After entering the company's internal, people who have encountered along the way, look around Huo with awe and worship.

Maybe they are not like just like it, worship Huo, such as the gods, but all those who have a new year have worked more than one year, knowing how this company has a boss.

The age of the boss is not big, but his ability, it is much larger.

Two years, hard students develop a small workshop Taobao shop, develop into a large company that is now valuable. The shares of 10,000 yuan is sold, sold for a hundred thousand shares, which indicates that the investment community has also recognized the expectations of the boss.

As for those who have just met the company, even those who have never seen an extraordinary, I wonderful to see him, thinking about how this is a person, what is installed in my mind, in order to do so incredible things.

On the way, Jane Yin Tianze, who is responsible for the Ding Xi Branch, which is responsible for negotiating with Huojia, reports the nearest progress to Huo.

Yin Tianze is also one of the few veterans of the company as al alien, and now it is a branch office. Although he is not very understanding these technologies, it is still unique in the eyes of strategic development.

Therefore, Huo is going to cultivate a branch, and it will be used in the future.

"Huo's people have been negotiating for a few days, without retreating, they insist that they do not put their share options, do not give profits. VR, should be solved in VR, should not be involved in Huojia Other industries We have tried a lot of means, there is no way to let them learn. "Yin Tianze Road.

"Huo family will not really plan to break the tissue crash?" Jane thinking is a little worried: "Since theory, we only have a company 51 stake, if they insist not to retreat, we also There is no way. As for the evacuation technology team, it is not that it is not possible, but Huojia can sue our malicious competition, hurt normal business activities, and let the court seal those technical information. "

"This possibility is not very big. I have found a few big lawyers asked. This chance of competing challenges is small. However, we will indeed delaying some of our time."

"Time is still very valuable, late day, maybe others will occupy the market one step by step." Jane thought.

"The two of your two are very reasonable, but Huo family's things don't need to be annoying, in my opinion, it is not difficult to solve." Huo smiled and said: "Huo family is also a family business in the country, Still very arrogant. If they let them easily retreat, they will not be able to listen. Furthermore, Huo's people have always used the initiative and passive means to try to test the bottom line of others. We want them Reverse, they actually expect us to retreat with grinding time. In this negotiation, it is more patience. Whoever retreat first, there is no one's initial power in the future. "

Several people nodded, and Huo said that it is in line with the current situation.

"How should I solve it?" I thought I thought.

"It's very simple." Huo is very easy to say: "Huo family wants time, we give them time."

Jane thinking about a few people listening, give them time? What do you mean?

Huo is not explained. At this time, he has already reached the door of the meeting room, Yin Tianze pushed the door, please Huo's extraordinary.

In the conference room, Huo's people sat in the whispering discussion, seeing someone, they stopped talking.

This time, Huojia is negotiating, not Huo Qingyun and Huo Lun brothers.

This brother is only a second-level sequence of children in the family, and the ordinary things are eligible to solve. However, the big interests of the family will have to come out of the higher level.

This people called Huo Hide. It is the foreign wealth of Huojia, but from the grandfather, he has been playing the world with Huojia, and now has a high position.

In addition to Huo Xiyuan, this is the highest status of Huo Hide.

Huojia is coming, enough to see the attention of this matter.

"This is the legal representative of our new hopes, Mr. Li Shuheng." Jane thinking about: "Mr. Li will represent the company, carry with you next work. If there is any problem, you can talk directly to Mr. Li."

"Mr. Li's name, we have long been long." Huo Xide stood up and smiled: "The legal representative, does not count a job in the company? You let him talk about the company to talk about things, will not be some Not very appropriate? "

"There is nothing wrong." Huo walked to Huo Xid to sit down and said: "The new hope is not listed, belonging to the private property of our husband and wife. As a representative of the legal person, it is also one of the company's owners, I have the power to decide anything. Of course, if Huo Home does not want to talk to me, you can now leave now. "

"Mr. Li is talking, it is really aggressive. Young is angry, understand, but work is still peaceful." Huo Hidide.

"I don't like to turn around, and I don't want to waste each other's time." Huo sat down, said: "The previous situation, I have learned a lot, Huo family doesn't seem to have to accept our conditions?"

"There is no mistake, the VR branch is the property of Huojia. We don't mind and the new hope of sharing technology. If you have a big cheap, but in turn, we want our Huojia assets, which is probably a joke." Huo Yid Tao.

"I don't think it is a joke, but I feel that Huo family is too short. It seems that the so-called wish star is faded behind, you really don't have a strategic perspective." Huo.

Huo Xid listened to his face slightly, said: "You can see it as a personal attack?"

"That depends on how you understand, but before this, I need to reiterate that the conditions for the new hope will not change, and Huo family must accept! At this point, there is no room for negotiations!"

Huo suddenly suddenly, let Huo Xid are not suitable.

When I gant thinking about him, although it was also very strong, it was not like Huo, and a pair had already desperate you.

Jane thinking is the type of truth, knowing the emotions, and moves. Huo is extraordinary, but like the shells of the attacking, the head is covered and not gives you any opportunities for any wheezing.

You refuse, promise, the final result is the same.

"If we don't accept it?" Huo Xidh cold voice: "Do you have a so-called technical team? Don't forget, in the company's operator, this is a serious interference, we have the right to prosecute."

"I won't withdraw the technical team, there is no need." Huo said: "But I can do one thing, that is, according to the contract content of the VR, let the technical team block the window. All techniques, by The new hope of the Ding Wei branch is responsible for application promotion, Huojia enjoys a dividend power, but there is no management power. In addition, I will announce that Huojia will be excluded from the future VR system. That is, in addition to VR The 49th percent of the dividend, the other market profits will be unrelated to Huojia. Of course, you can question that I can't do it, after all, and Huo family, our new hope seems to be very tender Maybe your branch assets are more than us. But this world is like this, the mainstream era of science, technology is everything! "

Huo Xid listened to the face changed, Huo's unordered things, the team thought the worst possible after the team was looked at the VR company.

The contract is indeed detailed, the establishment of overseas branches, with technical team as the core. All technical materials, applications are responsible and managed by the technical team.

As the founder of the company, Huo Jiaming enjoys all the management power outside the company, in addition to the management of the technology.

If only from the contract, Huo Jiaming's power is still quite big, but in fact, in the company's core company, it cannot control the technology, which is equal to give you an empty shell.

The original Huo Jiaming didn't understand these, so it is not very understanding of the content of the contract, and it is not interested. Now, that contract has become the best means of Huo's extraordinary dealing with Huo.

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