These bosses have stopped the act of supplying the supply, and explained that the factory capacity decreased, and it has just been optimized.

They did not say that they were doing this, but everyone knows, and some don't need to say it.

Ji Xiangning did not have difficult these people, after all, their own marketing system, also need their product support. Since the trouble has been resolved, it will not happen.

However, through this matter, the two sides have signed a subsidy agreement. If you stop supply without notifying the Ji family, you will pay more than three times the amount of less than three times the amount of the year.

If it is before, those bosses are definitely not willing to sign because they don't miss the customer.

But now the Ji Jia is climbing the Tang International's line, let them no longer be returned. Otherwise, they are guilty of guilty.

Of course, the main area of ​​Down International is the distribution of electronics factory, and there is not much related part of the business of Ji's original. However, when Huo is talking to these people, there is no intention to leak, and Down International and Jijia will conduct a deeper cooperation, including existing business.

In this way, who dares to mess.

The signing of the supplementary agreement also has reduced the probability of this happening. Even if you happen again, Ji Jia can get a lot of compensation.

And Huo is very clear about Ji Xiangcheng. The business of Ji's business will grow, and the goods from these people will be more and more. When the total amount of goods reaches a certain extent, whether it is product profit, or huge default, they can promote them with the Ji family on the same front.

In this regard, Ji Xiang's contemplation understands that Huo is not to deal with suppliers with those who pay my nooji.

Let you pull you on the boat first, let you come to this tempting world, and you can't walk.

After returning to the supply, the Marine's marketing system is run at full speed, perhaps because of the reason for the short-term stocks, now the demand for dealers and markets increase.

The dazzling performance, let Ji Xiangcheng instantly become one of the most prestigious people throughout the Ji.

Most of the foreign people want to come to Ji Xiangcheng's company, because they all heard, here will not be centered on Ji's children, only the ability. Who can go up, not as elsewhere, you are exhausted, and there is not much relationship with you.

Not only the people of these external people, even some young children, the bias is mostly, and there is also a small part of the line. They also want to do things with Ji Xiang.

Everyone looks out, Ji Xiangcheng's company has to develop better than any other branch, even if you just want to find a job, come here to be more convenient than other branches.

Under Huo's Suggestions, Ji Xiangcheng took advantage of this opportunity to make a big work, and made a request to the family board, and some people filled into the branch.

It is definitely the kind of

In just a few days, the branch has joined a large number of talents, which can be described as the gathering.

These new people are riveting, and they want to perform some, so that the traffic has been further increased.

At the same time, Ji Jia also announced an internal order. Ji Xiangchen was promoted to the secondary sequence in advance because of the reasons of the company's crisis, and after a year, there was a candidate quota for promotion of primary sequences.

This order has attracted many people, most of them are young.

The older people can see the benefits of Ji Xiangchang, a one-level sequence, not in their eyes. But a talent that can bring the branch to the sky, but you can make yourself more points in the end of the year.

And the young people themselves do not have such a benefit, so they are more unsinced of Ji Xiangcheng to destroy the rules of the family.

Obviously, everyone, no matter what kind of colleagues have been done, every two years can be promoted once, why do she be promoted in advance?


Her skill is really large, but this is not the reason for advancement in advance. If you are like this, what else should be done in the family, just how to promote it, how to promote it.

Posted against opinions, mostly concentrated young people in straight, as for the side, now excited.

Two years ago, Ji Xiangcheng, is only a silent unknown member, but now, all the young people have regarded Ji Xiangying as their idol.

Taking a self-contained power to strive for the new board quota, and the first one is the only person who destroys the rules of promotion. The most important thing is that she is still a woman!

The woman of the Ji family has always been seen as a marriage object, regardless of the straightness or bypass.

However, Ji Xiangcheng did not accept the arrangement of destiny. She immediately rebelled the family marriage arrangement, and now I was now in Jinjin.

Many people have also begun to react at this moment. If Ji Xiang is so good, then the crisis of the year is really a media broke the news?

It can be sure, this matter must be related to Ji Xiangning, and if you connect the lines together, you will find that the ultimate goal of the crisis is to transfer the initiative to the marriage to Ji Xiang.

She wants to marriage, the family has to be bankrupt, she is not willing to marry, is the family's talent!

Although most people have such a guess, there are not a few people to find this happening in Ji, because they have no evidence.

There is no evidence, that is, it is not true.

Besides, Ji Tao Xiong is now a guest of Ji Xiangcang, can't sin, but how can I get angry with Ji Xiang?

Even if there is evidence, Ji Town will only be regarded as can't see.

After the promotion of the second-level sequence, the family held a celebration meeting, and then the line was also held separately for Ji Xiang.

In this feast, Ji Xiangcheng and a few presiders sat on the same table.

In the young life, only she has such a honor.

However, Ji Xiangning did not be happy, but it was very straightforward to tell the side of the control. When she promoted the first-level sequence, the quota of the board must fall on her head.

This requirement, how much makes the uncle's uncle, you have a little girl, although the ability is good, there is Li Shuheng's noble person to help, you can be too shallow, give you a name, do you sit?

Besides, you can have today, there is no credit for our bypass? It is not necessary to fight for it.

Ji Xiangning did not want to discuss it with them. I used to think that bypass is my own home, the straightness is the decaying garbage.

But now it seems that no matter how straight, it is the same, but only one internal struggle multipoint, a little point, just this.

I want to change the Ji family, I have to be a chairman. At that time, no matter whether it is straight or bypass, there is no difference.

According to Huo's forever, the bottleneck of family enterprises is the power of all parties. It is often most funding and energy because this competition is wasted.

So I want family companies to get better development, they must break the , what is the straightness, it should be a family, there is no difference, all of which are highly classified.

Only in this way can we really have the driving force.

Otherwise, those who have the ability, but there is no blood, I can't see the hope, and how can I do my best to do things? In the long run, it will be like Li Jia, everyone is mixed. When do you put the family's bottom, go to the northwest wind.

Most family companies fail, except for major mistakes, the biggest factor in except for the strategic target planning, this is this.

If Huo's words, Ji Xiangning still believes, she is now in accordance with Huo's plans, climbing up step by step, has come to the previous life to subvert.

But she knows that this is not a peak, but a beginning.

When I truly entered the high-level field of view, many things built a head.

Previous Ji Xiangcheng, I hope that I can promote to the secondary sequence and master a branch to retire.

Now, her goal is only one, that is, leading the Ji home to more brilliant tomorrow!

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