The Ji's mechanic is indeed one of the things that Huo is very valuable, and is willing to give her more resources. Whether it is because of competition, because of private relationships, it is the same.

This time two-wire victory, not only brought two new resource zones, but also let more people understand that Huo's decision is correct.

At this stage, the priority of the machine has been higher than the space warship!

Talking about the recent things, Ji Xiangcheng suddenly turned, turned to once.

"I still remember that many years ago, when I gave me a driver, I was a lot of people. I don't know what kind of people think of the matter, I will feel the nerd who dismissed with them, turned into a change. It became the rulers of the world. "

"Correct, I am not the rulers of the world, I am just a businessman." Huo.

"You said no? This world, never said, otherwise, what do you think I am drinking here?" Ji Xiangzhi.

Huo's unfair looks out, she is a bit drunk, and a few drinks just have a drink too fast, the wine is bold, and there is a bit big tongue.

"Why, isn't you invite me to join the celebration? How to say it seems to be like I forcing you to drink." Huo is too much.

"You didn't forced me to drink, but drink this, and you can't get a dry system." Ji Xiang stared.

Huo is not very understanding her meaning. I only feel that this topic will continue to say, I have been a bit deviated from the subject.

He looked around and said: "Do you have anything to eat? I can't drink it like this."

"There is no appetite, drink some alcohol, sleep, sleep, it is best nothing to know." Ji Xiang smashed his face.

Standing in the angle of Huo, it is difficult to understand that Ji Xiang is unhappy.

The Ji's machine has won so much victory, I am not too late, why is not happy?

But he doesn't want to ask, always feel that the answer may make yourself fall into a relatively embarrassment.

For intuition, Huo is still very convinced.

Therefore, he chooses to be silent to deal with, and occasionally will be attached to the discourse of Ji Xiang.

Ji Xiangning seems to see that Huo is unfair, she did not expressed too much dissatisfaction, only constantly advised. Huo is not drinking, she drinks themselves.

Although the amount of Ji Xiangning is not bad, such a drinking method is that some people have to drink drunk.

For an hour before and after, she was drunk.

Huo is always to call a manual smart robber to bring her back, but he was resolutely refused by Ji Xiang.

"I don't want the robot, they will die, they want my life!" Ji Xiang fell, and shaking his head.

Huo is unable to listen to the cry, this is too much to drink, or the sci-fi movie that has been seen before is shaded in his heart.

Even how smarter is intelligent, how is it like a person, is always just a manifestation of manification, which is the result of their data programs after a lot of learning and optimization.

This does not mean that they can really become a person. So far, even if it is a black magic sacred sea, and there is no Huo feels that she is like a living.

Black Devils should be able to calculate the most intelligent data in the world, but she can go today, not by dataization, but because of the assimilation of the cutting energy.

Cutting energy into the data world, combining the thinking procedures and consciousness, forming a unique mechanical life.

This is a bit like the transformers in the sci-fi movie, but the transformer is the peace of the satellite ball, and the Black Magic Haira is destroying the living space of humanity.

And the mind of the Black Devil Haira, there are no a few people now. Is she really formed a self-thinking mode, still following the fixed mode of the data program?

As for these artificial intelligences, they can only say that they are very smart, can judge most of the true ideas based on some details. But it is only limited to this, fixed programming thinking, let them unable to do outstanding things.

For example, a housekeeper robot is strictly forbidden, even if it is on fire, it is strictly forbidden to leave the room. Or, I have encountered robbery, and I can't leave the room. It can go to the alarm, or call the master to help, but you can't leave the room.

There is no special situation special treatment. For robots, thinking must be fixed, and can only be fixed.

Because this world is not a person to play, everyone must perform their own division of labor all over the world to jointly safeguard the society.

The robot is also the same, since it is a housekeeper, then it only needs to be responsible for the family, there is no need to add some special requirements for it.

I have encountered a similar thing, naturally there is other people or robots to be responsible, and most importantly, this kind of thing is mostly involved in ethics and law. If the robot has caused damage to the murderer in the case of being separated from the danger, even if the other person died, should the responsibility be borne?

Let the robot be borne? It is obviously impossible, and ultimately the owner of the robot, or manufacturers to take responsibility.

But like a car, the manufacturer produces cars, consumers bought a car, then the car hit people, then who took responsibility?

Even if there is a problem with the car, is the driver manipulated in a critical moment?

In general, this type of case will eventually make sense to someone, but all parties are all.

Therefore, the artificial intelligent robot is also the same, in order not to have this kind of responsibility dispute, simply fix the thinking method more fixed. Even if someone has a dispute, I think the robot clearly has the ability to stop the bad people, but because of the fixedness of thinking, it is wrong.

However, major manufacturers, eventually do not pay attention to the market discussion, they want their products to use a small part of the unstestable, in exchange for more stable and reliable experience.

Therefore, Ji Xiang said that the robot will die, this can only be a joke.

The world's robot will never be harmful, if it will, it can only be like a black magician, which is controlled by another biological.

However, since Ji Xiangnong does not like the robot, Huo will not be reluctant, and he will support her.

Go to the side of the car, using Ji Xiangcheng's personal voice and pupil scan to open the door, Huo is unfolding her.

Although now automated driving is quite advanced, it is basically guaranteed by 99.99.99. The probability of sending people safely to home, but in response to the responsibility of friends, Huo is still in the car, personally drive her back. .

When he returned, he also called Ning Xueqing and said a phone call.

"The fragrance is drunk, I will send her home now, it may be slightly delayed." Huo.

His own driving, opened the remote follow-up function, in the back, and the guarantee will not be lost. This will be sent back to the place after the Huo's wale is sent to the place.

Of course, all of this benefits from advanced automation.

On the road around, it is basically a device with various sensors. Here is a new science fiction world, which has been completely different from the old world. If you have to come here ten years ago, you may feel that you will cross the future.

In fact, the changes here are only for a few years.

The reason why changes are so big, just because of the starting construction, it is set in the future.

Not long, Huo's unfamiliar with Ji Xiangcheng came to her door to the luxurious big villa.

The housekeeper has been a message in advance, pulling a stretcher bed with a miniature reaction force to go to the car.

Can't pick up Ji Xiangcheng from the car, the robot is very polite to Huo: "Thank you Mr. Li, because the sky is too late, you don't invite you to come in and drink tea."

At this time, Ji Xiang did suddenly ambition, shouting: "Drink tea! Drink tea together! Li Shuheng, don't run!"

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