Si Zihang was more surprised, and some curious asked: "Mr. Li is a lady who saved Gu Qi? Is it else?"

"It's some small things, and there is no exaggeration that Gu Miss said." Huo is always with the mouth.

"Maybe it is a little thing for you, but for me, it is a big thing that is unforgettable." Gu Feiyang suddenly laughed and asked: "I don't know if Mr. Li has returned? Wen Wen has always want it again Eat you made sweet and sour ribs and braised meat. "

Huo is full of laughing, said: "This is good, she likes to eat, I will do it for her."

Looking at the joy of two people, Su Zihang immediately realized that the relationship between the two is not that simple. Because Gu Feiyang Lianhu is all known, if you just have seen several ordinary friends, will there be such an experience?

It is obviously unlikely, and Su Zihang has seen unusual gods from the eyes of Gu Feyang.

That is the appreciation of a man, nostalgia, and even hidden.

What is she looking forward?

Men understand men, sometimes you can understand women.

Woman is looking forward to the man, there will be no more meaning, obvious.

Thinking of this, Su Zihang suddenly suddenly did not hurt, he pursued Gu Feyang for a long time, and it has never been inch. Don't say what is hugging, and there is a little less opportunity to eat.

Not only is him, the other pursuers are also the same.

Many people think that this is the personality of Gu Feyang, or she walks to the means of gaining benefits. As long as the benefits are enough, there is always one day to hold her bed.

But now, Su Zihang understands that Gu Feyang is not the benefit of using men's pursuit, at least the only reason.

She still has a reason because he has already had a man in his heart.

And this man is now standing in her, talking to her. As for yourself, it has become a pure green leaf, which can only be used as a follower.

Young and gorgeous Su Zihang, is not good at hiding the true emotions of the heart, it is easy to write all your heart on the face.

The dissatisfaction with Gu Feyang, the embarrassment of Huo, clearly visible.

In this regard, Huo is unattainable, as long as Su Zihang does not find trouble himself, he will not easily do it.

In the process of chatting, Huo has also known the recent situation of Gu Feyang.

After coming to this city, Gu Feiyang teaches him before, from the beginning, relying on local teaching in people's traffic, from one person, then slowly recruits students.

Her dance is beautiful, and it is also very professional. In addition, there is a few pieces of beauty, and it is easier to attract people.

Just two months, she tried hundreds of students.

A lot of tuition fees were all used to extend the exercise site.

In the words of Huo, your better, you should make your infrastructure more professional and up. Only in this way can it be complemented, let people look at it, it has great good feelings.

Gu Feiyang did not understand business, but she knows that Huo is very understanding, so I will implement Huo's extraordinary teaching.

All things, buy the best.

Sure enough, although the investment is very big, it is very surprised when she sometimes sees the bill, but the return is also huge.

The current parent is extremely popular for the child, and because of the regret of the times, they are very eager for children to have a variety of skills.

Learning dance is one of the most popular amateur interests.

Gu Fei Yang is beautiful, the dance is good, and the high-grade and gorgeous in the practice venue is, and the tuition is not particularly expensive, and people don't have any reason to reject her.

Many family economy parents send their children, then the population is passed.

For a year, Gu Feyang's dance class has become a dance company.

In this city, five branches have been opened, and each of the students is around a thousand people.

Average a student of a student is about 78,000, this is nearly 10 million performance.

After removing all costs, you can leave two hundred million.

Although this profit seems to be nothing more than a lot of companies, it is to know that the construction of the dance space can usually be used for several years.

That is to say, when the first year, Gu Feyang's dance company is only two million profits, most of which are basic investment. Waiting for the second year, there will be a lot of overhead, and you can have a minimum of five or six million profits.

In the second year, Gu Feiyang has attracted a lot of money to have a lot of money.

Almost everyone knows that she is a single mother from the field, and she has a daughter with her daughter.

This in itself, in addition to being sympathetic, more will feel that she is very weak.

Therefore, many people have a different mind, like Su Zihang's pursuit, there are some gentlemen.

Nothing to send a little gift, help you, a little busy, and some are very straightforward, it is to take the money, and there is even the kind of direct cash to ask how much money can be packaged.

Isn't enough 50,000 a month? That's 100,000!

100,000 is not enough, then it is 200,000!

In the eyes of rich people, money is just a number, which can help them meet the desire of the inner heart, is useful. Otherwise, pure waste paper a bunch.

These people have been rejected by Gu Feyang.

No matter what kind of person you are, it is still not straightforward, really or false, she is all the same attitude.

Do not accept!

I thought that decisive refused, it would make these people to fight, who knew that most people did not feel discouraged, but more interested in her.

In some circles, it is said that there is also a relevant gamble, see who can be the first to hold the beauty.

Beautiful woman, especially a single woman who doesn't have much relying on, it is like this to be sore.

More and more strong, Gu Feyang has become more and more strong, and I also learned how to disguise my weakness.

Just like it is now, this time that is completely unrelated to her, Su Zihang is a phone call, she is coming.

Not nothing, just because I know in the heart of male animals, I will always declare the ownership of the right to obey their own females. If there is any other male to rob, it will trigger a battle.

Drive wolf swallowed may not be a good strategy, but the biggest relying on Gu Feiyang now.

The second year of Gu Feyang, the development is more smooth, with the help of these people, the dance company has expanded quickly, and there are already tens of thousands of students.

Even many students come from the field.

From the initial class of only children, it has been divided into a professional class, advanced version, primary class, basic class and more.

The dance competition at all levels of the province will also be won, and all kinds of trophy and name are, but also make the company 's famous gas.

Wait until next year, Gu Feiyang has been going to the foreign market to open a branch office.

It is good to do locally. In the field, it is not in a small number. Gu Feiyang has remembered Huo's ever, steady and stabilized, and did a good failed psychological preparation.

Once it is not good in the field, immediately stop the loss, and it is absolutely unable to let the inferior assets drag themselves.

It's just that she didn't think that I would see the man who thought about it.

Everything you work hard is to lift your head in front of him, and you can no longer feel inferior to cry.

After listening to the two years of Gu Feiyang, Huo is quite emotional. He didn't expect that this woman who cried to the heart in heavy rain can do this.

Frankly, if you change to Ning Xueqing, it may not be able to do it.

The two are not a type, and Ning Xueqing must have a way in front, otherwise it is either lost or retreat.

Gu Fei Yang is different. She has no post, only constantly moving, can be lived.

"Then you are still very hard in these two years." Huo is very much.

"Nothing is hard, it is to be better to live." Gu Fei Yang smiled slightly, said: "What about you? Business is not bad? Is Miss Ning?"

"It's okay." Huo hit a haha, did not say too much about his own things, only: "But a woman fights outside, how much will encounter some troubles. If there is any problem, I can give me Call, big and small things, can help. "

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