In the future, I have encountered a life and death crisis. I can return here to ensure my safety.

I buried awareness recovery, Huo's extraordinary sucking, flying towards the outside.

The fifteen order power, there is no bigger time when it is, and it can even be wrapped in itself with the spirit. The power of the flesh has brought great benefits, flying in the air, completely felt the gravity brought by the context.

I have been flying, I don't know how far, Huo suddenly felt a sound of "".

Nothing, this sound is feeling, not heard.

Huo stopped, he looked back and didn't see something.

But the touched, but it can clearly feel a gentle elastic force.

Regardless of how much strength, this elastic force always exists, even if the fifteen order power cannot be shaken. The larger your strength, the greater the force it rebounded.

Feel the blood of the blood, Huo knows, if you continue to increase your strength, you may have to be bounced.

He didn't try again, but he looked at it and then left.

Obviously, it is a place that can only be uncomfortable. Only by waiting enough to be strong enough to return to continue to explore.

It is a pity that there is no chance to meet the high concentrations of energy, and there is a rapid improvement opportunity.

This is quite a pity. If you let Huo stay in an endless stay, it is estimated that it will become a real arrival.

Of course, in the system of the double-line fellow initiates, there is no god, and there is only the level of strength.

It is more than about a few kilometers, and Huo has heard the vocal voice.

From the high-altitude, you can see a few men and women hide in the jungle. In front of them, it is a monster that looks like a wolf, but the back has a colorful loving monster.

After slightly Sorps, Huo has fallen, and then converges his strength and goes up on there.

Not long after, he walked nearby, maybe it was aware that someone was approaching, and the wolf went to the air police.

In the jungle, there were several unhappy complaints, and three men and women came out from the inside. One of the tall men rushed to Huo: "What are you doing, I don't know how long we are squatting? It's okay, it's bad, you are broken! "

"Forget it, he should not deliberately." Another young woman is very polite to Huo, very moving out, said: "Hello, my name is Kalais, from San Elfa, you ? "

Regardless of the language, surname, and the way to greet, it is very similar to the motherhood, which makes Huo 's unassays, and the artificial intelligence is correct for the inference of the universe.

In human civilization, there was a presentation that the universe was a huge space that was constantly expanded by a singular explosion.

At the beginning of the explosion, the temperature is very high close to the explosion center point, the temperature is very high, absolutely better than the core temperature of the sun.

So that time, there is no creature, only countless most hard-to-understand substances are quenched, smash, and cultivate countless planet dust.

Subsequent years, the temperature continues to fall as the expansion of the universe, has dropped to one hundred degrees, 50 degrees, thirty degrees, twenty degrees, and finally zero two hundred and seventy-three degrees, that is, human beings are known. lowest temperature.

Whether there will be a breakthrough temperature in the future, it is not known, but it is certain that the creature on the female stars is to be born around the temperature below one hundred degrees.

And the temperature of human beings is naturally fifty degrees.

Light and heat are constantly spread in the universe, and the temperature is decreased.

At a certain period of time, the temperature of the universe has declined with different levels and regions.

Therefore, the temperature of the other cosmic space has fallen to a very suitable point before the temperature on the female stars, is why some cosmic civilization will appear earlier than the human beings.

Their universe area has earlier.

When the temperature on the female stars may fall when it is right, it is more than ten million or even billions of years later.

Such a gap between such a year, also creates an unimaginable evolutionary gap.

Most importantly, the center point of the explosion is different from the owner.

The closer the position of the center point, the more thoroughly pulverized the original substance.

Just like our hills, the explosion center is a void, while the edge may just be crack.

Everything in the center is completely smashed, leaving huge space, and these original substances can not disappear, combined with relativism, they will make the most basic universe energy.

So the universe energy in the vicinity of the explosion center point, the concentration is extremely high.

The more you stay away from this center point, the lower the concentration.

Based on the performance of the artificial intelligence, the position of the female star should be very far away from the center of the universe, so the evolution of the human civilization has passed a few billion years, and it can be achieved to reach the nearest planet. If you are not Huo's extraordinary and unknown masters, you can take out the quantum of the quantum level of the artificial intelligence. Maybe human beings will continue to evolve the millennium to achieve today's scale.

From far to near, from the center point to the edge area, this has formed another ladder.

The multi-level universe of artificial intelligence in the century is also based on this theory.

It believes that the thorough the original substance is smashed, the higher the universe energy density, and the more powerful birthplace.

This is the congenital advantage, and it may be complemented after tomorrow, but it is very difficult, and the chance is not zero, but it is comparable to zero.

Like the planet in the edge position, it can evolve life is normal, but it is basically not possible to achieve the civilization of the universe.

It is also because of such a deduction, Huo will decide to leave from the female star.

He is clear, if the deduction of the manual intelligence is correct, then continue to stay in the female star, no future.

Even now, the development of the mother's star seems to be very good, even the level of the space warship has come out, but what is it?

Perhaps the civilization in the center of the universe, just come to a strong, a finger can destroy all your civilization system.

Such civilization, not human beings can be imagined.

According to artificial intelligence, the creature of the cosmic point, will be strong to nearly destroyed, and may even have the ability to change the rules of the universe.

Because they closest to the origins and truths of the universe, what is rules, what is the rule, what is the universe, only they are clear.

The same creature is that the legendary saying is that they are real rules.

Huo is unable to understand that you can't continue to stay in the female star. He must come out, take a look at this universe for humans.

Let yourself jump to a high-level cosmic space from a low-level cosmic space.

Just a step of step until it comes to the center of the universe, look at what is there.

Even if you can't see all, at least when he is eligible to go to that step, he represents that he has had the ability to protect humanity.

This is why Huo's feelings should be resolutely left to the mother's stars. He will not come out, and you will never feel the real power.

Only when the disaster is coming, I know that I have seen is just a wellhead.

Huo is not wanting to do such a frog, he wants to jump out of this well, to see the world, but also give human beings a better future.

Even now, Huo is not afraid about Tak civilization, because his heart has jumped out from that level.

Tak civilization is just a level than human civilization, is not an object that Huo needs to be taboo.

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