Build Madness

Chapter 1072

On planets with magnetism, the charges at the two poles form a current effect with the rotation, and a magnetosphere is built on the surface of the sphere to resist solar wind, stellar radiation, and cosmic rays, and protect the internal ecology. The magnetosphere interacts with the latter three to produce The plasma region', that is, the 'ionosphere'.

Like the parent star, the atmosphere 60 kilometers away from the earth's surface is in a partially ionized or fully ionized state, blocking most of the solar ultraviolet rays, X-rays and high-energy particles from space, which not only protects human survival, but also prompts human beings to develop radio technology.

How to break through the ionosphere is actually very simple.

Make an alternating electromagnetic field device to interfere with the magnetic field of the sphere, make the ionosphere structure deviate, or cause the ionosphere to oscillate, and then 'plug' the device in an unstable area to form a new small magnetic field to break the ionosphere.

The technology is collectively referred to as 'ionospheric disturbance', including 'sudden ionization source', 'non-equilibrium dynamics', 'unstable magnetocurrent dynamic process' and other technologies.

It can be said that human beings are good at how to play themselves to death, not how to protect themselves.

A month ago, Tiancheng experimented with the strong magnetic field stabilization device in the Pacific Ocean, which caused the magnetic field of the north and south poles to circle the center of the Pacific Ocean, causing a large-scale magnetic field disorder in this area, and causing all signals to be interrupted. It is a technique to break through the ionosphere. It only works on the surface, and I dare not apply it in outer space.

Now used on planet 3...

Not long after its ionosphere was broken, a large number of charged particles, stellar radiation, and cosmic rays in space flooded into the inner space of planet No. 3. And under the painted sky, the atmosphere is rendered into slices of 'aurora', and gradually converges into a translucent 'giant hole' with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles.

this moment.

God, collapsed!

The magnetic field affects the ecology and promotes the cold and warm air currents, causing the latter to collide frequently, generating high and low pressure, creating strong storms, affecting the upper clouds, and creating super lightning and thunder.

Not long after, heavy rain poured down like water.

At this moment, millions of players who drive silver legs and fight against aliens all think of 'Nuwa mending the sky'...

In fact.

Tian Cheng really did this.

High in the sky, an elegant AR image with a snake-tailed body suddenly appeared near the giant cave, and waved out five stones of different colors...

What the hell, we're working hard down there, and they're making movies up there!


It's raining, run away!

Huh? Wait, this rain is not black!

Don't be distracted, kill the aliens quickly, they are gathering!

In the waterfall-like water curtain, countless silver legs cooperate with each other, releasing bursts of magnetic explosions and laser beams...

The black aliens that rushed from all directions, washed by the pure rain, seemed to have been hit by ten fragrant soft tendons, their movements were slow, their strength was greatly reduced, and even after being crushed, they no longer gathered together.

Zhang Wanhai raised his hand to signal the players to stop attacking the walking giant tree.

Until this time, the high-intelligence auxiliary system still did not enter the opponent's characteristics, and generated a 'duplicate plug-in', which is 'combat monitoring'.

It's weird!

Captain, may I go up and have a look?

Well, be careful.

As an elite player, one must master the means of touching the boss and exploring the mechanism of monsters.

Arranging one person to come forward is not called taking risks, not sending to death, let alone cannon fodder, but contributing to the whole team's passing the customs.

Therefore, the team members who took the initiative to take a look, used all their skills to touch the boss, walked around the black giant tree, stuck in place to observe the opponent's state, and tried to attack...

for a long time.

Captain, in my driving computer, the 'idea' icon has not been activated. It was flashing just now, but after exiting the 100-meter range of the giant tree, there is no induction.

Could it be... that this dryad-like alien has a 'idea' far beyond ours?

I'll try to destroy the mind protection device and sense it myself?

No, this is a law that is expressly prohibited by Skyrim. It is to protect players from spiritual erosion in the virtual world. Report it to the company and let President Iron Hand contact Skyrim. It should be regarded as a major discovery.

Zhang Wanhai can be sure that this is not a virtual game, but a real interstellar battle.

Then, the species you are facing must exist, which represents extreme danger, and also represents... a turning point in the battle.


The ionosphere cannot be broken for too long, otherwise it will be enough to destroy the existing ecology of planet 3 and turn it into 'Uranus', leading to the bankruptcy of its own development plan.

Therefore, the expeditionary fleet has dropped all the two legs, left the orbit of the No. 3 planet quickly, returned to the outer space, and removed the 'strong magnetic field steady-state device'.

The ionosphere recovered, the 'ordinary rain' ceased, and Dao Yi took out the experiment report:

It is certain that planet 3 has a 'clean' ecosystem, but due to the instability of the stars in the galaxy, stellar flares erupt from time to time, causing the ionosphere of planet 3 to be cut off a thick layer...

In this way, cosmic rays, star rays, and high-energy particles converge on the outside of the 'thin' ionosphere, and through the photoelectric effect, Compton effect, electron-positron pair effect, and radiation particle collisions, neutral atoms or molecules are respectively electrons are excited to form 'free electrons'.

At this time, the ionosphere is weakened by stellar flares, and the free electrons are not isolated, so they quietly penetrate the atmosphere and react with the evaporated gas of planet 3...

At the same time, the energy fluctuations produced by stellar flare explosions are not the kind of super flares comparable to 5 trillion large atomic eggs, but they are still enough to temporarily break through the ionosphere built by the Katha civilization.

At this moment, the free electrons that reacted with the evaporating gas and were polluted gained enormous energy, and returned to the surface of planet 3 following the energy wave of the stellar flare.

As for why the free electrons are polluted, because planet 3 is not a habitable planet, after the transformation of the Kata civilization, it initially has an ecology suitable for the survival of Kata, but during the transformation process, the original form of planet 3, which is extremely cold The things bred by the environment are evaporated, like an 'ancient virus', permeating the atmosphere.

Note, this is the first 'black particle erosion'.

Perhaps I should deny my other two guesses and choose to believe in the friendship left by Kata.

Based on this, it can be explained why the Katha civilization did not discover the existence of black particles.

Because, first, the second immigrant planet is only 3.6 astronomical units away from the star, and suffered a far more powerful stellar flare energy wave than planet No. 3, which is 11 astronomical units, and civilization was almost destroyed.

Second, they have internal contradictions, like a rebellion, that is, the tens of billions of Kata that disappeared.

When the above two events ended, a long period of time had passed, maybe a thousand years, or maybe ten thousand years. After all, civilization was destroyed, and rebuilding would take a cycle.

But Kata's second home planet is completely uninhabitable, and Kata has started another interstellar migration, and the 'population' has plummeted to a few, or dozens of people.

Then look at Planet 3.

The livable ecology, together with the traces of Kata's activities, and the things left during the transformation of the planet, led to the birth of a group of 'indigenous creatures' on planet 3.

These indigenous creatures adapt to the black particles, and even absorb the black particles, growing very quickly.

When the Kata immigrants arrived here again, they happened to encounter black rain, and they died directly.

It's a tragedy, and I'm still aggrieved.

But things are far from over.

According to a new round of information collection and laboratory analysis, the Kata spacecraft was built 3,500 years ago.

what does that mean?

It means that a primary social form has the space to transition to a middle and high-level social form.

In particular, the Kata civilization is stronger than us, and must have a more complete 'fire plan'.

The spaceship crashed, and the fire was scattered all over the place, or they were rescued, enshrined, and bred by the natives as 'gods'...

Indigenous gods, over time, gradually become commonplace and popular...

So there is...

Daoyi played the image, A tree that resembles Kata, an asphalt alien that resembles Kata, a butterfly marten that resembles Kata's pet, a brand new species that resembles other creatures of Kata...

A dragon has nine sons, each of which is different. This is the status quo of planet 3.

Or, the existing creatures on planet 3 are actually descendants of Kata.

According to the feedback from the front line, about 60% of the species showed a non-resistance posture during the battle with our side, and spread a kind of energy fluctuation that resembled a mind, which was received by our immature 'idea' counter mechanism.

Then, we can imagine something.

Our ark and combat methods, including the TC series of mechs, are far from the Katha civilization, but to the natives, they still belong to the level of 'gods'.

Is there something that resembles our wall carvings, making the aborigines mistake us for Kata, their god?

Don't think this is nonsense. During World War II, North America built a base on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. It was discovered by the natives, who mistakenly believed that the 'fighter plane' was a god. Until now, this indigenous tribe still enshrines the 'plane'.

Therefore, we only need to send a small team to contact the 'large tribe' on planet 3, understand their social status, and check for traces of Kata to verify this.

If not...then we need to consider my other two guesses, do a good job of exploding resources, and even use all the power of the mastermind's first-level civilization to prepare for the upcoming... big collision of civilizations.


Daoyi said a lot.

But the first contact between civilizations is far more cruel than the discovery of new continents by human voyages. If one is not good, everything may turn into ashes.

And all of this is just an overview, and more in-depth information needs to be systematically analyzed.

Therefore, the Strategy Department, Combat Analysis Department, Planning Department, and Brotherhood formed by the system personnel fell into deep thought.

Strictly speaking, complete control of Planet 3 is the best option.

It's just that when encountering advanced civilizations, or even knowing more advanced civilizations, one has to consider whether there is an organization in the universe that resembles the United Conference of the Mother Star.

If the ecology of planet No. 3 is extinct today, will one day in the future, our own side be judged?


The traces left by some things cannot be concealed at all.

There was a long silence.

Ge Xiaotian patted the table, People are scary, and they will scare people to death. Regardless of the future, what we have to do now is to collect resources! As long as we have resources, we have nothing to fear!

Yes, boss! Hearing this sentence, everyone cheered up.

Daoyi, report the resource situation.

Rhenium minerals can provide us with 20 trillion special resources.

very good!

Planet No. 3 creatures, as judged by the biochemical laboratory, cannot be used as human food, but they can be absorbed by the master brain. If they are cultivated and domesticated, we can obtain endless food in the future.

We have no shortage of food.

So, I suggest opening an interstellar farm.

How to solve black particles?

No need to solve, we rely on rhenium metal plastic greenhouses for planting.


So we need farmers, farmers with families, at least two million.


One more thing is to prepare for the battle...


Hearing this, Ge Xiaotian fell silent.

Preparing for war is nothing more than violence.


The soldiers of the system corresponding to the first-level cosmic civilization are not considered humans at all.

Including the fourth-level modern soldiers, they are born for war, even if there is no war, they will create war.

If the system personnel are classified.

Except for a few elite farmers, such as Nong Qijiu and Lao Wang, the rest of them are a bit rigid in thinking, but full of human touch, their growth potential is no different from that of ordinary people, and they are nothing more than simple-minded.

Pike soldiers and sword and shield soldiers, except for a few elites, can only stand guard and fight, but their thinking is similar to that of farmers, and they have no growth potential.

Elite fighters can play, kick football, do security, hold steel bars, carry building materials, and can't do anything else.

The monk is a bug-level existence, and has not yet reached the growth limit.

Next is the fourth level of arms.

They are similar in size to ordinary people, but are very capable modern soldiers. They are brave in combat, fearless of life and death, equipped with modern tactics and strategies, and able to drive modern armed machinery. They are currently in Iraq and West Asia.

As for the comprehensive arms before the first level of cosmic civilization, Ge Xiaotian felt the ruthlessness of modern soldiers, and only called one or two for understanding, as his own security, and never called again.

The first-level cosmic civilization arms are more complicated.

For example, the 'captain', 'first mate', 'driver', and 'ground crew' of the assault landing ship.

They stay in their respective positions all year round, even if the boss forces them to take a holiday, they will not rest.

Totally tool man.

Such as first-level space fighters, biochemical soldiers, time-out air force regiments...

These are no longer human.

Cosmic warriors are 'mechanical', only the brain is human, and the rest are all metal.

The biochemical soldiers are distorted and deformed as a whole, and their image is far more terrifying than the alien.

As for the Chrono Air Corps...

A group of non-mainstream girls who include themselves in the metal armor that cannot be disassembled.

It looks good, and the face is soft to the touch, but it's too uncomfortable for a lifetime, right?

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian is very resistant to recruiting system personnel of the first-level cosmic civilization.

Moreover, if there are too many system personnel recruited, sooner or later they will lose their own kind. What is the difference between the future and playing stand-alone?

Because of this, the family developed the locust tactic and led the mother star into the universe.

Now that there is a potential crisis, artificial intelligence cannot be used, otherwise it will be controlled by the enemy, and the number of natural people... is too small.

In other words, there are too few existing players.

Daoyi said: Boss, we don't need to worry about the population. In fact, as long as one-third of the people on the home planet are drawn into the game and form a permanent presence, our troops can dominate civilizations below the third level.

Kata has tens of trillions of people.

Boss, although they can achieve automation and intelligence, the more advanced social form does not mean that all the people are soldiers, but focuses on spiritual enjoyment.

In addition, space machinery is expensive, huge, and difficult to maintain. It seems that each one can carry tens of thousands of soldiers, but in fact, a fleet is only six or seven ships. If this is the case, a civilization can survive with only a hundred fleets. , the total force will definitely not reach the 100 million level. Some civilizations even pay attention to individual strength... Therefore, we have an unparalleled advantage at this stage. Of course, in our way of playing, the more players, the better.

In this way, let more people enter virtual reality games.

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