Build Madness

Chapter 428 The Youngest

James is a killer, well-known in North America, famous in Europe, and ranked among the top ten killers.

But James... he doesn't know.

At this moment, he is like a helpless little white mouse, bound with various coils all over his body, sitting on a weird chair with a terrified expression, staring at the fat man standing with his hands behind his back in the distance.

Introduce me, my name is Horton!!

Mr. Huo, I admit my identity, and I am willing to serve you, but I think there must be a misunderstanding between us. None of the tasks I took before violated the interests of your company.

I understand! Holden lit a big Cuban cigar from Huaxia, took a deep breath, I trust you, you didn't target my clients.


But you accepted my last order!

Huh? James' face was full of confusion, his nose and eyebrows were almost twisted together, still have a family?

Horton didn't respond, and picked up a poster of Mr. Ge filmed in Yun County, Do you know him?

James stared intently at the huge helicopter, dozens of strong men in black, and a cool bald young man, What movie is this?

Shadow of Diannima! Holden slapped his hand, Do you know that it's fun for you to get two shots, but I have to pay an extra 2,000 people for the first batch, 3,000 people for the follow-up, and nearly 100 million Franklin each year? commission!

Mr. Huo, I have been very idle in recent years, and I really haven't received any business...

Holden seemed not to hear, and said to himself, It's fine if I pay, but if I don't pay... Do you want to experience the feeling of being pointed at by 5,000 people? Especially the 24-hour comprehensive protection , Standing in a row behind the toilet, there are dozens of people watching...


Brother, it's not easy for me to live, and now I can't tell who is mine... Forget it, it doesn't make sense to tell you so much. Holden turned and picked up the goblet, As long as You answer the three questions truthfully, when did you go to Huaxia, when did you accept the order, who is the employer behind it or the boss behind another reward website, I swear, I will never take you to Bermuda!

There is a news recently... Could it be that you have caught the owner of the bounty website? James was dumbfounded.

Holden waved his hand indifferently, It's just a small boss, you may underestimate the energy contained in 100 million Franklins, or even more Franklins, especially those wealthy people who are protected... They are very spared their lives. And, this matter It’s not sure, maybe... protection becomes assassination, such a big business, so many rich people, brother, I’m also afraid! He’s a lunatic, if I knew it would happen, I wouldn’t have brought them to North America.”

James was scared, Mr. Huo, I'm just a small person, I don't know what your plans are, I don't understand, and I don't want to understand, I've been on vacation recently, and I haven't been to China at all...

Mr. James, Huaxia found your long biubiu on the roof of my big boss's small villa. On the windows of explosion-proof cars, there are also special metal bullets that you often use!


Don't deny it! Horton stepped forward and touched the button on the back of the weird seat, If you don't explain it, there may be more incredible things waiting for you in the future, such as this chair, which is said to be used to experience women's pain in childbirth. equipment, do you want to enjoy it?

James was fascinated, why? There is this kind of... oh!

Horton twisted the button and kept increasing it, feeling very emotional, I have experienced it when I sent it here... I have learned a Chinese saying since then: Curiosity killed the cat!

Oh...stop! Stop! I say!

It seems that this device is really powerful! Holden turned off the button, Let's talk!

My bank card password...

Minima's code, I ask you, when did you receive the order, when did you go to Huaxia, who is the employer or the boss behind it?


Holden took a deep breath, Mr. James, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine also provided us with a semi-finished centrifuge that looks like a washing machine. It is used to treat patients who committed suicide by drinking pesticides. The main function is to induce vomiting... I definitely have no experience with this. but you?

I, I remembered!

Oh? Holden turned off the button, Say it!

Three years ago... Aww!!!

I ask you now, you tell me three years ago?

No, no! The last time I went to Huaxia was three years ago. It was a very, very magical place. I took an order from Xiangjiang...a customer surnamed Qi, dealing with Ge, Ge...I forgot name.

Ge Xiaotian?

Ah? Yes, it's him, 200,000, it's easy!


I had just graduated from the website training department. When I arrived at the destination, I started to act immediately. First, I went to a place called an Internet cafe and changed him to a bottle of enemy, enemy, and fear!


A Chinese pesticide.


Although he did it in one gulp, just to be on the safe side, after he was spanked by a middle-aged man, I followed them to a certain corn field...just as I wondered why the target was still alive and planned to take another shot Suddenly, my whole body went numb... When I woke up again, I found that I had been sold to a private coal mine.


All the equipment I carried with me is gone... And, due to the transition from fright and the sequelae left by the hunger and cold in the mine, every time I perform missions in recent years, I always turn my head involuntarily to look behind...

Heh! Holden obviously didn't believe it, and sneered and signaled the strong man to send James into the semi-finished centrifuge, I heard that people in your business are hard-headed, it's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, just press your fingerprint and sign Huaya, that's enough, send your information to Huaxia later, and my task will be considered completed, anyway, the price of Tianwei has increased, as for what's going on in it...what does it have to do with me?

No no no...


Xiaoqingshan Tourism Development Zone, inside the food stall.

There is still a week before the legend of Shenlong's attack on the sand, and the propaganda and cover-up of Mr. Du's incident are all handled by Gao Song, and Ge Xiaotian is happy.

With 25 billion red notes in his heart, he gathers to eat and drink with the youngest, Mr. Ren, and the master chef of the food stall every day, listening to the anecdotes of these young people.

As for Lord Seven...

Carrying the brand-new detector with the second master, they entered the mountain again.

After being familiar with him for so many days, Ge Xiaotian has a rough understanding of the youngest.

Is an all-rounder!

In other words, like the 'Bai Xiaosheng' in the novel, he knows everything and understands everything, even if there are some things about the capital, he can tell one, two, three...

He even knows where some big shots in the capital face when they sleep...

The only thing that puzzled Ge Xiaotian was that the youngest was so awesome that he was just a vagrant who opened and changed locks and repaired cars and tires.

'The world's great wonders! '

Feeling emotional in his heart, Ge Xiaotian drank a bowl of 'code' with the few old men who got together to chat again.

Didi Didi...

Looking at the card, it turned out to be Li Long who was in charge of Tianwei's external business.

What's wrong?

Boss, Horton helped to capture the person who attacked Mr. Du. He is a killer who has just risen in the past year and is ranked among the top ten killers.

So awesome? What's it called?


Submit the information, as for how to deal with it... I guess it has nothing to do with us.

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