Call of Eschatology

Vol 2 Chapter 30: Big fly and small sky

"Do you need to get a bottle of primary treatment for Bai Xiaoan?" Sun Ruixing looked at Bai Xiaoan's immature face with cold sweat, and asked with concern. ?? Eighteen one Chinese language WWWWW. ? 8㈧1㈠Z? W㈧. ? CQO? M?

"No, thank you, Brother Sun. Brother Sun can save my brother. I am very grateful!"

Bai Feifei Lihua looked at Sun Ruixing with a rain and said in a crying voice.

I have to say that Bai Feifei looks very beautiful. The most important thing is to keep Li Quanan clean. After all, the water resources in h1 town are not short of.

Wen Yu looked at Bai Feifei with interest. This woman, with a weak expression and a weeping voice, played a trick of trying to escape her idiot, stunned Sun Ruixing's hoe.

Li Quanan looked awkwardly at Bai Feifei's performance, then coughed heavily.

"Is Sun's points enough?"

At this point, Sun Ruixing's expression suddenly became unnatural.

A few of the people present spent their points long before they broke out.

Sun Ruixing looked at Wenyu who had been shrinking by the fence, hesitantly said, "Here, Wenyu brothers still have points?"

"Used up." Wen Yu rolled his eyes heavily and said angrily.

No kidding, spending money to save strangers, not many people have done well before the end of the world.

"Well, Mayor Li?"

This Sun Ruixing really thought of saving Bai Xiaoan as a matter.

Li Quanan's face was extremely ugly, and he had understood that he had been "abandoned" by Bai Feifei.

"This stinky bitch." Li Quanan cursed in his heart, but now, he is not the Li Zhenzheng who can call and drink to everyone.

"I've run out too." Gritted his teeth and spit out a few words, Li Quan'an went to see a few people present, turned his head and walked out of Li Dalong's room. Behind him, several henchmen followed.

Sun Ruixing looked at Wen Yu, who had nothing to do with himself, and looked at Li Quan'an, who turned away, gritted his teeth, and said to Bai Feifei, "Please wait here first, I'll go out."

With a bright wink, Feifei stood up, crying to Sun Ruixing and said, "Brother Sun, no need, you treat Feifei like this, Feifei can't afford it."

Wenyu laughed out with a "swipe". This nmd has become a Korean drama.

Holding back his smile, he walked out of Li Dalong's "pen," Wen Yu lit a cigarette outside the door and took a heavy sip. Then he barely suppressed the smile.

Seeing that Sun Ruixing walked out of the camp directly, and then looked at Li Quan'an, who looked very hot next to him, if there wasn't Gu Xiao'an beside Bai Xiao'an lying on the bed, Wenyu could laugh at his intestines.

Reality is sometimes more interesting than TV series.

"Brother Wenyu, brother Wenyu, boss they are back, I will show you over."

Before a cigarette, Li Dalong ran back in full swing.

"By the way, I just saw your guy with a shield going out. I don't know what to do?"

Li Dalong asked questioningly.

"Hey, he's busy saving the world."

A faint ridicule sounded, Wen Yu stopped paying attention to Li Dalong's questioning look, and said directly, "Let's go, take me to see your big brother."

"By the way, mayor Li come?" Wen Yu asked directly, turning to look at Li Quanan who was smoking.

"Go, why don't you go, stay here with a woman who takes care of others?" Li Quanan stepped out of his cigarette **** and said resentfully.

After speaking, I took my followers and Shangyu directly, leaving only Bai Feifei and Bai Xiaoan.


Central location of the camp, in a humble wooden house.

This is the boss of this small camp-Zang Pengfei's room, at the same time, it is also the place where all the high-level meetings.

Today, this dilapidated room welcomed guests.

"Welcome the friends from h1 town, the small place is not entertaining, please forgive me. Zang Pengfei, who is the leader of this small place."

When Wenyu took the lead in the room, the big man for Wei stood up immediately, arching his hands at Wen Yu and Li Quanan behind him.

Wenyu looked at Zang Pengfei carefully.

In his thirties, it was during the strongest period of a man. His entire body was as strong as a bear, with a beard full of face, and the F-class protective clothing worn on his body was worn, but there was no missing part.

It is particularly noticeable that a tattoo spread from Zang Pengfei's neck until Zang Pengfei's temple.

This man is full of rivers and lakes.

In addition to Zang Pengfei, there were four people sitting in the room. The most noticeable was a 16- to 17-year-old boy with squinting eyes.

Because this person is wearing e-level protective clothing!

Quickly scanned all the people in the room, Wen Yu nodded to Zang Pengfei, and introduced himself: "My name is Wen Yu, a secondary professional."

Hearing Wen Yu's introduction, the 16-year-old boy suddenly opened his eyes, glanced back and forth on Wen Yu's body several times, then stood up directly, walked in front of Wen Yu, and raised his neck. , Carefully staring at Wen Yu's eyes, and said proudly to Wen Yu: "Remember my name, my name is Sun Aotian, and I am a second-level professional. Maybe you deserve my full shot. I look forward to fighting you. . "

Having said this, Sun Aotian held his head high, like a proud big duck. He stepped on Wang Babu and walked out of the room without turning his head.

Only left a house full of helpless people and goosebumps in one place.

"This, what is this?"

Wenyu was stunned by the sudden situation. He looked at Zang Pengfei covering his face and the other three silent and silent professionals, and looked at Li Quan'an, who was also astonished behind him, and asked quietly. Ask Li Dalong behind him.

Li Dalong's face was embarrassed, and he whispered to Wenyu: "This, Xiaotian brother, is a novel fan before the end of the world, it may be a bit poisonous to read the novel."

"Oh ..." Wenyu was suddenly surprised, no wonder, the boy was full of breath, even the name was so energetic!

Zang Pengfei watched all the people present were extremely embarrassed by Sun Aotian, couldn't help but stand up and round the field: "Haha, it really made a few VIPs laugh. Xiaotian, this child, is just a good person. Brother Yu, do n’t put it on your body. Sit first, sit first, Xiaowen, and make tea. "

A young woman beside Li Quanan immediately stood up and went to the rear to prepare tea.

"Come and come, if the brothers Wen Yu don't hate it, just do it by my side. I'll ask you about the situation outside."

Zang Pengfei greeted Wenyu with enthusiasm. With the adjustment of Zang Pengfei, the embarrassing atmosphere just made by Sun Aotian gradually disappeared.

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