Calamity Crown

Chapter 230


Chapter 230 Collaborators and Auctions That Are Not Too Deep into the Movie (For Subscriptions ~ Ask for Monthly Passes~)

Margarita Ma Ge was slightly taken aback.

She had no idea what Goethe’s next plan would be.

“Having 200 bards to sing about us in Faber’s taverns, inns, plazas…isn’t it a bit too deliberate?”

The second daughter of the Tulip family is saying When it came to ‘love’, I chose to be vague.

Although she can be generous when acting in front of people.

But when she’s alone with Goethe, she’s still a little sorry.

In this regard, Margarida admired Goethe quite a lot.

That cheeky one!

Thicker than the city wall corner of Bear Castle!


“Why do you think that?”

“I gave the people of Faber an attractive spectacle for after-dinner entertainment—they love it When you see this, you will naturally believe it, as for those who never want to believe it?”

“Even if you put the hard evidence in front of them, they will insist that it is false and forged.”

“Even if you said these people were speechless at the time, they might have come up with a sentence…aside from the facts.”

Goethe said , while unbuttoning the collar of the military dress.

Military dresses look good, but good looks come at a price.

At least, he was strangled so that he could not breathe.


Goethe felt the freedom to breathe the moment he unbuttoned it.

He raised his hand and poured himself a glass of water. After drinking it, he looked towards Margarita.

The second daughter of the Tulip family waved her hand, indicating that she didn’t need it, and watched Goethe pour herself another glass and gulped it down.

She brows slightly wrinkle.

Because, it’s a bit unethical.

According to her childhood education, she should not make any noise whether she is eating or drinking.

However, the second daughter of the Tulip Family immediately raised her brows.

It’s not Faber here!

Besides, she ran out, why should she obey such etiquette?

Thinking of this, Margarida walked to Goethe’s side, poured herself a glass of water, then imitated Goethe’s appearance and drank it with a big gulp.


After drinking, Margarida let out a sigh, giving Goethe a surprised look.

“What’s the matter?”

Margarita was a little shy.

“Nothing, if I hadn’t just had one, I would have thought you were drinking.”

Goethe shrugged.

Speaking of drinking, Margarita flushed slightly.

She thought of her ugliness at the Bear Castle party-although in the eyes of normal people, she was well controlled, but in the eyes of Margarida it was embarrassing.

After all, ordinary people don’t know the so-called ‘horse urine story’.

“People can change.”

“Because of time and environment, they will change into different appearances from memory…”

“ You won’t change your appearance when you’re drunk.”

“Because, that’s nature!”

“People can’t change their nature!”

Facing Margo Lida’s words, Goethe said succinctly.

This made the second daughter of the Tulip family even more uncomfortable.

She originally wanted to use the topic just now to make Goethe completely shut up about the ‘horse urine story’, but now it gives her a feeling of getting darker and darker.

At the next moment, Margarida saw Goethe with a slightly raised mouth.

“You did this on purpose?”

In an instant, the second daughter of the Tulip family reacted.

“Not really.”

“You reminded me.”

With that, Goethe made a ‘horse urine’ gesture with his mouth.

Infuriated, Margarida smacked Goethe’s chest.

Of course, it’s not really hard, it’s the kind that just means something.

Goethe is laughing at hehe’s inappropriateness.

Margarida looked at Goethe who was standing in front of him with a smile, and couldn’t help laughing too. The second daughter of the Tulip family returned to the sofa – the sofa she was most accustomed to, The back of the cushion is no longer hard at this time, and it is more comfortable to sit up.

She leaned there, looking towards Goethe again.

“Goethe are you doing this to every lady?”


“You’re the exception!”

Goethe said loudly.

Although the two sides are in a cooperative relationship, this special treatment still makes the second daughter of the Tulip family feel joy, and she can’t help but ask.

“Oh, why?”

Margarita looked at Goethe expectantly.

This expectation is not unexpected.

It was buried earlier.

Not when we first worked together.

But when the roses were flying around.

At that time——

The wind was gentle.

Goethe looked at Margarida who was ‘in the play’, the smile on his face became more and more gentle, he raised his hand to Margarida’s ear, and rubbed his fingers against Margarida’s ear. Side, in the most sincere tone, said: “Because, you are rich.”

Margarida’s smile froze.

The second daughter of the Tulip family, nearly throws the water from her glass at Goethe.

She swore that the reason she didn’t do it was definitely not because of her childhood education, but because Goethe took two steps back after saying this.

“You guy, can’t you coax me?”

Margarita suddenly asked in a coquettish tone.

The voice is crisp and charming.

Especially Margarita’s eyes, with such a touch of seduction in the grievance, can very arouse the desire of men.

But Goethe took two steps back again.


“Compared to the truth just now, you are really ‘false’ now – you probably want to test me and make me feel a little guilty, After getting close to you, will you splash me with water?”

“If you really want to do this, then you must control the cup in your hand, its intention is too obvious.”

Goethe spreads his hands and shrugs.

“Men are still calm at times like this, but they will be suspected of not being good in certain aspects.”

Margarita changed her words and began to directly attack any man who would care. the ‘vital’.

“When you are suspected, you don’t need to prove it.”

“As I said, some people will turn a blind eye.”

“This time only I need…”

“You can choose a pose.”

The voice became more and more low, and Goethe picked up the little Liu Bei with the illustration next to him. Stepping towards Margarida, the latter, who was smiling, shrank immediately.


“I was wrong!”

“I was wrong just now!”

The second daughter of the Tulip family immediately recognized Cowardly apologize.

At this time, she realized the reality again: the rank of the man in front of her is really higher than hers.

But still a little unwilling.

Simple desire to win.

“If, I mean if, I gave you a lot of money, a lot more than 500wgolden gram, would you treat me like Sierra?”

“Fool, what nonsense are you talking about?”

“Sierra never sat in my study like you did, talked like we did, you’re always special—yes, can Can’t tell me, how much?”

Goethe opened his mouth.

The melodious sound of golden gram collisions fascinated him.

A word or two of compliment for that, what’s the matter?

Do you make money, not shabby.

Margarita looked at Goethe blankly.



“Sure enough, mother is right, men don’t have a good thing.”

“ The next time you lie to me, remember to keep the question of the price in your heart.”

Sighed, the second daughter of the Tulip family.

“This shows that you are really special to me. I don’t want to deceive you, nor do I want to deceive you.”

Goethe said sincerely.

“For money’s sake?”

“Yes, for money’s sake.”

Goethe nodded seriously.

Margarita suddenly felt a little choked up.

She took a few deep breaths before she calmed down.

“You have 10 VIP seats around the ring, isn’t that too much?”

“There are only two of the Rose family and the Tulip family, and the Faber nobles after that, Only the green vines, lilies, thorns, violets and dark lotuses are eligible.”

Faber is different from Tessin.

In the previous Tessin, the royal family had an absolute advantage.

Faber is a protracted open strife and veiled struggle between the rose family and the tulip family.

In addition to the Two Great Families, there are also five families of green vine, lily, thorn, violet and dark lotus on the side, either glare like a tiger watching his prey, or act as a wall grass.

Of course, there are more unknown little families waiting for the opportunity.

In fact, apart from the rose family and the tulip family, Faber’s family has changed a lot in the hundreds of years of history.

Goethe looked at Margarida, who had finally returned to normal from the ‘playing’ state, slightly relaxed.

He was really worried that his partner had become irrational.

After all, it’s all about his money!

It’s not bad at all!

Goethe evaluates her partner from the bottom of her heart, and says in a very sure tone.

“How come there are so many?”

“I always control the quantity.”

“You don’t think so?”

Almost instantly, Margarida, who was back to normal, guessed something.

“Well, it’s what you think.”

“Now, get ready.”

“Our second game is about to begin.”

Goethe said as he fastened his neckline and stretched out his arm towards Margarita.

The second daughter of the Tulip family raised her hand on Goethe’s arm and stood up straight from the sofa.

Two qualified actors took the stage again after a short break.

At this time, the stage has been moved from the gate of the Bear Castle to the arena that has just been built – it is said to be a ring, but under Goethe’s suggestion, it has been built similar to an open-air football. The kind of field, except that the lawn in the middle has become a stone ring, surrounded by rows of seats, the layout is exactly the same as that of a football field.

The number of people can accommodate 25,000 people.

It’s not that I don’t want to build more.

But time can’t keep up.

Emil Gram groaned at this.

You know, this is money.

15,000 third-class seats, 8,000 second-class seats, and 1990 first-class seats.

In the pricing, the third-class seat is 10 copper corners as negotiated before, the second-class seat is directly increased by six times, 60 copper corners, and the first-class seat is doubled six times again, 240 copper corners .


Naturally it is in short supply.

After doing some detailed market research, the second son of the Grand Duke decided to increase the price.

But even so, demand is still in short supply.

The native northerners are poor.

But people outside the north are rich!

Especially those Faber nobles, they can’t wait to reserve first-class seats for their servants and followers.

Because of this, the tickets for these three seats alone have made the Northern Territory’s financial income a full 1,107,600 copper horns, which is 55,380 silver cables, and if it is replaced by golden gram, it is 4,615.

4615golden gram , it doesn’t seem like much, but it’s just the ticket money!

Nearby shops, food, drink and souvenir sales are not included!

If you count all these, then golden gram’s income is tens of thousands!

Not to mention, also: VIP seats!

As for the main event, spinach?

Emil Gram looked at the number that gradually exceeded 6 digits, everyday all could wake up laughing.

Because, the second son of the Grand Duke knew that as long as there was a good start this time, the ‘Bear Castle Arena’ would become a stable income point in the north, and there would be so many every year.

Even, more!

“must be done!”

“run the series!”


“Expand! Expansion !”

“I’m going to make Bear Castle Arena hold 50,000… no, 100,000 people!”

“I’m going to build a series of populations with Bear Castle Arena as the core Migration plan!”

Emil Gram’s eyes flashed golden lights.

The tiredness of working with the Grand Duke’s Guards all night disappeared. He walked through the passage with full energy and walked towards the stage in the middle of the Bear Fort Arena.


Emil Gram is the first host of the Bear Fort Arena.

No one is more suitable than the second son of the Grand Duke, who is in charge of the northern economy.

The status is appropriate.

Eloquent skills are also appropriate.

If it were Semler Gram standing here, people would feel oppressed unconsciously.

Instead of Gegil Gram?

It looks too young.

Goethe is actually quite appropriate.

But Goethe has another mission.

As for Nina?

How could a woman in Gram Family be bothered?

“Good morning, everyone.”

Inspiring qi and blood, Emil Gram’s voice spread throughout the audience, the people from the north applauded very strongly, and people from other places also The same goes for applause.

“This is an unprecedented feat—”

“Challenging 100 ‘same rank’!”

“The challenger is my cousin Goethe .Wayne!”

“To be honest, I don’t agree, after all, this fool took his own territory ‘Swetra’ as a bet… ugh, but what can I do?”

“He’s a younger brother, so I can’t beat him, can I?”

“So, I hope there is a true powerhouse that can wake him up.”

“Show him how ignorant his arrogance is.”

Emil Gram’s words brought another round of applause and enough laughter.

Self-mockery, on occasions like this, always works wonders.

The second son of the Grand Duke did not interrupt such laughter and applause.

He stood there smiling.

The second son of the Grand Duke continued to speak after the laughter and applause had subsided.

“In order to see my dear young brother being beaten up, my father, the Guardian of the North, and the Archduke Scrooge also came in person!”

The eldest son said, raised his hand and pointed to the room higher than the ordinary seats.

These rooms are supported by thick logs and stand high above the stands, with a good view not only to see everything in the middle of the ring, but also to overlook the entire Bear Fort Arena.

Moreover, the structure of the room allows it to avoid the wind, rain and sun, and also gives it a high degree of privacy.

Even if you do something outrageous, you won’t be seen at all.

Because, it’s high.

The Faber nobles are pleased with this.

They quite like this VIP seat which is different from the ordinary person.

I also secretly decided in my heart that I want to sit in.

However, when they saw the Grand Duke appearing in the window of the VIP seat in the middle, Dotnier Marg and Donald Dott both frowned.

There are only 10 VIP seats, and now the Grand Duke has 1, and only 9 are left!

Limited quantity, less.

It is bound to cost more.


Is it just that?

They sensed something was wrong.

I’m afraid things are not that simple.

Looking at the big duke smiling and waving, the two seemed to see an Old Dog bear with sharp claws standing in front of them, ready to bleed them.

The remaining Faber nobles also found something wrong.

The green vine, lily, thorn, violet, and dark lotus looked at each other without a trace, and they all saw each other’s worries.

As only five families under the rose family and the tulip family, although the rays of light are covered by the Two Great Families, they still have to show their presence as much as possible.

This is a Faber tradition.

Therefore, they must occupy the VIP seats.

I heard there were 10 before and they were relaxed.


It could be bad.

What the nobles of Faber thought, the people in the north didn’t know. The simple people in the north cheered when they saw the grand duke.

They thought their Grand Duke was the most qualified to sit there.

This is enough.

As for the others?

They didn’t think much of it at all.

Seeing the scene as expected, Emil Gram continued with a smile-

“We northerners are the most hospitable people, when a beautiful girl for true love, When we come so far north, we should…”


“Welcome Miss Margarita Margot!”

In the elongated tone, the Northerners who were present shouted again.

It was messy at first, then neat and tidy.

Margarita Mag appeared next to the box where the Grand Duke was, still with a shy, innocent smile, still holding Goethe’s arm.

This scene makes all northerners happy.

Even the ladies and ladies of the Faber nobles smiled and applauded.

“Have you arranged someone?”

“Well, some audiences were arranged, mainly because they were afraid of the cold.”

When the two sat down, Ma Grida asked.

She could hear it clearly, and the first few ‘welcome’ shouts were perfectly appropriate, almost after Emil Gram’s voice had dropped.

So much so that everyone.

“You’re so bad!”

Looking at Goethe with a frank face, the second daughter of the Tulip Family said softly.

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Goethe smiled nodded, and looked towards the bottom.

Down below, around the ring, in the seats for the Faber nobles, Dirkmore is staring.

The malice in the eyes is just like the real thing.

Goethe thought for a moment, then pulled Margarida up, and under everyone’s attention, a dislocation kiss came.


There was a louder cheer.


In the cheers of everyone, Dirkmore clenched his fists and his eyes were full of killing intent.

Kill him!

Kill him!

The voices in my head kept rolling.

But then, the head of the ‘Rose Knight Regiment’ calmed down.

Not self-cooling.

Being stared at by Semler Gram, calm down.

The Archduke eldest son was sitting next to him, looking at him indifferently.


“You always have a time to order!”

Dilkmore said in his heart, at the same time, a single thought took the risk come out.

Emil Gram glances at Dirkmore.

Silly X!

The second son of the Grand Duke commented, thinking silently in his heart how to get rid of this guy ‘safely’, but on the surface he still smiled, loudly shouted: “Except for Miss Margo, we are in the north. We also welcomed another guest – Prince Most.”


The northerners were taken aback.


Faber people heart startled.

After several days of recuperation, with the strong resilience of ‘Dragon Blood Fighter’, Most, a youngster who is upright and somewhat naive young woman, appeared on the other side of the Grand Duke’s box.

Although he has not received the education of Prince, facing such a big occasion, this youngster did not feel guilty. After waving his hand, he said directly: “Thank you cousin Emil for your welcome, seriously. Saying I’m not a guest, I’m a Northlander, after all, my uncle Scrooge is here.”

Emil taught him this.

Youngster didn’t think anything was wrong.

He is truly grateful to the Gram Family who took him in in peril.

Also, he considers himself part of the Gram Family.

He calls the Grand Duke uncle!

pa pa pa!

Youngster’s speech won the favor of the people in the north. Everyone warmly welcomed the youngster, which made the youngster’s smile brighter.

Seeing this scene, Dotnell Marg and Donald Dott both had their faces unchanged, but they were vigilant in their hearts at the same time.

They are watching what the North will do next.


There are more plots against.

Both saw an opportunity.

However, soon, the two of them recovered their thoughts.

Because, there is still a matter of face.

The two and the remaining Faber nobles looked towards Emil Gram.

Is it always possible to bid now?

Do you have any reason to let who enter the VIP seat?

There are now 7 VIP seats, and they are just right for Faber’s aristocracy.

The Fabers thought so.

Emil Gram looked at the Fabers in the audience and immediately smiled, then he raised his hand again-

“The North is desolate.”


“The north is cold.”

“In the north when the cold wind is raging, even the furious bears have to go to sleep, but we survive here and marry here. Wife and children, multiply here, and make this place our ‘home’!”

“This is not the work of the Gram Family alone, but everyone’s!”

“So, we invited senior people with high moral standing in the north to visit this competition as special guests!”

“Everyone welcomes them!”

Many faces appeared in Inside the box.

Unlike before, this time it was crowded.

Each one of them has an old face. They have no prominent status, let alone extraordinary power. They are very ordinary. Some of them are blacksmiths, some are winemakers, some are hunters, and some are simply farmers. Very ordinary.

But it is precisely because of these ordinary persons that the entire northern border is constructed.

It also made the North prosperous.

This time the applause is far greater than any other.

Because, most of the northerners present are ordinary persons.

The old people who stood in the box representing the ordinary person were so excited that their palms trembled.

They couldn’t say anything nice, let alone express their emotions at the moment.

They just think…

It’s worth it!

And the Faber nobles felt that it was over!

6 seats available!

Green vines, lilies, thorns, violets and dark lotuses are bound to be squeezed out!

Immediately, the five family members looked towards the smiling Emil Gram with anger in their eyes.

“You’re too bad!”

Margarita tapped the back of Goethe’s hand.


“What kind of bad thoughts can I have?”

“I just want those old people to see the beauty they’ve created— It’s the respect and honor they deserve.”

Goethe said solemnly.

This made Margarita a little not knowing what to do.

Just as the second daughter of the Tulip family wondered if she had said the wrong thing, Goethe smirked.

“As for the bad?”

“The real bad is next!”

Margarita was taken aback.

Then, the second daughter of the Tulip family thought of something.

She covered her mouth and looked at Goethe, cry out in surprise.

“You don’t want to arrange for someone to raise the price, do you?”

“What’s the price?”

“It’s too ugly!”

“I am in fair competition.”

Goethe looks as if it should be by rights.

And below, Emil Gram also announced the start of the VIP bidding for the remaining 6 seats, the base price is 100golden gram, and each increase shall not be less than 50golden gram.

As soon as Emil Gram was announced, an offer was made.

“500golden gram!”

The price has doubled in an instant, which is eye-catching.

The Northlanders are amazed.

Faber people are gnashing teeth with rage.

Because this bidder is—


(End of this chapter)

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