Treatment is deprecated, Tang Zhongwei shouted the company's car, with three people to book a good restaurant.

In the chairman of the chairman, Tang Guoyao sat on the chair and looked at Shixing Ning, which was sitting opposite, asked: "What you mean is, this person is very good?"

"Yes." Shi Xing Ning nodded, said: "I thought he would use the contradiction between Down International and Huojia Marriage, but did not expect that he dared to talk about the words. This world, dare It is said that there is not much person in Down International as a block, and he is very smart, all words are a needle. Even if I am not trying, I encounter such an answer, only one choice. This person seems to be a revenge. It is also quite threatening. "

Tang Guoyao listened to the laugh and said: "This is not wrong. He is a revenge. But we are not his enemies, but people can help him, don't worry about this. So according to what you mean Should you agree with them? "

"There is no mistake, cooperation is the best choice." Shi Xingning said: "If the electronic factory really masters the advanced technical standard, we can save our overseas laboratory time and large research funds, then this cooperation is in power It is necessary. And Huo family has been in the first time. Although we don't have a wedding thing, what is really doing Huojia, but it is difficult to guarantee that they will be a gentleman. In this technology, our two must have a fight, So who is backward, who is the loser. In the case, I believe that I need to reach a cooperation agreement with the electronic factory. Of course, the premise is that their technical standards are as high as the application. "

Tang Guoyao let Shi Xingning and Huo's unfair, that is to listen to this young man to evaluate this young man.

It seems that Shixinging is still quite high for Huo's extraordinary evaluation.

A stable young man, the initial impression left to Tang Guoyao is still good.

As for the matter of cooperation ...

Tang Guoyao has not considered too much. He is the chairman and only needs responsible for the company's strategic development direction. As for the details of the details, Shixinging's director level is enough to get enough.

Since Shixing Ning believes that cooperation is necessary, then Tang Guoyao is not necessarily blocking.

"Then you take a time to go to the electronic factory, and make this matter as soon as possible, the province's night long dreams are more. Remember, before the contract is not officially signed, keep it in confidentiality to prevent hobby to find trouble." Tang Guoyao reminded.

"I know this, I will go to do it personally." Shi Xingning Road.

Tang Guoyou waved, indicating that he can leave.

Looking at the back of Shixingning, the door to the office is closed, Tang Guoyao laughed out: "This stinky boy, there is two brush. Even the stone director of the unmunited stone can get it ..."

Tang Guoyao suddenly thought of some might, he snorted slightly, said: "But if you dare to come to my daughter, I will peel your skin!"

Huo is not here, he can't ran to people, repeat this, and don't know what it is.

Perhaps this is just an old father for the love of her daughter, some self-deception of self-deception.

When the three people went to the restaurant, they just had 10 o'clock.

It is the kind of power that can make Tang Zhongwei's restaurants. It's a few thousand when you come.

However, compared with the Down International Corporation Building, this high-grade restaurant, but Ji Xiang is in many.

How did she say that there are millions of young rich women in the annual salary, and there is a background of the Ji's home. The restaurant comes to eat is not too restrained.

Three people are not the kind of people who are quenched, and they don't need to eat things to show their identity. They have some things that love to eat, the main thing is to chat.

Ji Xiangchang may not be a very good chat object. Most of her life is working and study. Tang Zhongwei is particularly familiar with various skin care, food, and tourism.

In the words of Huo, they two, one is a born labor, one is the born princess life.

Despite this, two women can still talk.

A chat work, a chat life, there are ways to make each other open your eyes.

In this way, the atmosphere of eating is still very good.

I don't know how, I said that Ji Xiangning and Huo's forever. I learned that the

She looked at Huo, asked: "Are you a man?"

"It may be, but now it is." Huo replied.

He did not avoid the fault of Li Shuheng, nor will he won't cover these black history.

Occupied the body of the other party, just like the acquisition of other people's companies, profits you have to take, debts you have to pick up, good and bad.

Tang Zhongwei looked at Huo, passed, he smiled, said: "You said, before, now is now, the future is the future, there is no need to talk together."

Tang Zhongwei, there is no such thing as Huo. This girl has never been like this, nothing because of any mistakes in the past, wear a colored glasses to see people.

However, Tang Zhongwei's sex is not the kind of old good person.

She can accept your past mistake, because she has nothing to do with her, but if you are still mistaken, then she can't accept it.

As a big lady of Down International, how about it, you can't be friends with a person who always mistires. It is not only to give yourself a shame, but also put on his father's face.

And Ji Xiangcheng saw the performance of Tang Zhongwei, but some lost inner heart.

She mentioned the process of the initial and Li Shuheng, in fact, there is a selfishness, I want to borrow this matter, let Tang Zhongwei have a little bit a little about his impression.

Who knows that Tang Zhongwei does not take the way to take the past, let her abacus fall directly.

However, calm down, Ji Xiangning also feels the heart.

The guy is not a good person before, but he is now doing so many things for yourself, shouldn't be careful with him, or what is your eyes.

However, she looks at Tang Zhongwei and Huo's feelings, she feels some uncomfortable.

I didn't talk about love, it doesn't mean that I don't know.

Ji Xiangning is very clear, with his growth, the dependence of this man is also more deeper.

She is unclear, it is not a love, but it is certain that she must have some different feelings for him.

The heart is slightly sigh, Ji Xiangzhi knows, all this is late.

When she pushed Li Shuheng to Ning Xueqing, it was late.

Ning Xueqing helped her with so many years of pressure. Now it is time to gain, it should be.

"Xiang Jing sister, what happened, his face is a bit hard, is it a uncomfortable body?" Tang Zhongwei saw the strangeness of Ji Xiangcang.

"Nothing, there may be no rest recently." Ji Xiang is condensed.

At the same time, the restaurant came in a group, and the waiter seems to be very familiar with these people. They immediately took the initiative to hear: "Guo Shao, good afternoon. Your predetermined seat has been stayed, please come with me."

Lead is a famous rich family, and the family assets are about tens of billions. And he followed, it is the rich second generation of surrounding circles.

With this famous family named Guo Chi, a fixed circle is formed.

They usually have a lot of business people to do their own companies, eat more here, drink, and play all the tricks in the north of the Yangtze River.

Today, these people come, just want to eat casually, the result will enter the door, some people see Tang Zhongwei sitting over there, immediately remind: "Guo Shao, do you see that is the big lady of Tang family?"

Guo Chu turned to see, nodded, Tang Zhongwei is the top rich woman in the entire circle, there are few people who can compare with her.

And she was still a unmarried wife of Huojia Hope Star, but also a national female envious object.

Now Huojia and Down International have lifted the marriage contract, and many people are watching Tang Zhongwei's joke. Despite this, Tang Zhongwei's identity is still quite high, no one dares to say some bad words in her face.

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