Three days of rest, let her body have not recovered to a healthy state, but consciousness has opened their own actions, constantly recovering.

The sky outside is dark, and only the night lights in the ward, but she still saw Huo, who is on the bedside chair, closing the eyes.

Three days and three consecutive days, Huo always keeps before the bed, in addition to going to the toilet, almost never left. Eating, all of the European Group sent.

In the eyes of many doctors, this is a man who can even be infatuated. More nurse Miss is very envious of Gu Feyang, who is lying on the bed, thinking that if one day I have encountered the same situation, whether such a man is willing to sleep for her.

At this moment, I was also full of pleasure and fun by many people envied by Gu Feyang.

She is still alive, she can still see this man again.

The exhaustion of Huo's face is obvious, the guardian of a few nights, let him exhausted. Only in late night, you will be closed for a while.

Looking at his embarrassment, Gu Feiyang is distressed, and it is moved.

She tried to control her hand, I want to hold the bed, but because I haven't moved it in a few days, my body is somewhat paralyzed.

Huo is a very alert, even if you are sleeping, it is very easy to wake up.

The little action of Gu Feiyang immediately made him open his eyes. When I was looking for the four eyes of Gu Feyang, Huo had a long-lost smile: "You woke up! I am going to call the doctor."

Said, Huo is always getting up, and the result is just stood up, and then reached out by Gu Feiyang.

Feel the force comed on the arm, Huo is not struggling hard, afraid to involve the wounds of Gu Feyang. After all, the wounds on her neck have not healed, and the actions may arise.

After returning back, Huo's extraordinary helps Gu Feyang, said: "I just want to find a doctor to see the situation, don't need to change the medicine, come back soon."

He thought that Gu Feyang was born in the past few days, with psychological shadows, but Gu Fei Yang did not care about the wound on the neck and shook his head.

"Don't move, otherwise the wound will open." Huo is unforgettable, then put Gu Feiyang.

He bent over and tried to give a pillow of Gu Feiyang, but the next moment, suddenly warmth on his lips, but Gu Feyang took the opportunity to kiss.

Her motion is fast, it seems that this move has been premedited.

Maybe it's still a long time, less talking is two years. After this life and death crisis, Gu Feyang understood a truth.

Anything can be recovered, and it is not possible to die.

If you die, everything will be turned into a dust.

In the past, she had a total of Huo's identity, and the scruples had their own identity, and they did not dare to show their affection, but now she has realized.

If you die, what else is there?

Since living, then you should do what you have finished, you should do, don't let yourself die, there is so much regret.

Therefore, she drums all the courage, what wounds have been collapsed, what ethics, they can't take care.

She just wants to tell this man with her actions: "I love you, I love you in all times!"

Huo feels the power and determination of this kiss, if it is usually, he will break free. But this time, he did not do this, but gave Gu Fengtang enough to respond soft enough.

After this sweet kiss, Huo has released her, looked at the beautiful face of a delicate, and there was an uncomfortable and moving in the beauty of autumn waves.

Even if I have a wide range of Huo, I have to admit that in the light of glamorous, Gu Feiyang is better than Ning Xueqing.

Ning Xueqing is the kind of little jasper, and Gu Feyang is a real red disaster.

Put in ancient times, it is a bonfire to prince, and the crown is angry for the role of red.

Gently put the waist of Gu Feyang, feel that the soft, Gu Feyang also perceived his unconscious instinct, and the beautiful color is more rich.

She didn't think of resistance, because all this is what she is looking forward to.

I am willing to do anything about Huo.

Anyone who is not afraid of death, what else can make her taboo.

However, Huo is not the kind of person who will be, and the people who are lying, he will soon converge a heart. Powerful self-control ability, retract the arm from the Ma Feiyang lone limbs.

Just give her a pillow, Huo is not a way: "You just wake up, you should take a good rest, I should call the doctor to see your wound."

"Don't go ..." Gu Fei Yang once again pulled him, his eyes, there was full attachment.

"I will come back soon." Huo said forever.

Gu Fei Yang was very insisted: "I thought I was dead, but I didn't expect it. I still live alive. I can see you, every minute, I don't want to waste. I love you, maybe there is no Ning The lady is so frank, but this world has no second man worthy of my love. So I want to be with you, no matter how others look at me, no matter how others me, even hit me, I want to be with you. together!"

Every word is full of power, but also highlights this woman's determination.

She won't think anything else, think about it, only one thing.

Huo has seen the flame in her eyes, that is or dead, or live with him. Huo is not doubtful. If you refuse, maybe Gu Feiyang will never hesitate to choose death again.

Because of the beloved people, it has become the biggest reason to support her.

"I have been married." Huo is very popular.

"I know, but I don't care."

"I love my wife very much, and I love my daughter. For them, I can't divorce." Huo will again.

"I know, but I don't care, I just as long as you!"

"Even if I can't give you anything?" Huo asked.

"I have never thought about get anything from you, I just want to give you the rest of your life, even just one day." Gu Feyang Road.

Huo is sigh, said: "There are so many good men in the world, why don't you think this is happiness in a lifetime?"

"Many people say that sons are non-fish, knowing fish, I am not fish, but I know what I am doing, I know what I need. You are willing, I am willing, this is enough. Other things, I don't care. Even if there is no name? Just like you said, there are so many men in the world, but you can find a worthy of love, how difficult is it. Many women don't have. This opportunity, and I have, so I have to catch! "

The confession of Gu Feyang is so affection, let Huo really don't know how to reject her.

It is not to say that Huo is unable to look at people, and there is an idea. What truly impress him is that Gong Feiyang is threatened by Su Zihang, and choosing to use death for Huo to solve trouble.

When she took the initiative to put the neck on the dagger, Huo learned that he and this woman were afraid to have been involved.

After again sigh, Huo is slightly bent over, kissed in Gu Feyang, said: "First rest, let me find a doctor. No matter what you want to do, always take care of your body. Our matter, give me some time considering it. "

"No matter what your answer is, my answer will only be one." Gu Feiyang said: "If you are afraid, Miss Ning know, you can not tell her anything, I will never meet her."

It's all about this, and Huo is always more, it's nothing to use.

He can only nod, after giving up the hand, go out to shouting the doctor.

The doctor entered the ward, disassemble the gauze on the front of Gu Feyang and looked at it, slightly frowned, said: "What is going on, the wound is a bit collimated, don't say she is awake, don't move!"

The doctor's reprimand, let Gu Feiyang's cheeks are red.

In front of Huo, she can behave very bold, but in front of the outside, Gu Feiyang is always the very shy look.

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