Before eight and a half years ago, Ji Xiangcheng and Ning Xueqing, all graduated from college.

At that time, the two were not as quiet as it is so quiet, like ordinary girls, like to travel everywhere, play.

I was born in the Jijia, Ji Xiangcang did not lack the money, and it was very generous.

She often takes Ning Xueqing to the bar, and three five friends, classmates drink K.

At night on a day, Ji Xiangcheng went to the outside to give a friend, I was going to eat the barbecue after drinking. But because of the rain, it was scattered in advance.

When she and Ning Xueqing were in the door of the bar, she met Li Shuheng.

Li Shuheng's name has never changed, but his identity is tampered with.

However, when Ji Xiangning and Ning Xueqing, did not know the origin of this man, and Li Shuheng did not say.

He should also get drunk, see that Ji Xiangcheng and Ning Xue are beautiful, just play, say some low-flow words, but also the hair.

Ji Xiangcheng has always been a hot temper, where to get this gas, go up is a slap.

After Li Shuheng, it was also a hotfish, and he wanted to work with Ji Xiang, and Ning Xueqing was busy on the front rack.

The three are entangled, and I don't know who is pushing, or Li Shuheng's own foot and smooth, behind the body, the bottom of the door is the corner of the stairs.

The corner is so sharp. He lost consciousness in an instant, and a large number of blood flows out, let Ji Xiangning and Ning Xue are all shocked.

Ji Xiangqi is hot and hot, and it does not dare to play hands in this situation, and it is impressed by it.

Still Ning Xueqing is calm, and she quickly shouted her to send Li Shuheng to the hospital.

The rain rushed away the blood on the ground, and there was no monitoring of the camera at the door. No one knows what happened here.

After sending Li Shuheng to the hospital, Ji Xiangcheng and Ning Xueqing took turns in that night, after a few nights, Li Shuheng finally woke up.

During this period, Ji Xiangcheng also learned from his friends, and Southwest Li Jia had a illegitimate child named Li Shuheng, come here.

This illegitimate child is a very position in Li Jia, but Li's family is more, just pilot a lot of money, it is enough for him.

Li Shuheng, who spends a big hand, come here, all the banquets, he wants, is the feeling of being respected. But everyone knows his situation, does not dismantles the Taiwan, but not too much to see him, just play this person as Kay.

Anyway, you are willing to spend money, why don't you follow your lively?

As a result, Li Shuheng has signed a lot of orders in several places, and people have disappeared.

It can take a few local people with a faceless rich, and also say that Li Jia's illegitimate child has money, and the result is this?

This news, so that Ji Xiangning and Ning Xue are scared.

What existence is Southwest Li Jia??

The hundred years of family, the same grade is the same as Huojia, and the Ji family does not compare.

Even if it is just a private child, the old man's master is seen, and also pays attention to the polite.

Ji Xiangning also deliberately found a friend who wants Li Shuheng's photo. After compament, it is completely consistent with the lower flow embryos that is broken by himself.

She understands how much she has provoked.

I know this, Ji Xiangning and Ning Xueqing do not know how it is good.

What surprised them is that after Li Shuheng woke up, he didn't remember his identity at all.

According to the doctor's judgment, he should be fell, the blood in the brain oppresses the nerve, leading to misseu. As for how long to recover memory, it is difficult to say.

Maybe the blood can be restored after the blood disappears, maybe it can't be restored for a lifetime.

After all, the brain is the most vulnerable and most complicated place. The current medical level is limited.

Doctors don't know if Li Shuheng's identity. It is recommended that Ji Xiangning and Ning Xueqing don't say much to him too much, so as not to affect the body's instructions.

In fact, it doesn't have to be reminded that Ji Xiangning and Ning Xueqing will not mention.

They don't remember anything in Li Shuheng, and I will take the initiative to tell him.

It is the case that Ning Xueqing feels that since Li Shuheng doesn't remember anything, it simply left.

However, Ji Xiangchen did not agree, although Li Shuheng lost his memory, if he left him here, it would be discovered sooner or later.

What if I returned to my memory when I have remembered my memory?

Even if he does not recover memory, after being sent back to Li family, Li Jia's people may also find them according to the record of the hospital.

No matter how Ji Jia is still a family of Ning Xueqing, it is unable to withstand Li Jia's possible retaliation.

Finally, Ji Xiang did a bit of teeth and took Li Shuheng back to the local.

On the one hand, no one knows Li Shuheng, can avoid being aware of the identity. On the other hand, it is also convenient for them to pay attention to this person's movement, lest him to restore memory, with Li Jia to revenge, I don't know anything.

In order to arrange a reasonable identity to Li Shuheng, Ji Xiang did so hard to ask Ning Xueqing for a long time, let her promise and marry Li Shuheng.

In this way, the opponent can be monitored brightly, and the external university can be claimed.

If you change to another, Ning Xueqing will definitely not promise, but Li Shuheng's misseu, now it is difficult to distinguish between them. And may exist, but also let her not bear to hind the family.

I thought about it, plus a little pitiful after Li Shuheng's misseu, and finally bite his teeth.

For this matter, Ningguo Xiang's almost made a heart disease.

I always hope that my daughter can marry a good man, I didn't expect to marry a stupid nerd, or an orphan!

After marriage, Ning Xueqing gave Li Shuheng's sugar sugar, and after the initial number of miscarriage, Li Shuheng seems to be really completely forgotten.

It's just a hidden in my heart, and it has begun to have a recovery sign.

He is high, playing cards, alcoholism, no matter, it is a joke in everyone's eyes.

If this is not, how can Ji Xiangli can recruit him to do a driver, how can Ning Xueqing may not be willing to divorce him anything?

In the years, over time, no matter how Ji Xiang is still in Ning Xueqing, I have forgotten the accident that happened.

Even if I think about it occasionally, I will not panic like it.

However, now, Li Shengbin's appearance, let the past nightmare again.

Today, Ning Xueqing has to talk about the past, no matter what the husband can't remember, at least she frank.

After listening to the narrative of Ning Xueqing, Huo is also surprised.

Southwest Li Jia, he knows that in a few years ago, it is indeed a side of Huojia side.

Li Jia's development model is just like Down International and Jijia.

There is the most equity of the equity, and the other pulse is not like Huojia, all equity is all attributable to the company, but the owner has all power.

But in recent years, Li's house is quite bad.

First, there is a conflict between overseas companies and local forces, and they have been bought and killed the most fascinating grandchildren. Later, the second grandson was ranked, accidentally died in a swimming.

Rank 3rd, the fourth brother, climbing the mudslide.

There is only one old five left, just six years old.

The grandson of the young generation, the dead is almost the same, only a few granddaughters left.

Either it is already married or I am still at school.

The most important thing is the most equivalent of the most equity, the son is also dead because of all kinds of diseases, there is a boss for sixty years old, no fertility. Although the old four Li Shengbin has fertility, he already has three people. Even if he makes him a son, when is it going to cultivate?

Therefore, Li Jia is now facing a very embarrassing situation, there is power, but I don't know who should.

People who can inherit these are either dead or too old or too small.

Green-yellow moment, the internal affair is coming, and all competitors swarmed, and Li Jia is tossing.

Their asset value is more than 70% in just a few years, and thirty percent, but it has already been controlled by each room.

If you don't want to make things too ugly, you may be hidden.

An once competitor, there is no way to compete, but because the natural disasters are naturally died naturally, Huo has made Huo feel very emotion.

It's just that he didn't think of it. The identity of his reborn is that it is just a stupid nerd, but finally, he became Li Jia's illegitimate child.

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