Cao Heming came in from outside and asked: "Mrs. Lao, what is the command?"

"Go to the soup hot." Old lady said.

Cao Hao should take a sound, put the soup bowl to go, this time, the old lady shouted him again, said: "By the way, I will show me the old four."

"Yes." Cao Hao took the head.

When he took the soup bowl, the old lady was blurred, and then put the sight on the table.

She picked up the file on the table and looked again.

After watching a few pages, the pleats were full of pleats, I suddenly screamed: "This little child, the courage is really big, I am not afraid of being set with sacks."

Huo is sent to her documents, there are two or thirty business, which is a crowd of serious losses. Each, involving dozens of people, hundreds of people.

Once these businesses are removed from the company, everyone has to adjust the position.

I was very unlicensed, and I had a lot of money, and now I suddenly changed the post, and I'm not willing. When you encounter your temper, you will be fine in the middle of the night, you will be normal.

When the old lady was young, he had encountered it.

At that time, she was also for the interests of the family, adjusted some industries that did not make money. Some of the family children of the house were smoke, and she took her a night, bundled up and threw it into the mountain.

Fortunately, the old lady is big, and I am lucky.

After returning to the family, she had a tragic revenge, grabbing the families, the killing of the killing.

At that time, Li Jia's talent understands that this woman is not good.

Now Huo is also doing things like the old lady, and he is more embarrassed. Although it is already a rule of law society, it is not necessarily dare to do, but it is true that people are in a hurry, but it is also normal for you to suffer.

The 3 billion years of profit, the old lady will believe in two points, but she is still very worried about the business that handles these serious loss.

There is a person who is willing to make the pole, it will always be better than you personally.

This is an opportunity, the only thing you need to think, that is, these people will not cross the bodies and come directly to find their own trouble.

And you can still live in this trouble like this year.

Huo, who left the room, returned to the company.

The fifteenth company in the company, one is not going, is a discussion of the heat of the world.

They even got a few large writing boards from all departments, and painted the pros and cons of various business and future trend analysis.

From the perspective of Huo, these people are also very young to analyze the trend. Most of them are observed through surrounding life, or to judge the future trend in other companies, there is no self-system.

For the big-level characters such as Huo, this analysis is somewhat unqualified.

But he did not hit the momentum of these people, the most important thing in a new department is unity, is a heart that has a hard time.

Now there is nothing, more teaching, will always progress.

But a heart that is willing to think, but it is not so easy.

Subsequently, Huo's ever participated in the discussion with them, and made some own opinions from time to time, guiding them from the side to conduct a deeper thinking.

How is Huo's understanding, he is a real giant, and still standing on the shoulders of other giants, and can see more.

Don't say that these fifteen people in front of them, even if everyone is adding together, there is no peak.

Have a reminder of Huo, Jiang Min, Luo Yuping, etc., there is a feeling of Mouton.

Inspiration imitation Buddha Spring is general, let them have more boiling.

These people never know that the discussion trend can make people so excited, especially fifteen people gather together, you say that I said, I am not happy to take a table, that atmosphere, really great!

Until the morning, Huo's extraordinary took this group of psychic heads to drive away.

Although I appreciate their strength, Rome is not a day, and the work and rest is the right path.

In addition, the attitude of the old lady will decide how to go next step.

If the old lady does not want to give him enough permissions, enough support, the Huo is too lazy to talk to them. It's not a good time with other Li Jia, it is mixed.

Anyway, his big camp is not here, Li Jia is, and there is no substantial impact on him.

After returning, Huo has also taken time to take a break.

He is not a trivier, and it is not necessary to rest to keep sufficient energy.

Early the next morning, Huo just got up, Li Shengbin found it.

"The old lady is waiting for you in the restaurant, waiting to go to the company together." Li Shengbin said.

"Oh, I see."

"You are amazing, I am not afraid of being broken by people." Li Shengbin half-admired, half joke.

At the same time, how many of his heart is a bit resentful.

Because Huo's unfair, there is also some part of the loss business. But this is a big event that is related to the overall direction. It has brought the old lady. Li Shengbin did not disclaimed, but also said to someone under his hand, in case, there must be no adjustment of the post, and there is no more nonsense. Honest is true, let you do it, do you do it.

If you have a loss, he will naturally be compensated.

"I am more afraid to sit, I am waiting for it." Huo gave a look at Li Shengbin, said: "Ming know will die, but also waiting for death, don't you think this is the most terrible?"

Li Shengbin, immediately understood what he meant, but his heart was very uncomfortable, said: "Li Jia has not arrived so badly, our business is at the very least ..."

"From 100 billion to 10 million, do you know what this means? If Li Jia's people are like you, even if this doesn't understand, then it is really not saved." Huo. "

For business people, the increase or decrease in each digit is a huge hurdle.

To the top, representing you spanning a new level.

And go down, then the extent that your recession cannot be imagined.

Increasing ten times and decreasing ten times, they are both scary, and the latter has many times, there will be more trouble.

Because there is an old saying, the wall is pushing, the tree is scattered.

The people in this world always like to have a fortunate disaster. Good things they are too lazy, bad things, but absolutely less.

Li Shengbin did not say anything, he certainly knew that Li Jia was falling to billions of clubs to billions of representatives, but he always felt that Li Jia was still Lijia, how to fell, and a thin camel is big.

Now I am hit by a private child, he is very uncomfortable, but there is no way to refute, who makes this fact.

Subsequently, Huo went to the restaurant with Li Shengbin.

There are many people in the restaurant to eat, when they see Huo, the sight is also concentrated.

Most of you can eat here, but there is no important person.

These people are full of enthusiasm and dissatisfaction with a private child who can inherit the equity.

With a private child, you can inherit the equity, they can only look at it next to it?

But the old lady sitting in the middle of the restaurant, so that they didn't dare to come like Huo's first day, say something difficult to obey, do something uncomfortable.

Huo's unfamiliar with soy milk, took the root oily strip and a tea egg, and then sat on the opposite side of the old lady.

The old lady looked at him and said: "Eat these?"

"It is necessary to eat in the morning, it doesn't mean it. Just like this fried big rope you eat, it is very disadvantageous to the elderly, it is best to eat less." Huo replied.

"Is this not your concern?" The old lady asked.

"I said that every old man is said." Huo replied.

Li Shengbin listened over the white eyes next to it, this rabbit scorpion, what is it can't live?

The old lady seems to be a bit habitually happily used to the style of this kind of , she pushed the fried big rope in front of Li Shengbin, then said: "I will go to the company for a while, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else, what else is to follow me Do you say? "

"I have to say yesterday, the rest is what you do. I can do it, it is premised on the results you give." Huo drinks soy milk, eat fritters, and faces the face.

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