Calamity Crown

Chapter 146


Chapter 146 ‘Clinic’!

“I’m coming in!”

“It hurts, it hurts, tap it, tap it!”

Under the ground, the ‘Oasis’ was temporarily transformed into an empty room in the infirmary. Astrid was suturing Goethe’s abdominal wound, but when the needle had just passed through the muscle in Goethe’s abdomen, Goethe was exhaling in pain.

“You’re a ruthless guy who shoved his intestines back after he singlehanded Jock VI, shouldn’t it be face doesn’t change at this time?”

Astrid couldn’t bear it Live said.

“It’s not the same. I can endure the bullets, but the injections and stitches hurt me inexplicably.”

Goethe said with a serious face.

And then—

“Hi, it hurts!”

Amid the series of cries, Astrid put down the needle and thread in his hand and looked at Goethe helplessly.

“Or take an analgesic?”

The woman suggested again.


“I’m weak in willpower.”

“It’s hard to let go of lazy things.”

Goethe immediately hooks the head.

He knows that his willpower is not that strong, and once it gets contaminated with something, it’s really finished – so, must stay away! must stay away! must stay away!

Humans themselves are not willpower creatures!

Even the person who seems to be the most self-disciplined is only because of the temptation of a higher level!

And when faced with temptation?

Resistance is also just an utterly inadequate measure.

Even, the Heart Demon will be produced, falling into an irreversible terrifying situation.

So stay away at first!

The farther away the better!

Having seen so many Goethes in my hometown, I know this all too well.

So, he won’t use pain relievers.

Instead, choose ‘Pain Transfer Dafa’.

Just now he had begun to fantasize more in his mind.

But it’s too painful to just rely on fantasy.

It has to be practical—

“Astrid, you go to the video room and get the fifth videotape in the third row on the second shelf, as well as the TV and VCR by the way. Bring it.”

Astrid was puzzled at Goethe’s order.

However, the lady did so.

The lady was stunned when the video and sound appeared on the TV screen when the power was turned on and the videotape was put in.

“High-end ingredients often only require the simplest way to cook…”

“Hurry up! Hurry up and sew up!”

“Oh, oh, good Yes!”

Astrid came back to his senses, hand speeding up the stitching.

About five minutes later, a wound that ran through Goethe’s entire abdomen was sutured.

Just, stitched.

The extent to which the intestines will not flow out.

“Camilla will do the rest.”

The lady said as she wrapped the bandage.

“Is she reliable?”

Goethe asked.

“Compared to other doctors, she’s fairly reliable, and she’s the best doctor I know – with injuries like yours, I can’t think of anyone other than her, who It can still be rescued!”

“even more how…”

“She’s in the vicinity!”

Astrid walked towards the cab.

Goethe didn’t stop the other party.

He was hurt more than he thought.

Even with nearly 6 times the physical fitness of ordinary people, the injuries to the internal organs are still difficult to heal on their own, not to mention the broken intestines.

He was able to walk down the ground, which was incredible to Astrid.

Goethe adjusted his sitting position, took out the necklace and ring that he took out from the palace of ‘Doomsday Fortress’, and made a pendulum efficiently.

‘Is Camilla reliable? ‘

Pendulum motionless.

Goethe thought for a moment, then changed the word.

‘Is Camilla dangerous to me?’

The pendulum began to turn counterclockwise, giving a negative answer.

This makes Goethe slightly relaxed.

Then he asked again.

‘Is there any [Bloody Honor] nearby? ‘

This is not the first time Goethe has asked. Goethe tried to answer this ‘time and effort’ before, but the pendulum didn’t move, but this time was different. When asked, the pendulum began to turn clockwise, which made Goethe happy.

“It shouldn’t be true before, or because the [Bloody Honor] that exists at the top of the ‘Doomsday Fortress’ affects my divination for other [Bloody Honor].”

“And now there is, it is very likely that the gathered robbers are carrying weapons contaminated with [Bloody Honor]!”

Thinking of this, Goethe immediately used the [Enlightenment V-type (modified) version)] put a nearby map out.

He began to use his pendulum to predict the approximate location.

Soon, there will be a harvest.

It’s less than 2 kilometers away from him.

Moreover, according to the self-positioning of [Enlightener V (modified version)], this distance is still approaching.


‘Clinic’, white façade, red cross.

A town with a single-powered furnace and 15 rooms.

There are no weapons in the town, even the townspeople don’t carry any weapons, the only weapons they rely on are two ‘Defenders’ – but even these two ‘Defenders’ The Defenders’ jet-black spray paint is different, but white spray paint is used, there is also a red cross on the chest, and the revolver gun is hidden behind.

‘The clinic may have death, but no killing! ‘

This is what Camilla father said.

After Camilla took over the ‘clinic’, she lived up to her father’s beliefs – even if her father was shot by a robber who came for treatment.

“Doctor! Doctor!”

“The patient in Room 2 needs a blood transfusion!”

“Doctor! Doctor!”

“The patient in room 4 needs surgery!”

“Doctor! Doctor!”

“The patient in room 7 is dying!”

One A nurse ran up to Camilla and said anxiously.

“The patient in room 2 asked him to add money, or he would die.”

“The patient in room 4 asked him to add money, or he would die.”


“The patient in Room 7 gave him an electric shock, remember to double the money!”

Camilla, who was stitching up a patient’s broken leg, said without looking up.

The nurses immediately dispersed and followed suit.

Camilla straightened her waist after finishing the final stitches.

“Go to the front desk and pick up the bill.”

After saying such words, wearing a white coat, with golden hair up, wearing a mask and glasses, hiding the truth The face of Camilla raised her arm, and the blood-stained gloves were immediately replaced by the nurse beside her.

The doctor ignored the patient and started walking towards Ward 7.

Camilla never worries that the other party will ‘escape the bill’!

Unless the other party doesn’t want to receive treatment next time!

Although the wasteland is chaotic, there is one thing that is recognized –

Don’t offend the doctor!

Especially a doctor with superb medical skills and no malice!

As it happens, Camilla is one such doctor.

So, everyone tacitly follows the rules.

Of course, there are exceptions.


“Where’s the doctor? Where’s the doctor?”

“Help me!”

A The man was being carried in by four or five robbers, but the man was shouting loudly, and he couldn’t see where he was injured, even though he was covered in blood, he looked very scary.

“Please go to the platoon…”


Before the nurse finished speaking, she was slapped to the ground by the man.

“I’m dying!”

“You made me queue up!”

“Hurry up! Hurry up!”

“I want a doctor!”

The man shouted, and Camilla, who had just entered the ward, came out again and said to the nurse.

“Take him to Ward 13.”

“And you can go in together.”

Camilla said so.

The robbers immediately carried the man in, and Camilla followed.

About a minute later, Camilla came out.

The doctor still held his arms high and let the nurse change the blood-stained gloves before walking towards Ward 7 again, but this time, he was stopped again.

Camilla was blocked by a brawny man in leather armor.

The other party lowered his head and looked at Camilla harboring malicious intentions.

“Just a moment, please.”

Camilla said without waiting for the other person to speak.

“You don’t know me?”

brawny man was taken aback.

“Who are you?”

Camilla asked.

“I am a friend of Lord ‘Joker’, and the first to respond to Lord ‘Joker”s call to fight against ‘Doomsday Fortress’, Bazel – the man known as the desert butcher, is me!”

brawny man gave himself a thumbs up.

“Haven’t heard.”

“Get out of the way.”

Camilla said nonchalantly.

“You’re embarrassing Lord Bazel!”

“Do you want me to shout out what you just did?”

“That doesn’t match your until now reputation… uh.”

‘Desert Butcher’ Bazel said threateningly, but before he could finish speaking, he felt throated. After a while, she was pushed into room 7 by Camilla.

As soon as the door closed, blood started pouring out just as Camilla had calculated.

Nurses in the room start to pick up the corpse.

Camilla treated the unconscious robber in Ward 7 with an indifferent face.

“He’s bleeding profusely, and we’ve drained all the blood in the blood bank to save him – remember to make him pay.”

Camilla glanced at the floor and couldn’t clean it in a short time. After making a few more openings with a scalpel on the robber, he began to sew quickly.

“Also, the stitching money is included.”

Camilla raised her arms habitually.

While the nurse was helping to change the gloves, the doctor suddenly asked.

“Who is the ‘Joker’ that the fool just said?”

“I heard that he was the one who completely provoked this melee, and he was a very terrifying guy!”


“And, he also assassinated Jock VI!”

“Not only Jock VI, but several assault Captains of ‘Doomsday Fortress’ were also killed by him!”

“And those famous robbers, he also killed several!”

“A very terrifying guy anyway!”

The nurses chirp chirp twitter twitter.

At the moment they are on the edge of the battlefield, they are not quite clear about what is going on in the battlefield, but they have heard too much from the mouths of some robbers who participated in the melee but were injured to heal much news.

Most of them are about ‘Joker ‘Jack.

It’s a villain, no doubt!

A villain who takes pleasure in playing with people’s hearts and massacre other people!


It seems to be able to release the demon in my heart and become a terrifying demon wolf to devour others.

The mighty Jock VI was eaten by this demon.

The other party didn’t seem satisfied, and even ate half of Jock VI’s guards.

It is rumored that the other party is also very interested in smart people, and the 15 people in the ‘Doomsday Fortress’ research team have been sucked dry.

One after another, such messages came from the robber’s mouth.

At first, the nurses were dubious.

But now, the nurses have become convinced.

Because, all the robbers who came for treatment were saying so.

Camilla doesn’t believe it.

She frowned.

“The guy who is no different from the villains of the past.”

The doctor said this and walked out.

But when the door opened, Camilla was stunned.

The ‘clinic’, which was noisy before, is now silent.

Because, there is a man standing in the hall of the ‘Clinic’.

A man with a cracked mouth, a penetrating smile, and a Joker-like drawing, is looking all around.

Everyone keeps quiet out of fear, and the atmosphere does not dare to come out.

It wasn’t until Goethe looked away that he dared to take a breath.

And Camilla, who had just dismissed Goethe just now, felt a shudder in her heart when she saw Goethe’s crazy face.

Especially when she and Goethe looked into each other’s eyes, she found that those eyes were so calm, as calm as lake water.

That face is obviously crazy to the extreme.

Why are your eyes so calm?

Why do calm and madness appear at the same time?

In addition, the extreme contrast is strangely coordinated.

Someone I’ve never seen before.

People who never imagined.

Suddenly, Camilla panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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