Li Shengbin lifted his hand and stopped the further difficulty of Cao Hao.

Since the old lady decided to give this matter to Huo's extraordinary, there is nothing to say. He has a wife, and it doesn't matter if you don't have a wife.

Anyway, it is not possible, it is already not too big to do with you.

Li Shengbin is also a vice chairman of the company. Cao Heming is another old wife's heart, and it is not good to refute his face. You can only look angry, and let it go.

The servant pushed the breakfast, Li Shengbin followed: "You eat first, what's the matter, I have finished eating."

In fact, it is nothing to say to Huo, and there is nothing to do, what he wants to do, Li Jia no one stopped.

The characters like Cao Hao, even Li Jia's people are not, but only a housekeeper, it will not be put in the eyes.

Since some people are willing to offer diligence, Huo is not affected, pull Ning Xueqing walks to the sofa.

The servant takes the best on the cart from the cart, placed in front of the two.

There are buns, porridge, small dishes, salted duck eggs, and even steaks and milk.

It's a bit rich in a big early morning, and Ning Xueqing is a bit not used to. She looked up to Li Shengbin, said: "Four uncle, have you eaten? Let's eat."

"No, I am used to don't eat, drink some water." Li Shengbin came to the table, and he fell down the glass, and he didn't forget to remind Huo, pay attention to time, don't delay too long. Otherwise, the airport is late, can't pick up people, can cause trouble.

Huo is not angry, and when will I don't have time, Shi Ran is a breakfast with Ning Xueqing.

With Li Shengbin and Cao Hedu, the heart of Ning Xueqing is not awkward. After about 20 minutes, she can't stand the atmosphere that is staring at the two people, and the Huo is nothing. "I am full, you have something Let's go, I am waiting for the Internet and I think about the company. "

See Ning Xueqing to pick up the paper towel, there is no meaning, Huo I understand her thoughts, nodded: "That line, you will be busy for a while, I will come back soon."

"Not anxious." Ning Xue, sunny.

Subsequently, Huo was unable to get up to Li Shengbin: "Let's go."

Li Shengbin has long been waiting for impatient, heard this, and standing up and out.

The door has already stopped the vehicle. Before I got on the bus, Huo's unfair to the Cao Heming, who was standing there, said: "My wife doesn't like being born, if you do what makes her feel uncomfortable, I will let you regrettable."

Cao Hermed his mouth, he did not put this illegitimate child in your heart, what's the matter, or the old lady didn't see you, it is nothing to do with you.

You want to threaten me, it is very early!

Although Cao Hao's expression is not very satisfied, Huo is not much more, directly on the car.

As for this Cao's house, it will be in trouble, I will know after a few hours.

The vehicle is quickly started, and the direction of the airport will be taken.

Cao Hao turned and left, and left the old lady's room.

The old lady stands at the window, which seems to be in the sun.

Cao Hao went to her next to her, whispered: "He has already gone, but it seems to be very do not care, but also have four grandfather followed."

"I don't care, I only look at the results." The old lady enjoys the teapot.

At this time, Li Shengbin is a little less like to be silent, very deliberately thinking about chatting with Huo.

However, Huo did not pick up his, perfunctory two sentences, the mobile phone suddenly rang.

After the connection, there was a low voice of Wang Yunxing: "Master, the old river accident."

Huo is a wrinkle, asking: "What is it?"

"His daughter Lingling was tied by a rich family, and the old river passed the people, and we were played. We originally intended to help him revenge, but the old river said that he didn't want to have the same day, I hope to be flat in the future. So, I can only call you. "Wang Ying Road.

Old River, formerly known as Jiang Zhihao, is one of the people who have followed Huo.

This person is not a financial ghost like Wang Yun, but is specially protecting Huo.

Because the daughter Lingling is not good, after Huo leaves, Jiang Zhihao has disappeared.

I have heard his news again, but it is bullied by a rich family.

Huo is a little bit slightly sinking for a few seconds, said: "I am a little thing now. After about three hours, you will be prepared."

When I listened to this, I suddenly made a happy time. Master wants to come, it is certainly not just that it is necessary to see the old river.

"Okay, we will prepare immediately!" Wang Yun used to take a power.

After hanging up the phone, Li Shengbin saw Huo's face, he didn't look good, asked: "How, is there?"

"Nothing." Huo shakes his head, he is not willing to say more, we will be able to perfine two sentences, close the eyes.

Seeing that he doesn't want to speak, Li Shengbin is unhappy, no more.

Huo, the closing of the god, actually is a matter of recalling the past, especially about Jiang Zhihao.

In a sense, Jiang Zhihao's once, is his present, two people have a big similarity in some respects.

Especially when I met, I listened to Jiang Zhihao to mention his own past. At that time, Huo felt that a person may have such a big change because of a few years old little girls.

But now, he understands, this is true.

A few years ago, in the lottery shop, the excited cheers came out: "Zhong! I am in it!"

A bunch of lottery people were surrounded by the store, and the five three thick men in the middle question: "What is the first award?"

"Second Prize!" Jiang Zhihao is a full-faced head, like a roaming cock.

Although I just came back from the construction site, I was dirty, but no one would smash him.

Everyone is envious of this height of eight or five, the weight is nearly two hundred pounds, thinking about this kind of good thing, how can I get my own head?

The second prize of the two-color ball, probably has a twenty million, and it is undoubtedly a lot of numerous numbers to the family barren Jiang Zhihao.

I thought that he had always been a rushing wife, he was very happy, and he took a look at it after going home.

Maybe, should you buy two good clothes to your wife children first, then order a big cake?

At this time, the phone in the pocket rang.

Jiang Zhihao took the mobile phone and looked at the eyes. It was the construction site manager, and quickly pressed the on-button.

"Hazi, come to the People's Hospital." The manager said in the phone.

"What is it? Who is sick?" Jiang Zhihao asked.

"You come first."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Zhihao shakes the lottery tickets, and then shakes the martial arts, and then slammed the small adjustment.

Riding a minimum of eight years of history, in addition to the horn, the broken electric car, he went to the People's Hospital all the way.

Thirty minutes later, in the office of the People's Hospital's Oncology Director, Jiang Zhigao stared his eyes and looked at the test list in his hand.

After seeing every word above, he biting his teeth and staring at the hair white, a happy sixty-year-old doctor: "Do you say that I have stomach cancer?"

"According to the test results, you do have signs of gastric cancer, but you still need further sliced ​​inspection to determine. But you still have to do psychological preparation, according to the color ultrasound results, once the diagnosis should be late." Oncology Director said.

"Let your mother's fart!" Jiang Zhihao rushed over and grabbed his collar, the bowl of fists went to sway, put the opponent's face shameless: "I eat eight bowls, my appetite is better than you. Both, your mother curse me! "

"Hazi, you are crazy!" The construction site manager of the suit, shouted: "Here is the hospital, the doctor is also based on the judgment of the test results, but not for you! Let people let go!"

If the doctor, Jiang Zhihao can not listen, but the manager, he still wants to listen.

Just getting cancer, no matter in any person, it is a bad news that is unacceptable.

Jiang Zhihao let go of the teacher, turned to the manager: "Do you think I have cancer?"

The manager did not speak, Jiang Zhigao is the most robust person on the site, and even the age of 30 is not arrived. He is a person who is born, and it is the reason why the manager likes him.

Although the temper is not good, do not live, don't play with you, the flower intestines.

His appetite is also a good name, a person's amount of food, and the same top five people.

That is, the construction site is full, otherwise I will have a job, it is really not enough.

However, no matter how healthy, Jiang Zhihao seems to be healthy, it is meaningless because the hospital's inspection results are the most important.

The medical examination for the workers every year, although it is routine, but it is also doing this formal big hospital. It is important to say that the number of hospitals in the city is wrong, and the probability is too low.

I am half-embarrassing, the manager is supported by the manager: "You don't worry, let's make some slices, wait for another ..."

"Cut your grandfather!" Jiang Zhihao has a lot of rushing, and takes the test or turn.

"! !"

The manager shouted two sounds, Jiang Zhihao quickly heard, left the office left office.

Sigh a breath, the manager looks to the teacher who is unfounded next to him, holding a lucky mind: "Master Director, have you determined that there is no judgment?"

Being a fist scared by Jiang Zhihao shatter, but said his own job, this chief doctor is still very confident. He replied on the side of the forehead and replied: "How can I get failed, I have a lifetime in the oncology department, this is an error, I will put my stomach to him! Look at your relationship, it seems to be good, or more open guidance He, according to me, the time he left should be not too much, and you will die. "

The manager is silent for a moment, and finally sigh again.

At this time, Jiang Zhihao has left the hospital.

Standing on the side of the road, he looked down at the hand of the hand, and the whole face was iron green.

Just in the second prize lottery, I haven't thought about how to celebrate, I will give him a stick.

He is not a doctor, but it also knows the cancer.

No matter any kind of advanced cancer, it is basically equal to the death penalty. Don't say that the regional area is 200,000, even if it is 2 million, save him this life.

However, how can you get cancer? How can you have cancer?

Jiang Zhihao understood that it was hoped that the head of the director judged was wrong, and it was difficult than the Chinese lottery head prize. How can people be so professional?

So this is actually the old man to see him pitiful, and give him a few more than some of the meals a day?

It took the electric car on the head, and Jiang Zhihao was heavy in his heart.

All the way to a street waiting for traffic lights, and he didn't consciously glance around, just like a few eyes.

Who knows that when you see a restaurant at a corner, the scene you see, let him all the people have blown like a gunpowder bar.

Next to the floor window of the restaurant, a man is sitting on that.

Men's looks have to be forty years old, and women have not arrived yet, pretty, good body. In the civilian people, they calculated the medium posture.

There is a very ordinary picture in the eyes of others. In Jiang Zhihao, it is tantamount to sunny day.

Because the one is holding a spoon to the man, the waist is being caught by a man, and the woman who has been laughing is is his wife Zhong Jiawei.

Jiang Zhihao did not go to college. When the college entrance examination, his score was too low, and the last ordinary middle school is full.

I know that I don't have a material that I am not learning, I simply abandon my upper school and go directly to the construction site.

And Zhong Jiawei, is a college student in the Er. Although not a famous school in 211,985, it is much better than Jiang Zhihao.

When you are young, everyone doesn't have much pursuit. For more than those of love, more appearances and character.

Jiang Zhihao's appearance has no problem. It is not too handsome. You can match the big body as the dog bear, and the male model on the stage looks still.

Zhong Jiawei was fascinated by his muscles, and the two were in love in less than half a year, and later gave birth to a woman.

But over time, after the poison of countless times, the two finally broke out because of the economic contradiction.

Jiang Zhihao's parents died early, and they were a farmer in honesty. Later, they were inexplicably turned into the city account. As a result, there was no place in the village.

When I die, my family is a poor two white, and even the funeral fee is borrowed.

Jiang Zhihao, moving bricks in the construction site, is not particularly high in a month, he is more cool, it is better to eat and drink with the workers.

In his words, men's husbands, living in the world, always have three or five confidants, three five hundred friends. Otherwise, the woman is married, and the table is cold.

Zhong Jiawei, who works in a private company, often exposes those small rich.

Looking at the people to open the luxury car, live in the house, eat seafood, but you can't serve the Baccard, you still have a rental house for a few years, which is there.

Friends, classmates, relatives, who are better than they have, the more comparison, the more I will abandon Jiang Zhihao.

The muscles are developed, the mind is simple, how did you have a husband?

There are many times, Zhong Jiawei is too lazy to noisy, and do not know what to do outside, often come back in the morning.

When I started Jiang Zhi Hao, she also said that she was working overtime, and later born. "What do I do with you? I can't afford to buy, I can find my. I have this strength, you go to make money Ah! Let your daughter go to the noble school! "

Jiang Zhihao is outside, there are not a few people dare to provoke him, but at home, he knows that he is not expensive, can't give his wife a luxury life, sometimes feel feeling inherent.

So Zhong Jiawei, he is listening, then smashing, occasionally noise, mostly passive resistance, it is a basic male dignity.

Not in anxious, Jiang Zhihao will rarely get angry at home.

However, today, look at Zhong Jiawei and the strange man hug, where did he don't understand that he may have been wear a green hat?

Even if you don't worry, you can wear half.

If you don't say that Jiang Zhihao rides the electric car to the sidewalk, he came to the restaurant, he directly threw the electric car directly, and the momentum was going to go in.

As a result, the restaurant door opened, and the elegant music in the ear was passed into the ear, the pianist's finger, like a graceful art of art.

People who come to eat are wearing a famous brand, not a named table, is a huge diamond ring.

A luxury car at the door, plus the sound of the service and politeness: "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

At this moment, Jiang Zhihao.

More accurately, he feels that you and your eyes have too much gap.

At the point of the window, I didn't seem to know anything. I have seen the smile in front of her face, and Jiang Zhihao suddenly realized that she had expired and her fate, and can no longer renew.

She wanted, I couldn't give it.

She is derailed, nor because of the people, but because I am too powerless.

Just, my heart is wronged, which is so easy to eliminate.

Especially in the middle of the lottery, I learned that I got cancer. In the big sadness, Zhong Jiawei's place was, let Jiang Zhihao lose the last hope to life.

He slowly retreated out, helping his electric car, quietly left here.

Go back to the site, Jiang Zhihao took a barrel of gasoline on the electric car, then ride back home.

When I arrived home, the sky was already black.

When you are holding a large barrel, you can see it, you are sitting on the ground to play a pile of wicker daughter Lingling.

Lingling has just been four years old this year, and the five-three-three-thick body models of Jiang Zhihao, she is more beautiful than the same age, and it is very thin.

During the day, Jiang Zhihao went to the site to move bricks, Zhong Jiawei went to the company to work, Lingling can only play at home.

There is no money at home, now private children want to die, publicly can't do anything, Jiang Zhihao simply did not let her.

Anyway, I haven't got a kindergarten, and I will not live so big.

For this matter, Zhong Jiawei also had a big smaller with him and fell a pan in the pot.


Seeing Jiang Zhihao back, Ling Ling immediately grabbed the wicker running in his hand, and the treasure is like: "You see my bunny, good-looking."

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