Build Madness

Chapter 1033 Old Hong: Times Have Changed

Modern science and technology emerged in the West, and the core technology is controlled by a limited number of regions and even enterprises.

If the East wants to master it, it is necessary to learn English first, and then read the original literature.

This will increase the learning cycle and learning costs, causing the East to be slowly in the field of modern science and technology.

Moreover, it depends on whether people are willing to disclose it to you.

If you like, high-margin electronic products hit your market, create a huge trade surplus, cause economic plunder, and quickly drain your wealth and become poorer.

If you don’t want to, you have no technological foundation and will fall further behind. At the same time, you will have to bear the negative impact caused by technological blockade and cultural invasion.

After all, fashionable smartphones are used overseas, but you use BP machines and mobile phones. Can people not be envious and fawn on foreign countries?

In this general environment, if the East wants to surpass the West, it must make a thousand times more effort and divide the time into two parts.

But the West hides and hides, playing with squeezing toothpaste. When you put in thousands of times of effort and are about to catch up, other people's technology iterations make public the technology that you are about to achieve.

Moreover, some public patents you use start to charge.

Are you angry?

But since Huaxia embarked on the road of independent development, everything has changed.

After three years of hard work by many great and anonymous academicians of science and technology, we finally have our own science and technology system.


This is a new discipline based on photon theory, using positive and negative electron annihilation technology to generate photons, and then using carbon-based materials such as one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional materials.

It includes high technologies such as electromagnetism, optical detection, optical communication, optical storage, optical display, and optical processing.

The corresponding products include laser guidance, laser detection, photon communication, visible light communication, stereo holography, VR+AR delivery device, photon life science and so on.

Although there are corresponding technologies and theories overseas, they are obviously very different from Tiancheng optoelectronics.

For example, the optical fiber that people are most familiar with is the communication optical fiber including quartz optical fiber, composite optical fiber, and plastic optical fiber.

This should be the most widely used material and technology in the optoelectronic technology system, and there are a lot of literature on this field overseas.

However, Tiancheng regards it as an iterative technology.

The new generation of optical communication technology is composed of single-mode light-emitting diodes, zero-threshold laser transmitters, and three-dimensional photonic crystals. The data transmission speed is 50 times that of optical fibers, and the data bandwidth is 100 times that of optical fibers.

And support visible light communication, laser communication, optical signal box, Zigbee network, interstellar Zigbee...

In this way, the silicon electronics technology, which is mainly based on silicon, began to fall behind.

If you want to learn the most advanced science and technology overseas, that is, the optoelectronic technology that is currently prevalent in the East, you must first learn Chinese.

Because Tiancheng Education System has not published any reading materials on optoelectronic technology, not even the most superficial translation text.

As a result, the two major scientific and technological systems of the East and the West diverged, and with development, they gradually drifted apart.

It's fine if everyone is safe, but as the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

After repeated economic disputes, trade frictions, and financial pitfalls... the two major technological systems finally collided.

The results are obvious.

The North Atlantic Covenant Group, even with a god-like leader, was beaten to pieces.

Needless to say, Wa Island has always been the object of Tian Cheng's close attention.

First, the two leading companies were accidentally injured by Longtian Group, and then Tiancheng opened the door to foreign trade. During the period, they experienced a series of incidents such as stock market crashes, small commodity dumping, and ninja wars. Now they are forced to open up the electric car market...

Without a strong foundation, it is estimated that several northern islands would have been swallowed by ice bears long ago.

In addition, 'wajima sank' is not just talk.

At least Wajima has already understood that global warming and blood algae mutation are all caused by the sky in advance of this negotiation.

In other words, if Wajima dares to speak up for North America during business negotiations, he will fuck you every minute!

Therefore, the Wadao team left the negotiating table immediately and launched an electric vehicle promotion campaign in China...

In the past few years, no matter who has been the worst, except for Australia, which is covered in fires and tortured by conservative mutant kangaroos, Nan Bangzi is the only one left.

Perhaps, the Incheon Bridge is a turning point for Nanbangzi.

Since this thing was built, it's been going downhill.

Leaving aside the losses caused by the Incheon tsunami, the ecological extinction in the surrounding waters is a huge problem.

Last year, the mother planet's ecological department and the health organization intervened in the investigation. The preliminary investigation results showed that due to unknown reasons, there was a large-scale lack of seawater elements in the coastal waters of Incheon, as if they had been extremely purified by some kind of device.

As the saying goes, if the water is too clear, there will be no fish, and seawater without nutrients, not to mention fish, even microorganisms cannot survive.

This is obviously very unscientific, because the mother star does not have such a large seawater refining device at all.

What's even more frightening is that low-concentration liquids will absorb high-concentration liquids, like pickles.

Affected by undercurrents driven by cold and warm air currents, the Incheon waters and the Tsushima sea area polluted by the nuclear power plant leakage in Incheon and Wajima have been 'diluted'.

Fortunately, Tiancheng released two types of rays capable of blocking nuclear radiation into the surrounding sea area, a 'screen' similar to a light curtain, which did not cause large-scale pollution just now.

Undoubtedly, Nan Bangzi was useless.

If there is no support from the leading brother, it is estimated that it will be pushed across by the steel torrent of Beibangzi in minutes.

As for other regions...

Either they are busy encircling pirates, or they are busy flattering Montenegro Odyssey, how can they have the energy and funds to devote themselves to technology.

It was like the first sentence that Lao Hong said when he walked into the negotiation room: Hey, brothers on the other side, you have already 'kicked'!

Fortunately, there is an interpreter, Guan Hong, they don't understand what you said, it should be backward!

A stick breaker? Don't play oil anymore? Start playing with sticks?

North American negotiating team: ...


The super-energy impact that broke out in the eastern sea area and could destroy the mother star awakened the entire western world, making the other party realize...the times have changed.

Therefore, the negotiations went well.

Although not all agreements are beneficial to Tian Cheng, but not all agreements are beneficial to North America, it can only be said... It's just a piece of waste paper, whoever has a big fist will listen to him.

Of course, now Tian Cheng's fist is slightly bigger.


Learn from the trump card revealed by the negotiating team of the other party: We admit that Tian Cheng is very powerful, but we are not powerless to fight back. After all, Tian Cheng's light curtain is deployed on the east coast of the Pacific Ocean, and it is really pressing us, Peace Ice Bear, you can't stop it!

Ice Bear: ???!, I'm so peaceful in Canada, wait until winter and see who of you can resist the radiation cloud!

Canada: ...

What did I do to you? !

The peaceful chain is like the sinking of Wajima, not just talk.

Taking this into consideration, the Tiancheng delegation signed a 'Mutual Understanding Agreement' with the other party.

In the content:

Tian Cheng opened the Kela Isthmus Canal at a relatively low price, allowing all ships from the home planet to pass through, but for armed ships, an application must be made half a year in advance.

Tiancheng removed the Iron Chain Island, and has the right to inspect and maintain the Nanyang route to ensure that the route is not disturbed by pirates. Therefore, all passing ships need to pay a relatively low annual fee.

Tiancheng opens up the optoelectronic technology and allows the West to send overseas students to the Western Vocational College for further study.

Tiancheng's oil protection brigade laid off one-third of its staff, and its total tonnage dropped to 6.5 million.


6.5 million?

Well, almost double that of North America.

Because one engineering island is as high as one million tons, and four ships can be 4 million tons. With the addition of floating docks, super aircraft carriers, medium-sized aircraft carriers, and various ground-effect aircraft, it has exceeded 10 million tons.

In addition, because the family is engaged in engineering, and mainly engaged in cross-sea projects and deep-sea mining projects, there are tens of millions of tons of engineering ships that are not included.

Otherwise, North America will not take this matter at ease.

What North America needs to do is:

Stop the comprehensive sanctions against Tiancheng, and stop the economic blockade of Zheng He's voyage project partners.

More than 50 light industry markets including cotton, fiber and pulp will be opened. Correspondingly, Tianheng Auto Trade welcomed a large number of western auto brands.

Based on the above, North America will seriously consider the Cross-Bering Sea Bridge project proposed by Boss Ge himself, and strive to come up with a joint investment plan as soon as possible, so that this epic bridge representing the friendship between the East and the West will be established as soon as possible.

At the end of June, the two parties stamped their respective seals on this luxury agreement that is only binding but actually useless.

At the beginning of July, after several discussions, the leaders of the two sides met at the second headquarters of the Mother Star United Conference on Wuzhou Avenue, and signed their respective names in the luxury agreement, shook hands and took a group photo.

At this moment, the entire mother planet was quiet.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the pirates who were extremely active in the first half of the year seem to be tired of tossing around and no longer come out to do things.


Wuzhou Avenue, Tiancheng Building.

The chubby old Hong talked about the negotiation process with great interest.

Ge Xiaotian sat on the sofa with great interest, raising his wine glass to signal from time to time.

Xu Ling, Gao Song and others sat on the left and right, occasionally helping Lao Hong to add a few words.

Boss, you don't know, when we wear this suit...

Lao Hong picked up the ultra-light mechanical exoskeleton made of two-dimensional materials beside him, like Iron Man, They were all dumbfounded, and some even wanted to keep us on the spot.

Hehe, no wonder that council executive said we were aliens.

After chatting for a long time, everyone was full of wine and food, and came to the conference room.

Ge Xiaotian patted Lao Hong on the back, It was agreed at the beginning, once the working period abroad is over, I will definitely give everyone a promotion and salary increase...

Hearing these words, Xu Ling, who was the general manager of Tiancheng, and Gao Song, who was the general manager of Tianyu, couldn't help but gasp.

In the list of personnel stationed abroad, the two of them definitely have the highest positions, and in Tiancheng's industrial chain, they also have the largest area of ​​control.

If you get promoted again...

I'm afraid I don't want to be the 'ball leader', go to the moon or Ceres as the general manager.

I remember a few days ago, Lab 101 took the first step...

Old Hong seemed to understand, and quickly waved his hands, Boss, no need, I'm in China, not stationed abroad.

No, in the past few years, you have been flying all over the world, traveling here and there, and you have to be in charge of PR Maozi Far East. You have made great achievements and have been included in the list of stationed abroad.

Boss, I'm retiring!

Lao Hong quickly took out his ID card, Look, it's sixty.

It's not interesting, why don't you call me after your birthday?

I didn't dare to let you know... No, you have a lot of work to do every day, and I'm afraid of trouble, so I bought a cake at night and made do with it.

... Ge Xiaotian sighed, and patted Lao Hong on the back again, Old Hong, I think you are still young, and you can still dedicate a few years to Tiancheng.


Gao Song saw that Lao Hong was stuck, Boss, can you reveal one or two things?

Tell me what?

Where do you want to work?

North America, the market we just talked about, someone has to be in charge, right?

... Several people breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

This is my plan. Lao Hong will be the chairman of Tiancheng North America. Of course, Xu Ling, you also know that Lao Hong is just a mascot...

Let's not be so blunt, okay? Lao Hong suddenly became unhappy.

Oh, Lao Hong is just a decoration, the nominal chairman.


Therefore, Xu Ling is the president, who is the actual person in charge. Gao Song... North America Tianyu's director is in charge of cooperating with Disney in the local area, making large-scale investments, and striving to create a set of 'Tianyu Interactive' before Christmas. .”

Boss, funding problem?

Our family has never been short of Franklin.

The NT shares of NT Real Estate have not collapsed, or in other words, as long as 2012 exists, NT shares have always been the leading real estate stocks.

Although Ge Xiaotian sold his shares, Horton and the stockholder Laoba still hold 35%.

As for SG stocks, due to the forced rescue of the market in North America, the launch of the gold version of SG, their own strong men rushed to buy them again, which led to the hot market of SG, and now it has recovered 80% of its blood.

At the beginning, what I thought was in my hands, that is, the internally purchased stocks held by Horton Ann, including some retail stocks used for stock trading, have become valuable again after the operation of the stock king's old bus to cover their positions.

In addition, he still has tens of billions of Franklins in his hand that have not been converted into red notes. Although the value has depreciated by 30%, the value has not changed, and it is most suitable for use in North America.

At least, it can make North American prices rise again...

Ge Xiaotian chatted with a few people about investing in North America, and then called the eldest son of the paper boss.

Sun Paper has become the largest pulp supplier in the parent planet and the largest paper exporter in China. Before North America was sanctioned, it successfully opened up markets in North America, South America, Europe, and Africa.

Now that foreign trade is resumed, Lao Pang was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis...

This is a terminal illness, which cannot be cured by conventional therapy. Before accepting the artificial liver transplant with a success rate of less than 70%, Lao Pang called and entrusted Ge Xiaotian to take care of his two sons.

For the second generation of his own industry chain, Ge Xiaotian has never had any other ideas. He is determined to work hard and have projects, and he is obsessed with fun and money to spend. It's as simple as that.

The son of the old man, Pang Da, is nearly forty years old. With the support of Sun Paper, he is considered a successful person now, so he naturally chooses to work hard.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian handed over Sun Paper's two major American markets to him for operation.

As for the danger...

Huo Dun's security is no decoration.

Ge Xiaotian chatted with these veteran executives who went to North America to work hard again, and when it was about to end, he took out a few personal business cards.

This is the contact information of Horton, the stock king, the chairman of North American Fisheries, and the chairman of North American Tourism Hotel. If there is anything that cannot be solved in the business field, you can ask them for help at any time. Of course, don't disclose it.

Old Hong: ???

Gao Song: One of our own?


Lao Hong and Gao Song: ...

Xu Ling is very calm. After all, when she was in the non-region, the group of Montenegro Odyssey contacted her a lot. In other words, even if the whole mother planet, no, even if the boss said that the aliens were all from her own, she would have nothing in her heart. waves.

My own boss is so strong!

Okay, in the next few days, everyone, take a good rest. After the new visa is issued, you can go to North America. Director Sun will help you arrange your work and living needs.

Good boss!

After sending everyone away, Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, October, when will Lao Pang start the operation?

The brain machine and artificial liver have been prepared. The patient is adapting to the medical cabin. The adaptation period is three days. There are currently eleven hours left. After the end, if there is no rejection, a seven-hour operation will be performed.

Go, go and have a look, I hope this meeting is not a farewell.

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