Hao Zhengyi didn't expect the crow to stop him, and his face flushed with anger on the spot. But being held tightly by the crow, Chairman Hao could only watch Yang Jun rush into the dark room. After Yang Jun went down, the crow released his hand and made several gestures at Hao Zhengyi. The crow's gesture made Hao Zhengyi's flushed face suddenly turn pale. He also made a gesture to the crow, and then the crow released Hao Zhengyi.

Seeing the change of color on Hao Zhengyi's face, my heart was lost. Just when I was going to ask Hao Zhengyi to find out what was going on below, I heard another stern voice coming over, and then there was another sound of metal intersecting below. What's rare is that Hao Zhengyi didn't intend to go down in such a lively place, but he didn't have any intention of leaving here either.

Fatty Sun couldn't help himself. He first said to Hao Zhengyi: "It's not me, Director Hao and his eldest brother, your crows told you what? What is there on earth?" Hao Zhengyi looked at After looking at Fatty Sun, he hesitated for a while before he raised his head and said to Fatty Sun: "The following is the stage of rebirth, but it is different from what Yang Jun said before. This stage of death has changed."

"Alteration? What degree of anomaly?" Before Fatty Sun could speak, Hugo asked Chairman Hao on his behalf. Unfortunately, without waiting for Hao Zhengyi's answer, there was another muffled sound from the "Death Station" below. This muffled hum was heard clearly. It was Yang Jun's voice. The complexions of the few of us present all changed. Accompanying this muffled sound was the crisp sound of the metal falling on the ground, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling on its back. It sounded like someone fell on their back and did not hear it. Follow-up voice. After this person fell to the ground, he shouldn't get up again.

Eighty percent of the man who fell to the ground was Yang Jun, and it seemed that he was ill-advised in the dark room below. At this time, nothing else was taken care of. Whether Yang Jun is alive or dead, he must be brought back. I gritted my teeth and snatched Hugo's xenon flashlight from his hand. Holding a dagger in one hand and a flashlight in the other, I ran down the steps of the dark room before Fatty Sun stopped me.

When I entered the dark room, I saw a person standing alone inside. This person was naked from top to bottom. His body was like a bath in ink. From top to bottom, it was pitch black. The flashlight shined on him. The dazzling beam of light instantly dimmed, and the flashlight light seemed to be sucked away by his body. This person stood there in a daze, like a woodcarving clay sculpture.

I recognize this man, he carries a huge hatred, and takes his life as the price of revenge. When he was sucked away by the underwater whirlpool a few hours ago, everyone thought the nightmare was over. Now it seems that the nightmare has just begun...

Zhang Rantian's eyes were a little dazed, and saliva came out of his mouth from time to time. He tilted his head and looked at me hollowly, as if he could no longer remember who I was. He looked exactly like Liu Laoliu, whose hair was burnt and his brain burnt in my home village. He almost pestered me and asked if I wanted something delicious. On the ground around Zhang Rantian lay the soul quiff wrapped in armor, and looking at its current state of motionlessness, even if the soul was not broken up, the situation of the soul quiff would not be much better.

But in this dark room, I only saw Zhang Rantian and Soul Manga, but Yang Jun was nowhere to be seen. Although this dark room is not small, it can be seen at a glance. Except for the deepest pool, there is nowhere to hide. While Zhang Rantian was still short-circuiting, I began to lean towards the pool slowly.

Just after two steps, my arm was grabbed by someone, and at the same time a familiar voice whispered in my ear: "Don't move! Can't you understand me?" I looked back and saw the person talking. White hair, who else could it be if it wasn't Yang Jun? After seeing him all right, my hanging heart finally just fell. However, there was no one around me just now...

Yang Jun pulled me back slowly, and we tried our best to distance ourselves from Zhang Rantian. At this time, Zhang Rantian was still looking at me and Yang Jun blankly. He seemed to be puzzled by what Yang Jun and me were doing. We both retreated to the steps, and Yang Jun continued to say in a very low voice in my ear: "You slowly back up, don't move too much, don't disturb him again." Wait until Yang. After the army finished speaking, I tilted my head slightly and whispered to him: "Where are you? Don't you go up together?"

Before Yang Jun could answer, he saw the sound of footsteps. Then a few figures in the dark room above rushed down from top to bottom. Yang Jun and I hurried away. Fortunately, it flashed in time and was not knocked down by these people. It was Hao Zhengyi and Fatty Sun who came down. After seeing me coming down, there was no sound, and some of them finally lost their breath.

"Yang Jun, it's not me..." Fatty Sun rushed down and saw Yang Jun standing behind me, somewhat unexpected. But Yang Jun seemed more panicked than him. Before Fatty Sun had finished speaking, Yang Jun's expression had changed drastically. He covered Fatty Sun's mouth while turning his head to look at Zhang Rantian. Although Zhang Rantian was still standing on the spot at this time, his expression had changed-the sluggish expression on his face had disappeared, and what was changed was the cold light from his black eyes.

Taking advantage of Zhang Rantian's next move, I slapped my flashlight on my face and made three-word mouth forms at Fatty Sun and the others: "Don't...speak..." At this moment, Everyone's eyes were on Zhang Rantian's body, and after discovering Zhang Rantian's change, no one dared to make a noise. For a while, it was quiet in the dark room, except for his pounding heart, no other sounds could be heard.

Time just passed by, and I felt my body was frozen. I was not the only one who felt the same way. When Yang Jun took the hand of Fatty Sun and pulled it back, Fatty Sun's center of gravity was unstable and his body shook. Fortunately, Hugo held him back so that he would not fall to the ground. .

On Zhang Rantian's side, he may have seen enough of us, the expression on his face began to become dull again, and slowly, the strange look in his eyes became dim. Although his head is still facing us, from the position of Zhang Rantian's eyes, he is more like looking at the air. At this moment, Yang Jun breathed a sigh of relief. He gave us an angry look, and finally his eyes stopped on Hao Zhengyi.

Yang Jun was also reluctant to be polite. He took a step forward and whispered to Hao Zhengyi: "Do you still have the kind of gunpowder on it just now?" Chairman Hao immediately understood Yang Jun's intentions. , His eyes lit up, but immediately dimmed again. Chairman Hao replied with some helplessness: "This time it wasn't specifically for the Yin acupoints. I didn't prepare so many explosives. Just so many or... On the island."

After Yang Jun listened, I lowered my head and said nothing. At this time, I understood. I cut in and said in a low voice: "Yang Jun, let's talk about what's in front of you first." I pointed to Zhang Rantian who was still confused and said, "He What's going on? Zhang Rantian is now... a sin?" Yang Jun looked back at Zhang Rantian, sighed, and whispered: "Dong Qichao prepared for his whole life, and he stayed here after his death. ."

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