Butterfly and Whale

Chapter 13: doll

"According to the meteorological report of our station, the high temperature weather is about to usher in a new peak in recent days. The general public is requested to do a good job of heatstroke prevention when going out, and beware of heat stroke..."

"Yueyue—" When Jiang Man and Hu Yuanheng opened the door and came in, Hu Die was sitting on the sofa wrapped in a blanket and watching the noon news.

"Why are you up?" Jiang Man walked up to her carrying the cake, "Are you feeling better today?"

"Hmm...much better."

Last week, Hu Die had just finished taking a shower. She didn’t know if she had been in the confined space for a long time, but she suddenly developed symptoms of difficulty breathing. As soon as she called out to her mother, she passed out directly, scaring Jiang Man, who came to meet the sound. Not light.

Jiang Man didn't dare to let her move around these few days. She was in a daze all day long, and she didn't even get out of the hospital bed. If she didn't get up and move again, she felt that her bones were going to be loose.

Hu Die lifted the blanket, put on her shoes and walked to the dining table: "What delicious food did Dad cook today?"

"Today is my mother's cooking, and I made your favorite braised short ribs, boiled shrimp, and garlic spinach." Hu Yuanheng raised his hand and scratched her nose lightly: "We will be eighteen today after a month and a half." She's a big girl now."

Hu Die hugged Hu Yuanheng's arm and acted like a baby: "Then I will always be your daughter."

"You will always be our little princess." Jiang Man put the cake on the dining table, took out a large envelope from her bag and handed it to Hu Die: "My father and I prepared a birthday present for you."

Looking at the thickness of the envelope, Hu Die thought it was some kind of check, but when she got it, she found that it was not the same thing.

She shook her head and asked, "What is it? It's so mysterious."

"You'll know if you take it apart and have a look." Jiang Man went to the side to wash his hands, took the bowls and chopsticks and walked back.

Hu Die tore off the seal on the envelope, and when she saw the contents clearly, she couldn't help crying out "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

Inside are twelve autographed photos of one of Hu Die's favorite foreign figure skaters. They are not worth much, but in terms of value, they are invaluable treasures for those who like them.

Hu Yuanheng smiled and said, "You haven't been arguing to like her all the time, your mother and I asked for some autographed photos of her for you."

"Thank you dad!" Hu Die took the signed photo, hugged Hu Yuanheng, and ran over to kiss Jiang Man on the face: "Thank you mom too!"

She took the autographed photo and couldn't put it down: "She is my favorite figure skater, but it's a pity that she retired too early, otherwise I would still be able to watch her competition live."

"I know you like this." Jiang Man smiled: "I ordered twelve photo frames for you from the Internet, and you can frame these photos when the time comes."

"Okay." Hu Die looked at the photos one by one, and said excitedly, "I really like it so much, thank you mom and dad."

"Okay, okay, I'll watch it later, let's eat first." Jiang Man handed over the chopsticks, and asked again: "Have you washed your hands? Go and wash your hands."

"Immediately!" Hu Die looked at the autographed photo for a while, and then reluctantly put it down to wash her hands.

When the family was seated, Hu Yuanheng raised his wine glass rarely: "Happy birthday to our little princess Yueyue, I hope you..."

Having said that, Hu Yuanheng paused for a moment, but quickly said again: "I hope you will always be so happy."

Hu Die couldn't drink alcohol, poured a glass of coconut milk, pretended not to realize anything, raised his glass to touch Jiang Man and Hu Yuanheng, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Mom and Dad."

"Come on, let's eat the vegetables. Let's see if my mother's cooking skills have deteriorated." Jiang Man put a piece of pork chops into the butterfly bowl, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Are you still going out today?"

Hu Die took a bite of the ribs, but didn't respond: "Where are you going?"

Jiang Man smiled: "Didn't you tell me before that you will go out with Jing Yue and the others on the night of your birthday?"

When Jing Yue was mentioned, Hu Die was stunned for two seconds, and then pretended to be natural: "I won't go out."

"What? Is there a conflict?" Jiang Man said: "I saw him standing at the entrance of the hospital for a long time two days ago, and he didn't move for a long time."

Hu Die muttered: "No, he is busy."

"So it's your birthday today, did he send you a message?"


Jing sent her birthday wishes at midnight, but she had already fallen asleep at that time, and when she saw that it was already daytime, she missed the opportunity to chat immediately after replying.

"I think he treats you very well." Jiang Man looked at her daughter: "If you make people unhappy, don't be petty and ignore them."

"I didn't make him angry." Hu Die lowered her head, fiddled with the pork ribs in the bowl, and her mood suddenly fell.

Seeing this, Hu Yuanheng exchanged glances with his wife, and said softly: "Okay, it's your birthday today, don't think about it, let's eat first."

The family of three are gentle and interesting people, and they had a happy meal. After eating, Hu Yuanheng and Jiang Man cleared up the table and took out the cake.

Hu Diean sat quietly at the table, looked at the number "18" flame dancing on the cake, closed her eyes and clapped her hands together to make a wish amidst the happy birthday songs sung by her parents in a low voice.

She said silently in her heart: "The first wish is that my parents will live a long and healthy life forever."

Hu Die knew what Hu Yuanheng paused in those few seconds, probably because she felt that talking about Ping An Health would only add to the sadness, so she could only wish her happiness.

"The second wish is that they will not be sad for too long because of my departure. I hope that all the students of my parents can win the championship safely and smoothly on the field."

"The third wish..."

After reading this, Hu Die repeated the "third wish" twice before continuing to read silently: "I hope that **** Jing Yue will come to me and apologize soon!"

She opened her eyes and lowered her head to blow out the candle.

Jiang Man applauded, Hu Yuanheng turned off the video recording, and set up the camera far away.

He took his wife to the sofa and sat down. Hu Die hugged them from behind, and the family took a group photo in the ward.

After the filming was finished, Hu Die stood up straight and said, "I'll go see how the filming goes!"

After she walked to the tripod, she saw the family portrait from the viewfinder. The background of the photo was a large area of ​​white and green. The three members of the family smiled with exactly the same eyebrows and eyes.

For a moment, Hu Die hoped that time could freeze at this moment forever, but unfortunately, everything in the world did not go as expected.

She endured her sadness and hid behind the camera, looked at her parents through the lens, and suddenly said, "Dad, let me take a photo with your mother."

"Okay." Hu Yuanheng adjusted his sitting posture and sat closer to Jiang Man.

Hu Die could clearly see the new fine lines at the corners of her parents' eyes from the viewfinder. In order to take care of her this year, Jiang Man and Hu Yuanheng saw that they were obviously reduced a lot.

Her hand that pressed the shutter was trembling, she took a picture, then lowered her head and said: "It seems that the picture was not taken well, let's take another picture."

Hu Yuanheng and Jiang Man didn't notice her abnormality, and they were still teasing whether she would take pictures.

Hu Die pursed her lips, pretending to be relaxed and said, "Of course I will."

After taking the photos, Hu Yuanheng flipped through some of the photos he had taken earlier, selected them, and sent the photo of the three of them to Moments.

After Hu Die brushed it, she quickly liked it, and complained: "Dad, can you change the copywriting next time? Don't just change the time every year, everything else remains the same."

Hu Yuanheng paused for a second, then said with a cheerful smile, "Okay, I'll change it next year."

"That's about the same."

She couldn't eat much of the butterfly cake. After eating a small piece Jiang Man cut for her, she lay down on the sofa again while touching her stomach, with her head resting on Jiang Man's lap.

She shaved her hair when she first started chemotherapy, and she usually wears a beanie knitted by Jiang Man herself most of the time in the ward.

Today, he was wearing a blue wool cap. After a long time, Jiang Man pulled off the fur **** on it and said, "It's all a little pilled."

"It's been a long time." Hu Die said, "Mom, please knit two more for me."

"Okay, I'm going to buy wool tomorrow, and this time I want blue ones?"

"Well, the blue is white."

Jiang Man touched her face: "It's so white."

"Then weave red?" Hu Die sat up: "Just red, red is festive."

Jiang Man smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Hu Die has the habit of taking a nap, and today is no exception. She chatted with Jiang Man for a while, and when it was time to take her medicine, she returned to her room after taking the medicine.

Jiang Man watched her fall asleep, and asked Hu Yuanheng to buy some wool, but he was afraid that he would not make a good choice, so he said, "Forget it, let me go, you stay here and watch Yueyue."

Hu Yuanheng had nothing to argue with, so he sent her to the elevator and returned to the ward.

He walked to Hu Die's bed, moved a chair and sat quietly aside, tucking the quilt for her for a while, and loosening the tucked quilt again for fear of her heat.

Hu Die was already a light sleeper, but after being tossed like this twice, she lost sleepiness, closed her eyes and smiled and said, "Dad, does my quilt have thorns? Why do you always move it?"

Hu Yuanheng stopped now, and thought it was a little funny: "I won't disturb you anymore, you can go to sleep."

"I can't sleep anymore." Hu Die turned sideways and looked at Hu Yuanheng: "Dad, when you quarrel with my mother, who usually apologizes first?"

"I don't quarrel with your mother."


Seeing her curled up into a ball, Hu Yuanheng couldn't help but tucked the corner of the quilt back, and asked, "Why do you suddenly want to ask me this?"

"It's okay, I'll just ask, I'm curious." Hu Die said, "Have you never quarreled with my mother? Have you ever quarreled?"

"Very rarely, your mother has a good temper." Hu Yuanheng looked at his daughter: "Are you really having a conflict with Jing Yue?"

"No." Hu Die thought for a while and said, "It's just that I wanted to be good for him, but he didn't appreciate it, and even said something about me, but if I were him, I might be angry too..."

Hu Die could actually understand what Jing Yue was angry about, but they couldn't help each other and didn't know what to say.

"In that case, both of you are actually at fault. Whoever apologizes first loses." Hu Yuanheng said, "Didn't Jing Yue send you a message, did you reply to him?"

"not yet."

"Then it's your fault now. Even if it's a blessing from an ordinary friend, you have to reply with a thank you out of politeness."

"I'm just..." Hu Die thought of something, and suddenly said, "Jing Yue and I are also ordinary friends."


"Originally." Hu Die muttered: "Maybe they are not as good as ordinary friends."

Hu Yuanheng just smiled, but didn't say much.

Hu Die was a little confused by Hu Yuanheng's two or three words, and lay on the bed all afternoon. Later, Jiang Man bought wool and came back, and asked Hu Yuanheng to go out to help with the thread, but she also lay still, listening to the couple chatting outside, and kept turning on the phone to read the messages from Jing Yu.

After much deliberation, she only responded with a thank you, and she couldn't help but sighed when she didn't see Jing Yue's reply after waiting for a long time.

In the evening, Hu Yuanheng was about to go back to make dinner. He came in and asked Hu Die what he wanted to eat. Seeing her listless look, he pointed out: "Go out if you want to go out. You haven't gone out to watch the sunset for a long time."

"I don't want to move." Hu Die said, "Let's have porridge. I want porridge tonight."

"Okay, then Dad is going back first, call me if you have anything you want to eat."


Hu Die turned over and faced the window. From the position of her room, she could actually see a bit of the afterimage of the sunset.

She didn't notice anything at first, she stared at the dancing figure on the phone, analyzing her take-off, rotation, landing point, and bonus points for her movements.

A women's single skating adult group free skating show lasted four minutes. After Hu Die watched the four-minute video, she looked up and found five blue balloons outside the window of the ward.

At first, she thought it was the balloons of the children downstairs, but after waiting for several minutes, the five balloons remained unchanged as if stuck to her window.

Hu Die put down the iPad, got up and walked to the window, and saw a card hanging on the bottom of each balloon through a layer of glass.

She opened the window, and the hot wind rushed in, and the five balloons floated in.

Hu Die grabbed one of the balloons and took off the card on it. On the back was a small whale with a small wooden board on its head and several words written on it.

— I really didn't mean to.

She took off the cards on the remaining few balloons, and the same words were drawn on the back of each one, but the words on the wooden board were different, in order—


"I was wrong."

"I really didn't mean to."

"Can you forgive me?"

A QR code was drawn on the last piece of wood on the top of the whale's head. Hu Die scanned it with her mobile phone, and a video animation of 7 minutes and 23 seconds popped up.

A whale living in the deep sea rescued a butterfly whose wings were wet by seawater by chance.

As a thank you, the little butterfly picked the most beautiful flower in the bush and gave it to the little whale.

In order to return the gift, the little whale brought a bunch of things from the bottom of the sea to the little butterfly, including shells, starfish, and sparkling pearls.

They become friends, the little whale swims in the sea with the little butterfly, and the little butterfly gives the little whale a beautiful flower every day.

Then one day, the little whale had a conflict with the little butterfly. The little butterfly hid in the flowers and refused to come out.

It began to frequently bring things ashore from the bottom of the sea, and put them in the place where it usually meets Little Butterfly. After a long time, Little Butterfly was finally willing to come out to meet it.

In order to make the little butterfly happy, the little whale kept swimming in the sea, and even performed rolling and jumping for the little butterfly.

It lay on its back on the sea, showing its bulging belly.

The little butterfly was finally amused and flew around it again.

Seeing this, Hu Die couldn't help laughing, she pushed the balloon away and looked downstairs.

On the path not far from the hospital building, at some point there appeared a figure in a whale doll costume.

He was holding a wooden board in his hand with the words "Sorry" written on it, which was almost the same as the handwriting on the card.

The clothes were probably borrowed from the amusement park next door. They were ugly and cute. Hu Die judged from his height that the person inside was probably Jing Yue himself.

She smiled and said to the figure downstairs: "Brother Jing Yu, your way of apologizing is too old-fashioned."

The whale doll didn't respond, it just shook the board in its hand.

Hu Die looked down, and there was a pebble tied under each balloon. She reached out and fished all the balloons into the house, and put the card into her pocket.

Before going out, she thought of something, took off the hat on her head, and changed into a wig.

Seeing her in a hurry, Jiang Man asked, "What's wrong?"

"Jing Yu came to look for me." Hu Die ran out and came back again, "By the way, Mom, I may not be able to come back until late at night, please tell Dad for me, I will have porridge tomorrow."

Jiang Man couldn't speak after she finished speaking, so she ran away without a trace.

Jiang Man shook his head with a smile, and resumed his work.

When Hu Die ran downstairs, Jing Yue was still standing there without moving. The temperature in the evening was still very high. She just ran downstairs for such a short distance, and her back was covered with sweat.

She walked up to the whale doll: "Are you hot?"

The whale doll didn't speak, just nodded, then suddenly started shaking his head again.

"Stupid Jingyue." Hu Die approached and reached out to take off his hood. At first he hid, but she patted his head before obediently not moving.

Hu Die took off the hood and saw Jing Yue who was sweating profusely. She was both funny and distressed: "Who taught you this?"

Jing Yu pursed his lips: "No."

"Take it off first, aren't you hot?" The headgear was quite heavy, and Hu Die put it directly on the ground.

"It's okay." Jing Yu didn't take off his clothes, but just handed over the wooden sign in his hand, and said softly, "I'm sorry."

Hu Die didn't answer, just looked at him.

He is too tall, the whale doll doesn't fit very well, and the inside is airtight, and the temperature is extremely high in summer. His face is full of sweat, black hair sticks to the side of his face, and sweat slides down his cheeks.

His face was very red, whether it was from heat or from the side, his eyes were dark, and the corners of his lips were slightly pursed, probably unable to wait for her response, he unconsciously pursed and then released: "I..."

"Okay." Hu Die took the wooden sign of apology, and said in a gentle voice, "For your sincerity, I forgive you."

"Really?" Jing Yue blinked, sweat dripped into his eyes, and the slight tingling made him want to rub his eyes, but his hands were still in the doll, and he just lifted them up, and then dropped them back down .

"When did I ever lie to you?" Hu Die was walking in a hurry just now, and there was no paper in her pocket. She suddenly took a step closer, and Jing Yue stood still.

Hu Die tugged at the sleeves of her clothes, gently covered his eyes and wiped twice, then wiped the sweat on his face against the forehead.

The distance between the two is very close.

Jing Yu lowered his eyes, stared at her face for a few seconds, and suddenly said very softly: "I won't do it in the future."

"What?" Hu Die stopped and met his gaze.

There was a lingering heat in his body, and at this moment, it seemed to be transmitted to his eyes, voice, and her heartbeat.

"I won't make you angry anymore."

The author has something to say:

There should be three to four chapters left, but there will be more things in the past few days, so I won’t update it for the time being. I will start daily updates after the new year. Thank you for your likes! >3<

Sui Jian is here to wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance! Happy new year! ! A lot of lucky money! !

This chapter gives everyone a red envelope!

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