Ning Xueqing and Huo have just got off the plane and saw a large number of shareholders.

In the eyes of Huo, Ning Xueqing did not wait to go to the company, in the roadside, the road to many shareholders, smiles: "I am honored to tell you a good news, we have the total sales in this event, Success broke through 50 million! Average, there is almost 450,000 a day! And even the activity is over, but our sales have not declined, but with the major media report, it is tall and strive. All this is not easy, and it is a hard effort. So, I have a total of Mu, and all the profits of this event, 40% of the R & D department employees, 50% Returning to all shareholders! One percent, all ordinary employees are comprehensively distributed according to the contribution size. And we expect annual sales, will eventually break through two billions, so our goal is to protect the three competitions! I hope everyone is more Can make persistent efforts to create new achievements! "

After the scene experienced a short silence, I immediately sounded an earth-shattering cheer.

Everyone is ecstasy, cheering, Huo, Ning Xueqing, Mu Shijie's name.

In a few months ago, the company's core formula was spread out. If the spring bamboo shoots generally raised the competitors, they feel extremely desperate.

The product is the same, but the price is less than 70. How do you play?

Many people think that the company is sure to finish, so Huo's extraordinary bought 8 million to buy a lot of equity, shareholders do not have much objection.

They only feel that this is the last big money that the company can earn, and quickly get the hand, why do you go?

Who can know a few months, only three months of activities, in exchange for 50 million sales!

You know, there is no such a result when the Eques branch is the most peak. Their total sales in their all-year, only about 100 million.

And Huo is unfair and Ning Xueqing?

When I just met, they were just a very ordinary Taobao shop, and even the company did not even

Huo's extraordinary proposes ultra-low-cost price, as well as the goal of more than 100,000 goals, in many people's eyes are idlers.

Now they know that they are wrong.

This man not only completed the original commitment, but also 500%!

Active bonus uses 10 million, product development, distribution, packaging, person salary, has also spent about 1,7 million. Even so, there are also 55 gross profits, which is 2,3 million!

It seems that it doesn't seem to be a lot, and it is not worth mentioning compared to giant companies that have sold hundreds of billions billions of giant companies in the whole year.

However, fifteen fifteen gross profit is definitely a tip of each industry.

Even the real estate that has been hailed as a profiteering, but only 20% of gross profit.

Twenty millions of millions, 40%, which is the employee of 92 million returned divisions, an average of one person can be about 700,000.

The remaining shareholders and ordinary employees, divide other thousands of millions according to the proportion of equity.

Nowadays, it is still in the company's shareholders, and basically the lowest equity is more than one percent, the most like Mu Shijie, can reach a hundred percent.

This time, the lottery and Ning Xueqing, which is the most shareholding, and Ning Xueqing.

That is, if you have one percent of the equity, the minimum can be 300,000. As for Mu Shijie, it can be 4 million.

As for ordinary employees, there is not much hand to get the hand, and it can be averaged, and one is more than 20,000 unexpected.

This number may not be as the peak period of the company, but far beyond their expectations.

Besides, now just quarterly dividends, the distance is over the year, and there are two-thirds of time.

As long as you have worked hard, you will get a few or three million in a year.

This beautiful idea makes their joy.

In particular, the employees of the R & D department are even more likely.

In the past, the company was the old man who was eating core formula. For the R & D department, it is not particularly valuable, and people working here sometimes have high salary that is not ordinary sales.

However, now, they will be casually, and the dividends take more red are more than shareholders, and the status is directly flipped.

Today's Jiazi Branch, who does not envy the R & D department?

But this department, not who wants to enter. To come in, you have to have a true ability!

All in all, Huo's extraordinary and Ning Xueqing, this move is really truly completely conquering the entire company.

Without anyone, I will not accept their act.

I have made so much money, but I don't take a point, such a heart, who can compare?

Those shareholders who have been enemy to Huo and Ning Xueqing are now completely convinced.

What is surprised by Huo's extraordinary and Ning Xue, Mu Shijie took the initiative to put it out of the company and put it in the company account.

The event was successful, and the company should hold a celebration. But all profits will be given, and there is excess money.

This half of Mu Shijie is used to pay for the celebration.

In his words, he also counts the second largest shareholder of the company. So good things, can't let Huo have monopolized with Ning Xueqing, he also has to participate in one.

This is said that he knows that Huo is unfair and Ning Xueqing, he is actually embarrassed.

After all, the biggest shareholder doesn't take money, is your second major shareholder, is it so much to swallow so many profits?

But can do this, indicating that Mu Shijie's character is still nice, and at least not so greed.

Perhaps the behavior of Mussejie, infects others, or they really start to consider the company, all large and small shareholders, including employees, have put forward the dividends, and subsidized into the company account.

Big guys have been divided into money, but let the company's account is empty, too unlike.

Its music, let Huo have smiles all the way and smile in Ning Xue.

Jane thinking is a sharp thumbs up, and the face admire: "Boss, you are really too powerful! Cow!"

On the way, Huo is always gamble with Ning Xueqing, as long as they are willing to take out their profits to these people, they will have a money subsidy company.

Jane is not believed, doing business is to make money, the money that has already arrived, who will be willing?

It can now be seen that the judgment of Huo is not wrong, these people really pay back to counter-breeding.

Ning Xueqing glances in the eyes of Huo, and also admire and worship.

The distribution of profits is Huo's extraordinary, and she is still reluctant to start.

So hard work hard, but didn't make money to yourself, what is this busy?

Today, the behavior of these shareholders is now, as well as the expression on their face, Ning Xueqing, clear understanding of Huo's thought.

The Jiazi Branch is currently the most profitable business. If you spend more than 20 million, you can pacify the company into a piece of iron. This money is absolutely no loss.

Because so much money, it only accounted for only less than one-third of profit throughout the year.

In fact, from the real situation, profits can be higher.

The reason why it is now reduced, because the event spent 10 million extra bonuse spending, plus the initial details of the working details, resulting in an increase in operating costs.

I will not be the same in the future, even if you don't do activities, the daily sales are also amazing, okay, once it is formed, I don't sell madness.

Thanks to Huo's optimization for work, the operating costs have also dropped a lot, which can be expected that the gross profit of the second half of the year will be higher.

Don't say more, you can at least a billion is nothing.

Of course, the premise is that the business can be so smooth, no problem.

Happy employees and shareholders, greeted Huo's extraordinary and Ning Xueqing, simmered, Ning Haibin, four people, respectfully, even Mussejan tastes some taste.

"When I did a chairman, they didn't have such an attitude. I almost used you as a god." Mu Shijie is in the car: "But I also know, this is It is the treatment of two destinations. Don't say anything else, even I am myself, now I really have a truth! "

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