Li Jia is looking for private detectives, one is coming from abroad, one is more professional, two is no bottom can be checked, at most, I can't find Lijia.

After a period of carding and exploration, these people finally determined one thing, Li Zhenguo's death, and a kill of code JM. This killer was accidentally being smashed in an executive mission. Although it was lucky, it was seriously injured because of the injury, especially both hands and an eye were seriously injured, and it was unable to compete for such a dangerous job.

So he hidden his name and sold fruit in a small city.

The specific address has been found, including the other party's current name, home background, interpersonal relationship, etc.

After checking the clues of this killer, I traveled an account.

The account has a remittance in that period, which is from the country called Bei Tian Mountain, because the problem of domestic bank supervision is unclear.

In addition, there is a clue to a clue, that is, Beishan is a point in the Lijia ore industry.

From this point of view, people who give the killer remittance are very likely to be related to Li Jia. And that time, it is Li Shengbin.

Now the old lady is confusing the secret investigation of Li Shengbin's import records, trying to find more direct evidence. If it is finally proved to be Li Shengbin, he can't say that only righteousness is.

Seeing the news of the old lady, Huo wrinkled.

Li Shengbin is one of the most high-ranking people in Li Jiazhi, and is also the most representative character in the room. He has always been very unsatisfactory for the owner, if you are embarrassed or resentful, send people to kill Li Zhenguo, nor is it possible.

But in Huo, this is not particularly credible.

Dr. Li Shengbin him has been seen, very city, even if Huo is so high-profile in Li Jia, do not see what he really do.

A person who is only two sentences only in the mouth will buy a killing killing?

Also, the Northern Tianshan was responsible for Li Shengbin, and all income was given by him. In this case, why is Li Shengbin who wants to send money in his own site? If you look for a different place, isn't it more secure?

Of course, if you want to think about it, Li Shengbin is to elute himself with this method.

Just this kind of possibly not high, there are a lot of ways to elute the suspect, there is no need to put the attention points on himself.

Doing so, harmful.

I want to go, only to find the killer of the code JM is the most appropriate.

Because he is sure and refers to the contact, even if you have not met, you should know some other things. If you can ask some messages from this person, you can compare more than these so-called private detectives.

However, a retreat killer is still very dangerous. To find him, you must do a good job.

I thought about it, Huo opened the window, then closed the door and poured two cups on the table.

After a while, the door was opened, Tang Shimu came in.

He sat down on the sofa, and he took the tea cup on the table.

Huo watched him, smiled and said: "I thought you would climb the window."

"That is more eye-catching, you are the 17th floor." Tang Shimu put down the tea cup and asked: "What is it?"

Although they have not much communication, they have formed an amazing tacit understanding because of some reasons. Just like now, Huo is just open the window, fell two cups of tea, Tang Shiming came.

"I have to see someone, it may be dangerous, the other party must have a firearm." Huo.

"As long as I am by your side, the gun can not open in the three meters." Tang Shiming is very confident.

With his hard work, most people just took the gun out, his fist arrived.

When the distance is long, the bullet is fast than the fist, but under the distance, the fist is faster than the bullet.

This sentence is that Huo is, said: "When you start tomorrow."

Tang Shimu is a sound, letting down the cup left, his mysterious, and more mysterious. In addition to Huo, I have almost didn't know that he has been here.

Then, Huo said in love with Ning Xue, and I have to go to the distance tomorrow.

Now Huo is getting more and more busy, with the expansion of his interpersonal relationship, is in touch with different people. Three days and two are running, Ning Xueqing has been used to it.

In fact, sometimes Ning Xueqing will regret, I know that I am so busy now, I shouldn't make the business so much.

It is good now, although the money earned, but a family is much more than before.

However, even if she wants to retreat now, there is no way.

Don't say armor, B is ugly, and the three branches, the light is the new hope headquarters, and now there is no 50 employees.

Everyone adds together, there are hundreds.

So many mouths are waiting to eat with you, and if you have a follower, how do you stop?

Some roads, once you go, don't have to use it, then you can't stop again.

Just like the martial art story, there is a bird in ancient times, there is no feet, can only fly in the sky.

Day, day, year, until one day, I can't fly, I will die.

This is the case, either move forward, or eliminated by the times, no a few people will choose an emergency.

Therefore, Ning Xueqing is just a feeling, and there is no more intended to do it.

The new hope company is now too much, and the number of people who want to cooperate, only relying on Ning Xueqing alone, there is no way to cope.

Like almost the person who is joining from the beginning, one has become a minimum of people who are also the people of the Director. In just one year, the high-intensity work, and Huo's extraordinary beyond the eyes of ordinary people, let them learn others. Things don't learn in a few years.

Ning Xueqing did not have the company to be big, and despise these old employees. Even if they are very young, they are like Huo's extraordinary, they are very strong, and they have more capacity.

As long as the ability is here, age can be ignored.

This is, it is, it is undoubtedly the best.

From the initial day, there is a little girl to now, she is more mature than a year ago, and there is a lot of things, there is a large part of the influence of Ning Xueqing and Huo, acting a thunderstorm, courage, and means.

Even if several people who bought them, they also have some awe.

If you don't accidentally, you will be officially promoted to the deposit of the deputy, and a thousand stocks will be promoted.

You must know that the value of the current stock is now, a thousand shares is tens of millions. Although in many people, this 10 million fools will be fooled, and those who have new hopes have insisted that this price is reasonable.

In addition to stocks, the annual salary will rise to a million.

It can be said that simplification should be the highest in their school graduates, no one.

On a few days ago, she also had an accident to see Ning Hao Bin, and that was because betrayal was driven out of the company's ex-boyfriend.

So long, Ning Haibin returned to the city, joined a company, serving the director assistant, with a monthly salary of about 30,000.

For students who have just graduated for two years, it is quite good to take such a high salary.

However, Ning Hao is completely happy, even if he is a total asset of the ID company nearly 100 billion, calculate the big company. However, the wage level did not increase significantly compared to the new hope.

At that time, he took 10,000 to approximately 20,000, now only more zero five times.

Especially one day he was taken by the Director, saying that I would like to talk about a big business, and I know that the partner is a new hope. And responsible for collaboration, it is just the ex-girlfriend.

Looking at a professional suit, a mature and beautiful and simple, Ning Haibin stayed.

Compared with the time of leaving, there is a mature charm in just almost even, and it is intoxicated.

And she is not angry, but it is even more difficult to escape.

Most importantly, she is already a new hoped director, a monthly salary of 50,000, and I have heard someone to say that this simple summary will soon be the deputy general manager of the new hope headquarters, the annual salary is about a million . Moreover, we will also get a $ 10 million stock reward.

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