. In today's large ice fields, the temperature is still much lower than before. I went to the periphery with Xianjun and there were still many frozen to death. The icefield wolf and other creatures, which have lived here for tens of thousands of years, have long been accustomed to the cold ~ ~ so many sudden deaths and injuries must be related to the cold brought by the ice tide. "

In order to fight against Frenda, Eisner used the ice core to perform a fate. Although he forced Frenda back, it also caused the large ice sheet to fall into a long-term extreme cold, and the elemental organisms will not be affected. But the surrounding icefield wolves are not so lucky, and Fang Huan will also be affected.

This also makes the big ice field even more dangerous. The warming equipment Fang Huan previously provided for the dwarf warriors is not enough to fight the cold. Ermin has been hiding in the igloo for a few days and dare not go out.

"However, I seem to be showing signs of human activity outside the temple."

Li Xianjun said suddenly.

Fang Huan heard that his face sank, but here it was still revealed.

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