Build Madness

Chapter 1056 I just look down on them from a higher level

Then let's make a decision like this. Negotiations are impossible. The 500 million Franklin's gold they proposed is even more delusional. We will abandon the Pacific Ocean and retreat to Midway Island. After all, the optical simulation system requires massive power support. I don't believe Tian Cheng has already Deploy globally!

The voice of Raytheon's major shareholder echoed in the conference room.

The participants who were astonished at Tiancheng's strength nodded in agreement.

At this time, Martin's major shareholder said, Carl, wait a minute.

Raytheon's major shareholder stopped and turned around, What?

Although I don't like this kind of passive defense, at present, it is really difficult for us to beat them from the front. However, we can't go on like this forever, can we?

Yeah, so, we need the support of the entertainment industry.

Just like how he treated Wajima back then?

Well, they seem to like Wajima's anime and movies very much.

At this time, the director of science and technology of the university department interjected: Gentlemen, five years ago, if we continued to export abnormal culture, we could reverse their social atmosphere within 20 years, masturbate them all within 30 years, and make them obstinate within 40 years. The birth rate is halved, but now, Tianyu monopolizes Oriental entertainment, and we can't enter the Asian entertainment market at all.

Besides, you may not know that in China, men without masculinity have either been to the construction site or the mine.


Now they're Man!

The head of science and technology of the university department said, playing a video.

In an unknown small city in China, cars and people are coming and going, women are delicate, and men are tough.

Occasionally, there will be a few fighters wearing bunt sackcloth and having a physique larger than that of Europe and the United States.

Generally speaking, no matter how tall, short, fat or thin, the straight waist, and the self-confidence and self-improvement embodied by the high-spirited fighting spirit are frightening.

Undoubtedly, that man has succeeded again.

The science and technology director of the university department moved the screen, In the past three years, Tiancheng has benefited the people's industry, oh, that is, Tiancheng canteens in every community, sports centers for all, fitness squares for all, and fighting training for all in every city. base……

These industries have successively launched nutritious meals, nutrient solutions, brain-boosting liquids, gene repair liquids, etc., and are included in medical insurance. The prices are low and everyone can buy them.

Plus the exercise of the whole people, the fighting of the whole people...

Although Huaxia's board of directors concealed the results of the National Primary School Games they held this year, according to video analysis, the 100-meter score has already reached the adult passing standard.

This is an unacceptable result.

The most important thing is that the reputation system allows them to advance to a higher level of social form, rather than the weak feelings, vague family concepts, and indifferent personal communication of the higher form of capitalism.

After the director of science and technology of the university department finished speaking, he switched the screen again, On the other hand, we are affected by the impact of southern refugees, especially those who are influenced by the abnormal culture brought by the offspring of drug dealers. More and more men like to have ear studs, tongue studs, and Read books full of negative emotions, like to discuss that our world is actually a virtual program, that the universe is just a zoo for aliens, and some people even believe in evil gods, ghosts, torture...

Negativity and decadence have become the mainstream of society, resulting in the past two years, shooting incidents, juvenile crime rate and suicide rate are 20 times higher than before 2000!

peng, peng, peng...

At this moment, there were bursts of gunfire outside.

Martin's major shareholder looked at the door to guard.

The latter went out and returned immediately: It is reported that three black teenagers shouted 'For Freedom' and tried to rush into the Supreme Meeting and were shot dead.


Everyone at the scene did not ask why.

Because of this kind of thing, it's happening more and more frequently recently.

It is nothing more than that their refugee parents were forcibly taken in by the government and placed in unknown factories to contribute to the revival of North American industry.

In silence.

The head of the military department suddenly stood up, They successfully landed on the island.

Everyone: ...

We had to react.

Major shareholder of broadcasting: Most half of the Pacific Ocean has been controlled by Tiancheng, Malaysia and Liuzhou are impassable, and the real Kra Isthmus Canal has not been found until now. In addition, pirates are rampant on Christmas Island, and it is impossible to detour around Southeast Asia. How do you react?

A 'peace' threat can be raised.

The Tiancheng light curtain system has covered China, Southeast Asia, the Far East, and Central Asia, including Mokos, Northern Europe, and the Xingyue Bay industrial chain. You know, we cannot break through the light curtain defense. So, if we propose 'peaceful binding', we will We have to choose between Yingfa, but they can’t break through the light curtain defense, we threaten them, who are they going to threaten? Is everything outside the light curtain a wasteland? I won that day.”


The venue fell into silence again.

for a long time.

The wide-area monitor in standby state suddenly pushes news:

At 8 o'clock this morning, Tiancheng International Holdings announced that the first skyscraper made of carbon nanotube materials in the parent star was approved in Nanyu City. The building is 365 stories high, 1268 meters high, and has a design life of 200 years. It is expected to become the parent star. The tallest building will be used as the compound of Nanyu Special Zone in the future...

At the same time, Tiancheng Electric Industry announced that the first artificial sun on the parent star was established in the Western Space Center. This equipment uses controllable nuclear fusion technology... It will be used for lighting on the back of the moon and reconstructing the ecosystem of Ceres. According to Tiancheng Experiment The laboratory revealed that with this device, the daytime temperature of Ceres is expected to drop from 178°C to 75°C, and the night temperature is expected to increase from minus 190°C to minus 87°C. Under photosynthesis, the surface ecology of Ceres will reach a livable level in five years. In addition, Tiancheng Laboratory is expected to cultivate the first batch of Ceres melons, fruits and vegetables by the end of the year using the greenhouse cultivation base...

At 10 o'clock this morning, Tianyu International announced that the first entertainment-type underground city of mankind was established in Jiangbei. The building is 260 meters deep and about 1,100 meters deep. It fully uses underground energy and geothermal resources, and uses strong magnetic field stabilization devices to reinforce the surrounding Geology, 100% eliminate geological disasters such as earthquakes and leakage...

At 11 o'clock this morning, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine lowered the price of therapeutic family medical cabins in China. Each unit is only 500,000 red notes, which can be used to treat more than 2,000 routine diseases other than non-congenital and non-special intractable diseases.

At the same time, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine won the first Tiancheng standard gene design license from the mother star. So far, human beings can use genetic engineering to design more perfect genes and breed better next generations. Initially, they can have a 0.02 coefficient of thought power... 200 years later , humanity is expected to collectively become superhuman.

Today at 12:00 noon, Tiancheng 101-201 laboratories jointly announced the launch of the 'Eternal Life Project'. In this plan, scientists will replicate the 'Civilization Restart', create an original parent star, and use neuron technology to mine the 'Science of Consciousness' ', and then based on the personal wishes of dying volunteers, try to experiment with the possibility of retaining their consciousness. If successful, human beings will usher in the first digital world, and its internal time is tentatively set at 2304, allowing some volunteers to experience super A carefree eternal life in time and space...

Seeing this, the head of science and technology of the university department pushed his glasses: I believe the first few are true, but the last one...that group of shameless people is misleading us again!


Believe it or not, the hearts of the few old rich men who had already been half buried in the ground were moved.

One must know that Tian Cheng never made false advertisements at all.

In other words, no matter how bad Ge Heizi is, his character is fine.

The oil tycoon who had changed his heart six times stood up first, ignored the staring eyes on the scene, went straight to the dedicated passage, and took out the communicator: Help me ask the price of the immortality plan.

Everyone: ...

Technology Director: ...

Holden quietly took out his mobile phone, Boss, what's the price for the immortality quota? I feel like the business is on the door.

Ge Xiaotian: What eternal life?

The news you released today!

Huh? Do you believe what those lunatics are talking about? Are you out of your mind?


If you think about it carefully, how much data will you create with one thought? Let me tell you, at least 10 to the 26th power. This is what one person has with one thought, how much is one person with multiple thoughts? What about the multiple thoughts of tens of thousands of people? What What kind of server can have this kind of calculation?


Let me tell you, at least stellar. That is to use stars as energy-driven servers. Where the hell am I going to get this stuff?


Xiao Huo, we are in business, we must be pragmatic.

But...boss, virtual reality games seem to have tens of millions of players.

It's not the same. Immortality is a free thought. You can create it at will, and you need a powerful server. And the game is a fixed thought. It's like you are thinking wildly. The server will not give any response at all. Only when you trigger the rules of the game, such as choosing an option, will you It will interact with the server. In other words, eternal life is you playing the world, and the game is... the game plays you.


In other words, even if there is any immortality plan, it's just to fool you into hiring workers for free. It can be said that living in it... is equivalent to living in hell.



Supreme meeting.

After several old rich men who would rather die than live left, the meeting room fell into dead silence again.

If the financial tycoons dominated North America, they would definitely not have such troubles with Tiancheng. After all, they lost the Asian market, as well as European, South American, and Australian markets.

Now armament dealers dominate North America, the war-torn zone in West Asia is rebuilt, the Iraqi campaign is over, the population of Soma disappears mysteriously, the North-South conflict in Africa is terminated by the parent star joint meeting, and the South American market is once again controlled by Horton.

How do arms dealers make money when there is no war?

If you can't make money, you will go bankrupt.

Arms dealers go bankrupt...

I am afraid that the financial tycoon on the scene will be the first to attack without someone from Ge.

In silence.

The major shareholder of Raytheon said leisurely: Perhaps, we can consider helping Xila fight Montenegro, at least we can take the opportunity to win the chicken resources.

For God Tiancheng, if we fail, we will lose money at most. But for Shangheishan, if we fail, those sons of bitches will probably want to move the goddess statue overnight?


Hearing this sentence, the people in the meeting room suddenly raised their heads.

The major shareholder of Raytheon also seemed to think of something, Replay the situation in the Pacific Ocean!

The technology director didn't know why, but he still mobilized the video.

On screen:

On the magnificent sea, an engineering island disguised by a freighter is approaching the North American and South Sea Fleet like a mouse provoking a cat.

Strangely, the Nanyang Fleet did not respond.

Not long after, a large number of 'skeletons' boarded the aircraft, cut, dismantled, and carried...

The familiar technique, familiar process, and familiar taste make people can't help but think of the Iraqi battlefield, the group of locusts that would scratch even the telephone poles.

It is said that Nanlian is preparing to build a rubber industry...

Fuck! It's Montenegro!

Tiancheng actually united with Montenegro!

No, Tian Cheng supports Xila.

Damn it, I understand, they are acting, the purpose is to cover the Montenegrin Sea Department from entering the Pacific Ocean!

Fuck it, fight two together!

Huh? If there is a fight, it seems to just block the return route of Zheng He's fleet.

Turn around!

What's the reason?

We suspect that the Montenegro Odyssey has large-scale chemistry...

They really have it. It's fusion grade. Tian Cheng sold it to them.


Perhaps, the bargaining chip for Tiancheng and Montenegro to ask them to help control the Pacific Ocean is the fusion level peace weapon.


The meeting room fell silent again, again, again.


the other side.

The situation in the Pacific Ocean changed suddenly, and related aviation and navigation were completely suspended. The scope of the impact was so wide that it was comparable to the third battle of the home planet. It was impossible to hide the news from the news media on the home star.

In order to find out what happened, countless reporters contacted Tiancheng International Holdings Propaganda Department, requesting to interview the most handsome Mr. Ge on the home planet.

Faced with such a title, Ge Xiaotian had no reason to refuse, and immediately held a press conference at the Xiangcheng Wuming Hotel in Jishi City.

And up to now, the reporters have also figured out Tian Cheng's hidden setting for releasing news to the outside world.

For example, Boss Ge Da is wearing a Chinese tunic suit, and the content of the chat is biased towards benefiting the people.

For example, Boss Ge is wearing a white coat, and the content of the chat is biased towards medical engineering.

For example, Boss Ge is wearing standard tooling, and the content of the chat is biased towards the industry that corresponds to the type of tooling.

For example, Boss Ge is wearing casual clothes, and the content of the chat is more about sports and entertainment.

For example, Boss Ge is wearing sci-fi equipment, and the content of the chat is biased toward interstellar spaceflight.

Logically speaking, with such a major event happening in the Pacific Ocean, Boss Ge should be wearing the Tianwei uniform at this press conference.


Hundreds of senior reporters who came to the sightseeing area on the top floor of the Unnamed Hotel, through the dimming glass that can narrow their field of vision, saw Boss Ge wearing a jumpsuit and a light mechanical exoskeleton at the foot of the southern mountain, climbing Into a six-meter-high heavy-duty two-legged.

Then, like a magnetic levitation, it floated into the sky lightly.

At this time.

In the south, the low mountains with a height of three to four hundred meters are like being split by a knife. The back side remains unclear, and the front side slides to the sides, revealing a flat section.

In the profile, a headless robot about 150 meters long, like a rocket launcher, quietly leans against the mountain profile.

Boss Ge drove the heavy two legs, flew to its neck, and turned into the missing head.

Immediately afterwards, bursts of heart-pounding reminders came:

Drip, the H fusion engine ignited successfully...

Drip, the engine cooling device has been adjusted...

Drip, the specific impulse is temporarily maintained at 7000 seconds...

Drip, the anti-gravity system has been activated successfully...

Drip, the fire control system is ready...

Drip, the airborne light curtain system is ready...

Drip, enter the 'Pacific Rim Battle Plan'...

Drip, the battle plan is starting to execute...

With the help of anti-gravity system and jet propulsion system, the behemoth slowly flew up...

At this moment, the reporters just saw the name of this mech: Destruction Robot.

And, behind it, there are six launchers dedicated to H fusion mounted blatantly.

Don't be nervous, I just intend to look down on them from a higher level to offer compensation, and I promise not to be the first to use peaceful weapons.

Ge, who was supposed to be sitting in the cockpit of the destruction robot, was lying halfway in the laboratory inside the short mountain at this moment, and said in a muffled voice, I am very afraid of death, don't try to attack me, otherwise I will kill you! With a flick, the five big guys behind will shoot out.

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