"Blu blu... blu blu..."

At this time, in the office behind him, the voice of a phone bug came.

Sengoku turned and walked into the office, grabbing the phone bug that was on the desk.

"I am Sengoku!"

"Marshal Sengoku, the surveillance ship we just sent out to monitor the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates was sunk again..."

"Didn't get any useful information!"

Hearing such news, Sengoku's face sank, and he clenched his fist slightly.

He has heard too much of this kind of thing.

"In the future, if there is no useful information, there is no need to call."

"Marshal of the "257" country, I do have other information to report to you!"

The phone bug said hurriedly.


"It's about the Beast Pirates!"


Sengoku stared.

That's what he's worried about!

Blackbeard handed Ace to Marine, and since deciding to use Ace to clean up Whitebeard, Sengoku has been worried about the movement of the Monster Pirates.

Even for this reason, several teams of surveillance ships were sent to look for traces of the beast pirates.

But there has been no definite news.

Now, I actually got the movement of the Beast Pirates!

"Are they still in New World?"

Sengoku asked hastily.

"According to the information obtained by our surveillance ship, Rosen's beast pirate group has left New World!"

"They seem to be going to the first half of the Grand Line!"

"Mr. Sengoku, after our intelligence analysis and judgment, we believe that Rosen is likely to go to Marineford!!"

Sengoku's face instantly became darker.

"I know the news!"

"Pay close attention to the movements of the other Four Emperors in New World!"

"Once there is any disturbance, Ma Shan must report to me personally, understand?"



Hanging up the phone bug, Sengoku took a few breaths.

There was a gleam of wisdom in his eyes.

"The more you worry about something, the easier it is for something to happen."

"This Rosen, does he want to be the second Lukes...

He squinted his eyes, thinking about something quickly in his mind.

Kaido and Rosen disappeared after the war, and intelligence personnel from all parties have not found his whereabouts.

Live or die no one knows.

As for Four Emperors bigmom Charlotte Linlin, although she is still staying in Cake Island, it is difficult to draw conclusions as to whether she will take any action.

Whitebeard takes all the pirates under his command to declare war on Marine. It already made Marine feel very stressed.

Now there is an extra Rosen and the Beast Pirates.

This makes the problem even more difficult.

With the current combat power prepared by Naval Headquarters, 100,000 elite marines may not be enough to deal with such a situation.

Sengoku thought, picked up the phone bug, and dialed a number.


Cross the Red Line from the depths.

After another four days of sailing, Rosen and his monster pirates finally arrived at the location of Naval Headquarters, Marineford!


"Is this Naval Headquarters? It really looks very grand!"

"No wonder those guys usually show off their might in the sea!"

Cavendish stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the distance ahead and exclaiming...

What stood in front of him at this moment was an incomparably huge gate with a height of more than 100 meters.

The Marine logo is clearly engraved on it.

His words made Rosen, who was resting on the deck with his eyes closed, open his eyes slightly.

Glancing at the closed door of justice, Rosen murmured to himself.

They arrived in time.

And it was a little later than originally planned.

Now in Marineford, there is a high probability that war has already begun.

At a time like this, the door of justice should have been opened by the people of Blackbeard.

There are only two cases of being closed.

Or Blackbeard hasn't come to Marineford yet.

The second is that Marine discovered that the door of justice was opened illegally, and now it is closed again.

But either way it doesn't matter.

A mere breakthrough may not be able to stop his own footsteps.

Rosen said nothing, slowly closed his eyes and continued to doze off. 4.3 "Hmph, no matter how much you show off your power, those guys are beaten to pieces by us!"

"This time directly invade Naval Headquarters, let's show off! It's exciting to think about it!"

Yamato grunted and waved the mace in his hand, looking eager to try.

In the past few days, she has expressed her desire to fight more than once.

After all, the frontal invasion of Naval Headquarters Marineford has only been done by one person since it was recorded, if the Whitebeard Pirates are not counted so far.

This is the beginning of their real fame!.

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