Build Madness

Chapter 995: Rescue and Artificial Island

It was winter in the north, and the tourist boom near the equator was in progress. Although Tiancheng has been reducing tourism output in the coastal areas of South Asia since the fires in Australia, there is still a wider tourism market beyond Tiancheng's industrial chain.

These markets are dominated by North American businesses, related to luxury sales, stock market quotes, certain dark transaction volumes...

In order to ensure their own profits, the capitalists spent a lot of capital on operations, which caused the scientific research institutions in the disaster-stricken area to ignore the serious warning issued by the 101 laboratory, and reported the disaster-stricken area according to the local test results, which showed that the earthquake level was between 2.4 and 3.5, and there was no Too much harm.

At the same time, countless western media have belittled Lab 101, advocating the hot phenomenon in major tourist areas.

In Europe and North America, several tourist planes were even sent out overnight, hoping to use this news to further promote tourism consumption.

In a short period of time, tourism products are selling well, and the corresponding stock market has skyrocketed...

During the day, New York Securities even planned to hold a big party to celebrate the South Asian industrial chain dominated by North America, surpassing the thriving Tiancheng Nanyang industrial chain.

During the period, some great people complained about Panda Guard: The beach is so vast, and there are no buildings around it, so what if there is a big earthquake?


When the earthquake hit, millions of tourists still sat on beach chairs and admired beautiful women in bikinis.

But when the tsunami hit, huge waves tens of meters high came in the blink of an eye...

The South Asia Regional Forum unexpectedly experienced a brief 'crash'.


The Sangeyang tsunami is also known as the South Asian tsunami.

According to the public data of the 101 laboratory, the epicenter is located in an area 30km from the seabed 160km west of Sumatra Island, which is the earthquake-prone area of ​​the 'Pacific Ocean Seismic Belt'.

When the disaster happened, an inexplicable force emerged from nowhere, pulled the Pacific plate, and cut a 1600km-long and 190km-wide 'crack' directly northward from Sumatra.

If the tsunami is excluded, the earthquake itself spread throughout Indonesia, Malay, the southern peninsula of Sange, the Maldives, Bangladesh, Oman, Soma on the east coast of Africa, as well as Reunion, Mauritius and other regions.

If the tsunami is counted, the affected area cannot be counted...

The earthquake level given by the 101 laboratory monitoring station is 9.3 on the Richter scale, ranking second in the list of earthquake intensity recorded in detail on the parent planet.

But the first shock wave only lasted 300 seconds, while the Sangeyang earthquake lasted a full 500 seconds.

It should be known that every time the earthquake level increases by a small level, the scale will differ several times.

For example, level 9.3 is 2.5 times that of 9.0, and the energy gap generated across levels is thousands of times.

9.3 and the highest 3.5 broadcast in the disaster-stricken area, the latter is like throwing a firecracker casually, while the former is like launching a peaceful world, there is a huge difference between the two.

What's more, 9.3 lasted longer and triggered an epic tsunami...


Hoo hoo...

Countless planes spraying red flags and private rescue transport planes marked with Huaxia have arrived at the rescue locations that caring entrepreneurs have applied for through the 'Huaxia Chamber of Commerce'.

A box of compressed biscuits, a bottle of purified water...

A rescue tent, a set of brand new thermal sleeping bags...

One piece of disinfection equipment, one bag of medical aid medicine...

Countless disaster relief supplies flowed to the homeless victims under the strong and powerful volunteers.

The twin-rotor heavy-duty transport aircraft based on the improvement of the Mi-26 flew to the nearest disaster-stricken beach, and air-dropped rescue boats, underwater detection robots, underwater rescue robots, and deep-sea salvage robots...

We are the Huaxia Volunteer Rescue Team. We provide free rescue services to any disaster-stricken areas. Don't worry about the expensive expenses caused by extreme rescue.

We are the Huaxia Volunteer Rescue Team. We provide free relief supplies to any disaster area. Don't worry about the high cost of using relief supplies.

We are the Huaxia Volunteer Rescue Team...

In the circular broadcast, the panicked survivors gradually calmed down the panic caused by the tsunami, and gave warm applause to the Huaxiahong wandering in the air.

Three hours after the tsunami, the Panda Guardian Forum opened the 'Paternal Planet Disaster Rescue Section'.

This section records the geology and geomorphology of the disaster-stricken area, draws a geographic information system with the help of Tiancheng GIS platform, and adds the number of residents and tourists by region.

Subsequently, hundreds of millions of netizens on the home planet, or relatives and friends of the affected people, were called on to supplement the personal information of the affected people to support the voluntary rescue team to carry out more detailed search and rescue.

The system is jointly invested by the three major security groups of the mother star, and is free to register and use for all the people of the mother star. It is the first public welfare software in the true sense of the mother star.

Of course, there must have been some dissonance during the rescue.

For example, Malay and Indonesia, which were the hardest hit by the disaster, blocked volunteer rescue teams from entering the other side's area.

So, 6 hours after the tsunami.

The voluntary rescue team announced that it would withdraw from some of the disaster-stricken areas due to irresistible factors, and immediately launched extreme rescues in Thailand, Myanmar and other disaster-stricken areas.

10 hours after the tsunami.

Africa, the Emirates and other regions announced that they would sue Australia.

Because the earthquake that triggered the tsunami originated from the ocean turbulence caused by the melting of the Antarctic ice, and the instigator of the melting of the Antarctic ice was the Australian fire that had not been extinguished, but intensified.

24 hours after the tsunami.

Thailand, Myanmar, etc., which were slightly affected by the disaster, announced that they would sue Australia.

36 hours after the tsunami.

The Maldives, nearly devastated by the tsunami, announced that it is suing Australia.

48 hours after the tsunami.

Malaysia and Indonesia, which received reports of hundreds of thousands of casualties, announced that they would sue Australia.

There is no way, everyone is living a tight life, now that such a serious disaster has occurred, how to resettle the victims? How to resume production? How to solve basic necessities?

You have to find someone to pay for it.

For a while, countries and regions around Sangeyang seemed to have found the 'perpetrator' and sued Australia one after another.



After Ge Xiaotian finished dealing with overseas disaster relief, he started a field trip to Nanyun Tiancheng.

In addition to the orange garden founded by Chen Feng, there are also water conservancy projects used by the family to deter the Nanyang Five, as well as Nanyun rice, Nanyun tea and other projects.

However, with the support of the Southwest Army, Nanyun Tiancheng naturally did not encounter so many messy troubles.

Ge Xiaotian took a stroll around, ate a few meals, and was escorted by the director of Southwest Green, and boarded a business jet bound for the southern waters.

It has been a week since the tsunami struck.

However, around the Tiancheng artificial island near Malay, there are still a lot of domestic waste floating around.

Through satellite monitoring, Malay offshore and Thai Mei offshore are in stark contrast.

One side is a mess, and the other side is the post-disaster reconstruction that is about to be completed.

It can even be seen that many refugees are going from Malay and Indonesia in the developed areas to the relatively backward South Vietnam and Taimei by various boats.

Ge Xiaotian opened the popular web in Europe and America in the business machine.

Under the propaganda of the Western media, or under the operation of capital, the Western people did not have much awareness of the tsunami, and most of them thought it was just a small storm.

As a result, some netizens who only play on the web quarreled on the web with netizens who saw the truth of the matter through Panda Guard.

Dao 11: After the tsunami, North America cut off the Panda Guardian link, and Montenegro Odyssey is negotiating with the other party, but due to the previous occurrence of 'Black Mountain Odyssey's sea besieging the headquarters of the Atlantic Fleet', the communication between the two sides is very intense.

What about Europe?

Except for the cooperation area, the operation of Panda Guardian is suspended.

The next step is to see if Montenegro Odyssey is tough.

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, This matter is handled by the overseas department. The most important thing at the moment is to get rid of the chaos overseas and complete the industrial chain in the southern waters as quickly as possible.


Since the five artificial islands in the southern waters are close to the Philippines and the five artificial islands close to Malay, they are still in the stage of floating platform expansion, and there is no infrastructure. The Tiancheng business jet only circled around a few times before stopping at In the horse racing boat near the Xiangjiang River.

The horse racing boat was remodeled as early as 2002, but there were no major projects and it has not yet been put into use.

The ship uses an abandoned aircraft carrier as its home field, and the surrounding iron cables link six building ships as stands, which can be used for ocean-going sailing with the assistance of tugboats.

It's a pity that the speed is only 5 knots, and the fuel consumption is extremely high. It has been 'drifting' for nearly two years and has not yet crossed the southern waters.

But the overall decoration is extremely luxurious, it can be regarded as Tiancheng's first large-scale sea paradise.

Like floating docks and engineering islands, they are strategic weapons.

The horse racing boat is divided into three areas: upper, middle and lower.

The lower part is used for consumption. The venues include shopping malls, entertainment, fitness, plastic surgery, traditional Chinese medicine, etc. The home field is connected to six ships, which can be walked and driven. In addition, there are many small ships and pontoons outside. The total area is not inferior. In the large Tiancheng Square.

The middle layer is used for living, including banks, hotels, teahouses, meeting rooms, and office halls of overseas chambers of commerce built along the periphery of the ship.

The upper part is a venue related to horse racing, including an '8'-shaped track, two horse-riding tracks, three performance venues, hundreds of thousands of stands, and several AR data displays.

According to the valuation, the total investment of the horse racing boat is undisputedly ranked first in the horse racing venues of the home planet.

According to the degree of luxury, the Happy Horse Boat is also undisputedly ranked first in the parent star sports venues by virtue of its own composition.

According to the horse racing technique, the horse racing boat still ranks first on the home planet.

And countless firsts have attracted batch after batch of Xiangjiang people and tourists.

Although the horse racing boat is not open to the public, you can experience the shock brought by this giant just by taking a circle on the boat.

Therefore, before the horse racing boat was put into use, it began to pay back its capital.

As for how much Tian Cheng really invested?

War horses... no, race horses, they belong to us.

Cavalry... No, equestrians, they belong to us.

The battleship... No, the abandoned ship is their own.

Except for the decoration, which was paid to the second uncle Ge Shunfeng's Tianzhu Group, the rest did not cost much.

You don't even need to attract investment, just say hello to the Huaxia Chamber of Commerce, or the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce for Large and Medium-sized Enterprises, or Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, and there will be countless companies rushing to settle in.

However, to open the horse-racing boat, we must wait for the first round of construction of the artificial island project in the southern waters to be completed. Now is not the best time.

Ge Xiaotian stayed on the boat for two days, and finally waited for the follow-up of the Sangeyang Tsunami.

During this period of time, other disaster-stricken areas have finished counting the losses one after another. Seeing that some people are taking the lead in suing Australia and demanding huge compensation, they have also joined the prosecution team in line with the idea of ​​there is no date but no date.

The mother star joint meeting accepted the case.

Australia shrugged at this, which clearly means: none of my business?

Besides, is the parent star joint meeting capable of handling this matter?

But when the Mother Planet Joint Conference dispatched the Mother Planet Law Enforcement Team consisting of three aircraft carriers and dozens of ships, not only Australia was frightened, but even North America was frightened.

The Secretary-General of the Mother Planet United Conference delivered an important speech: From today onwards, all members who join the Joint Conference must unconditionally obey the decisions of the conference. If there is any violation, the conference has the right to launch 'punishment', not limited to economic sanctions, armed strikes, and regional blockades. , Ban aerospace quotas.

For a moment, all the 'players' on the home planet were stunned.

Immediately, he was shocked by the powerful strength displayed by the parent star joint conference.

In the Atlantic Ocean, the mother star joint meeting expelled the five major fleets of Montenegro Odyssey...

In the Nordic waters, the parent star joint meeting defeated the main force of the domineering Viking pirates.

In the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, the parent star joint conference eliminated the Alaskan pirates that caused headaches for North America.

In the Red Sea region, the parent star joint conference strongly suppressed all the ruthless gangs entrenched here.

In the war-torn areas of West Asia and the firefighting areas of the non-regional alliances, the parent star joint meeting quickly cut the mess, pressing both sides to fight together.

Afterwards, the parent star joint meeting required all members to pay membership fees according to their respective strengths...

North America:???


England: ???

Other regions: ???

The strong rise of the Mother Planet Joint Conference has left countless 'players' puzzled.

Let's figure out the fleet composition...

Isn't this the strength of the three major security groups of the mother planet?

North America: Think I'm a fool? The Security Council of the European Temple expels the Black Mountain Odyssey Sea? They are all in the same group!

Secretary-General: You may not believe it when you say it, the Holy Church in the Ou District is called killing relatives with righteousness!

North America: You're kidding, we're not playing anymore, we're leaving the group! Huo Dun Security Group withdrew from the special appointment agreement for the joint meeting!

Tianwei: I agree!

Holy Church: I agree too!

Tianwei Security and Sanctuary Security immediately launched an attack on the market occupied by Huo Dun Security Group.

Afterwards, the parent star joint meeting decided to purchase a moon base from Tiancheng Space Department to manage the chaotic development of the moon, and the cost would be shared equally by all members.

North America:……

Do you really think we are fools? !

During the discussion, North America invoked a veto, and then... nullified.

Because the secretary-general stated that this resolution applies to the moon, not to the parent star.

North America:???

Can you still do this? !

The hardest one is Australia.

With the support of the Mother Planet United Conference, more and more regions have begun to sue Australia, not only the disaster-stricken areas, but also quite a few other regions.

For example, Beibangzi, which is far away in the northern hemisphere.

Obviously the tsunami did not hit the other party, but the other party listed a very detailed claim list.

For example, a certain tribe far inland in Africa.

There has not been a rain in ten years, but they claim that their hometown was washed away by the tsunami, leaving tens of thousands of people homeless and starving. They demanded tens of billions of Franklin compensation from Australia, and vowed that if Australia does not pay, it will be the nation's Bing...

Are you so afraid that you are poor and crazy?

What's even more exasperating is that a certain region in Antarctica claimed that due to the melting of the ice, the entire land subsidence, and demanded that Australia compensate a piece of fertile land for the resettlement of its citizens.

But Australia counted all the countries on the home planet, but couldn't find the name of this area.

Where did you jump out from?

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