Bureau of Anomalous Biological Countermeasures

Chapter 569: Commercial car bound for the Civil Affairs Bureau

I was speechless all night, and the next morning I was awake by a ringing phone while I was sleeping in a daze. It was Wang Lu who called and said that the working group from the ministry would be here soon, and Fatty Sun asked me to go over and support the scene. Think about it, too. After the great changes a few days ago, Gao Liang died, and the director and deputy director of the polling bureau were less than half of them. Few people were able to support the scene.

When I arrived at the polling bureau, a group of people had already stood at the gate, but it seemed that the working group hadn't arrived yet, and they were all busy with the polling bureau colleagues. Only then did I realize that it had been arranged in front of the door. There were elegiac couplets on both sides of the door, and two plain frames were drawn directly above.

On the top is a plain black text on a white background with the words "Comrade Gao Liang live in our hearts forever", with a highlighted head in the middle. The next one should be one size smaller, and the white letters on a black background say "Warmly welcome Comrades Zhang Shuren, Zhang Na, and Shan Feng to our bureau for inspection." It may be a gust of wind that blows down half of the plain frame that recalls the highlights above, and puts it on top of the plain frame of the welcome working group below. At this time, it becomes "Comrades Zhang Shuren, Zhang Na, and Shan Feng will always live in our hearts" .

Almost everyone has seen the changes in the two plain frames, but no one has the intention to correct the mistakes. I guessed that this 80% was the handwriting of Fatty Sun, and I didn't care about it. Just when I was talking to the people at Ximen Chain, Fatty Sun appeared. He was wearing a pair of big sunglasses and blocked half of his face. He stood at the gate and looked at the highlighted portrait and was dazed until I walked over and took a photo. Patting him on the shoulder, Fatty Sun reacted and smiled stiffly at me, then turned his eyes to the highlighted portrait and said, "This old guy counts himself in this time."

"Things are over." I comforted Fatty Sun, "Do the things behind Director Gao do well and talk about other things later."

"It's over? It's just started..." Fatty Sun took off the sunglasses from his face, revealing a pair of sunken eye sockets. I haven't seen him for one night. Fatty Sun is like a different person, his cheeks are also collapsed, there is no blood on his face, and the eyeballs that were originally squirming are now becoming stubborn.

I was taken aback by the appearance of Fatty Sun, and said, "Great Sage, are you okay? It's only a few hours now. Why are you out of touch?" Fatty Sun smiled bitterly, and just about to answer, a business car slowed down. Slowly drove into the courtyard of the Polling Bureau. After the car stopped, Secretary Yang turned out to be the first one to get out, and then two men and a woman got out of the car.

I just saw the welcome black and white banner, and I felt strange, as if there was something wrong. Now when I saw these people, I suddenly understood what was wrong. Last night, Wang Lu wrote at least seven or eight names on Fat Sun's sticky note. Why did only three appear today?

Fatty Sun put on his sunglasses again, he stood there with his hands folded, and looked at the few people who came down with a smile, but he didn't mean to greet him in the past. In the end, Secretary Yang ran all the way to Fatty Sun's side, and said with some embarrassment: "Sun Ju, give the old brother a face. What they say is also from the ministry, it is not appropriate to say hello to him."

Fatty Sun gave a haha, and said, "Lao Yang, you misunderstood this time. It's not that I didn't go there. I just squatted in the toilet and my feet were numb. I really can’t move. Lao Yang, it’s not that I said, don’t you. Expression, if you don’t believe me, go to the bathroom in my office. The thing just now is still in the toilet and it’s not flushed clean."

When Fatty Sun teased Secretary Yang, the three members of the working group all saw their names appear on the plain banner above the door of the polling bureau at almost the same time. The faces of the three of them became pale, and the middle-aged woman named "Zhang Na" shook directly. Later I heard that there were nine people on the original list. After hearing about the target of this work, these nine people immediately asked someone to leave the working group.

It's a little bit related to how many people can mess around in the ministry. Relationships are related. After a few times, everyone will have to give some face. The big boss of the department couldn't help the favor. In one day, seven people were approved to leave the working group, and the last two people gritted their teeth.

The two dear friends didn't know if they had discussed it. After one of them got a clear answer from the big boss in the morning, he let the big boss watch him "stumble" and fall down the stairs at noon. Responded to the words of a martial artist surnamed Li-men have to be cruel to themselves. This member of the "former working group" had a direct pelvic bone fracture and would not even think about getting out of bed for half a year.

When the big boss got off work in the evening, his driver started the car. When the speed was just increased, a figure suddenly jumped to the front of the car. The driver couldn't react, and the man was hit seven or eight meters away. Both the big boss and the driver were terrified. When they got out of the car and checked, they realized that the only member of the working group was hit. The big boss instantly understood what was going on, and said, "Is a polling bureau like this? The future is no longer, and my life is no more. I am touching porcelain!"

The one who was hit saved his life, but he suffered comminuted fractures in his legs, and he couldn't stand up for a year or a half without lying down. Within a day, the original version of the working group was wiped out.

In desperation, the big boss could only find candidates from other provinces and departments, and it was only last night that the three were rushed to Beijing. They didn’t give them time to react. After meeting, they notified the nature of the work, because the three of them didn’t have any preparations, and they didn’t ask for any breakthrough progress this time. As long as they can get a place in the polls, it’s a milestone. Style achievement.

The polling bureau's notoriety is outside, and the more it spreads, the more mysterious it spreads, and the other provinces and departments spread it out. Helplessly, the big boss personally gave orders to the three of them. Unlike the previous nine, they have no foundation in the capital, and now they can only bite the bullet and move forward. This matter was done secretly, and even Secretary Yang did not get the news. The list of personnel he revealed was the original nine-member group. It was unexpected that Fatty Sun did not know where he got the final version of the list of personnel.

The three of them were thinking wildly along the way. When they saw their name appearing in the elegiac couplet in front of the gate, they recalled the rumors that they had heard from the polling bureau before, and their fear had reached a critical point. Speaking of these three people can be regarded as elite figures in the ministry, but under extreme fear they began to make some incredible behaviors.

Zhang Shuren, who took the lead, suddenly laughed like a cramp, and then shouted at Secretary Yang from a distance: "Lao Yang, what? You made a mistake. We are going to the Civil Affairs Bureau to investigate this time, not the Polling Bureau. "Shan Feng who was next to him also understood, and immediately agreed: "I'll just say, how did the car get here." Zhang Na, who has been trembling all the time, also wanted to say a few words, but she couldn't say anything when she said helplessly. In desperation, he could only give a giggle of "haha".

Secretary Yang stared at these three people with wide-eyed eyes, and muttered, "You are a working group sent by the higher-level department. What kind of research are you going to the Civil Affairs Bureau?" Zhang Shuren shouted angrily, "You care where we go for research? Big deal I'm quitting!" Then he opened the door, jumped into the car, and shouted at the driver: "Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau!" The two behind also got in the car.

At this time, Fatty Sun laughed a few words, and shouted to Zhang Shuren: "Should I send the welcome banner to the Civil Affairs Bureau? There is no preparation there, and it can be used by changing the word."

Zhang Shuren shouted in the car: "As long as you pick out the name of the person, you can send it anywhere!" When the voice fell, the commercial vehicle had already left the polling bureau.

After watching Zhang Shuren and others leave the polling bureau, Fatty Sun casually said to an investigator in front of the door: "Who, you take off the banner, take off the name of the person, and send it to the Civil Affairs Bureau. I didn't say it, there will be more in the future. Whatever working group comes, just send it to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

Secretary Yang was baffled by this farce. He still didn't understand what was going on with the Civil Affairs Bureau. He watched Fatty Sun and mumbled: "Civil Affairs Bureau?"

Fatty Sun smiled weirdly, nodded to meet Secretary Yang's gaze, and said, "Well, that's the department in charge of the crematorium." After finishing speaking, he ignored Secretary Yang and announced that the welcome mission was cancelled and the public was asked to investigate. The staff returned to their respective departments. Then he winked at me and asked me to stay.

When the people were almost walking, he made a gesture to Ouyang who hadn’t left yet. Director Ouyang understood, and took the two investigators under him, walked to the position where the three of Zhang Shuren stood and swept away. After the floating soil on the ground, a strange pattern was revealed inside.

Afterwards, Ouyang took out a porcelain bottle to the left and poured the transparent liquid inside onto the ground, just rubbing the pattern clean with the sole of the shoe. Only then did I understand that, in addition to the notoriety of the polling bureau, the main thing that scared the working group away was the formation in this pattern.

After watching Ouyang's left side and rubbing the pattern on the ground, Fatty Sun dragged me to the corner, looked at me and said, "Spicy, what I told you last night, I'm afraid it will be a few days in advance. Now I I’m going to go out, and I’ll be back tomorrow before Boss Gao is buried, and help me watch Lao Wu and Er Yang. It’s not that I said, as long as one of them is not in the bureau, he will call me immediately."

"I'd better go with him, and I can help a little bit." His words made me a little uneasy. I wanted to follow him to help. Fatty Sun smiled and said, "If you look at Old Brother Three, you can help. I'm very busy."

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