Calamity Crown

Chapter 249


Chapter 249 When you don’t know how to refuse, then close your eyes… (please subscribe ~ ask for monthly ticket~)

Afternoon The road was filled with smoke and dust.

A crisp sound in the room at midnight.

Goethe lit a cigarette and sat in the chair.

The ‘rebels’ of the Western Commonwealth are not the ones in conventional cognition, but just tools supported by another political party.

With a noble name, it gathers a group of innocent people, attracts helpless people to join, and is led by a leader with other intentions.

As it happens, this leader, Goethe knows.


Or to be more precise, Alston was the immediate boss of the so-called ‘Rebel’ leader.

After realizing that Ann had left without saying goodbye, Goethe directly told Alston to look for Ann.

When Ann appeared in a helicopter gunship, Goethe would be stupid if he couldn’t react to Ann’s true identity – even with the identity of a soldier, it is impossible to have a person in the city. A gunship, unless it has a special mission or has a special status.

Using this point as a breakthrough, Goethe could easily guess Ann’s true identity.

Leaning on the chair of the ‘Folklore Research Institute’, Goethe’s nose still had Ann’s unique fragrance – Ann left just now, but the strong smell of jasmine was mixed with the smell of blood and fire. , but was still remembered by Goethe.

Jasmine scent, not perfume.

It’s a drink.

Ann unexpectedly likes jasmine tea.

As for blood and fire?

That’s a quality honed on the battlefield.

has long been imprinted in the depth of one’s soul.

Ann is impossible to change.

also doesn’t change.

Goethe will not force Ann to change. The relationship between the two is like a partner, and it is best to tolerate each other. After all, Ann has tolerated him several times just now.

He naturally needs to repay Ann.

So, he…

It’s not that he refuses because he doesn’t understand, the main reason is that the atmosphere is all set.

There is really no way.

“Ai, next time you must wear unzippered pants.”

Goethe told herself this, looking towards the box in front of her.

This was just delivered by Alston.

It contains Secret Technique goals and information about ‘Hisa’ collected by the Western Federal Government.

The Secret Technique catalog is housed in a bulky notebook.

The information on ‘Hesa’ is handwritten.

Goethe’s fingerprints are required to open the case, and if something goes wrong, the case will instantly self-destruct – that’s how the bulky notebook is set up.

As for the records of ‘Hesa’?

After opening the case and exposing it to the air, the writing on it will disappear within two hours.

‘Of course, your permission is sufficient, if you want to read again, please apply again. ‘

Thinking of Alston’s words, Goethe nodded slightly.

He agreed with this cautious attitude.

For time reasons, Goethe first picked up the information on ‘Hesa’.

All handwritten.

Two profiles.

The first information is: the narration of the lucky person among the unfortunate.

The second document is: ‘Western Federal Anomalous Affairs Investigation Bureau’ report.

Goethe picked up the first material.

‘My classmate and I made an appointment to go hiking on weekends, and she invited me to her hometown, which is not too far from the university, so I could just go back and forth every weekend. ‘

‘The companions were two of my roommates and their girlfriends. ‘

‘The six of us set off together. ‘

‘At first it was normal, but when we got to the destination, there was a funeral in Lisa’s hometown and a woman hanged herself. ‘

‘We were received by Lisa’s Uncle, who was a very warm person who not only provided us with drinks, but also provided us with flying leaves. ‘

‘I didn’t like it very much, but Lisa seemed to like it a little bit, so I drank and smoked together. ‘

‘Alcohol and fly leaves make me less sober. ‘

‘Indistinctly, I felt Lisa beside me. ‘

‘Second day when I woke up, I was lying in the coffin with Lisa by my side, she died, I slapped the coffin in horror, but no one responded. ‘

Goethe turned to the second page without feeling anything.

‘Lisa asked me to go to my hometown for vacation. In order to complete this project, I have not rested for 4 months. It has come from winter to spring. I even feel the taste of summer, so, I agreed to Lisa’s invitation, and when she agreed to be my girlfriend – the project was a success, and I thought I was lucky to have the girl on my mind until now. ‘

‘In fact, it is. ‘

‘I was welcomed by everyone in Lisa’s hometown, Lisa’s stepmother, elder sister… It’s really good. ‘

‘We’re going to be here for two weeks, the first week I’m happier, the second week I’m even happier because I found the Lady Boss in the pub in town to be pretty good too. ‘

‘However, the day before I left, I had a nightmare. ‘

‘Lisa’s stepmother, elder sister, the bar Lady Boss, and several girls I thought were good before started chasing me with shotguns, scythes, and pitchforks. ‘

‘Why? ‘

‘I don’t know, I want to explain, no one listens. ‘

‘Thankfully, Lisa saved me. ‘

‘She drove me away from the town, but just as she was about to leave the town, Lisa suddenly stopped the car and asked me if it happened with those women What? ‘

‘How could I possibly answer yes, I looked at Lisa with sincerity and told her that I had no idea what was going on. ‘


‘I was stabbed in the lower abdomen by Lisa with a dagger, in pain, Lisa’s face began to twist, she became like her stepmother, The elder sister, the bar Lady Boss. ‘

Looking at the second page, Goethe frowned.

Of course, he didn’t pay more attention to the scumbag’s self-report.

Instead focus on one name: Lisa?

It’s all Lisa?

Goethe flips to the third page with guesswork.

‘My wife Lisa and I have been married for three years, and this year we have a baby of our own, a girl as beautiful as Lisa, and at the same time, my position has been promoted and I have become a regional manager . ‘

‘Luck is really good! ‘

‘I think it was brought to me by Lisa and her daughter. ‘

‘So when Lisa offered to return home to see her parents on vacation, I agreed right away—I never saw my parents-in-law again except when I got married. ‘

‘However, that doesn’t stop me from being grateful to them. ‘

‘They showed more enthusiasm for our arrival than I imagined, which made me feel very guilty. Obviously, because of work, I neglected too much. ‘

‘I swore at that time that I would visit my father-in-law at least once a year from now on. ‘

‘I am grateful to them to this day, after all, they were the ones who saved me at the last moment and lost their lives. ‘

‘And my poor wife, child, they also suffered misfortune, I don’t know what happened until now, all I know is that the devil is eating my child, I’m going to kill it ! ‘

The description on the third page is much better.

In addition to the appearance of Lisa, it is the ‘cannibal demon’.

However, Goethe looked at and involuntarily came up with the term ‘ceremony’.

Goethe didn’t jump to conclusions.

He kept scrolling.

Of the four survivors after that, one Lisa appears, most of the time as an adult female, but once as a girl, and this time is extraordinarily different.

‘My wife and I have been married for ten years. We have no children. Because of an accident, I lost my fertility. My wife really wants to have her own child. I know this. , we adopted a girl. “

“She’s cute and she smiles like an angel.” ‘

‘But when we named her, she insisted on calling herself ‘Lisa’. ‘

‘My wife and I did not insist on this. ‘

‘Especially when Lisa called me father, my heart melted at that moment – am I a father? It’s like a dream! ‘

‘Lisa is very obedient, well-behaved, and smart, and is loved by everyone in the community, but I was careless, I forgot that this world is not only beautiful, but also disgusting. The darkness of that, a sanctimonious guy in that community church, actually molested Lisa, I XXXX! ‘

‘It was my fault, my anger didn’t drown my sanity, because sanity told me what to do. ‘

‘My wife doesn’t know that. ‘

‘It was my own act to strip that guy. ‘

‘As for why everyone in the church was killed? ‘

‘Because, they’re all damned! ‘

‘They didn’t find that worm, they hurt my daughter! ‘


The victim?

Goethe watched it twice, and finally called the head.

Without the previous information, he would have identified ‘Lisa’ victim, but with the previous information, Goethe prefers this to be a layout.

“From direct harm to instigation?”


“Can’t be called is instigation.”

“It should be an inducement.”

Goethe thought, put down the ‘unfortunate’ self-report, and picked up the report of the ‘Western Federal Anomalous Affairs Investigation Bureau’.

Not the same as README.

The report of the ‘Western Federal Anomalous Affairs Investigation Bureau’ is written in anomalous specifications-

File Number: LMR-01-009

Target Level: Keter

Target description: Usually appearing as a woman, and will definitely call herself ‘Lisa’, with the ability to change her appearance and age at will, and with the change of age, the body will also change. Must meet the cognitive age, very good at deceiving people, the words spoken directly point to the weakness of the speaker (mark 1), have a fairly high hand-to-hand combat ability, can use firearms freely (mark 2), the behavior pattern is temporarily summarized as After six perpetrators, a girl image (mark 3) will appear for the seventh time. When the girl image appears, the adult male close to the other party will become uncontrollable (mark 4). The other party’s traceability has not been completed, only know The first time it appeared was in an oil painting of ‘The Prophet George’ (marked 5), in the last pursuit of the opponent with all the female team members, the opponent was shot and the body disappeared on the way back to the headquarters, about 3 months later, the other party appeared again as ‘Lisa’ (callout 6).

Treatment method: Approach with a team of all females, seriously injured and imprisoned.

Checking level: Level 4

Checking method: Written in special ink, and requires the approval of two A-Rank members at the same time.

Target status: Sealed by ‘Folk Hunter’ Winchester (Mark 7, Mark 8)

(Mark 1: ‘Lisa’ seems to be able to read people’s hearts, check the other side Past memory, the method is unknown.)

(Note 2: When appearing as an adult female, you can kill a fully armed commando with bare hands in an instant, and can use pistols, submachine guns, sniper rifles Weapons included, but not good at driving, can only drive a car easily, can’t make any difficult actions, for vehicles such as motorcycles, not at all.)

(Note 3: Recording data , all sequences are in line with this guess, only after being killed, ‘Lisa’ continuously appears as a girl, and the girl’s ‘Lisa’ will always look the same.)

(Note 4: When ‘Lisa’ appears as a girl, any adult male will become uncontrollable, have a terrifying desire for ‘Lisa’, and even want to kill ‘Lisa’ completely.)

(Mark 5: The image of the girl ‘Lisa’ appears in the oil painting “Home” by ‘The Prophet George’. According to research, the ‘Lisa’ in the painting should be the same as the ‘Lisa’ we are facing people.)

(Callout 6: ‘Lisa’ disappeared by unknown means, and when it reappeared, caused a mayhem that left 66 men dead.)

(Callout 7 : ‘Folk Hunter’ Winchester sealed ‘Lisa’ in a special way, and at the same time obtained a special item. According to records, that Treasure Item should be the one mentioned by ‘The Prophet George’ in “The Miserable World” The ‘Fantine’ can make people powerful, but it can also bring misfortune.)

(Mark 8: ‘Folk Hunter’ Winchester was temporarily seriously injured and disappeared, and it is recommended to start from The other party’s adopted son can start with ▉▉▉▉ (smear marks are retained) but it needs to be restrained.)

(Mark 9: The original name of ‘Lisa’ is covered up, and the code name is ‘Heisa’.)


“‘Lisa’ ‘Hisa’?”

“Is it for restraint?”

Goethe looked on This information browses slightly wrinkle.

When he saw the annotations 6 and 9, he naturally had a similar association – as long as he remembered his real name, he would continue to be resurrected, even if sacrifices were required every time.

The special number 66 is really conspicuous.

There is also the rule of mark 3!

Goethe always involuntarily thought of ‘ceremony’.

And then…

‘Folk Hunter’.

Winchester, the ‘adoptive father’ who has always existed in his mind, is undoubtedly a quite remarkable figure, otherwise, there would be no mark 8.

Of course, Goethe is most concerned about the mark 4!

“Will a strong enough [heart] be able to resist?”

Goethe guessed, looking towards mark 7.

Involuntarily, the corners of Goethe’s mouth twitched.

Not just a ‘Mad King’ spoof.

Because of Goethe’s guess, could the so-called ‘Hesa’ be some special invention or product made by ‘Mad King’?

According to ‘Mad King’ self-description, quite likely.

The ‘Mad King’ at this time should still belong to the state of ‘sunshine’ and ‘carefree’.

Passionate about ‘playing’.

But there was already a little bit of unease in my heart.

Then under such premise, it is normal for ‘Mad King’ to make some self-protection props.

It’s just that this prop seems out of control!


The so-called ‘Hesa’ became the so-called ‘Hesa’ after obtaining the Treasure Item ‘Fantine’ made by ‘Mad King’.

“What would it be?”

Goethe thought.

After that, he flipped through the material twice.

After all the text disappeared, Goethe set the two documents on fire and threw them into the wastebasket. Under the watchful eyes, the documents turned to fly ashes – this is what Alston said ‘you can follow it, and also may not be complied with’.

As a lawful person, Goethe believes he should obey.

Staring at the burning ashes of the paper, Goethe gave no further thought to the ‘Hesa’.

There is more than enough documentation.

The rest?

It could only be more secretive, impossible to record.

This kind of news can’t be thought of just by thinking.

is required to ask.

Goethe picked up the phone and edited a text message to Alston.

Goethe: Details.

Alston: Interview?

Goethe: Tianliang, Green High School, after I make up the exam.

Alston: Understood.


After a brief exchange, Goethe was completely relieved, he opened the bulky laptop and began to check the Secret Technique he needed.

There are thousands of Secret Technique catalogues and profiles stored in the notebook in front of you, which are categorized and easy to browse.

And Goethe is also on target.

First of all: To be able to integrate and improve the Secret Technique he owns at this stage.

Secondly: the Secret Technique of the treatment class.

Finally: Secret Technique for special classes.

It’s not that I don’t want all of them, but [Bloody Honor] is really limited.

Goethe is very clear that he relies on [Bloody Honor] to complete the cultivation of these Secret Techniques.

Without the support of [Bloody Honor], it would really take a long time to complete.

But he really doesn’t have time.

So, Goethe made the requirement.

But even with these three preconditions, there are still many Secret Techniques appearing in front of Goethe: “Fiery Curse”, “Cirke Sect Fire Method”, “Cirke Sect Divination”, “Cirke Sect Divination” Erkesect Healing Law, “I don’t know fire wave. Flame”, “I don’t know fire wave. Flame”, “I don’t know fire wave. Fire”, “Crazy flow. Cang Yan”, “Flame flow. No style”, “Thousand birds.” Stream. Electric Shock”, “Thousand Birds Stream. Lightning Strike”, “Thousand Birds Stream. Ming”, “Ancient Biography. Flame Finger”, “Ancient Biography. Thunder Palm”, “Ancient Biography. Changchun”, “Ancient Biography. XueCangqiong ( Incomplete)”, “Ancient Biography. One Success Power”, “Ancient Biography. Not Under Me”…

One Secret Technique after another.

One introduction after another.

Goethe never knew that one day he would worry about too much Secret Technique.

“I hope the Western Federation can do more and find enough [Bloody Honor].”

Goethe thought so.

Of course, in Goethe in mind, once he has enough [Bloody Honor], the first thing he will improve is definitely [Steinbeck Breathing Technique] – he wants to take a look at the transcendent level [ What the Steinbeck Breathing Technique would look like.

And, his gut told him, this was the best option.

As for the money?

How could I be short of money as the ‘Director of the Western Federal Anomalous Object Investigation Bureau’?

He could ask the Western Commonwealth to ‘borrow’.

The Western Commonwealth will definitely lend it to him.

Goethe is very confident.

After upgrading the [Steinbeck Breathing Technique] to transcendent, it is up to you to choose the corresponding Secret Technique to improve yourself.

Among so many Secret Techniques, Goethe is very curious about the three Secret Techniques, “Ancient Biography. , as described.

“Ancient Biography. XueCangqiong” should be a special Secret Technique for blood.

“Ancient Biography. One Success Power” should be a Secret Technique that normally locks itself, and then breaks out at a critical moment.

“Ancient Biography. Not Under Me” is a spiritual Secret Technique, which will affect people who hear this language with hostility, making the other party depressed, powerless, and have no fighting intent. When their own people heard it, they were forging ahead, brave, and fighting intent high.

Goethe texts Alston from his cell phone.

He informed the other party of his choice.

Goethe’s face froze when all this was done.

He glanced at the morning sun rising outside the window.


He took a deep breath, his eyes gradually firmed.

Putting on a white shirt with buttons, she picked up her schoolbag.

Goethe went out with determination all over her body.

He, Goethe, is going to make up the exam.

This time…

It will be over!

PS, Fat Dragon got up late… Cover your face!

(End of this chapter)

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