Build a giant by yourself

724. Open Permissions

At the same time, at the same time, a look is in sync playback, which is the scene of the Black Devil Haira just opened the time and space.

The black huge devil appeared in front of people, and now many people have a holographic projection equipment, and the traditional TV has been basically eliminated.

This is not affected by the light, nor is it holographic projections that are limited by the site, which can better show the original picture.

And when this also made the huge devil, many people were scared, and they retired.

In their lives, there have never been seen so terrible monsters.

Huo's vision is announced, and it is also available online, including virtual worlds.

The world that is virtualized by data is more realistic for this picture, in order to be more convincing, unknown masters and even rewind the video directly.

Ten tens of meters high devil, stick, a monster who arisen around. Everything is all stunned.

At this moment, many people finally understood the sentence, which year is well, but someone will take care of you.

They only know that there is a black magic sacred sea in the world, but never know how terrible in the so-called black devil.

Now, they have seen one of the disasters made by the Black Devil Haira.

When the first look is played, the second striker is tiered.

It is possible to reach out of dozens of meters long giant claws, just grasp the high-speed fighters, and disappeared Herheim, it has become a black hole that can be taken away by the soul.

Looking at the black hole in the video, the whole world is quiet at this moment.

Huo's voice sounded: "I know that many people care for the benefits, they don't understand what this is, but I know, this is human disaster. Once you have something, it is enough to let us completely destroy the horror. Disaster. Only all human unity collections, integrate into a whole, it is possible to fight against disasters. So I hope everyone can do their best to promote this matter. In order to strengthen human cooperation, new hopes will Open all technical privileges! As long as you are willing to join the group or individual in the full human fusion plan, you can use these technologies unconditionally! Remember, in this moment, we don't have a country, no race, there is no gender point. We have only one name, That is human! "

Huo's words, let everyone are very surprising, including new hopes, people.

They know that Huo always wants to integrate all humanity, and this crisis is indeed a fusion opportunity.

But they did not expect that Huo will actually be willing to open all technical permissions. What else is there?

But no one can stop him, and it will not stop.

This is a live announcement for all of the world owners, anyone can see everything at the same time, heard everything he said.

Those people who stand after Huo have started cheering.

They just saw the crisis, so I want to hug new hopes and get certain sense of security. But I didn't think that there would be such a big benefit.

If you really can use all the technologies of new hopes, then their economy, technology will be greatly improved.

Just like the Asamplet in the year, although it is just a small place, you can take advantage of the world's unique technology, accounting for 90% of the semiconductor, absolutely overlord!

This is the power of the technology, which can transcend anything.

Those who have denied the extraordinary proposal before, or is considering the negative forces, now staying.

They didn't think that Huo will give this benefit. If you still refuse this moment, what will be lost?

Maybe other national technology have increased at least hundred years than their own home, hundreds of years, almost equal to a feudal society that is still mainly in the sword, and another has been fully machine gun artillery.

This gap can be described as one day!

The person in charge of the local department immediately came to the new hope headquarters, requiring Huo to revoke the words just now.

But no one can answer him, so that Huo is extraordinary, it is more impossible to promise.

If the other party is insisted, then he can only move, in the general trend, no one can block the wheels of history.

The announcement is over, but the two videos are constantly playing, and they are placed on the homepage of the new hopes, and anyone can download it at any time.

At the same time, the new hope of the official website is constantly playing a fusion agreement with some region forces.

Each region where you are willing to join the fusion plan will be reflected in the new hopes. At the same time, the new hopes will go to the designated location and turn on the internal network.

Huo is not an extraordinary to attract this, it is not a head, but since the heart, I want to open all technical permissions.

He thought it understood that if all human beings really integrated, they did not divide each other, then only gave equity. Since it is a family, of course, all technologies must be shared.

Therefore, new hopes can give them, but they have to open all technical database unconditional.

For many people, this is definitely a problem that is very difficult to choose.

However, Huo is not anxious. He has enough reason to believe that the Black Devil's Haira will not only move the devil summon.

She has such a big wind wave, must be the attack on human beings.

As long as the attack of the Black Devil Haira is strong enough, the fusion plan must be implemented.

Before this, Huo needs to do it is to pull some neutrality as much as possible.

The more power for the previous fusion, the easier success, the longer success.

In a few days, I hope that everyone is busy.

The main reason, or Huo's unfair announcement triggered the support of the people. Some high-level people are dissatisfied with this, and they think that Huo is extraordinary.

They have to block everything in the new hope, but it is just in vain.

The new hope of the server is mainly stored in the sea under the iceberg, where there is no power to obstruct.

Even if the domestic headquarters is sealed, there are also foreign headquarters as a spare.

What you can do is nothing more than restricting personnel leave.

However, Huo doesn't need to leave. He only needs to sit at home, and it will be held through holographic projection.

Anyway, with new hopes now technology, no one can stop his communication equipment.

After a week, I agreed to join the new hope for integration plan, there were ten numbers, which were a small place where Herheim was not far.

They are afraid to be attacked and hoped to be protected from here.

Huo has arranged someone to make energy monitoring for those places. If the Black Magic Haira really chooses to start attacks in these places, there is a preparation.

Even if you can't resist it, you can get the message in time and make it possible to get the buffer time.

For example, if Huo is expected, the black magic god sea pulleys, there is no pest.

At the second week, I started to start attack.

A large number of devils came out from the ground and attacked humans.

How do unarmed civilians, how can they resist these devils and they have been slaughtered. Even if you have come, you have a full armed team, and it is also white.

The huge devil, one Hancheng people, even if the chariot has to be smashed into the disc.

And the attack target of the Black Devil Haira is not stopped, but there are two places.

One is these devils, there is also one, it is a variety of monsters.

Those monsters are like sci-fi games, like the insects of the mysteria, huge body, have a variety of features. And their common point is that ordinary people cannot resist.

Most importantly, these two locations are not a member of the fusion plan, but a place to have 2,000 kilometers from the original site of Herheim.

In just a week, they went to two kilometers underground, this speed, I was very horrible.

Even now, the world's most advanced underground drilling instruments cannot be done.

This is almost the land of medium forces, a team of wolves, to be responsible for the team, almost all overtields.

Survivors, very few!

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