Build Madness

Chapter 595 Unexpected Events Early Stage of Big Data

April 25th, ten o'clock in the morning.

building road.

The loud noise shocked the passers-by on the road, and when they reacted, they ran around in panic...

Ge Xiaotian retched for a long time, tried not to look at the smeared dirt on the windshield, got up and walked to the front of the RV, hunched over and slapped the driver of Tua on the back of the head, You won't stay away point?

The latter was very aggrieved, Boss, I didn't know that the septic truck would be violent! Maybe the other driver smoked...

Pick your sister!

After Ge Xiaotian finished cursing, he thought of the safety matters of the biogas pit project, and felt that his words were quite reasonable, and motioned to a heavy rider with the car, Go down and have a look at the other party. If the other party is injured, send him to the hospital immediately.

After the heavy rider left, Seng Si, who was operating the traffic monitoring equipment, suddenly said:

No, it's not a septic truck!


According to the monitoring records of the surrounding environment by the on-board equipment before the incident, I found a meter wave (wavelength of 1-10 meters) used by a radio fuze, which completely disappeared after the explosion. I speculate that it was a man-made explosion, and the explosive device The detonation method is that the accident car leaves the pre-set range, but looking at the septic truck, there is no fragmentation, and there is no sign of bursting, it should just be affected, I doubt the front...

At this time, the heavy rider who got out of the car hurried back, Guards are alert! Boss, the driver of the septic truck ran away, but there was a car in front that was seriously damaged, and the driver...was broken.


Several other heavy riders with the vehicle operated the vehicle-mounted drone into the air, and soon sent back the scene picture.

Five meters away from the septic truck, a distorted car billowed with thick smoke and was soon engulfed in flames...

On the nearby ground, various things are scattered around, judging from the location, it should be a person...

Fortunately, at ten o'clock in the morning, there were not many pedestrians on the street, and there were no casualties.

Put on your protective gear and go see if there are any survivors in the car.

I've checked, there's only one driver inside, a woman!

As soon as the heavy rider finished speaking, Seng Si immediately opened his mouth and said:

Boss, you can be sure that the other party's target is not us, but the driver of the accident car. In addition, this kind of radio fuze device is very high-end, and commercial use is currently prohibited, and ordinary people can't get it, unless... green clothes or safety centers!

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette to calm down, That is to say, the deceased has a story?

A high-end white horse, the clothing material is high-end, depending on the combustion of the vehicle, the trunk should be filled with high-grade liquor and luxury boxes... Either a female executive or a mistress. However, combined with the origin of the radio fuze, we can kill it in this way A corporate executive is a bit unreasonable... Preliminary determination is that it is love killing!

Your deduction ability is very strong!

During the conversation, the area security personnel rushed to the scene.

Then, there were bursts of sirens in the distance, and then two armored vehicles that were obviously remodeled from truck sites roared up.

More than a dozen riot guards filed down to evacuate the crowd hiding in the distance...

The leading man, Ge Xiaotian, looks a little familiar, he seems to be the riot executive who accompanied Lao Shen to find Shen Wen, but was scared away by the Sancha Township militia.

The other party was a little surprised when he saw Tua, but when he saw the scattered things around the accident car, his expression changed instantly...


The addition of camera functions to mobile phones has brought many conveniences to people, but it has also brought people into the world of one picture at the beginning, and the content depends entirely on editing.

Soon, countless various news spread on the Internet.

A version.

Pictured: spewing septic trucks, filthy tua

Title: Self-detonation attack by septic truck, unfortunately Ge Laoer...

Content: At 10 o'clock this morning, the richest man in Huaxia was attacked and his life was in critical condition. He was rushed to the hospital...

Version B.

As shown in the picture: bloodstains everywhere, (don’t enter for the faint of heart)

Title: Ge Laoer was bombed to death!

Content: At 10 o'clock this morning, the richest man in China...

C version.

Pictured: UAV, accident car.

Title: Tiancheng Drone Attacks a Mysterious Person.

Content: Ge Erheicao kills people...

D version...


Damn it, it's so crazy!

Ge Lao Er will definitely not die. Didn't you see that his car is intact!

The deceased has been identified, a woman!

Gossip, the deceased is a resource executive of Jifu!

I seem to smell a conspiracy. Ge Lao Er has always wanted to enter the Ji Mansion, but the land was not given there. Today's matter...

Ge Erhei is used to throwing money at things, so he won't be stupid enough to do things on the spot.

Could it be that Shen Zhipeng wants to kill Ge Laoer?

Does he have the guts?

There really isn't...

Gossip, Tianwei security submitted key clues: radio fuze!

Fuck, this is a high-end product, and ordinary people can't get it!

I've seen this woman before, she is Xiaomi, the deputy leader of the Jifu...


Longtian Science and Technology Announcement: The Longtian Big Data Statistical Analysis Database has assisted in this case and has provided key information for the Security Office.

What is big data analysis?

That is: You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be evidence in court.



In 2001, this time and space did not have big data, big data analysis, screening and other concepts, and no one proposed it.

And based on the huge storage space of Shi Guangji's parent body, the big data system that screens, filters, and integrates keywords, target data, and effective information on the major platforms of the SG series is also very different from another time and space.

But when it came out, it was really powerful.

When Ge Xiaotian led the black-faced man to take tua to the highest security compound in Dongshan, he got the keys from Mr. Yu, the safety director of Dongshan, and the old king of Longtian respectively, and then started to connect the smart card, 1-way pass, anti-addiction system, The comprehensive large database of the security office system and so on, after entering the victim's name and a series of information displayed through pictures and texts, the case seems to be solved!

The deceased's surname is Liu. He used to be a farmer. He used to be a waiter and financial manager of Jifu. He is currently a resource executive of Jifu...

The father of the deceased, formerly a farmer, is currently a subordinate unit of Jifu Development and Reform...

The husband of the deceased...

son of the deceased...

Network data shows:

1. The deceased was taken care of by Duan, the vice president of Jifu, and later married, and had a son who was suspected to be born with Duan... This information came from a netizen. (unreliable, need to investigate)

2. The vehicle of the deceased was purchased by Vice President Duan for him... The information comes from the Tianheng Auto Trade database. (credible, with transaction records)

3. The deceased has a deposit of 900,000 yuan, of which 300,000 yuan was recently transferred in by Vice President Duan in batches. The other amount was owned before the system was set up, so the source is unknown for the time being... This information comes from the supervision of Dongshan Bank. (credible, documented)

4. The deceased met with Duan at xx Hotel and xx Hotel on April 6th, 12th, 17th, and 22nd respectively... The information comes from Tianwei Catering Service Alliance. (Credible, with some video recordings)



Summary: The first article does not require investigation and is credible.

Summary: The deceased and the deceased's father's duties are due to Duan.


Other guesses:

1. Someone wants to blow up Ge Lao Er (Ge Xiaotian)... This information comes from xx netizen. (unmotivated, not believable)

2. What Ge Lao Er (Ge Xiaotian) did... This information comes from xx netizen. (unmotivated, not believable)

3. Shen Zhipeng wants to kill Ge Laoer (Ge Xiaotian)... This information comes from xx netizen. (Motivated, slightly believable.)



Summary: Most of the information is useless, and this part of information can be filtered.

Seeing this, the black-faced man was suddenly a little confused, This is?

Shenlong database! Ge Xiaotian said, and clicked to filter.

The picture and text disappeared, and the Shiguang machine donated to the highest security office ran quickly, and finally showed a relationship picture.

Ge Xiaotian clicked synthesis and processing again...

The picture and text disappeared, showing a story of a mistress described by a lineman who wanted to become a regular, but was eventually killed by his lover, including the latter's connections, and the deputy leader of the Jifu Safety Branch who participated in the incident, the car repair worker who remodeled the accident car, And the source of the radio fuze...

And around the line video, with the development of the incident, some corresponding pictures and surveillance videos will be displayed...

(This event can be a mother: the car blows up the mistress)

After watching, the black-faced man was stunned for a long time, and took out a big pack of chicken smoke, Is this broken?

This is just a calculation, a reference, and needs to be confirmed one by one.

It's actually similar to what I imagined, but it's not so detailed, and I don't have evidence, but it has... So, I feel like a dream now, a little unreal...

This shows that you, like Old Shen, have been abandoned by the times.


Just kidding, this is the power of technology!


Pick one? Seeing his silence, Ge Xiaotian suggested.

The latter looked at the cigarette case in his hand and couldn't help but light one...

The next moment, three green-clothed men rushed in, Knock it out, let's see where this is? Dust-free computer room, smoking is prohibited! A fine of five hundred!


The black-faced man was even more at a loss. He turned his head to look at the back of someone leaving, and couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh...

One month's salary is gone!

However, just as he was about to speak, an evil voice came from a distance:

By the way, leader, thank you for solving the case!



Walking out of the highest security place, Ge Xiaotian felt the strength of his own industrial chain for the first time.

SG platform, Shi Guangji, database, various types of monitoring, smart card, supervision of Dongshan General Bank, security office system...

Taking these out alone is just a function, but a comprehensive analysis through the powerful computing power of Shi Guangji's matrix can bring about qualitative changes.

If 3D structured light-style face recognition is added, I am afraid that cases that have been put on hold for many years can be solved, especially the arrest of fugitive criminals...

It's time to hit full throttle...

Thinking about it, Ge Xiaotian got into the cleaned tua, opened the SG in the car, and counted the money in his pocket...

Eighty billion... a bit poor!

Seng Siquan, who was sitting in the back row, pretended not to hear, Boss, shall we still talk about the land?

When something like this happens, maybe a large number will be dug up. Whoever has the time to talk about the land with the leaders of the Jifu, let's go, Taishi is throwing money!

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